TEA ROOM # 110

Brisbane, Australia

Oooh, can we stop off at Moon's and stay over in those wagons? They look great.

I had my first magic carpet ride and didn't even get car sick. Wowzer! Wanna go faster, higher, further, yeah! Fossicking next though. Want to find some coloured crystals.

Hospital visit went well, nothing new there. But I got mad at the endo. When I learned about Housing trying to move us out of our homes, my blood levels went crazy with the anger and despair. When I told the endo, he suggested psychiatry or psychology treatments. Now I'm mad as hell! What is a person supposed to do, smile sweetly and say yes, of course I'll go and lose everything I own because it won't fit into the little coffin they want to cram me into? And if you object, you are a crazy person? Grrrr..........

So, will just enjoy the carpet ride and the company today. I'm still capable of having virtual fun :)


Merino, Australia

Stick with us Karen. In our virtual world there are no pollies, no people police and no idiots telling us what to do with our lives .
Everything is beautiful.
Relax ans enjoy the ride.
I told you Carpet would look after you.
Colleen is showing us around today and then off to ( virtual) sunny Tas.
Show some pics of your area Colleen so everyone can see where we are .

Hope Anthony has a fire going as I love toast done on an open fire.
Potatoes in foil and eggs in half oranges in the ashes. Yum.
Ooohh cant forget , chestnuts in the fire too...... mmmmmmmm..
I have plenty to take with us.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
barmera, Australia

I'm so sorry everyone but I've done my back. Have been to the doctor and got some pain killers. Meet up again soon. Colleen

Merino, Australia

Colleen, so sorry about your back.
Put your feet up and rest.
There will be other times for you to join us .
Thank you for the lovely time we had with you .

Anthony, look out for us we are coming over Bass Strait now.
Saw some of these as we flew over .

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Clifton Springs, Australia

Just saw this on FB..it's from Gardening Australia
A lovely reader from Victoria is giving away free jam melon seeds after a large harvest. If interested, send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Hughie Sherritt, C/- Post Office, Dargo, Vic 3862! How generous!
If she's back on line, I thought that Chookie might like to get some....
Great idea if you make lots of jam...

Colleen, that is bad luck.....take care of yourself.....

Jean, eggs cooked in orange skin..what a neat idea...

Are you sure that this carpet is weather proof, Jean....I'm freezing.....lol
Stoke up the fire Anthony, were on our way....yippee

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Just finished an arrangement for the Buderim Garden Club's stand at the Nambour Expo this weekend.

The display has an old world theme because we are celebrating the Buderim 150 year.

Thumbnail by Marleneann
Clifton Springs, Australia

Lovely Marlene......have a great time at the Expo....

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Fire's cookin'

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. After a lovely night in that very luxurious hotel we are off to see Anthony today.
I am going to be wanting some of those lovely gemstones from Tassie and I am glad Anthony has the fire going.
I have a large bag of chestnut for roasting .
I am also hoping that Tilly & Cocky can be better friends.
I hope Colleen is resting her back and being waited on by the boys.

To Charleen & Moon and all our other US friends
Happy 4th of July...

Hubby will have to do the shopping by himself while I am away. Hope he gets everything on the list I left for him.

Heres a beautiful cake to share with our US friends on this day..

Happy gardening

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

This is a very fast trip. Don't blink. You'll miss something.

Nice arrangement, Marlene.

I get confused with the dates being different, so hope our US friends will have, are having, or did have a Happy 4th July.


Merino, Australia

Dont blink, Karen.
Yo u have to realise we are travelling in the virtual world so time has no meaning. We can stay as long as we like anywhere.
Its only in the real world that time has a habit of slipping away too quickly....lol
Just about landing at Anthonys place. I hope he has the kettle on

Clifton Springs, Australia

I am holding Tilly tight, we don't want any squabbling between her and Cocky....
I see the smoke from Anthony's chimney.....I hope he has the slow cooker on with something delicious inside.

Colleen, hope that your back is improving...there is nothing worse....

Absolutely adore those gypsy wagons, Moon...there used to be a company that hired them out and they would come along at the end of the day and unharness the horses and feed them, then cook a meal for you..I wonder if they still do that...

