TEA ROOM # 110

Christchurch, New Zealand

just a few pics of the new look house...

Thumbnail by dalfyre Thumbnail by dalfyre Thumbnail by dalfyre
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Teresa, A question arose during discussion today, as to reasons, 'why arent you allowed a wood fire'- Im sure you can answer it in an easy sentence,.,.,.,Dianne, We are the Navy Blues- Returning Eddys low shot---- maybe Collingwood could use MIck Malthouses services at the moment,.,.Ha Ha- Im riding every minute of it,.,.,I may even win the work tipping ,this week

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
Well we left Anthony celebrating after the football.

I hope noone was in the backyards at Karens & Diannes houses when we dropped their rocks off.

We did drop them off too, right off the edge of the carpet.
Now we are off to see Teresa and her new look house.
Tassie was lovely but I am really looking at seeing plenty of NZ now.

Teresa we will see you today after you finish work.
Carpet will take us on a tour of your lovely area . I hope there are no shakes while we are here.

Hubby says the cold wind is still there so I am glad to be riding around in the perfect weather of the virtual world.

Charleen and Moon , look out for us flying in soon.

The elves are being very well behaved and are not forgetting to put out food for the stay at homes.
Today there is a large plate of delicious Chocolate Eclairs.

Happy gardening

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Camperdown, Australia

Hi Everyone, Gosh Colleen backs must be the go just now. I drove over to Portland to see friends on Wednesday and came back Thursday with a bad back. GRRR How I hate being under the weather.

My handyman is coming back to today to finish the Chook pen so I must be able to 'subbie' for him.
Teresa the house looks great , you will have it in working order in no time- it must be good to get back into your own bed in your own home.

I have to get ready to go out into the cold for this job today.Brr I am so over the cold when my body gives out.

Have a great day everyone.

Merino, Australia

There you are Sue. I thought we had lost you . I was sure you were on the carpet then we left after seeing Colleen.
You must have caught the bad back from her ..lol

I hope all the backs recover as it is not an easy time . I know from myself & hubby.
Take it easy and we will bring something nice back from the US

Your preserves didnt last long. They are gone already. I have a feeling Anthony liked them very much.

Sue can you get out to the garden and I will get Carpet to swoop down low so you can climb aboard.
I know you wanted to see NZ and visit Charleen.

Charleen & Moon, I hope we can bring some cold air with us for you. It seems to be awfully hot over there at the moment.

Maybe the Earth is getting ready to go back to its normal cycle of volcanoes and giant ice sheets.
People forget that our planet has spent millennia being hot and dry then dark and icy.

Watching a show on the beginnings of the universe the other night and it was really interesting to see just how accidental we are.
A time when this planet had just the right conditions for life to begin .
Even so, there have been many extinctions since that time.

Humans are so arrogant in the belief that everything is perfect and that we important.
Hah... I have news for them. We are nothing but another species in a long line of creatures that have come & gone.
One day we will be gone too. I wonder what the next dominant creature will be ?

Maybe Earth will end up like Mars.
Our magnetic field is the only thing that protects us, If it changes....ooops, there we go flying off into space...

Sorry, didnt mean to sound like I was lecturing.
It all just interests me so much. I do get annoyed at those who are blaming humanity for the climate.
Mother Earth will do as she pleases no matter what we do.

Back to the Carpet. No more science lessons.
I just hope Carpet doesnt get the urge to fly too close to any of those NZ geysers...lol


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Oh yes. temp here is a nice 92 degrees. So you will all thaw out fast. Charley has a nice pile of hay fluffed out so you will have a soft landing,. Just watch your step coming off the carpet....☺

Clifton Springs, Australia

Hi Chookie, sorry about your back too....be careful today.....We will get some hot rocks from NZ for you and Colleen.

Charleen, you will need at least that much hay for Mick to eat....I told you that he is a glutton....hide the Longears hay or he'll get that too.You have been posting some pretty Brugs....can't wait to see them.
Have you heard anything from Louise?


This message was edited Jul 9, 2012 3:45 PM

Clifton Springs, Australia

Quote from 77sunset :

Maybe the Earth is getting ready to go back to its normal cycle of volcanoes and giant ice sheets.
People forget that our planet has spent millennia being hot and dry then dark and icy.

Watching a show on the beginnings of the universe the other night and it was really interesting to see just how accidental we are.
A time when this planet had just the right conditions for life to begin .
Even so, there have been many extinctions since that time.

