Yeah, we got bugs in Florida

Deltona, FL(Zone 9b)

Dear FloridaBunnie,

My husband too would love a neat sea of green grass for a front lawn. He’s from North Carolina and grass is easier there.

I’m an on-again-off-again member of the Florida Native Plant Society. We have native grasses in Florida but they are mostly (all?) bunch / clump grass that will not work for a lawn.

My yard is against grass too. It is high, dry, sandy and well drained. It’s great in a hurricane.

I have Yucca filamentosa growing naturally in both the front and back yards. The front yard is easily classified as “scrub habitat” while the back has longleaf and sand pine and turkey oaks.

When the house was built, an irrigation system was installed. Then the homeowners’ got their first water bill. Shortly thereafter a shallow well was added to the property. It’s just outside the Master Bedroom windows and is the noisiest pump I’ve ever heard.

Except I’ve not heard it in a very long time. I’ve turned it off. Here’s the problem. When we need water, the well is dry. In fact the only time the well has water is after heavy, prolonged, days and days of rain. Like immediately after a hurricane! Think about it. IT’S A SHALLOW WELL! Duh!

So I was grateful when the gaillardia came along. We already had blue toadflax in the spring and some blue spiderwort showed up here and there. I even have a couple of white spiderworts.

But I really appreciate the gaillardia. And the nice comments. Thank you.


Thumbnail by Wyckoff Thumbnail by Wyckoff
Deltona, FL(Zone 9b)

Sorry. Wrong photo...


Thumbnail by Wyckoff
High Springs, FL(Zone 8b)

Very nice! When we moved to our current home 3 years ago, I convinced my husband not to mow a large area on the east side of the property to allow the phlox, and whatever else was there, to bloom every spring. It puts on a wonderful show and has multiplied over the years. However, I have sown wildflower seeds, and planted various other things that I wanted to naturalize, but they haven't done squat. Well, except for a handful of rudbeckias that showed up a few weeks ago from one of the seed batches.

(First photo was spring 2012, second was from 2011)

This message was edited Jul 13, 2012 12:01 PM

Thumbnail by Amaryllisgal Thumbnail by Amaryllisgal
Deltona, FL(Zone 9b)

I love the phlox but it does tend to dominate given half a chance. It's quit pretty though...


Everglades, FL(Zone 10a)

Sorry, the next post is edited!

This message was edited Jul 16, 2012 12:21 AM

Thumbnail by cyberageous Thumbnail by cyberageous
Everglades, FL(Zone 10a)

The lubbers aren't as bad this year, even tho we are carved out of the Everglades where they flourish. I have heavily landscaped and hate every grasshopper-chewed leaf that I find. We use a garden variety of garlic granules to keep them down and each year, we have less and less lubbers. Around the perimeter of the houses and inside, we use boric acid (20 mule team is cheapest) and within 24 hours you have a graveyard of palmettos.

They say the lubbers taste bitter and have no known enemy but I saw a swamp rat carry one off one morning. They walk on water too! I spray with sevin. I used to spray 3 times a day but now have a tiny dog and am afraid to. I haven't figured out a plan for next year's infestation.
When I first moved here about 9 yrs ago, I wrapped a tree with wide cellophane tape inside out and the lubbers wouldn't cross it. The only thing they don't eat is my pepper plants but now something else likes them. It's always something!

I am trying to propagate a lot of plants now, hoping to move soon. Anyone have extra pots? Someone far North was nice enough to offer but I can't afford the gas to get them. I just hate to lose my cuttings but somethings HAD to be cut back and I am not one to waste a single cutting.
I'll even share my cuttings if someone not far has some pots to share.

Thumbnail by cyberageous Thumbnail by cyberageous Thumbnail by cyberageous Thumbnail by cyberageous Thumbnail by cyberageous
Everglades, FL(Zone 10a)

A lubber on my fence (adult stage)

Thumbnail by cyberageous
Wake Forest, NC(Zone 7b)

I can't believe all this grasshopper hatred! When I was a kid in Augusta, GA, we loved to catch and play with lubbers (we didn't know they had a name back then). We would collect a jar full some days and other days we would tie thread (from Mom's sewing basket) to their legs an "take them for a walk" - GREAT FUN!

BTW, I am 75 now and kill those horrible grasshoppers any way I can. Usually Sevin.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

"Around the perimeter of the houses and inside, we use boric acid (20 mule team is cheapest) and within 24 hours you have a graveyard of palmettos."

This is an excellent tip, but I have collies who think they are hound dogs and sniff every since square inch, so can't do the boric acid, but at least I can put it down in the garage as the dogs aren't in there.

I wish I had my pots from up north to give ya. When we moved south I cried to have to leave so much of my garden stuff behind. I had six large dog food bags of pots that I used and cleaned at the end of the season each year and those would have been perfect for your cuttings.

I'll keep an eye out for any free ones here in my area and if I find any I'll let ya know, maybe we could meet halfway for me to bring them to ya.

Beautiful gardens.... what area are you moving to?


Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Here in Augusta Ga. I use a very sharp scisors, sometime I get lucky and I get two for one when they are mating. I feel bad, but I feel even worst when I see my Hydrengeas chewed up in the morning. Etelka

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


yes will defend our plants won't we from those bugs...LOL


Ocoee (W. Orlando), FL(Zone 9b)

I use my sharp clippers and chop them in half. One lubber can strip and entire bush by morning. Even tried to use one for bass fishing and the fish wouldn't even hit on it! Good bye lubbers!

Everglades, FL(Zone 10a)

I have VERY large dogs but also have a 3lb yorkie and 9 cats. No problem with the boric acid. Many years ago, I worked in a group home for medically dependent children. Basically, a parent beat the child senseless and forever. Then completely brain damaged and helpless- we got them. Some were OK enough to waller around on the floor (which we loved to see) rather than being strapped in a chair all day. Most of the girls that worked there came from the area which was a very poor ghetto and they brought roaches- german and palmetto, to work with them in their bags. Our work vehicles were loaded too. A holistic exterminator that I knew volunteered his time and equipm't to help us out because his "way" wouldn't hurt the kids that licked the floors. Crazy story but true. It was boric acid in many ways! Paste, watered down, powdered outside- whatever worked. OH and years ago, I had a professional dog kennel and read in a trade magazine about using boric acid to kill flea/tick/worm larvae in your kennels and grassy areas. It worked wonderfully. I started withe the boric acid from a hardware store and then found 20 mule team which worked as good and a tenth of the price.

A good tip would be to Google 20 mule team borax (maybe even write them?) to see not only the extended uses but the danger element of it for pets. I only know from my experience, I am not a guru.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

cyberageous, thanks for sharing your history with the BA use. I have 20 mule team as I use it in my white laundry loads.

I'm going next week to pick up some DE and will be giving that a try as well.


Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Cyber -

We have a friend that owns his own pest control business and he swears by boric acid as well. He said it is much safer for pets than some of the other chemicals they spray. We had white footed ants when we moved into our house and they are very hard to get rid of. We put down boric acid and have not had problems with them since. I will have to try this for the lubbers. We also hesistate using anything because we have 3 adopted Jack Russells - very energetic and into everything (you can almost hear the wheels turn in their heads when they look at something - LOL).

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

FLBunnie that is the way of Jackrussels, considering that was what they were bred for, to seek and find. LOL


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

You should have to deal with a Belgian Turvuren. They are the geniuses of the dog world. I have to keep on my toes to keep a head of my Demon Child, he is always coming up with new mischief. We have 3 pet gates , a locking trashcan that he can get into quicker than my DM and I have to tie the outside trash can to my shade house to keep him out of it. I must be crazy as Andre is my 3rd one

I did find one Lubber in my yard. But no signs of damage. Took me 2 days to catch it. Had to go outside with the spot light. Flipped him off my African Basil and used a brick on it. Next day it was gone so something eat it. It never ate any of the Basil

Everglades, FL(Zone 10a)

I just had to adopt out a Blue Heeler for her antics. She CHASED THE CATS AROUND ON THE ROOF. We have no idea how she got up there but she would jump from one roof to the next. I found her a great farm home with a 3 generation family to keep her busy. I was terrified of her getting hurt. We miss her but know we did the right thing. My new dog is so small, we had to build her steps to get in bed!
BTW, I am afraid to spray pesticides now because of the pup but I still use BA.

Thumbnail by cyberageous Thumbnail by cyberageous Thumbnail by cyberageous
Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Wren - the Belgian Turvuren breed is beautiful! Very majestic looking, but I can imagine him running through the mud and rolling around in the dirt. Of course, immediately after a bath! LOL

Cyber - what a cutie! I can imagine it was hard to find a home for your previous dog. We had adopted a lab once and she was a houdini, getting out of the house and the yard constantly. We had to do the same thing; we found a family with two children that lived on a farm that were so excited to take her home.

Here are my furry children. My two boys are deaf, but so loving. My girl in the first picture is half their size and ALL boss :)

Thumbnail by floridabunnie Thumbnail by floridabunnie Thumbnail by floridabunnie
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

floridabunnie I take Andre to a groomer. It is bad enough when he gets out of his pool and lays in the dirt-for that matter it is bad when he lays in dirt when it is dry. Some days he brings in enough dirt to plant a garden. I love the breed but Andre is a trip. He is partly un-Terv like. He is not reserved with stranger. Went out one day and found him playing ball with the UPS driver. I have had to tell the sub-drivers of the UPS and the mail that it is save for them to come in the yard but not safe for the boxes to be left in the yard by them selves.

Thumbnail by wren107 Thumbnail by wren107
Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Wren - He looks like a big mush! When we take our Dexter for a walk, he barks and jumps around so much with excitement that the neighbors come out of their house! A box would surely meet the same fate at my house. When we buy new toys, our girl Paisley usually has it gutted within an hour. But. . . what would we do without them?!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I would be in a wheelchair if it was not for my fur kids.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Wren he is beautiful, it just killed me to have to shave my fur babies, but even though they are rather strange looking, they are so much happier, and I am for that matter, as there isn't near the hair inside the house now that they live inside. The sad true is they really aren't happy with our new life style. Nothing for my Saul boy to do. I do take them for walks, but today, just couldn't do it. It was so I don't know, it was the combo of heat and humidity but my asthma was acting up so no walks for them.

