TEA ROOM # 110

Brisbane, Australia

Zoom zoom zoom..........wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...............never had so much fun! Love crossing the ocean. I hate getting my feet wet, but flying over it is fantastic! Jean, was a bit embarrassed about my figure, so put my hula skirt on over the pink snow suit that Dianna got me :). Hahaha.....glad you didn't get a pic of that. I have a cyber friend in Hawaii who sent some incredible pics of the lava flow. It was only fairly recent, wasn't it? Anyway, at least one of his friends lost their house. Must have been so scary, watching it flow with no way of stopping it. I didn't watch the video yet Moon, as I'm short on time. Today is Barry's birthday and I'm taking him out to lunch. Tomorrow is my youngest sister's birthday, so she is coming with us today. We do this every year, so I'll be absent from the carpet ride for most of the day.

Marlene, I read up on the milkweed bugs, and apparently its best to leave them be. Thing is, I don't have milkweed here, so don't know what they are after. Maybe they don't eat much at this stage.

The baby white kiwi birds are so cute. Had trouble with that link, Dianne, but soon found plenty of pics of a couple of them.

Teresa, the house looks great. That fire looks great too.

Colleen, hope your back holds up, and Chookie, you take care and don't lift anything heavy or you could be seriously hurt and not be able to do anything.

Hello to our US friends. I hope to get back to finish our carpet tour there as I expect it will be some time before we are over that way again.

Have a great day.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Charleen, the thought of the longears trying to tap dance on the baby Kiwis,conjures up a funny sight...
They are very quick those little things....
Moon aren't Volcano films amazing to watch...to think that we are looking at melted rock actually flowing.....

Karen, I think that the 3 of us did a reasonable Hula and the fact that you kept knocking Jean and I off our feet, because you were wearing the snow suit....didn't deter us at all...

The Grand Canyon was amazing, wasn't it.....now for Charleen....

Jean, I hope those Xrays and scans went well....when do you get the results?


Christchurch, New Zealand

well I was cleaning Sugar's crate & found the corner she chewed off Carpet... we should have put her in the cupboard while you were visiting...
hope it hasn't affected Carpet's aerodynamics ;)

So far my destructo dal is being good - but as she is in season she is confined to quarters & no chance for mischief.

Copper is finding her very interesting right now - he might be neutered but that doesn't completely wipe out the instincts.

I will be so glad when the 3 weeks is over & we can relax with them.
It is a juggle to keep them apart & they alternate outside time which makes potty breaks take twice as long.
Not to mention Sugar can't be walked as it is illegal to take an in season bitvch out in public.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Yeah!!! We are eagerly wait for your visit. Charley is waiting.
My Farrier came this morning and gave the "Kids" a trim. They don't like it but they love the grooming before he gets here.
Charley had a nail in his foot, John pulled it out. Now Charley is better. John said "no wonder, he had his but on his shoulders." It bleed when he pulled it out. Next trim is September.
After he got them trimmed up and got their feet in good shape, they don't seem to need to be trimmed as much.
We got Rain last night. the humidity was bad but it got better as morning as gone by.
They are still have their "instincts" AT still thinks he is a Romeo and he has been castrated since he was 6 mo. old.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
Well we are finally in Georgia and landed at Charleens place.
It may take us a while to get to the house as we landed in Charleys paddock and he is standing on the edge of Carpet.
Carpet is not happy about this, but Charley wont move.
You know how mules can be ??
I think he wants all the cookies at once.
I think I see Abigail & Kaitlin coming so hopefully Charleen will be with them and can move Charley.

We had a great time flying over the country side and there are so many places we would have liked to stop , but just looked from above.
We are looking forward to seeing much more of the area around here.

Heeeeelllppp, Charleen, come and rescue Carpet..

The elves have put out nibbles for morning tea back in the Tea Room....

Stay safe

Merino, Australia

Sorry about leaving off the nibbles for you all. I clicked the wrong button and I I blame Charley for bumping me as I was typing. ...lol

Heres morning tea for those back in the Tea Room.


Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

While waiting for Charleen to rescue the carpet, I am able to give Charlie lots of hugs (and just the odd cookie). Looking forward to meeting the girls too, two legged as well as four.

Another day out today. We are going down to my sisters so Barry can help get her computer behaving properly again. Just little things but they make computer life dreary when you are unable to just press a button and do your thing. Will probably have a burger lunch down by the bay, and will check on the osprey nest to see what we can see.