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Nice to see this flower today. Didn't even know it was about to flower.

Very creative cake there Jean.
If it tastes as good as it looks it will be delicious!

Thumbnail by Marleneann
Merino, Australia

Dianne, I wonder if I could fit one of those wagons on the back of Carpet ?

Be wonderful to wander around in one.
I dont think hubby would be so keen though.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Jean here they are, or one like it.......Ray would think of a thousand things that could go wrong..


rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

I have an extreme 'chicken breast curry' cooked for everyone to nibble while visiting.,.,corn,bacon ,broccoflower, cabbage, Collinsvale swede,button mushies, touch of garlic, a couple of pinkeyes- topped off with a nice ground black pepper,.,.,and a crayfish to crack, on the way home[with a bottle of vinegar to dip it in, then washed down with a 2009, Stefano Lubiano red.,.,hows that for hospitality

Christchurch, New Zealand

mmmm- chestnuts, haven't had those in years.
Hubby & I just took most of our stuff back home, we move back in tomorrow night.
I am excited about seeing the new carpet, the walls look pretty good with the fresh paint.
Hopefully it won't be too hard to match curtains with the new colour scheme.
To save money I am putting the lounge room curtains in the bedrooms.
That way we only need new curtains for the lounge & dining room.
Not sure what to do about the back bedroom, might go with roman blinds the same as we have in the dog's room.
When the carpet arrives I'll give you all the grand tour :)
You'll have to promise not to look closely at the garden as it is a state of terrible neglect.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Such a lovely meal makes me sorry I can't join in, Anthony.

I know you must be over the moon at the thought of getting back into your home Teresa....and it all being fixed to boot.

Dianne, what fun that sounds like...sitting around a campfire at night, then sleeping up off the ground so the bugs don't bite....new meaning to RV's (or old meaning actually) grin

MarleneAnn, neat flower, and I thought your arrangement was lovely

Karen, Brisbane is 15 hours ahead of me here in the states. The US is divided into 4 time zones running from East Coast to West Coast. I am in the second one...called Central TZ. 12 Noon Monday here in CTZ is 3AM Tuesday there in Brisbane...and I won't even try to figure the Daylight savings times, since both countries have it...just at different times of the year
. I was so confused on our first trip to AU....we left the airport in Los Angeles, CA(on the west coast) at 11PM on a Friday night and arrived in Sydney at 6:30 AM Sunday morning....(lost an entire day on a 14 hr flight) On the return trip, We left Sydney at 11AM on Saturday, and arrived in Los Angeles at 7:30 AM on Saturday...we got back to the states 3.5 hours before we left AU....needless to say we felt like time travelers....grin

Clifton Springs, Australia

I've eaten so much of Anthony's cooking, that I can't sleep....it was delicious...

Looking forward to that tour, Teresa...lovely to sleep in your own bed again.

That is a lovely flower, Marlene..... what is it called?

Moon, I had to read your timetable twice, very confusing isn't it.....I think the daylight saving time is the most confusing....we have to remember the states that don't use it, like Queensland.

I use this handy site so I know what time it is anywhere....it's very convenient.

Though it thinks Q has daylight savings....oh well you can't have everything...lol


This message was edited Jul 6, 2012 1:01 AM

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

That is the same site I use, Dianne....sorry for the confusion...but you can imagine if the written account is confusing, how odd it was living it...grin

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Wow!!!! I liked that I was wondering where to look. Now I know.
Thank you....

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
We are all full of Anthonys lovely food.
I hope he takes us somewhere we can walk it all off today.

I am looking forward to seeing Port Arthur on our way back, as it has featured in my ancestors lives.

I must get to see the chocolates at Cadburys.

Its nice to see that Cocky & Tilly are becoming friends this time.

Moon , I gave that clock site to hubby for his amateur radio work. He likes it. I am always wondering what the correct time is for you all in the US.