Humans are so arrogant in the belief that everything is perfect and that we important.
Hah... I have news for them. We are nothing but another species in a long line of creatures that have come & gone.
One day we will be gone too. I wonder what the next dominant creature will be ?

Hope that it isn't the ones in the radio serial that I have been listening to, Jean....
The "Old Ones" settled here first in Antartica before it froze over......then the Shoggoths took control and ripped their heads off, the "Old Ones" had built huge cities under the ground and the Shoggoths are still there, extremely intelligent,
just waiting, I hope they don't get hungry.....lol

Merino, Australia

Shogoleths...???... now I know what makes odd noises at night...lol
They are probably groaning in agony with heat deep down there. ..

Actually , from all my watching of SciFi, it was the Ancients who were the first here and one of a group of super intelligent beings that inhabited the universe from way way back..
Looking at humans today, I think the super intelligence got lost along the way...lol.

Carpet is hoping that Mick is house trained ( umm carpet trained )

Dont mention bringing hot rocks on the carpet or we may be tossed off into a hot pool...lol

Dianne, while you & Sue were chatting , I whizzed over to get some of the Zebra rock for you all from northern WA.
I have been to the gallery there and the rock is beautiful.

pics 1 & 2 ,,,zebra rock & the new area for it.
The old area is under lake Argyle.

pic 3 .. chalcopyrite ( peacock ore )

pic 4... the beautiful inland red sand.


Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset
Clifton Springs, Australia

Those rocks are beautiful Jean..
Sue put a nappy bag on Mick, she needs the manure...so carpet need have no fear of getting dirty..

Getting close now, there is Teresa...

Brisbane, Australia

Hohoho......sorry I disappeared today. Had a nasty dental appointment. More than 6 hours later the jaw is still numb, though wearing off slowly. Had 3 needles and none of them worked. Was a very traumatic session, finishing what he started last time but couldn't do more because of the bleeding (he caused). He went more easy on me today, so no bleeding, just pain. Get the final bit done in 2 weeks when the crown is done.

Won't sit any longer. Just wanted to read the mail, then eat (if I can) then go to bed early.

Have fun.

Christchurch, New Zealand

short answer to the 'why aren't we allowed log fires' question...


more detail?
burning wood pollutes the air with particulates that can cause respiratory disease , pellet fires burn cleaner & emit fewer particulates.

There are low emission log burners available but they weren't approved when we upgraded.

Look forward to giving the grand tour. Hubby & I managed to get the new curtains up in the lounge, we have matching ones for the dining room but they can wait another night.

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Quote from dalfyre :
just a few pics of the new look house...

Teresa you must be so pleased with the renovations. Amazing transformation.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia


barmera, Australia

Shogolethes???? That wasn't them groaning Jean, it was me. Oh boy, what a week. My lower back is out and it's jammed a nerve in my left leg. I can at least stand up for some time now. I'm not supposed to be sitting, only standing or laying. Have to go back to the doctor's today to get more pain killers and anti-inflamatories then go for an x-ray and back to the physio Friday. He has taped my lower back and you would not believe the relief. Last night was the first night that I've slept in bed, I've been on the couch propped up since last Wednesday. The boys will need a huge reward when Gran's better. They have been little troopers. Branden has been making meals, salads and fish fingers and even cooked some meat and veg the other night. He's been dishing it up too. They don't like doing dishes though so a friend of mine has been coming and tidying up, helping them make their beds etc. Must go sorry I can't be with you when you get to NZ and so sorry I missed Tassie. Never mind next time. Colleen

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
Karen , I did wonder where you went when we dropped off your rocks.
So sorry you are laid up too.
It seems to be the time of year for ailments of all sorts.

Sue , I see you are still with us . I hope your back is not too bad now.

Dianne, I am so glad Mick is well trained. I had visions of him being tipped off Carpet over the Pacific Ocean.

Colleen, you are lucky to have the boys there to help. I hope all goes well for you now and take it very slow.

Teresa , I think we are just about at your place. I see steam and hot water sprays....

Ooops, wrong island.....silly Carpet went flying over the north island. Maybe he was cold and wanted to see the warmer places...lol

Looking forward to seeing more of the house now its done.

Charleen, we are getting a bit closer. Tell Charley cookies are coming.

The elves have put out yummy things for morning tea for those back in the tea Room.....an old favorite.... Lamingtons

take care

Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

We are waiting. I got the long ears their pictures taken.
The lovely naked Annabelle.
AT Monticello, the little furry Fellow
Magnificent Charley
They saw something is reason I got the pictures. they were in their. Do we stand or run mode....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Camperdown, Australia

Hi everyone,

Colleen I hope your back is improving , mine is a pain - literally. Samer as you in lower back and can't put right foot to floor without pain.
Fencer didn't come as it rained - thank goodness, as I would have been no use at all. Can't get comfy not sitting, lying or upright darn it.I have put off going to town and now am late with my grandaughters pressie to Perth but driving was beyond me. Hope today to try.