Jean and Dianne, sorry about bumping you off the stage while doing the hula. I just needed extra room to do my thing........hehehe.

Hello everyone popping in. Hope all is well.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. It rained all day yesterday and hubby says we had over an inch which the plants will love.

Charleen has a lovely place and we are going to enjoy some sightseeing today..
We will get to see Moon a bit later in the week.

Carpet is hanging around in a cupboard sulking because Charley stood on him.
He'll get over it and be wanting to fly around again.

Charley and his other furry friends are so funny with their antics.

I hope all those back home are feeling much better by now..
Its not nice having continuous pain especially in the cold weather.

Karen is s till laughing over our attempts with hula dancing in Hawaii.
I dont think I'd try that again.
She did look a bit odd with her pink snow suit though.

Dianne is has more rocks and I have a nice piece of lava for my garden.
I would like to see some of the waterways in Georgia but do not want to meet any of the larger inhabitants...lol

The elves are being very good back in the Tea Room. They have put out morning tea . ...Banana & Date Loaf..
It wont be long before they are off back to the North Pole getting ready for Christmas..

Keep warm everyone

Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

EEeewewew..........that croc is a monster. I love those giant lotus flowers in the lake though. Such beauties they are.

So, off sight seeing today. Is it day or night at home now? I need to stop off and do some shopping or Barry will go hungry while I'm away.

Hope everyone is having a really pleasant weekend.


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

The kids are all standing at the fence wishing you a good, safe trip home on that Fancy Carpet.They said if they had a barn they would like to have one just like it. But they are very contented to just go roll in their dust piles than use a rug.
However they did enjoy your visit. They wanted to eat the Grass skirts and flowers you got in Hawaii. especially the Plumerias that was so rich in sweet scents...

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Clifton Springs, Australia

How polite are those longears....bidding us a safe trip home.....thanks Charleen for a lovely day...
your garden is lovely...
Karen, I hope you bought Barry something to eat...it's been a few days...lol
It will be nice to be home again soon and carpet is spluttering over the Pacific....those Longears probably rolled him in the sand......
I have lots of souvenirs and rocks so I have had a very good trip..
thanks Jean.
I forgot to say that I hope Colleen and Chookie are feeling a lot better now and hope to hear from them soon.

Anthony, what have you been up to while we were away?.....

This message was edited Jul 15, 2012 1:53 PM

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

A fair bit!.....Very pre-occupied with the upcoming daffodil show and full day hours at work,[to the point of exhaustion],.but fortunately i was not pre occupied enough to notice that Sooty was not right!I think i knew what was wrong and was scared to take him to the vet for a diagnosis,[which i had seen before in 'Fudges' demise]-He has diabetes!The biggest and toughest cat in the suburb, has managed to beat feline aids and infections , to succumb to this..He has a poor white blood cell count, but does not have cancer,..,he does not have kidney or eye damage,but does have cataracts on both eyes..he did not react well to fridays initial dose of insulin, and would not eat or drink whilst in their care.,.so they sent him home, to go back on Tuesday for a glucose rise test,.and then we start with the injections,.,,Man alive, i dont know what i did wrong in the christian society to deserve all these years of upsets, but it must have been bad.,.An old lady 'Barb'[my best lily customer] knitted me a scarf and gave it to me today,..,Sooty thinks its great-sleeping and rolling in it, [its very warm], now hes asleep in my dining room chair, in front of the fire, after an entree of ham and a small main of 'santamaria-sardines',.,.,My left elbow has given up the ghost too, so its making moving cocky from house to house each day, a chore and bringing up the firewood isnt easy either...At the moment , i just have to stop, take a couple of deep breaths and go for it.very frustrating-Anthony

barmera, Australia

Hi all. Am starting to feel a bit better and took my first walk outside today up to the chook house. The boys have been doing a great job of looking after everything. They've all been fed and watered each day, the cats twice a day. Back to school for them tomorrow so they can have a bit of a rest. Just as well they went camping the first weekend of the holidays as we haven't done anything else. I will make it up to them as soon as I can. Hope you're all well and how is your back coming along Chookie? I'm sorry I had to get off the carpet. It sounds as though you've had a wonderful time and will be tickled pink to see some of the rocks that you've collected. Be back in when I can. Colleen

Brisbane, Australia

Good morning all. Anthony, so sorry to hear about Sooty and the diabetes. Its a dreadful disease and needs quite tight control to keep one feeling right. Took me years to get it under some form of control. Hope Sooty adjusts quickly and starts feeling great again real soon.

