Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: TEA ROOM #113, 1 by 77sunset

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In reply to: TEA ROOM #113

Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of TEA ROOM  #113
77sunset wrote:
Good morning everyone.. Its nearly a heatwave
Still showery and looks like nothing will get done outside again.
Plants are loving the rain, but we do need sun for them all to think about flowers.

Dianne, so glad your daughter is home now and I hope all goes well for her from now on.
Your flowers look beautiful. I would love to be sitting in your yard with Tilly, admiring them all.

Colleen, those "living" pictures are great fun to do.
Did some years ago when the kids were at school. A great school project.

Al, sounds like wonderful garden partnership with you & your wife.
I keep my hubby well out of the garden unless I want a bit of help digging or lifting something.
He does like to show it all off though..
I love those cosmos.
I have just thrown a mix of seeds out in the garden here. I am hoping to see something grow , but I think the ants usually run off with most. .

Teresa, I admire your efforts to keep the "weasel "from getting to your
It would be a full time job , I bet..
I can see little Miss Mischief looking innocently on as you try to protect the plants.

Lucas , so nice to see you back again. I like the abutilons too. My little double pink is just flowering.
I am hoping the sanguineas take a lesson from it.

Charleen, I know how you feel about your lovely tree.
I have seen some awful tree butchering around lately as the power people "trim " the trees under power lines.
A little thought would make it so much nicer for all.
Its just as easy to trim properly as make a great mess.
Hugs for that Charley and I thought I saw a brown & white shape run around the corner of the Tea Room this morning.
I think T Bo is learning where the food is.

Time I went out to the kitchen to see what the elves have left in the kitchen...
They are all off soon to the North Pole again..
Its that time of year.. Christmas is nearly upon us...

Here we are, lovely tasty treat for you all....Chocolate Peanut Squares..

Enjoy the weekend and stay warm.
I hope everyone is out of all that wild weather about.
