What's happening in your neck of the woods??? Come chat...

Victoria Harbour, ON

Package said fast growing but that is a bit much! Wonder if my wetting the paper towel in hot water might have helped. Seeds were $4.99 a pkg so perhaps better quality..that room gets sunshine all day long and quite hot..add all things together and you get sprouts in a day...should look at my seed packets and try another one..maybe the 20 cent pkgs I got in buffalo.

In extreme pain tonight, bathed, took painkillers and going to bed..not going to go in tomorrow or Friday..

Waving to all
Night night


Betty - hope you get rest for that pain........ and that the painkillers work well.
Good plan to not go in tomorrow or Friday.........

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

I find that is the best method for starting all the seeds that I have that are big enough to see. I hope you enjoy the Cypress vine I too grew them a couple of years ago and would be interested in hearing what you think of them.
Take care of that pain Betty ! I hope that sleep will give you a break from that nasty stuff.
Alberta Ann

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Took Abby to the vet today- not my regular vet clinic but a new clinic started earlier this year by my favorite vet - she had never been seen at the other clinic. She confirmed my impression that Abby had early cataracts. But the big thing of course is her teeth. Abby was surrendered to the rescue 2 years ago and I adopted her - she had already had many teeth pulled and they were pretty bad. However recently I notice she is having a harder time eating dry kibble so I have been soaking with broth. Teeth are really really bad and vet would like to pull most of them as she thinks she will feel much better and I have to agree. Abby is 15 years old. We did blood work today- if there are any signs of kidney or liver disease she will not do it - anaesthetic too risky.
She has a lot of arthitis in her back legs too which are somewhat deformed but we dont know why - vet thinks there must have been an injury years ago although the previous owner denied it to me when we took her in.
The pic was taken last October

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Carol as always, she is such a sweet dog. She looks so alert and her coat looks lovely, you are doing a bang up job looking after her. Do Bailey and she still look like dopple gangers, except for the ears?
I've always had a soft spot for Shelties they have the most loving look and if I could do dog hair I would certainly be a home for one or two of them. As it is I am enjoying my Cleo and her non alergenic self.

Just had a panic with Cleo as I thought I had found a cavity when I was cleaning her teeth on the weekend. I have dental tools and regularly scrape off the tarter. I booked a visit to my vet on Tuesday getting there with a back brace on as I had put my back out on the Saturday. Didn't they come out get Cleo and I, help us in, then it had been a false alarm and it was my eyesight that was wrong and it was just the way some tarter had lined up on one tooth!. Vet fixed it and gave me a hug then the girls took Cleo back out to my car. Vet only charged me 22.00, said she had not had a dog in that was so good to work on their teeth and most of them had to be sedated so she was very generous with her time. I had visions of a $1,000. vet bill! What a lovely surprise.

Alberta Ann

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Yes Ann they still look like twins - the lst pic was taken July 2010 not long after Abby came to live with us -( and near the time we last came to Edmonton) The 2nd was taken in Feb 2011- don't have a more recent one.

Thumbnail by fancyvan Thumbnail by fancyvan
Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Carol they are gorgeous!
Only the ears tell them apart and a few little bits here and there.
Are the trips to Edmonton on the backburner this year? Do the girls up here still get together?
Was this one of your girls who won their group at Westminister this year? I think it was an Alberta Sheltie wasn't it?

Alberta Ann


I think Shelties are the most delicate, loveable looking dogs - just love 'em!
Abby & Bailey look quite at peace with each other.
Tell me, Carol - are Shelties happier when there is more than one in the house, or are they normally loners/proprietory furries?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Ann the dog/breeder who won sheltie BOB at Westminster was the daughter of Fancy's breeder- Mystic is the kennel name.
No trips to Edmonton planned but you never know!
Susan I don't know about shelties, depends on the personality as far as most breeds are concerned I think. Bailey was fine as the only dog, he was 5 yrs when Fancy arrived ( same age) it took a long time to get used to each other but they got along well and often wrestled together. I have had other dogs in the house but since Fancy died I have never seen Bailey play with another dog.
But most people who think they should get a 2nd dog so the lst dog has company are probably wrong - when I am not home my dogs sleep and have done so even when they were much younger!

Here's some more- nothing recent.

