Summer in YOUR neck of the woods, come chat :-)

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Ok Guys Here they are.

Thumbnail by annabell52

Those are great, Ann - do you have a Hosta bed?
Looks like one of the plants is a spider plant?

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Ann, the Hosta look great, and you'll enjoy them for years ..
I just 'took notice' of my Hosta bed yesterday, Lorna's Mom commented on it, it's coming in full bore right now as we've hade rain AND high temps ..
I tend to move quickly outside as not only are flowers and shrubs blooming out, but, the FAMOUS NWestern Ontario BUGS are really a force to be reckond with .. BZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, splat !!!
Have purchased some little gizmo from OFF that you can clip to your waistband and turn on, kind of like a fan thing .. supposedly willl keep the lil devils away .. or, you can place it on a table outside .. will try it soon.
Got up to 30C yesterday and, as fate would have it, our AC went bye bye .. have a repairman coming today ..

Betty .. how's the cough ?

Carol .. how are you doing ?

Susan .. good luck with the interview process .. I'd be a basket case !!!!




Marilyn - trying very hard NOT to be a basket case LOL I haven't heard anything yet, and they wanted someone last Wed LOL
Well, need to get a move on - have planting and yard tending to do at Marlene & Wilma's.......... large yard, and they can no longer tend it because of age (Wilma) and lack of strength (Malene). Wilma's Marlene's mom, and they both belong to our church - lovely ladies.......

Victoria Harbour, ON

Ohhh what a great variety of hosta's, they do indeed look to get them planted right? I have some gigantic hosta's, really should nave split them, too late now.

Glorious day here, can't do anything major until my my work shift is over..hope it doesn't cloud up/rain..too much outdoor cleaning to do.

Carol, sending prayers and soft hugs..

meds working, no coughing, talk about exciting

"m". When do Lorna's parents leave? Not a lot of bugs here but imagine with this weather they will visiting.

Susan, enjoy your gardening!

Falling asleep, meds making me tired


The interview went well, but I didn’t get the job because the boss wanted someone who was fluent in Engineering terminology, and I’ve a smattering of entry-level knowledge. After the boss left the interview, the HR rep said “I’m pulling for you because, terminology aside, I think you’d be a good “fit” for the boss – you’re smart, have a great work ethic, and I think your personality is a good match for him. I’ll have a talk with him and see if we can get you in for a 3rd interview”. Well, the boss really was “burned” by the last person, so I guess he wasn’t ready to try out someone who didn’t already have the terminology knowledge. Btw – they were both really impressed with my interview……..

However, the agency would like to put me forth for a one year term with another company that is also engineering, and they want someone who has had exposure to Oil & Gas. As a minimum, they will pay me $30/hr!!! That will be enough extra for me to get benefits for Bob & I. And a year in the industry would be good on my resume – I could then get another job in Oil & Gas. The thing is, they want someone with my office qualifications.
She just sent my resume over late this morning, so I’ll let you know if I get an interview.


Anyone know what shrub/tree this is? It's in my friend's yard and is about 10ft tall........... pretty, but unknown lol

Thumbnail by Tallulah_B
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

My 'guess' is 'Honeysuckle' .. smells like watermelon :-)



omgosh - I have one of those in my own garden.......and Knew I recognized it, but the brain didn't "see" the right answer to my flower question.....
Do they grow to be as big as 10ft high with a spread of about 5ft? Very large bush, rather than a tree.......

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Hi All
Going a bit crazy. No spider plants in the Hosta Order. They are Alakazaam , then there is Coconut Custard, Lakeside Zesty Zeno, Ripple Effect and Komodo Dragon. I have them potted up in the G house where I keep them to get a good start before I plant them out a little bit later.
Alberta Ann


Hi - don't think it's honeysuckle...... the blooms don't grow out of the center of the leaves. These ones are separate from the leaves which are opposing.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Hmmmmm .. got me thinkin now .. I know Honeysuckle can get HUGE, when we lived in the city, there was one outside my sons window, it had to have been a good 10' tall .. My Honeysuckle is loaded with red berries at present ..
Those little pink flowers look SO familiar ..

Today marks week one of 'the visit' .. all is going well .. days are filled and I seem to hit the bed at 8pm and DIE until about 6 or 7am ..
This coming week will be a logistical nightmare as Lorna has appts mixed in with small day trips with her folks ..
Weather is horrid in the mornings (FOG) .. which burns off by noon and brings us sunny skies and nicer temps ..
The air conditioning was on the fritz, but, happily was fixed within 36 hours !! I think the reason being is that TBay and 2 outlying Municipalities have been declared disaster areas due to the floods 12 days ago .. we seem to have a glut of tradesmen available for repairs.

And .............. so it goes ^_^


Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, been up for hours, flittered from here to there, keeping busy but not seeing anything I've done! You just don't get a sense of accomplishment when you do that, guess n the end it all comes together..

Rained all night, thank goodness even though I was I exhausted that I finished cutting the grass..5 1/2 hrs and by Friday it will need it again. Does seem dair does it..

