Victoria, Australia

Hi guys, quite cold recently and I'm working outside.

Lovely Abutilons Dianne, I am a fan of them too and I have about 8 varieties.
The last pic maybe a cantua growing through a weigela?? Beautiful!

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

I have to admit that wife Ellen has a major hand in this endevor. I do most of the seed starts for both flowers and veggies, she does much of the arranging and planting. Some of them are just seeds tossed in place to see if they will grow. Our garden looks somewhat helter-skelter at times. When all else fails, zinnias and marigolds do well here under any condition.

We planted this Cosmos out of a generic seed package called "Sensation Mix". I had never tried this one before. The very first flowers were all pink and purple colored. It sort of died out for a while, then all of a sudden came back, this time as all pure white! I'm at a loss as to explain why this happened. They were pretty though, and just in time for the wedding!


Thumbnail by lycodad
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Hey all. Beautiful weather here. Dogs love it but got to be cooler for the long ears to be running but know they like it.
Almost soup weather. Love nice warm soup on a cold day.
This is my marvelous old oak tree that electric co. is killing by "trimming back"
But there in front is the tallest Hibiscus I've ever seen. Has a white bloom on it.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Poor oak tree....but the Althea/Rose of Sharon is lovely. I like the way they just mind their own business and grow and bloom.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.. Its nearly a heatwave here....8C........lol
Still showery and looks like nothing will get done outside again.
Plants are loving the rain, but we do need sun for them all to think about flowers.

Dianne, so glad your daughter is home now and I hope all goes well for her from now on.
Your flowers look beautiful. I would love to be sitting in your yard with Tilly, admiring them all.

Colleen, those "living" pictures are great fun to do.
Did some years ago when the kids were at school. A great school project.

Al, sounds like wonderful garden partnership with you & your wife.
I keep my hubby well out of the garden unless I want a bit of help digging or lifting something.
He does like to show it all off though..
I love those cosmos.
I have just thrown a mix of seeds out in the garden here. I am hoping to see something grow , but I think the ants usually run off with most. .

Teresa, I admire your efforts to keep the "weasel "from getting to your plants....lol
It would be a full time job , I bet..
I can see little Miss Mischief looking innocently on as you try to protect the plants.

Lucas , so nice to see you back again. I like the abutilons too. My little double pink is just flowering.
I am hoping the sanguineas take a lesson from it.

Charleen, I know how you feel about your lovely tree.
I have seen some awful tree butchering around lately as the power people "trim " the trees under power lines.
A little thought would make it so much nicer for all.
Its just as easy to trim properly as make a great mess.
Hugs for that Charley and I thought I saw a brown & white shape run around the corner of the Tea Room this morning.
I think T Bo is learning where the food is. ...lol

Time I went out to the kitchen to see what the elves have left in the kitchen...
They are all off soon to the North Pole again..
Its that time of year.. Christmas is nearly upon us...

Here we are, lovely tasty treat for you all....Chocolate Peanut Squares..

Enjoy the weekend and stay warm.
I hope everyone is out of all that wild weather about.


Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Yes, he will be as bad as Charley, that boy loves to eat....
He'd eat bucket's full if he could....
Here he is after feeding the long ears. He is protecting me....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Merino, Australia

Charleen, I think he's waiting for you to fill the buckets with goodies for him......lol
Love that expectant look on his dear little face.


Clifton Springs, Australia

He does look like he's waiting....doesn't he.....so cute...

Yes Lucas, the Cantua is in with the Weigela "Red Prince"...this particular Weigela is one of the best....it produces masses of flowers.....nice to see you back...

I think that they could take it reasonably frosty, Teresa, as they are deciduous, but the more sun the better for flowering...

Jean, if I see one of those Elves, I will sool Tilly onto him.....some of the shops already have Christmas decorations in store....I've decided that I am not even thinking about it until December....

Al, Cosmos are really a good plant aren't they...I have the lolly pink one that self seeds in my garden each year....between that and the Scabiosa they are popping up everywhere especially between the brick paving...lol


Thumbnail by Seachanger Thumbnail by Seachanger Thumbnail by Seachanger
Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

We had our first hard frost this morning which officially ended the growing season. Now it's just clean-up work and pack the shed for winter. It was a great season though with lots to see and eat. We won't be growing much outdoors until May or June of next year. Time to reread the catalogs and wait.