Colleen, glad you are starting to feel better. Being down and out is a pain for any reason, but backs make you feel so helpless. Don't worry about the boys. They will learn that you aren't there simply to keep them entertained, and that helping you makes them feel good too.

Dianne, I still haven't been shopping but had plenty of eggs in the fridge, so Barry may well be clucking by the time I get round to shopping again.

Charleen, our last view of Charlie and Company as we left. I'll always remember it.

Too cold to sit so off to do something to warm me up. Have a good day.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone..
We had a great time with Charleen and dropped in quickly to see Moon.
It took us a while to get back here as Carpet was flying rather erratically due to his habit of stopping to admire his new colors. He wanted a tattoo but I convinced him not to , so he sneaked off and had his threads dyed while we were having a last afternoon tea with Charleen.
He looks pretty though.

Nice to see home again but so lovely to visit across the pond.
I hope the elves were looking after everyone back here.

It seems we have a room full of people not feeling all that well .
I hope you are all starting to come good now.

I did try to bring some sunshine back but I am afraid it got lost over the Pacific somewhere.

Anthony, I hope Sooty is coming along okay now. Diabetes is not a good thing for anyone, person or animal, to have.

Karen has popped home to see how Barry existed on eggs while we were gone and Dianne has so many rocks , I see anew rock garden coming in her yard.....lol

I am watching the rain sprinkles and wishing we back in the sun again.

Better get moving and catch up on all things domestic.

Here a treat for you all. for morning tea........Apple and Blueberry Shortcake ...
and a look at Carpets new color..

Keep safe & warm

Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

It had a color change. So pretty.

Camperdown, Australia

Hello Everyone, I am back on deck now, still walking "carefully" but able to get around.No lifting though.
Sorry I missed the last of the 'travels' but glasd all had a good time.

I put a long message up this morning early and now I see it didn't go through- I must have logged off too soon I guess.

My son has been here for a few days - nice- I haven't seen him since christmas, but he mostly spent it on the computer - he is a true nerd and just cannot stay off it.
Chookington Palace is coming along as you will see from the pics below.Just wire and cement floor to do now.
Lulu will love it- she has been following me all around the yard- she misses her pal LJ who sadly died of Marek's disease- Last time I buy hens from that place - they didn't immunise the chicks it seems, lucky Lulu didn't catch it too.( a bit like distemper for hens).Lulu has a lovely black tipped "collar" and is so friendly.

Thumbnail by chookie2 Thumbnail by chookie2 Thumbnail by chookie2
Christchurch, New Zealand

well all this interesting info on gemstones had me reading up more on the net...
and when I was chatting to the sales assistant at Michael Hill in the mall across the road from work I was offered a job!

Or at least the opportunity to apply for one, the woman was impressed by my knowledge & enthusiasm but I am happy with the Merino Outlet so will stick with the job I have.

It has been really warm here but I think tomorrow night that is predicted to change.
just have to wait & see what happens.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
A cold wind here again this morning but the rain has gone for awhile.

Sue lovely to see your chicken house coming along.
You will appreciate all the fresh eggs when you get going.
I do miss having chooks but there is no way I am feeding Foxy Loxy again.

Charleen, we had a lovely time with you and Charley is very huggable.

Teresa, it was very nice to be offered another job but you do seem to be enjoying where you are.
Hope your warm weather hangs around for awhile. How is Miss Mischief coming along ?

Karen, You are sounding much better now, the carpet trip must have helped.

Dianne, where did you put all your rocks. There were enough for a nice rock garden...lol

Anthony, hope Sooty is coming along with his medication now.
Hope your aches & pains improve soon .

Colleen , nice to hear you are feeling much better too. Glad the boys were a help to you .

The elves have gone back to the North Pole after looking after the Tea Room.
Lots to do up there getting ready for Christmas.

I will put out something delicious for morning tea and then go sit in the virtual sun on the patio.
It will be a while before I see the real sun here.
Try this yummy GingerBread Cake...

Keep safe and warm

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Camperdown, Australia

Hi All, hope it's a great day for you all today.

Teresa here is a great Aussie site for those interested in gemstones with members from all round the world.
All the members share their knowledge freely ( except sometimes they don't tell exactly where they have good finds ! LOL- big secret)
and this one is a good learning site.