Too wet this morning to get the weeder have a big project ahead of me today, why on earth did I think if I out patio stones in a design of equal stone and grass that it would be nice..didn't think our ow much maintenance it will take, normally I use the trimmer around them but deAr son Greg says 'but mom, it burns the grass and looks terrible soo this mornimg I'll see if I can get it done, heck, not mornimg, likely all day!

In the meantime while grass is drying I went n search of the box with hummingbird feeders, now washed, just have to wait for mixture to cool, can fill the viles and another project behind me..

Have to mention the meds I'm taking completely took my cough away..that being said who knows what will happen wheni come off them seeing as the meds doesn't cure, just tricks the brain..I really don't care, just as long as I'm ot hacking le I was.

"M". Hard to accept sometimes that we don't have the energy we once had..I too am usually in bed by 8pm and if by chance I'm up until 10pm I thinkive burn the midnight oil...

Before you know it, Lorna's parents will be home and you will wonder what to do with your days..

Hope weather cooperates for next week's will be hope you all enjoy much of the same

Coffee is calling

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Hello Ladies,

A little update on Carol. She spent a few nights in hospital early last week, but has been home since Wednesday. She looked much better Saturday than Thursday. Has been drinking boost, but having a hard time with keeping food down.

Carol is well taken care of. She has a nurse and home-care checking on her daily. Friends and neighbours are on-hand helping with all kinds of things and also looking after her dogs. I'm sure she will check in here when she gets some strength back.


Victoria Harbour, ON

Joanne, bless your heart for posting the update..sending prayers that she begins to gain strength and thank the Lord for all the earthly angels helping her..

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Huge hugs for you Joanne .. I am sure, like me, almost everyone on the Forum that has interacted with Carol, is thinking about her and wondering and wishing her well ..

Thank you so much for the update ..
WOuld love to send her a card .. if anyone has her home address they might DMail me ? ^_^


Victoria Harbour, ON

Love to send one as well!


Joanne - Thanks SO MUCH for posting re: Carol. I really worry about her, but I haven't altogether gotten rid of my cough. I'm sure it's not a cold, but she has to be careful. I likely phoned her when she was in the hospital.
I hope she gets her strength back - we miss her here........
Is she taking phone calls now?

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Sheesh !!! Thought I was lost in the muck and mire of technology there for a bit. I never 'logoff' Daves site, came on yesterday and had to LOGIN .. talk about trying to 'crank out' my password, which I did, but, I got dropped at leat 4 times .. finally gave up ..
It's working now .. glad of that .. am thinking the winds may have had a hand in causing internet woes.

Still standing going into day 10 of the visit .. and.. surprisingly enough, enjoying it .. never really knew I could cook so many different things AND, keep the house clean this long !!

Off to a seating clinic with Lorna today, she is in line for a new wchair cushion .. but .. there is actually a person designated to assess her and her needs so that the proper cushion is put on her chair .. these cushions are OVER $400.00 !!!! Unreal huh ?
Because the particular hospital we have to go to is undergoing renos, Lorna's Mom will go with us, I'll drop them off, find a parking place and then try and find them .. ought to be interesting ..

Have to remove a tick from poor Piper .. he has had the 'treatment' so, in essence he shouldn't need to have it physicallly removed, the tick should die and fall off, but, the thought of him having one on him makes me ill !!!!

I best get a shuffle on .. am thinking this wind is going to BLOW us into the city !!!

Have a great day all



I think DG is having problems? Either that, or you'd cleared your cache and therefore lost your password, etc?

Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" that is a lot of money for a cushion but guess if you are the one sitting in the wheelchair for any length of time you want to very best! Hope you found Lorna and her Mom..

Will Lorna's dad spend the day with hubby?

Overcast here, rained a bit this morning, almost think the thunderstorms have passed us by.

Wonder how Carol is doing??

Busy day at the office, painting mileage signs for my DG Sistah's gathering at the end of the month and for this they pay me big bucks lol

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I have a card for Carol, but I'll be danged if I can find her last name .. I know it starts with a 'V' though, and, it's a Dutch name .. we had a pic on here last summer, of her in her Lougheed Dress and her name tag on .. can't find it, nor can I find the addresses we had from the GNOME Days (remember them :-)! )
Ann did give me her addie .. it's just the last name .. card is all made out though, and I do so hope she is doing OK.

All went well with the 'seating clinic' .. it'll be a month + before the new cushion arrives ..
Lorna's Dad did stay with Gord, they made up dog food for the dogs (spoiled animals) LoL

Tomorrow Gord and I are 'meeting' with his younger brother and his sister at her cottage .. Percy (the brother) works up in Ft McMurray as a heavy equipment mechanic .. has for years .. comes home every 2 weeks for 10 days .. his wife is the Director of Nursing at a local hospital .. anywho .. Percy has been off work as he has been having chest pain .. he wants to touch base with all of us I guess .. I sure hope it isn't too bad .. the women in the family all all nurses .. myself, Gord's sister and Percy's wife .. kinda stressed about it all ..
Have to be home by 1pm to take Lorna;s Mom in to see a 'podiatrist' .. apparently they are in short supply down east ?