One of Ellen's huge "Dinnerplate" dahlias below.


Thumbnail by lycodad
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Seems I saw something on the weather about the first snowfall somewhere up North of you Al. That is a pretty dahalia.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
The sun is shining here. Hubby says it is going to be in the 20s
I hope so. I am tired of dull , wet & cold days.
Winter here is a bit like daylight saving, okay at the start, but goes on way too long.

I have weeds to chase around and irises coming out to see the sun. The plants need a bit of warmth now to get them really looking great.

Al. we had a small frost here this morning. Luckliy it hardly ever sets foot inside our fence. I like it when the paddock is white but the plants are not affected.

There was even some snow over in South Aust. and up in our "tropical "north the other day.

Weird & wonderful weather everywhere.

I am just going to say hello to everyone popping in for their morning cuppa and get out into the sun before it decides to go elsewhere.

Hello Colleen, Dianne, Teresa, Anthony, Lucas, Karen , Al, Charleen & Moon.

Here is something yummy for morning tea..... Clementine, Torte..

Enjoy the day.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

I've started collecting Dahlias [oh no!!]-Al..got my 1st champ at April -Lindisfarne Dahlia Show,..since then, Ive purchased 9 more[somebody stop me]

Thumbnail by g_whizz

Oh my- Dahlias Anthony ? that is a beauty !

Just popped in to say hubby is breaking out of Hospital tomorrow (I don't think the doctors approve).
Hopefully life may get back to " normal " soon . I am a little nervous though.

I will catch up as soon as possible, meanwhile have a lovely arvo.


Merino, Australia


You will have to put up a tent to live in as your plants take over...LOL

I cant blame you really, dahlias are so lovely arent they ?

Take my advice and dont look at Pentsemons or Salvias or Gladdies or...or....or...............

Welcome to the club for people who NEED that plant....

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Anthony -The dahlia shows here at county keep getting bigger each year. As you say, they have caught on like a bad habit, now everybody is into the act. Unbelievable variation in colors, something new every year it seems. We're really not in the serious competition, but love to attend the shows. Ellen has managed to swap and trade quite a few for a good display at home the last 3-4 years. They do tend to impress the neighbors with their huge flowers and tall stature. Some are larger than my giant tall sunflowers that I've grown for years. I enjoy the novas as well, they are much smaller and easier to keep under control without staking.

Congrats on your winning ribbons, I'm sure they are beautiful as all your photos are!


Christchurch, New Zealand

what a couple of days...
the weather was appalling yesterday & I was rostered to work.
Bought myself a Drizabone coat to wear home as the wind & rain were so bad!
The coat was priced as miscellaneous ... $70 less staff discount of 20%.
It came in handy this morning as it was still raining, I put Sugar in her Drizabone coat too - she wasn't as impressed as I was but it kept her dry & I kept her so busy she hardly had enough time to bite at the coat.
By the time we were competing it had cleared enough to ditch our coats & I was really pleased & pleasantly surprised by Sugar's performance.
I think it's time I started putting more training in as she is nearly ready to get out there for real.
Today we ran the lowest test unofficially...
to keep things fair once you have won with one dog you cannot go back to the lowest 2 classes again.
that way people with their first dog aren't up against experienced handlers who know what is expected.
You can go unofficial so you give your dog some experience but the ribbons are for the newbies :)
there hasn't been a peep out of the weasel - she was flat out on the deck when we got home, I think I wore her out.

Hubby flew to Gisbourne in the Nth Island to look at an aeroplane.
It is a wreck, the owner clipped a tree & the plane stopped dead, ran down the trunk of the neighbouring tree & dropped vertically into the ground.

There are lots of great bits to use in restoring our existing plane so it's a good buy.

The garden is enjoying the rain & warmer weather, I can see iris buds coming through & the roses look promising too.