Lovely sunny morning today and I am feeling more frisky - a bit like Charlie I think - best I have felt for 2 weeks thank goodness.Won't be lifting anything heavy though that's for sure.

Back to sorting out the studio and I have definitely decided to have a garage sale in the Spring - Dianne I WILL get rid of some books - they are now on the floor as no more shelves - gosh where did they all come from? - and I have too much "stuff' and still unpacking. I think I am a magpie and just 'collect'. grrr.

Have a good day everyone have to get into it while I am good.

Brisbane, Australia

Well, Carpet chose his colours well, didn't he. Very nice. Wouldn't mind him sitting in my lounge room looking so spunky.

Chookie, Barry looked at your Chookington Palace and called it Cackleberry Castle. But he admires it. Lulu is a very lucky chookie. Glad you are feeling better, but don't push it until you are completely healed (like about next summer). I know I'm a collector of "things" too. Enjoy them while you have them, and let go when you must. I always say of things I am letting go of, they did the job they were meant to do at the time, but now they can move on and with a bit of luck, someone else can get some enjoyment from them.

Teresa, you made me laugh. You must have done some rather heavy reading to have impressed the sales assistant so much.

Jean, love gingerbread cake. Yum. Love these cyber cakes - not fattening at all.

Hi Charleen. Thanks for yours and Charlies hospitality on our visit. We had a great time. Hope Dianne enjoys those rocks. I got a few nice ones myself.

Hi to everyone else too. Have a great day.

This magnificent Osprey caught himself a fish, and we managed to catch him (on camera) eating it. He is high up atop a mobile phone tower. There is a nest there too, so maybe his mate is now sitting on her eggs while he hunts fish to bring to her.

Thumbnail by DawnSong
Clifton Springs, Australia

Anthony, so sorry that you are having a lousy run......hopefully Spring will be here soon and your Show will be a raging success......
Is that where carpet went, to the dye shop....he looks very nice.

Lulu will be a very lucky chook, chookie....it's coming along nicely....for your books and spare stuff, don't
forget your Sunday market....
That Gem site is a beauty, but they speak a language of their own...lol

Lovely shot of the Osprey, Karen......did you ever see Margaret from WA's fantastic thread on her local Ospreys?
Jean, the seeds arrived and I will post tomorrow....customs did check them....

Christchurch, New Zealand

well the good weather continues here...
we had a delivery of new stock from Velocity

I love their stuff & bought myself a black merino shrug, it is so snuggly :)

I do love my job, enjoy working with people & the product is lovely... we get a 20% discount so that helps when I give in to temptation.

we had 66 boxes of our Core range delivered, most are going up to Auckland but the shop is being restocked & I have put dibs on a blue scoop neck jumper... there only only 2 in my size so if you don't call dibs you dip out.

Last time there were seconds available to staff at $20.00 - I missed out as they started in the office & the only one in my size was snapped up by another staff member.
Hopefully this time I will get what I want but as the seconds are in the office again I am not holding my breath.

take care everyone - our weather report shows rain coming for eastern aussie from Adelaide to Brisbane & Tassie looks to be wet too...
hope it's not too bad!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

So glad everyone enjoyed themselves. Charley loves meeting folks. They love to bring him food which he loves...The more the merrier.
Weather is nice here today, doesn't seem as hot but it will warm up.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
We had a lovely sunny day yesterday so I planted the rest of my broad beans ..
Very carefully and only with my right hand, I am still babying my left until I see the doctor in 2 weeks.

Teresa, you were right . The rain started in the late afternoon and we had some good showers. Still misty outside this morning .
Great that you can get some bargains at your work. At least you will be warm.

Charleen, there is some beautiful scenery in Georgia. We did enjoy our time there.
I left all the cookies with Charlie. I am sure he shared with the others...lol

Sue,your idea of a garage sale is a good one to get rid of extra stuff. I hope it goes better than mine did a few years ago.
Noone came at all..Comes from living out of town on a back road.

Karen, I love the osprey. Used to see them while fishing off the wharf in Geraldton (WA)
They had a large nest there too.
We often get hawks and the odd eagle sitting on hubbys tall tower here. They look for mice and bush rats.

Dianne. have you put all your rocks away ?
I have a place I would love to visit again but am never likely to now.
It was way out in the outback with lots of beautiful rocks and some which were very unusual.
It was an accidental find while tracking kangaroos on foot. Many years ago now .
The rocks looked like they had been melted. I always wondered if they were from some ancient meteorite hitting that area.