Teresa, we will see you soon. I have never been to Tassie so hope to see lots of things this time.
Anthony has a lovely garden and I would have loved to see all the liliums in bloom.
Maybe next tiem we will come min spring.

pic 2....This is what I am taking home...lol
pic 3.....I could take one of these little fellows too.
pic 4.. .I saw a picture of this historic bridge at Richmond and liked it very much

Hope to see you all in the US soon,
Everyone keep safe and those at home enjoy these Blueberry Scones.
Happy day

Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

Couldnt resist showing this ..
There are actually bids on it...lol.....Some poor fools.
There is also a "blue "peony.
I often wonder if they put the bids on themselves to get people in.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Jean, remember the rainbow roses a couple of years ago....didn't one of us buy some seeds to try them, I can't remember who...
I wouldn't take home one of those noisy Devils...cute as they are.....
My rucksack will be handy for those chocolates...though they're not the same anymore are they....thin and hard...not chunky now.

We went to Tassie a few years ago, and we went to a toy museum in Richmond......but we didn't go far enough south of Hobart....I remember a town called something Doo...all the houses had Doo after their names...Anthony may know it.
Very beautiful area and I want to see the west coast too.

The tulips are opening now...

Thumbnail by Seachanger
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

I drive over the 'Richmond Bridge' about once a week.,.Its a shortcut back from the eastcoast, but a very windy road to negotiate in a truck.'Doo-town' Dianne.

This message was edited Jul 6, 2012 11:54 AM

Clifton Springs, Australia

That's it Anthony.....It's very funny when you see all the houses...what a great sense of humour the town has....
Here it is....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doo_Town,_Tasmania

As usual my link won't highlight so cut and paste to see Doo Town..

This message was edited Jul 6, 2012 5:54 PM

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Dianne, it won't highlight because of the ellipsis before it. Always make sure there are no letters or punctuation immediately before or after your link.


Oh, Doo tell....grin

This message was edited Jul 6, 2012 9:06 AM

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Hubby says its freezing. Isnt it nice to be in our virtual warm world for a while.
Anthony does know how to cook a tasty meal.
We all had a feed of roasted chestnuts too...yummmm
I am going to get my chocolate from Cadburys today.
Dianne, we should have a good look around Doo Town.

Karen has gone over to the cliffs to see if she can find any pretty stones.
She will join us for lunch later.
Tassie is very pretty but has some rugged areas which have their own beauty.

I will enjoy looking around Port Arthur later too.
My convict ancestors all came through there.
I cannot imagine how frightening it would have seemed to my gt gt grandfather , being only 16 and all alone without family support.
He was one of the convicts that did go on to make a success of his life, eventually having his own boot making shop in Melbourne.
His father in law also a convict, became one of the first brickmakers in the colony of Melbourne.
Some of his bricks are still going in old buildings.

Teresa, we will be seeing you soon.
How are things going in the house now ?
Moon, we will pop in for a visit to you soon too.

Charleen, tell Charley I have a large bag of cookies for him.

Better go or Dianne will go off without me.

Everyone back at the Tea Room can enjoy this delicious. Banana Chocolate Cake.

Enjoy your weekend


Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

Wow, I do look forward to exploring Doo-town and surrounds on Pirates Bay. What an adventure.

I must admit, I got distracted by the scenery today and didn't really find any stones. Gathered lots of memories though.

I could live in beautiful Tasmania if it wasn't so cold and windy.


rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Ummm!-have you compared Canberra and Orange.,., but frosts and wind are necessary for good bulb growing

Merino, Australia

Anthony. I love Tasmania and I know the sun does shine a lot because my daughter has been here a few times and likes the place very much.

Karen, you are just longing for the sun after all the rain you have had.

I found a bag of rocks with our luggage, but if they are not yours then who.........???
Ahh, maybe they belong to Dianne. I had a feeling she had something heavy in her bag.
We will drop them in her yard as we fly over later. on the way to Teresa.

Carpet doesnt want to carry many rocks over the ocean. I think he's frightened of falling in....lol

Wait until he sees what we intend to bring back from the US..


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Don't forget Charley is Pulling Jeans Gypsy wagon and it will hold cyber rocks for you Karen. Charley loves these cyber trips. I just have to fly him down to Mississippi to hook him up. Then we can fly up to North Georgia and find you some rocks. What Fun...Charley loves those cookies...

Sunshine Coast, Australia

This living picture of mine that I put in the Buderim Garden Display at the Nambour Garden Expo just about drove me silly with people asking how I made it.