I will have to try & put more time into the garden along with training Sugar.
Thank goodness there are more daylight hours over summer, I may be able to get a bit more done. :)

Clifton Springs, Australia

Anthony, have you looked at the Delbard dahlias, that Bunnings is selling....12.95 each, but they are beautiful..
As usual I'm waiting until they sell the remainder off cheaply....I know I'm a cheapskate.....but they have been in store for a month..lol...so it shouldn't be long...

Today I picked up a really good bargain...I've no idea where it will go but a 6ft Lilac "Sensation" for $20, I couldn't pass up.....they must have had it for ages, because Lilacs are usually bare rooted and about 3/4 ft tall..
It had one flower on the top and I recognised "Sensation" immediately....it needs a haircut after it flowers, so by then I will have squeezed it in somewhere...
Now I have 4 different Lilacs.....S. persica alba, S.afghanica, S.meyeri Palibin...and the S. vulgaris "Sensation''
all perfumed and all gorgeous.
What a lovely day it's been....

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
Its cloudy at the moment but yesterday was a lovely warm day, so it may be the same later .
Hubby says the forecast is for a shower of rain maybe later today then back to warm during the week.

I weeded along the irises and as I have been painting the weeds around the iris plants, was able to do it all easily.
I also sprayed a bit more Roundup on the berry plants.
They have turned so rampant and we get no berries after the birds have been at them.
It is useless keeping them there.
I end up with a great mound of prickly plants that need to be cut every year and nothing to show for it.
Besides, the darn things put down roots wherever a bit touches the ground. I have gone from 4 plants to about a dozen .

I will put something nicer there when they die right off.

Today I am going to repot some of the brugs that I have left near the shadehouse, then they will go down the side with the others for summer.

I have anice lot of Dutch Iris out now, but it seems the white and the blue are more dominant as the lovely bronze I planted have never come up. I may try again later and keep them away from the others.

Dianne, My lilacs are looking the best ever, I have the usual old fashioned mauve and another in the same color but it has smaller leaves and rounder flower heads. The whole plant is more rounder in growth rather than the usual upright lilac style.
The perfume is gorgeous.
I have tried growing the pink and white from cuttings but no success.
I must look for plants instead.

Teresa, you are lucky being able to buy your things in the shop where you work.
I can just see you and Sugar in your matching coats.
Sounds like she is going to be a champion when she gets going among the older dogs .

Hope hubby gets home and back to good health quickly , Chrissy.

Anthony, dahlias should love your area and being among the liliums.
I cannot find any of the pics I took a few years ago of the hundreds in the Portland Gardens.
A pity, because the area is so beautiful with them all in full flower.

I am off again to finish the last bit of weeding, then water my beans, The climbing beans are all up now and the snow peas need their stakes put in so they can lean on them.
The broad beans are now tall enough to be damaged by any wind so they will have their rows tied around with string and stakes.

Hello to all looking in ..
Charleen, Moon, Al, Karen, Colleen and I hope Sue is doing okay wherever she is.

Dianne, the pic below is my other lilac.

Heres you morning tea snack....Orange Chiffon Cake.

Enjoy the day

Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset
Swan Hill, Australia(Zone 9a)

Morning Everyone, Had a lovely day at the markets yesterday, sold 17 plants and bought 4, so at least I came home with less than I took, which is good for me lol. The weather was brilliant, lovely sunshine and a gentle breeze, supposed to get to 30 degrees here today, then rain tomorrow, but we shall see, the rain will probably stay to the south of us.
Have to repot the plants I bought yesterday, but should get 2 or 3 from each plant hopefully, 3 different colours of Kalanchoe. And I scored a Veltheimia for $5, which I was very pleased about.
Off to the garden, have a great day Everyone.
Cheers C.