Burning the candle at both ends (and at times in the middle) is making me one tired puppy !!!!



Carol Van Velzer is her name - she's FancyVan on DG's address exchange

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Thanks Susan , and, Ann ... into the hands of Canada Post goes the card this morning ^_^


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Good morning,

Hi time I got over here - something about trips to Rochester two weeks in a row that have put me behind on everything else. We were back there last weekend for a wedding.

My garden isn't in and I'm playing catch up, though it rained yesterday AGAIN!

DH's aunt in Vancouver passed away last week (at 94) and we'll all be gathering in Calgary next week for a service. Would try to contact some of you, but I doubt I'll have enough time - we fly out on Thursday and back home on Saturday and there will be family we've not seen in awhile.

Can someone Dmail me an address for Carol? I'm not on the addy exchange but I'd also like to send a card.

Will try to get here more often.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, sunshine day in my neck of the woods today! OMG thought I'd freeze to death last night, wind was up and what a drop in temperature.

ViolaAnn, sympathies for the loss of your Aunt, 94 is quite an age but still a shock when it happens. Each time I see my hosta's maturing and growing to unbelievable size I think of you and what your garden must look like. Wouldn't it be nice to meet some of the girls even for but a minute?

Let's hope "M" you can put your mind at rest after visiting with Percy. I imagine being a nurse you are above cautious. Glad Lorna will soon have a soft

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

We'll be at the Delta Bow Valley on Thursday and Friday evenings.


ViolaAnn - so sorry to hear about the passing of your aunt. While 94 is a "good" age, her passing has got to be difficult............
Do you have someone to pick you up at the airport (2, 3 or 4 of you)?
I live about 10 minutes from the airport, and can give you a ride if you wish. Do you know what day/time you'll be coming in? I'm not working, so am available - just let me know....... Carol's about 20 minutes further away (west of me)

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Susan - haven't talked to DH (he's in Portland, OR for a meeting this weekend), but I'm betting he will rent a car. He'll also see the 96 yr-old aunt (Alma) who lives in Portland. She's decided to stop traveling; so won't be coming to Calgary. We nearly lost Aunt Esther back in September but she was a tough cookie and rallied. At one point decided to stop eating and die, but decided that didn't work and she might as well live a bit longer.

She died over a week ago, but her daughter was (and still is) on a much needed vacation in Arizona. Her son lives in Brussels. We all told Carol not to cut her vacation short and my Vancouver daughter looked after the formalities. They decided on the memorial service in the Lutheran church she attended for many years in Calgary. And we can only look on it as a celebration of a long life well lived.

Well, have been to the pool and spend most of an hour at Tim's. Now I need to get into the garden. It's a perfect gardening day.


Which Lutheran church, Ann?

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I THINK Grace Lutheran, though the only email I could find said "don't quote me on that". But the location would be right to have been her church when she lived there. Had to go into DH's email since they haven't copied me on the details.


It is Grace Lutheran, in the SW of Calgary - I called them, and they said June 22nd at 11am.
I have their ph# too - 403-249-8562

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Wow! I learn more from on-line friends than from family!!!!

Who knows! If it's that early on Friday, I might have time on Saturday to meet some people. But I've got to get DH to agree. He's not always agreeable to meeting with on-line friends.

This message was edited Jun 14, 2012 11:37 AM

This message was edited Jun 14, 2012 2:13 PM


lol Ann!
if it's ok with you and I'm not working or interviewing, may I come to the service?

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

My condolences Ann re the death of your 'Aunt in law'.

All here is going well .. only 2 days left in the visit .. today we will do a country tour .. go to the Cheese Farm (owned by a Dutch family who makes HUGE wheels of Gouda and Swiss cheese) So many varieties to choose from .. I like the Sun dried tomato .. yum ..
Not sure where else we'll land up .. have to be careful as the roads in the outlying districts are still under construction from the flooding 2 weeks ago.
I do know I am 'off the hook' for cooking though as Lorna's parents want to take us out for a later lunch ..
Tomorrow I'll cook Prime Rib .. and, once again NOT attempt Yorkshire pudding :-( just never seems to work for me .. flat and gummy ..

Hope everyone is happy and safe and WARM (our furnace is on)



Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Susan - I responded! wonder where it went. I certainly have no problem with your coming to the service.


Great - I'll be there to support you! and won't it be wonderful to finally meet?!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Hi All, a bit of sad news

Another update on Carol (Fancyvan)

She had fallen and is now at the Scarcee Hospice. She will probably spend the rest of her days there. Cancer is awful.



o my goodness........... poor Carol!!
sad news.................. thank you for letting us know. Do you know if she would like company?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Probably short visits (no more than 2 people at a time) would be nice. Perhaps call the hospice and ask what they recommend. She isn't eating anything so don't take any food or treats.

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