Anthony, how are things down there ? No snow around you I hope.

Hello to all looking in or coming in for a cuppa.
I have put out some goodies for morning tea.....

My fingers are cold , so its back to the heater for me.
Keep warm and safe

Merino, Australia

Did it again.
Clicked on the wrong button and lost the goodies.
Here we are ... Chocolate Peanut Squares..

Cant have you all going hungry..

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Camperdown, Australia

Hi Everyone, cool and sunny this morning.

I spent yesterday sorting some of the Peridot I found at the quarry .Took a very blurry pic (sorry my hand shakes these days).
Most are not big enough to facet so I will make some kind of natural necklace with them I think. Still hoping to find a bigger one one day.
Here is another site that has some lovely gems on it.
Click on gemstones to find a long list of just about every gem there is.
Funny that they write some of our states off as having very little though - easy to see they don't really know Australia and only list the famous places that are economically viable I think.

LOL Colleen I love Cackleberry Castle too - maybe a name change in order! My handyman says I need to make a nice sign for the front so that is on the agenda too. I actually have a half finished painting of a castle I began for my grandaughter and never finished- she grew out of fairies and castles before I got it done ! LOL Maybe that would make a good background for the sign - what do you think???

The handyman is making me a nesting box that opens outside with a lift up roof on it- should be ready to fit tomorrow. Yes Lucy will love her new home. Have a partner coming to keep her company too - he is a lovely coloured rooster- just hope my neighbours won't complain - there is another rooster in the village a few blocks away and he is OK I think, so it should be alright. The council said it's fine to have a rooster as long as no one complains because I am actually rural and outside the edge of the village.
Lucy is actually laying too many eggs! I am getting three eggs every two days because where her pen is now is near the street corner light and her pen is not dark enough at night so she is over laying - the new pen will give her some relief from that, poor girl she is too good and will burn herself out if she keeps it up.

Thumbnail by chookie2 Thumbnail by chookie2
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

No, quite warm, and a lot of wind,.the smallest amount of rain last night, we really need 'lots of it',.,.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Still frozen fingers weather here and we even had a small shower of hail yesterday.
Not too heavy thank goodness. I dont want my brugs being damaged while they are still deciding whether to open flowers or not.
Nothing is being done much outside due to both the rain and my shoulder.

I hope all those that have been suffering an off time are starting to improve now as we creep closer to spring / summer.

Shopping day today so I had better get myself ready. It takes twice as long to get dressed etc these days.
Its surprising what you use your left arm for when you are right handed.

All the pics are great and we all love to see them.
I am going to have breakfast then a warm cuppa.

See you all later.
Maybe I'll find an orphan today.

Here a treat for morning tea...... Cherry Scones.

Stay safe and warm
( Hope the weather is cooler for our US friends)

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Camperdown, Australia

Jean I hope your shoulder improves soon- maybe some warmer weather will help a bit.....and an orphan or two to think about.

No more work on the Chookyard this week my handyman is missing in action I think. ( probably has another important job that he must do).

Colleen - which market in Brisbane had the rocks again? My son is going to have a look for me and I don't want to send him to the wrong one?

Teresa it must be lovely to be settling in again now, are the dogs all happy to be home too?

My garden is too soggy to do much just now but the weeds are growing well! I have about half the paths done with the mulch now and one pile is down to less than half so lots to go yet. Good exercise though. I did put a path in to the chookyard door though.

Thumbnail by chookie2
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Very cold here and still dark.
Only one more month of winter and we may start seeing the sun getting up earlier.
I found no orphans yesterday while shopping but I think the shop is not getting as many plants in so maybe less orphans for me to find.

Its very quiet in here at the moment. Everyone must be busy keeping warm.

Sue your path is looking good.
I used eucalyptus mulch on my paths and I find it stops me slipping and sliding around even though it wasnt put on thickly.
I still have a bit here so may put it out on the rest of the back yard where the car has worn a path .

Hello to everyone that has been suffering with aches & pains, I hope you are all feeling much better

I am off to put washing on and look a bit domestic.
Thank goodness I have the automatic washer and the dryer as I would not be able to be pegging clothes out with my shoulder.

Charleen, Hope all is well over your way. Pat those furry fellows and give them cookies for me.