Christchurch, New Zealand

I forgot to mention my other drama on Saturday...
I bit into a piece of almond & broke a tooth!
It is the last molar on the left, interestingly it is the left side of my jaw that has been really painful lately.
I suspect the tooth was cracked & the almond was the last straw.
I have been taking pain killers but still not very comfortable, the sharp edge on the broken tooth is cutting my tongue - I have an ulcer now & even talking is painful.
You never realise how much your tongue moves around your mouth until it hurts .
I bought a tube of bonjela to see if that numbs it & have a dentist appointment tomorrow at 2pm.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

OOOOH Teresa, you poor thing!-I suffered the same thing about 5 yrs ago,.I went to the oriental dentist 'Hung Lo Fat', 'we can fix ' $2000'.[For a Toyota 'Crown',.].Medicare, i think put in $600, but it had to be done, because the pain was terrible,.The cost was terrible too,and I had to skimp a little over the next few weeks, to make ends meet,.Because of Australias brutal school dental system, during the late 60's 70's and 80's a lot of kids never went 'back ' to the dentist.I was one -1982[during my apprenticeship], I had a tooth extracted, by a senile old dentist with sidchrome pliers, then never went back until 2005, for some ''serious'' work.,.2 wisdoms and a molar[Im a sad tooth p[atient, It took me about 6 days to recover]..I was very sick...Anyway, enough agony talk!!!- Ive turfed out about 35 lily pots over the weekend, [mainly to basal rot]-now I know I can sit pretty until sales time , knowing Ive removed weeds, fertilised, everythings labelled and many seedlings are really performing.,.,next year should be ''really'' good-Anthony

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I can't stand Dentists either. Must have been in same Era as Anthony. Even the idea is unbearable. But I do still have my teeth.
Had a good rain this morning but sun is shinning now, so looks like a beautiful day. Long ears have their heads stuck into hay bale and The pup is playing or sleeping in bedroom. Awful quiet I may have to check on them.
Hope Everyone has a wonderful whatever time of day it is...
Hugs and nuzzles

Merino, Australia

Good morning all.
Its cloudy after a beautiful day yesterday. Should be nice when the sun gets up. We are off to Hamilton early today as the car is booked in for its service and I have to get my hearing aids readjusted.

Ugh... all this talk of dentists......
I dont have to worry about them now having dentures, but I well remember going along as a child to sit in a chair and be tortured ..

Not really, the dentist was quite good even back then.
The last one I saw was very good . I find the worst thing is having to sit there feeling nothing while they get out the hammer, chisel. pneumatic drill, pliers etc, then do all sorts of odd things in your mouth, that you cant see or feel.

Very odd sensation.

I hope you all get relief quickly. Tooth problems can be very painful and upset your whole system.

I am just going to say hello quickly then pop into the kitchen to leave nibbles out for morning tea.

Enjoy the day and stay safe.

Heres your nibbles....Coconut Macaroons

Happy day

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Clifton Springs, Australia

I now have a much shorter Nashi....it was well over 12ft, last year it put on about 6ft and if you know Nashis, they grow straight up.......so I cut it down by half, to a spot just above all the flowers...so we should have plenty of fruit from it again this year...
The peach and the nectarine have leaf curl as usual but I don't worry about it any more, it doesn't seem to affect the number of fruit...it just looks ugly till it falls off.
The Fig has lots of fruit on it and the Cherry is full of blossoms for the first time...
My "Sensation" pear should have a couple this year for the first time, looking forward to that, they are so very pretty when they colour up...
Maybe the Jostaberry might have more than a couple of berries this year...
It will be vegie planting time soon for us so that will be the next big job, emptying the compost bin onto the vegie garden...
Warmer weather is coming soon...

Thumbnail by Seachanger Thumbnail by Seachanger Thumbnail by Seachanger
Clifton Springs, Australia

Forgot to say.... I had been looking for a dentist when we moved here 20 yrs ago and I thought that I would get a female dentist for a change...so I made an appointment at an all female dental clinic, very swish, all glass and chrome and when it was the day before, I got a phone call telling me that they had over booked and could I make another appointment....I said No thank you and started looking again..