Thumbnail by Marleneann
Clifton Springs, Australia

Moon, I hadn't noticed the comma after town....thank you...I must put in commas and full stops a lot, because it always happens when I paste...lol....next time Moon I will Doo right.

Very pretty Marlene, I've often thought about doing one, but as usual never get around to it....your's is very nice.

I suggested to Mick that he might like to give Charlie a rest from the wagon, but he said that he need more nourishment..so Ray was on hand to feed the big fat thing...Ray is the one with the beard.

Jean, I have to admit it, the bag is full of the Tesselated rocks from Eaglehawk Neck..they fascinate me...
When we went there, no way could we convince my mother that they hadn't been laid there on purpose..lol
I'm checking for commas and full stops, Moon....

Glorious day here, blue skies everywhere.

This message was edited Jul 7, 2012 4:30 PM

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Clifton Springs, Australia

Just after I took this pic, Mick snorted all over Ray,
Well !!!! you would think that he snorted the plague on him.

When we got home, he practically sterilised his head....he's convinced he'll get Hendra virus..
For someone who worked at Flemington racecourse for years,you'd think he'd be used to snorts...
He isn't really a horsey person at all...
or a geese person
or a duck person
or a cow person
or a sheep person
His only saving grace is that he is a dog,cat and garden person.......lol


Merino, Australia

Dianne, I knew you were the owner of those rocks. Yes, Mick could do a share of pulling the gypsy wagon.
Mick must have been annoyed at Ray . Probably not enough hay for him. ..lol

Hubby says the sky is blue and the sun has been out all day but also there has been a freezing wind all day after a frost..
I would pat those trees you posted on the other thread too.
I always pat the lovely smooth ghost gums when we go to the Arboretum at Coleraine.
Some trees are just so touchable.

I havent seen Karen since lunch. I wonder what she has been looking at ?


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

There has got to be something there for these fellas. My Robert is about the same way.
Great picture too....Mick could guide one of the other wagons, I thought I saw three.
We have been getting rain, after we cook all day, so that is nice.
This is brug named Painted Lady, got this shot early this morning
The next one is same plant, picture taken at a normal angle...
Hummingbird getting sip of nectar
They also sit in trees and guard their "territory"
i know this is sort of fuzzy but there are two One to front and the fuzzy one.
have to be careful, sometimes they almost fly into me. I love the rascals...

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. . Its very quiet in the Tea Room when we are away.
Probably too cold for most to be out and about here.
The first frost was just visible in the cottage garden yesterday but doesnt seem to have done any damage to anything.
I had cut the whole garden back weeks ago so not a lot to be affected.

Lucky we are in a virtual world down here at Anthonys place as it gets so cold early in the mornings.

We have enjoyed some delicious meals and seeing more of Tassie.
Today we will have to get Carpet moving so we can get over to see Teresa.

I am looking forward to seeing those spotty friends of hers.
I hope Sugar doesnt start chewing on Carpet.

Look for us around afternoon tea time Teresa. We have to zip over the mainland and drop off a few bags of rocks collected down here.
Karen had a great time looking for new ones and Dianne has half of Tassie in her bag , I think.
I have some tree ferns I just couldnt resist.
We have enjoyed Anthonys hospitality and seeing Cocky again.
Not sure if he is coming with us or staying home to look after all his lovely plants.

Better make sure the elves have put out something tasty for morning tea . ..
Yes, good little fellows have left out these Chocolate Ginger Slices.

keep warm and safe

pic 2... crater lake.
pic 3 ...lavender farm
pic 4....rainforest

Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset
Clifton Springs, Australia

Jean, I don't have half of Tassie, only a bit of Tassie...lol...Karen's bag is heavier than mine...
Looking forward to our trip to NZ,
Anthony, was still celebrating Carlton's win over the 'Pies...so I don't suppose he would want to travel far....
Has anyone heard how Colleen is?....

Teresa might be in her house by now....good time to visit...

Christchurch, New Zealand

sitting on the couch enjoying the paint fumes...
hubby & had a busy day, we just brought a few essentials back from the hangar & have set up the bed, tv & internet & hung new curtains in the bedroom.
We bought curtains for the lounge & dining room but they can wait.

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