Take care and keep safe.
Heres your morning tea treat..... Chocolate Eclairs.
Happy day

Thumbnail by 77sunset
barmera, Australia

Hi everyone. I'm still looking in but this bl==== back of mine is giving me curry. The jammed nerve makes everything quite difficult to do. The boys will be calling me moaning Granny soon. I'm trying to keep up with what everyone is doing and it's good to see you back on board Chookie. I haven't done anything outside but the work hasn't gone away I can still see what needs doing. It will just have to wait. Overcast and bitterly cold here today. I don't think the temp. got above 15 yesterday so maybe another day the same. Brrr. Have a great day everyone. Colleen

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

We got a good rain yesterday evening.
Me and Dufess got stung by Yellow Jackets this morning. Ouch!!! from both of us. Glad I put the little dogs back into house. Got stung 3 times Dag gummed Bees.
Glad they hadn't got Charley, But then if they had he might have come see you, dragging me.....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Merino, Australia

Colleen, I do feel for you.
Its b** hard watching the weeds grow and not being able to do anything.
You & I will both catch up with them eventually.
Hang in there.

Charleen, please be careful around those yellow jackets. They must be like the European wasps we get here.
Very nasty .
Unlike bees, wasps can sting multiple times.
We have found here, silly as it sounds, a single spray with Baygon fly spray and they fall out of the air.
Luckily we have no nests close, so usually single queens looking for nest sites.
Hubby watches for them every spring / summer as we dont want them setting up home here.


Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Jean, I think Dufess dug them out. I swear I saw a pawprint in that hole. Had to back into a cedar to get the picture with my little zoom lens. If I had got close they would have really got me. I think they were busy attacking my poor little goofy dog too.
If I go back down I'll use another way, that is for sure. It still hurts.....
Thank you dear....

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Hello everyone!

Came across some Rose of Sharon seeds while cleaning up. They are from the last harvest.
Anyone wants them please let me know. First in gets them.

Hugs Marlene.

Camperdown, Australia

Hello Everyone, A gloomy day today - not a sign of sun but not raining yet - just very overcast.

Jean sometimes automatic everything helps doesn't it- glad you don't have to hang the washing out with that shoulder.

Colleen I am sorry to hear your back is still out. Trying isn't it? I hope some heat and rest will do the trick.I carried a box today without pain .YAY

I am reading the Jim Butcher series of Dresden File books just now and wanted you to know that fairies are alive and well and magic is in the world - he says so! Dresden is a bumbling magician and unlikely hero with good points - he gets himself into some terrible predicaments - good fun- I do love my ipad at bedtime.
I do believe in fairies I do I do I do.

I planted a choko that I had striking on the bench today but only in a pot, as it is still too cold for it outdoors yet - the shoots are more than 30cm long so I thought it needed some soil now. I am planning on it covering some of the chookyard fence when I get it in the ground, along with some passionfruit vines I have waiting to go in.Maybe some Kiwi fruit to come yet if there is room .

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
Fine but cold here and I hope for some sun as I want to get out and spray the weeds.
I am being careful with my shoulder so will do the spraying with a spray bottle that I can hold in the right hand instead of my usual larger carrying type.
My broad beans are looking good and I have planted a further 2 rows.

Lots of bulbs budding up and a few odd wallflowers out already.
I see leaves peeping out on the trees so spring is quietly creeping in.
My Manchurian Pear is always the first of the blossom trees to open so I will be watching it closely.

Sue, your creepers are going to be a splash of color as well as edible.
Hope you are getting over your pain now too.

Teresa, how are things coming along back in your home again ?

Anthony, I have a lone lilium popping its head through the soil. A bit early , but it must be impatient wanting the sun.

Colleen, how are things going for you ? Hope the back is healing.

Dianne, your brugs will be looking lovely still. Soon be lots more blooms.

Charleen, Charley was hanging around again. I think he is in love with the cookies I give him.
I think Abigail was with him..lol

I am off to try and get a bit of domestic stuff done.
I may recruit hubby to help with a couple of things.

hello to all others looking in.

Heres a treat for morning tea. ....Banana Caramel Loaf.

Keep safe

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

They are traveling buddies now. Both on the lookout for cookies and crumbs....:-)))

Camperdown, Australia

Happy weekend to everyone. Going to be a nice day today they say and I see blue sky peeping through so it looks hopeful.

I wanted to share this wonderful Azalea hedge with you - what a dream hedge, and just what I would love. I am planting more soon - I live in hope ! LOL

Thumbnail by chookie2

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