I drove past a nice little house with a pretty garden, that was being used as a clinic...and the dentists name was Danielle so I took the phone # and rang them.... I arrived for my appointment and was sitting in the chair when the dentist came in....This will remind everyone to read things properly......HE introduced himself as Danny and when I burst out laughing, he looked stunned until I explained that I thought he was going to be a woman named Danielle, He laughed and said that I hadn't read the sign correctly because he was Daniele, the Italian spelling of Daniel....lol
I've been going to him for almost 20 yrs now and he is a great dentist.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
The sun is out and the day is looking good. yesterday was mild in the morning then deteriorated into squally showers after lunch with a cold wind.
You would not believe that we went over to Hamilton for the car service and my hearing aid readjustment and I forgot to take the hearing aids.....
Hubby thought it was funny but now I have to make a new appointment. I felt a fool when I had to explain to the very nice lady in the office.
The brain must have been having a granny moment....lol

Dianne, sounds like you have a full fruit basket there. I have given up on ever beating the birds to any fruit. We have 2 fig trees and have never had a fig. The birds pick holes in them before they even get to grow..
The apples are usually pecked to pieces too and the grapes..... well...I do remember having a few once.
The only fruit we get to have a feed of are the blood plums and the nectarines.
Mainly because there are just too many for the birds to ruin.
I love all your flowers .

I have irises coming out now. ..There are as many flowers on the old ones I tossed aside in clumps as there are on the ones I kept in the main iris beds.
I have heaps of buds on the epis too.

Hello Teresa, colleen, Karen and Anthony.
Hello also to Charleen , Al and Moon.

I hope everyone is enjoying pleasant weather.

I am off outside to enjoy the sun here.

Heres a nice treat for morning tea...Apple and Blueberry Shortcake..

Happy gardening everyone.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Sydney NSW, Australia

Hi everyone,
Just looking at our newly planated courtyard....looks lovely, however, have found some nasties on gardenia....is it okay to spray with diluted milk 1:9? I saw somewhere that cooking oil & ??? is also used...
Would appreciate help
Many thanks,
Keep smiling all

Merino, Australia

Anna, diluted milk is great for mould thingys but I think you would be better if the nasties you have are live beasties, using diluted dishwashing detergent . Maybe also diluted tea tree oil or diluted eucalpyptus oil may help.
Its the time all beasties and other things creep out of hiding and snack on all our lovely plants.

Clifton Springs, Australia

I bought this lovely rose last year, it's a David Austin called "The Endeavour", it is a really pretty thing, unlike most David Austin's though it isn't perfumed which is a shame.....

Thumbnail by Seachanger Thumbnail by Seachanger
Christchurch, New Zealand

Well I woke up this morning feeling rubbish.
Had porridge & even that hurt to eat, my jaw felt like it had been dislocated.
I phoned work to let them know I wouldn't be in, put the dogs away & crawled back into bed.
I didn't wake up till hubby came home.
I took Sugar for a walk since by then it was 23C & just lovely outside.
Wee weasel was a very good girl & her reward was a run at the park.
At home I felt motivated enough to tackle putting up the garden support & moving sweet pea volunteers to train up it.
I had to dig out a big clump of winter iris... not sure what to do with it now, seems shame to toss it but have a few other clumps elsewhere.
Once I cleared out the space a bit I realised I have a peony coming up - it is a piece of my lovely white one that the builders dumped concrete on top of.
Nice to have it in more than one place now.
I think my lilies will enjoy having a bit more space too.

This message was edited Oct 17, 2012 6:49 PM

Thumbnail by dalfyre Thumbnail by dalfyre
Swan Hill, Australia(Zone 9a)

Evening Everyone, just got home from a lovely couple of days over at Colleen's place, a huge thankyou to Colleen for sharing her garden with me, what a beautiful place, and the Broms, Brugs, Cacti and Succulents are just mind boggling.
I will be spending the next few days potting up cuttings and finding somewhere to put them all.
Hoping this lovely weather stays for a few days.
Cheers C.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
Cold but fine this morning. Yesterday was a lovely day.
I moved all the plants into the trailer ready for the T&T on Sunday.
I gave them a good water then pushed the trailer back into the shed so the plants are not sitting in the sun all day.

I will get out today and do a bit of trimming along the paths. The weeds grow while I am watching them.

Dianne, arent the David Austin roses so beautiful ?
I have 'Grace 'here. She doesnt have a strong scent either but very beautiful.
My other roses are looking sad because the parrots have been nipping off all the new pink growth so there are no flowers .
Hopefully they will soon move off elsewhere so the roses can bloom. Its the worst I have had them do . Usually just one or two plants . This time its just about every rose.