Have been using the eeverse aircon as I can't chop the wood so my power bill will be astronomical.

Dianne what series were you watching - was it a John Wyndham story? It rings a bell but I can't place it.

Clifton Springs, Australia

You and Colleen, really got the worst of it, Chookie.....and you can't do much except rest up....
Hope it doesn't last too long for you both...
Karen, poor you...I went a couple of weeks ago for an xray and a small filling....still hate the sound of that drill.

No, chookie not on TV....it's a radio serial...I am a devoted fan of the BBC and have been for years...they have plays of all sorts inc Hancock's Half Hour, Steptoe, Dr Who, Jane Austin's works, science fiction, drama, you name it and they will have it. The other day I listened to The Black Narcissus, Deborah Kerr was in the original movie..

The scary one has finished now and it was called "At the Mountains of Madness" by H.P. Lovecraft..there was a movie but it must have been a dud.....there is a trailer on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vw3tuiND_xk

I love radio plays much better and I can listen when I like...

I want to see the Kakapo, while we are in NZ, I have been following one on FB for ages...they are trying to increase the population...

Clifton Springs, Australia

Who wouldn't love this face.....

Thumbnail by Seachanger
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

We need some rain here , to warm things up!!! 4 1/2 frosts so far, i know we need more, but we need rain too..Water off here 'again' today[burst main up the road]- had a cup of coffee,[that was the last of the boiled water]..,couldnt clean birds cages or use toilet, shower/shave[my legs] ha ha,.,.We are certainly copping it[Phone-Power-Water]-All continually failing

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
Its nice to be finally at Teresa's house.. i had to drop Dianne off while I rushed back home on Carpet for my doctors appointment. finally , I am getting an xray and ultra sound to see what is going on in my shoulder .
I hope all our other friends with problems a re feeling a little easier today.

I am back at Teresa's in time for breakfast and I hope to see lots of the area.
Dianne, I saw a Nat. Geographic show on those parrots and they are certainly different.
NZ , like Aust. has some unique creatures.

We found Teresa's dogs to be so friendly and cute.
Sugar was trying to chew the edge of Carpet so we put him in a cupboard ( Carpet, not Sugar )...lol
We are hoping to see more of the south island and then pop up to the north island for a short tour.

Charleen , we are getting closer.
Only the Pacific Ocean to cross and then we will see you & Moon.
Must pop up to see how Louise is going too.
I want to stop over in Hawaii on our way back, for a look at the flowers. .

Dianne and I are feeling a bit alone without all our injured friends.
It will be nice to find some pretty rocks to take back for them all.

Better go and see whats for breakfast.
Teresa has a lovely home and will have fun getting her garden back to how she likes it after a few heavy feet squished some plants. during the renovations.

The elves have put out some lovely warm Pumpkin Bread..
All those back in the Tea Room , enjoy the day and your morning tea.

Some pics of NZ and one of the very naughty Keas,


Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

Oh Dianne, I looked up the Kakapo parrot on the web as I'd never heard of it, and found this hilarious video. Warning, it is quite sexually explicit.


What an incredible bird. I do hope they can bring them back from the edge of extinction. Where on FB are you following it?

Am feeling much better today though I do need to get to the shops. Thanks for the rocks Jean. I look forward to going through them soon.

Chookie I hope you warm up soon there. I dread my next power bill, but in truth, my gas bill is more scary as it has the hot water on it. No one person can use so much gas, so it must be the cheap hot water service that dept. housing put in that is using all the gas. I've had it checked, but its relatively new and they say its acting as it should act.

To everyone with winter aches and ills, take care.

Camperdown, Australia

Good morning all, I did go to Po this morning but then straight back- hate making the kids wait for their pressies. My back is not good still hurts to put foot to floor or to walk, sit etc only lying on my side with legs pulled up seems to help. Am trying heat now.

Dianne being Lovecraft I may have read the book version , I have a big SF collection and so does my son and we swap a lot.He is coming this weekend for the first time since Xmas so that will be nice.