I love everyones four legged companions, where would we all be without them>>>>LOL


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Jan I use a bike with Andre plus I have this toy called a "eGGee" that he is crazy about. He chases it all over the yard and it is hard plastic so he can not destroy it. (go to and enter "Jolly Dog toy") your dogs might like it.

Thumbnail by wren107
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks, I will check out the eGGee.


Everglades, FL(Zone 10a)

Getting Mandy, my new "foo foo dog" is the dumbest thing I have done. She is a hefty 3 lbs! That is her above.
I just get so lonely being secluded out here.
She loves to be wet and LOVES the dirt. I got her because of the clownish personality and beautiful coats Yorkies are known for but boy is she a stinker to keep even somewhat clean. I noticed at the pet supply store, they now carry "micro-mini breed" toys and food. Things are sure getting modern.Did I tell you she has 6 dresses and a camo jacket? ❤❤❤❤

Ruskin, FL(Zone 10a)

I love to KILL these BIG BASTARDS ! I look for them in spring - they like to clump together up off the ground when they are less than an inch - insect spray will knock them out then stomp them into oblivion !!! I wear gloves to capture the big ones - years ago when I was a rookie I used to throw them into the canal behind my house - They can swim !!! SOOOOOOOO I now take them outside my yard onto the road and stomp the HELL out of them , because their shell like - dried bodys can linger around for years . They make the most satisfying crunch sound !!! LOL - I hate them !!! - Lisa ;)

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Lisa, I am so with ya on helping certain insects meet the maker.... Why can't folks that want to cause harm take their anger out on the bad insects, instead of people..... (sorry just so sad over what has happened in CO).

Nothing like hearing the crunch beneath ones garden shoe....LOL


High Springs, FL(Zone 8b)

So, Lisa - tell us how you REALLY feel. LOL

Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Lisa - You could not have said it better! It so grosses me out when you cut them in half and they continue to live independently of each other! EEWWWW! I am always afriaid that my dogs will catch one and eat it. Maybe they should make it a sport, or as Jan suggested, use it for stress relief and therapy. . .

Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

I killed a pr in the act of mating yesterday. Thought of the thousands I was preventing and it felt wonderful. Luckily I just have a few of them but 1 is still too many.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I found 2 so far this year both are dead

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Oh Lisa, I come and re-read you death sentence on this crappy insects, and I laugh so hard. When I lived up north it was my joy to kill as many of those Jap Beetles as I could, I wore gloves and each time I try to best my score which gave me the satisfaction of knowing that that many less would reproduce!


Everglades, FL(Zone 10a)

If your dog eats a lubber grasshopper, they are so bitter that the dogs will drool and foam up. My tiny dog vomited when she licked a squished one.
Today, I put those grasshoppers in the brush chipper!
Now as the lubbers are diminishing, I see snails! It never ends.

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

I just found this thread on the lubbers...very interesting. I've never seen any in my garden, however I do see them when out hiking or camping. Candace the information you gave on pest control is very helpful...thanks for such detail. And by the way I have been letting gaillardia take over my easement out sure seems to love it out there. I found some growing wild nearby and seed snatched a few years ago.

Palmetto bugs have been very bad here this year. Seems like every time we get heavy rain they find their way into the house. My 25 year old son is scared to death of them and totally will freak out if he sees one...the cats on the other hand love to play with them until they finally kill them. I have natural mulching in my flower beds, guess I need to go out and rake it away from the house some, of course as soon as it rains it all washes back to the house again.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

no lubbers but a very large black snake made it presence know at the front door, by the time I got back with a tool in hand it was gone to who knows where. Now it that thing shows up in the house, this rental house just might be history. I know I know that they are good snakes, but I'm sorry I'm not willing to be sharing with them like they think I should. Then after our afternoon thunderstorm, the big snails with the shells on their backs are making their way acrossed the front porch...., so those I had the pleasure of picking them up and throwing them out to the main road to be runned over....LOL


Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b) my black snake, so cute and never a bother...has a couple offspring now. One time I had several babies laying on the front porch sunning. ☺

Everglades, FL(Zone 10a)

Put mothball crystals around your front door area. It usually keeps the snakes away. It's an old time cure too for flea infestation- if you can hook your vacuum up to blow- tie a net full (toole) of moth crystals to it and "fog" the room. I knew a lady that kept then under her couch cushions- why, I don't know but it didn't kill anyone. I once had a Kirby vacuum and that was a sales point- using it to blow. Don't know what it was really meant for.
We get alot of pigmy rattlers here. I am deathly afraid of snakes!! Same with moccassins. They'll chase you!

Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

I don't mind the black snakes, but the pygmy rattlers scare me a little. We had one in the side flower bed and the pest control man noticed it while he was spraying. I was scared to death for days to let the dogs out.

Peel, AR(Zone 7a)

Quote from KayJones :
I mentioned them and I have no mulch around my house.

They also live in just plain dirt.
I used to dig around in yard planting things and would see some as I was digging.
I hated them too!

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