Teresa, how lovely to find that peony still alive.
It can be a pain when repairs etc need to be done but the garden then suffers.
Glad to hear the Weasel is getting so good.
I hope you are feeling much better today.

Colleen, nice for you to meet a DG person in person..lol

Anthony. hope that tooth problem has been fixed for you.
My liliums are growing fast here. Hope you are surrounded by lovely tall plants too.

Charleen, you must have given Charley a lot of hay. He hasnt been to see me for a day or two.
I gave his cookies to the birds.
Hope all is well with you . give all those furry ones a pat for me.

Moon , hope all is well over your way too. Lots of nice weather yet for you.

Al. do you have anything that grows in your garden over winter ?
Its hard for us here to imagine a yard covered in snow.

Hello Karen, , hope all is well with you and that you are getting about in the sunshine.

Hello to anyone else popping in.

I will see what I can find in the kitchen for morning tea.
Here we are ... Pineapple Upside Down Cake....

Enjoy your day and stay safe.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Since we live primarily in an agriculture district, everybody is a harvest mode right now. Potatoes, grapes, apples, hard squash, pumpkins, cabbage, and tons of others brought in before winter. About every villlage has a "harvest festival" of some sort to celebrate the end of the season, which are great fun.

Weather has been surprisingly warm, though we do get chilly nights. We call it "sweater weather". The tree cover is pretty much brown leaves and ready to be blown away with the next stiff windstorm. Then we will see nothing but ugly sticks for trees until next Spring. Hunting is a big sport here also with abundant deer, bear, and turkey. I no longer hunt in the wilds but my two sons do to restock the freezer for winter. The hunts also help control animal collisions with vehicles which are a very serious traffic problem here.

No snow just yet, we'll get some for sure in December or January! "We're dreaming of a White Christmas" (by Bing Crosby). You folks likely spend it by the beach?


barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Yes, Jean it was so lovely to meet a DG friend in the flesh and to share my garden. I had a lovely time. I'm going to my niece's home this morning to see one of Brian's cactus in flower that I haven't seen before. He's still always reminding us that he's not to be forgotten too easily. Gee, I miss him. Lots of excitement going on out there. Hippies popping their heads up and buds on brugs, flowers and millions!!!!! of pups on broms and lots of lovely roses. A few irises and Epis starting to flower in their new place out of the SH. The geraniums and pelies are so pretty this year. Lots of nectarines and peaches and the flowers on the citrus trees is amazing. Al, I couldn't think of anything worse than being on the beach or lake or river on Christmas Day. I'd rather be home and near an A/C just incase I need it. lol Dianne I have one David Austin Rose, I think it's called Heritage. It has a lovely perfume and you can smell it long before you see it. The yellow or Spanish Broom is lovely this year too. I picked a bunch of roses and yellow broom and brought them inside. It's wonderful to be able to do that. The boys are doing well and getting all excited as Christmas gets closer and closer and closer. Oh boy, where did the year go????? Well must go and get them ready for school. Hope everyone is well and I'll be back later. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Vic, Australia

Hay Dianne,
I know how to stop curly leaf!
THIS WORKS. And best of all no chemicals all el natural
Have you heard of mallow weed?
I tried the purple flower type and it doesn’t work as well as the small red flower type which gives about 99% improvement, you can completely stop it if you simply add (Modiola caroliniana)
my mature trees have no curly leaf and a younger seedling has only one leaf appear with a radish blotch, probably because its low to the ground and the mallow may have not been placed correctly, also brought in some new plants in pots and they weren’t treated so they have the curly leaf.

Probably too late now to fix the problem as it affects the dormant leaf bud, you’ll notice it doesn’t appear on the secondary leaves. I don’t pull the curly leaf off until secondary leaves appear as you are just slowing the plant down as it still uses the leaves to grow. I don’t like to leave the leaves on the tree to mature because they will eventually swell and discolour then dry and dump freaking spores for next year. I remove them when they discolour.

