TEA ROOM # 110

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Now you've got me really curious since I'm an avid tomato grower. When do you sow the seed starts for your tomato plants? I have several seeds left over from my Spring planting in mid-March, don't know if I can send them safely to Australia or through customs inspection.


Christchurch, New Zealand

wow - I miss a night on the lap top & there is so much to catch up with.
Jean - I laughed when you called Copper a gentleman...
this morning I was busy in the kitchen & heard a movement behind me & turned to see Copper's head buried in the Tux bag.
He made off with two biscuits but I was able to retrieve one & gave it to Sugar since she was being the good one for a change.
Cackleberry Castle looks really good, hope the chooks appreciate their salubrious home.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

The long ears like the cooler weather. When the temps cool now they love to run in the pasture.
Made a Tomato Pie yesterday. It was so good. Like a vegetable pizza...

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Thanks Karen and Jean...yup, he is a keeper. Hard to believe that was 5 years ago. With 5 of us, it took us all to keep an eye on him....he thought Ayer's and the Olgas were his private playground....he tried to climb up or into every nook and cranny. I agree, the reds are so varied and striking running from pinks and purples to browns.

Karen, hope this is your last go around with the dentist....a sore mouth makes the whole body ache.

Sue, Cackleberry Castle is a winner. Lulu and friends will be quite safe and happy there I am sure.

Teresa, sounds like Copper still has a trick or two left....maybe he was going to be a gentleman and share....LOL

Charleen. tomato pie sure looks tasty.

Hope everyone has a lovely day.

Thumbnail by themoonhowl
Sunshine Coast, Australia

Moon what a striking picture!

Does anyone know about a flower that looks like a green fuzzy carnation. It was at a florist that took my eye. The lady said it was a type of carnation. I think she said it was "Green Fuzz"?

This message was edited Jul 25, 2012 6:01 PM

Thumbnail by Marleneann
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone..
A very dull and cold day here again. Yesterday evening and during the night , we had strong wind .
Winter wont leave just yet.
Lots of bright daffies popping out now so I expect the trees will also be putting on their pretty dresses soon.

Lovely pic, Moon. The outback colors are striking. Its not called the Red Centre for nothing.

Cant help with your flower Marlene although it is unusual.

Charleen, I think Abigail has adopted me. She seems to like it around the Tea Room.

Teresa, do you mean to say Copper was not a gentleman after all ? ...lol
I guess he couldnt resist a nibble or two.
Maybe instead of Sugar learning from him, she is teaching him naughty tricks.

Anthony , I hope you are out counting liliums popping through. I found another poking its head up.

Al , I love tomatoes but they are rather erratic here. Some years good and others nothing grows at all. I blame the water .
Its a lot colder here for longer so I wont plant my seeds outside .
I will grow them from around early September in the greenhouse then they can go out into the grow bags when the weather warms.

Colleen, glad you are feeling so much better. Its nice to have friends help when you need it.

Karen, hope all is going well for you too. I like your little brom.
My tillandsias didnt like it here much so they now live with Colleen.

Hello to everyone else and I hope some of you are enjoying sunshine.

I will leave something tasty for morning tea. .......Pumpkin Spice Cake.

Keep safe and enjoy your gardens..

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Hi Marleneann. Thanks. I have read about the Dianthus barbatus Green Trick, Green Ball, Green Fuzz but never had the chance to see one up close. I did find these links however.



Merino, Australia

OOps. forgot to add the signpost again..
We have moved to here ...


Brisbane, Australia

Oooh, I do like the look of that tomato pie, Charleen.

Moon, those must be such treasured pics. I've never been to our red centre. Been many other places in Aus, but not there. Think I missed out there, as it is so striking.

Marlene, I hadn't heard about nor seen that green flower. Most unusual. Will keep an eye out for it, though it wouldn't grow here, as most annuals and perennials need more sun than I get.

Teresa, I hope your fully settled in now and can relax and enjoy the make over.

Hi everyone else too. Hope you have a lovely day.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Yes, Karen, they are absolutely treasured.

Wanted to repost the link to the new thread so noone gets lost..Jean has a new Tea Room waiting


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