I have about 300 books on my ipad now and they are great for travelling and reading in bed. My boss gave it to me as a retirement pressie and I thought it would just sit and do nothing, but I use it almost daily and my grandaughter loves to chat on it too. Still like my real books too though! LOL what is best about it is I don't need to have the light on as it has it's own inbuilt lighting on the page like a computer screen, and I can change the print to large if I am tired. So no insects coming in to the light at night in Summer when I read in bed. The little ones get in even through mesh screens and closed windows so my ipad cancels that problem.

Jean what a trip and you have organised it so well. Sorry I 'fell'' off halfway.

This morning one of the neighbours cows was in my backyard and demolished my potato patch & rhubarb completely plus trampling broccoli and broad beans GRRRR. And not through the new fence but it came in via the road. I woke to hearing the man chasing it through my backyard and back up the road. Vege beds a mess - but some new manure for the compost heap! LOL

Karen I just had an instantaneous LPG gas hot water service put in, but it doesn't use much gas, my washing machine uses cold and so does the dishwasher so it's just showers really.(but both use more power to heat because of that).I did read that a air con with reverse cycle is the cheapest power to heat with, so I am hoping but sceptical. No choice until I can use the axe again though.
No sign of the fencer yet as its still wet here. Grey skies very heavy with rain, yard is pretty well soaked and all my tanks are running over.Had to leave a hose open on one overnight when I fed Lulu as it was running back under the tank and undercutting the sand it sits on, so I put it out onto the lawn with the nectarine tree. Not that it really needed more water either.LOL .... and that was my outdoors for yesterday and today. Later I will try and redirect the overflow from so close to the tank. At least I know it goes back into the watertable which is pretty high here at only about 12 - 20 feet.

Colleen I hope your back is improved, and everyone has a good day.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Karen, it was on that TV show with Stephen Fry ( who I think is magnificent) that I became aware of the Kakapo..... If you can fall in love with a bird, then I absolutely love looking at this one.....

I like your glass half full attitude, chookie....manure for the compost....Who is Lulu?
Interesting about the Ipad, google is coming out with a $200 tablet soon, I'm going to have a look at that...

Just think Jean, seeing that everyone else has jumped ship, we can just lie back on the carpet and take in the view...lol

barmera, Australia

Hi everyone. I'm on the mend at last. Still can't do anything much but took a short walk out in the yard this morning. My niece came and hung the washing out for me and another friend came and did some shopping so we're being looked after well. The boys are feeling a bit insecure as they want to sleep with me in my bed. Last night was the first night that I've actually stayed there. The other nights I've got up and come out to the lounge as I just couldn't lay down. I've got another physio app. Friday so hopefully by then I'll be mended. Just as well John took the boys camping otherwise they wouldn't have got to do anything. They've been real little troopers. Chookie I hope that your back gets better quickly too. Hope everyone else is well and I'll be back tomorrow if things keep going okay. Colleen

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Charley was standing at the gate yesterday wondering where you all were.
Colleen I do hope you and Chookie get to feeling much better.
Cows can cause some serious damage with their running about. I guess the man didn't say a word about it, did he????
Hugs and well wishes to all and nuzzles too from the big red mule.....

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
We are on our way to the US t to see Charleen & Charley.
Teresa was very busy getting her house back to how she likes it. We did have some fun with the dogs.
Copper is so gentle and I can see why Sugar is such a darling despite her naughty ways.

I had to stop Dianne smuggling a Kakapo onto Carpet.
I would have liked one of the Kiwis myself.
Teresa tried to give us some possums....lol
I said we had enough over in Oz and were happy to share then with NZ.

Charleen we will see you tomorrow. Dianne & I are spending the day in Hawaii to look at all the flowers.
Saw some whales while flying over the ocean.

I am hoping Charley & friends will be pleased to see us.
I look forward to seeing lots of your state. I have a small book on Georgia from a friend.
It looks like a wonderful place. .

I hope all those backs are healing well and you are all resting in the tea Room.
Lucky we have a Magic Carpet as I have to have an x-ray & ultrasound on my shoulder tomorrow, so will be able to get it all done and zip back to see Charleen.

The elves have been very good about leaving goodies out for those back home.
Today I think there is Chocolate Cake..

Happy day

Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

I am with Dianne. I would absolutely adore a Kakapo....so if ya think of smuggling one....GRIN

Wagons are ready Ladies...not much fossicking here, but lots of pre and ante bellum homes and of course New Orleans

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Love all the critters. We just won't let them go into pasture. but Charley and donkey kids will be waiting at the gate for visits and treats. They expect them. Come on over and don't get into any air currents.

Brisbane, Australia

Well, just to be different, I baked some Anzac biscuits for us, and Charlie and friends. Hope everyone likes them. I love them soft and chewy rather than hard and crispy.