If you would like me to collect seed from some plants I can. No tree should have to suffer from curly leaf when it’s so easy to fix when you know how.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Hi AF, thanks for the tip and I'm glad that it works for you. but that little weed comes up in my garden and goes out just as soon as I spot it....
I tried the large mallow years ago and like yours it did nothing.....
I think that I'll live with the curly leaf...some years it's worse than others but it never affects the fruit....the first 2 yrs of their growth, no CL, now it's most years.......I don't have the patience to take the leaves off.......
I'm in the "Live and let live" age bracket now.....

Heritage is a very beautiful rose, Colleen...A while back I had a rose bed with Heritage, Reine Victoria and Mme Pierre Oger, the last 2 were first grown in the 1800's...beautiful cup shapes like Heritage and the perfume would knock you over.....
I'm glad I'm not you trying to buy Christmas presents for the boys.......I suppose there are lots of things for their age, it's just that they all look so expensive.....
Nice that you and C had a lovely day investigating your numerous plants...I bet she went home loaded..lol
We all miss Brian, Colleen and it will be great to see that garden completed.....

I think that our council must have plenty of spare cash, the street cleaner is back again.....we don't have any litter on our streets, so what are they cleaning....if I could be bothered I'd ring and find out, but it's too nice sitting here on the swing in the sun.....

Jean, I bought "Grace" a few years ago and she was very pretty, unfortunately she kept biting Ray on the leg and there was no where else to put her, so she had to go.......The Endeavour is the only one left in the back garden now and it's in a pot.....
the Azalea Alba Magnifica is about 4 ft now it's can get to 6....that Lilac turned out not to be "Sensation", it smells nice though...


Thumbnail by Seachanger Thumbnail by Seachanger
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Charley is out there in pasture with his head stuck into the hay bale. It is a big bale and not the best hay. but we got to get what we can til something better comes along.
Awwww!!! Spring!! Don't you just love the smells and beauty of spring??? My little old Boston Terrier is 13 years old and I am afraid I may have to have him "put down" he has this terrible cough and is v ery weak. It is so terrible to think about it but I know he is suffering, cause I feel I am too!!! He is never to far from me. He knows I will help. I feel so bad about having to take him to vet, but it is so sad to hear him cough and not be able to help...:-((((
So I guess this afternoon, when Hubby gets home from work, we will take him...
Everyone else is fine tho.
Love and hugs to all.....

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Another lovely Spring day.
Lovely to wander around the garden looking at everything so green and lush now.
Lots to do getting ready for the Trash & Treasure on Sunday.

Charleen, so sad when a furry friend has to leave us, but you will find comfort in all the others , especially your new little T Bo.
You will have many happy memories to look back on.

Dianne, your council must have lots of money to be sending the street cleaner around so often...lol.
Grace is a very pretty rose and mine is getting buds.
She has to fight her way through the Hebe as I planted her in a corner and now cannot move her.
I see her waving arms and she will put out lots of flowers .

A/F, we have a bit of curly leaf on a couple of the fruit trees, but I never worry about it, as Dianne says , it doesnt affect the fruit.

Al, those harvest festivals must be fun. I live in a rural area too but we have nothing like that at all.
You are lucky to have your freezer filled by your sons.
I used to live in Western Australia and my then partner was always able to get us plenty of wild meat.
I do miss the kangaroo steaks and the emu and goat meat.
So many do gooders here dont like anyone killing them.
I see nothing wrong in it as farmers are shooting the animals all the time and just leaving the carcasses where they drop.
Thats awful.

Hello Anthony, Colleen , Moon and Karen.

I am off to enjoy the sun and hope you all get plenty of it too.

Heres something yummy for morning tea....Delicious Chocolate Cake.

Happy day

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Christchurch, New Zealand

Charleen, 13 is a good age for a dog but a persistent cough might be a sign of heart troubles & sometimes that can be controlled with medication...

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Yes, He also had pneumonia. We sure did enjoy our little Lucky while we had him. He is crossed the rainbow bridge and is in no pain now.
We got him Buried and the other dogs don't know anything. I'm sure they still smell him but they didn't smell him after he was put to sleep. We got him buried. Got the rocks on him and a Garden bench seat over him so nothing can dig him up.
Hugs and nuzzles to all....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule

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