Hope everyone is recovering/recovered now. My tooth has settled down though still inflamed around the gum. Looking forward to getting out of this grey weather for a while. Where is that carpet?

Chookie, I envy you the instant gas hot water heater. I used to have one, and my gas bills were negligible. Then the dept. housing in all its wisdom put cheap constant heating storage gas hot water service in all the houses, and the amount I pay for it for one person is unbelievable. I don't even have to use it to get a high bill. It is over twice as much as my electricity bill.

New Zealand has some really amazing, unique birds, and it would be great to see more conservation efforts made to protect them. Like our unique Aussie animals being forced out, to lose them would be a world loss and they can't be replaced.

Jean, do you have your ultra sound results back yet? If its a frozen shoulder, they may not be able to do much. Good luck with it.

Hello everyone else who is popping in. Hope you all have a really nice day.

Found an infestation of Milk Weed bugs on the side fence. Hope they don't eat my epiphyllums as a couple of the plants are covered with them too.

This message was edited Jul 11, 2012 4:56 PM

Thumbnail by DawnSong Thumbnail by DawnSong
Merino, Australia

Sorry Karen, Carpet can get a bit uppy when he is let out.
He should have picked you up by now. .
Maybe he is waiting until tomorrow when he has to zip me back for an hour or so for my x-ray etc.

Dont worry , we will get you one way or another.
Cant have those biscuits going to waste. I like them chewy too.

The doctor thinks I may have some tearing where the muscles join the bone at the shoulder.
It can be age related and not due to anything I have done to myself.
Whatever it is , its B****** painful. More so during the night when one wants to sleep.
The other pain I am getting in the same are seems to be unrelated, but we'll see what the ultra sound says.

Very nice laying back on Carpet in the warm though. I do like the virtual world where a cuppa will be there when you wish it.
i keep hearing odd noises from the back of the carpet and I am sure Dianne has something alive back there.
I just hope its not a giant NZ weta.


Thumbnail by 77sunset
Clifton Springs, Australia

No Jean, not a Weta.....but wait 'till you see what I have.... there are 2 of them, one for you and one for Moon..
They are adorable....Charleen I know that you love critters, but Charley would get jealous....
Take a look..

If I didn't have the Kakapo in my bag I would have kept one for myself.....lol

This message was edited Jul 12, 2012 3:21 PM

Merino, Australia

Oooooooohhhhhhhh how cute......

Dont let them out in Hawaii.
I dont want the poor things falling in some volcanic lava.

Arent these flowers so beautiful..
I was very careful not to get too close to the the lava field .
I did think we both looked great in the hula skirts....LOL


Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset
Christchurch, New Zealand

that wee kiwi has an older sister...

I put the new curtains up in the dining room last night, the house should be a lot warmer now.

Thumbnail by dalfyre Thumbnail by dalfyre
Sunshine Coast, Australia

Just popped in to see what everyone was up to.

Karen...I can't say I recognize those Milk Weed bugs. If I have them they are sneekey little blighters!

Jean...I hope your test prove it is nothing to worry about.

Teresa...you certainly are a busy lady.

A wave to everyone else.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

THEY HAVE WHISKERS!!!!! I love them. so cute.
Such cute little things. We can keep them in front yard, Missy will not let them be hurt. Charley and long ears likes to Tap Dance on things so we won't let it in there.
Charley and Donkey kids have their heads in the hay today, maybe they won't see you as you buzz in.....

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Dianne, those baby Kiwis are beautiful.

When you have time, you may want to check out this footage....Fire Goddess Pele and her volcano


Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
We will be arriving at Charleen's place today after a lovely time sightseeing around beautiful Hawaii.
Charleen, I had to buy more cookies for Charley as his were eaten by Tilly.
Dianne left Tilly with Carpet while we were checking out the shops. When we arrived back.... no more cookies...lol

Karen is back with us after a quick trip by Carpet to pick her up.
We are hoping t arrive by lunchtime unless we see something else to visit along the way.
I know Karen & Dianne want to get a glimpse of the Grand Canyon.

The elves tell me it has been very cold and damp at home so we are in the best place at the moment.
I will be zipping off to have my x-ray & ultrasound later but it wont take long.

I hope all those still at home are feeling a lot better.
Teresa, your home is lovely and we did enjoy the visit.

The elves have left something nice out for morning tea for you all.... a lovely Layer Cake ( with lots of cream )
See you later, Keep warm & safe

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

We are waiting. Know Moon is eager to see you too!!!

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