Thumbnail by fancyvan Thumbnail by fancyvan Thumbnail by fancyvan

I also think that just getting another dog so the mourning one has company is wrong.....
and furries Do mourn. My "Baby" (cat) mourned her mother for 2 years. Baby was born to us when we had her mother "Smokey". Baby was 2 years old when we had to make the tough decision re: Smokey. Baby looked for Smokey all the time, and actually started licking her tummy clean of fur - obsessive behaviour after her mother was gone.... It took a lot of care & love for her to get over her mom's passing.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all..great day to stay home, sunshine city it is.

Carol, you can see how well cared for the shelties are. I'm sure their way of thanks is their great companionship. Looking at your furries has me putting my head down in shame, will give Sailor girl a bath and good brushing today. She is just so heavy to lift?

Alberta Ann, I'm with you, just shutter when nearing a vets office. Glad you came out with dollars still in your pocket.

I've probably a day of work left on my stained glass piece for cousin Linda (Christmas gift) so just might do a bit here and there, would be nice to see it finished..another 2 or 3 window panels and all my scraps likely will be used up..soon sewing/ stained glass and decorative painting will all be set aside for gardening and not returned to until fall.

Off to make muffins
Enjoy your day


mmmmmm muffins! I have some here - bought from WM, and very fresh - will have one with you!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Should have gone to walmart for muffins Susan, got sidetracked and didn't make them!
Sooo I'll have one of yours!

Stayed home and did accomplish a bit..after hanging my head in shame yesterday managed to get Sailor into the tub, she frets so but once she's being bathed she relaxes and enjoys.

Worked and finished the stained glass piece..bit too modern and bright for me but Linda will love it!

Then made a circular glob with dragonfly to set as main focus in another piece I will start..sister wants one, asked her for the size but didn't get it so while I wait I'll make another..always someone who wants to give it a home! Lol

Cathy came over for a few hours, she comes to let the furries out and was surprised to see me home. I had bought her fleece as a gift for watching the furries when last I went to Buffalo..thought she might like to make her mom a fleece blanket for mothers day, Lordy it didn't take more than 1 1/2 hrs. She was thrilled with the outcome!

How is your day going

Think I'll put my head down for a bit..kitty just put her head on my lap so think she also wants to snooze


The muffins are those Large one - Buttertart, Cinnamon Coffee Cake, and Double Chocolate - $5.00 nine total........ not bad, eh? Sorry, but the Double Chocolate are all gone, and just one left of each of the other 2

Still sneezing, and blowing nose - keep using Neti Pot and that helps...... lots of drugs, and coffee, tea, and home made potato soup..... good for what ails ya!

Victoria Harbour, ON

sorry to hear you are under the weather Susan..drats sure would have enjoyed some of those goodies..

Cathy and her blanket for her mom
Linda's stained glass piece -ultra modern...lol

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze

Cathy must be so proud of her accomplishment! It looks great

I Could Not get rid of my headache (head cold, ya know......) even though I'd taken some tylenol........ until Bob suggested rubbing Muscle Mist on my temples...... worked like a charm. Now, if only I can stop my sneezing......aaaaaaaaaachOOO
and watery eyes........ just no energy - do anything, and it wears me out - even walking from living room to computer room. Bob's playing an RP game and he has to close it in order to search out what to do next, so he has me research stuff on my computer (I'm a faster typist.....) so I generally stay at my computer so I don't have to move much...........
Still, I'm handquilting a lap quilt for Leland, and it gives me time to view "The Good Witch's Garden" - movie's on right now.......

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Abby's blood work is all normal so will start antibiotics this evening and she goes on Monday - will probably pull most if not all of her teeth. Guess I better go get some canned food for her.
Also putting her on Metacam hoping it will help with the arthritis in her back legs.

Lovely day today - I worked in the garden for several short periods. Went and voted this afternoon- a neighbor was going to the advance poll and called to ask if I wanted to come so that is done.

Also broke down and called Telus re call display - until now I just wait until the answering maching kicjks in and then pick up if it is somebody I want to talk too. The rep apparently changed my account to something different that he said would be cheaper and long distance ( which I rarely use) would be 5cents a minute.Might be cheapoer also to change my TV from Shaw to Telus but I will have to go check my bills ( everything is on the computer and it was not on when I talked to telus) and she if I want to bother changing. I hate changing things like that even if it does save some money!

Supposed to be 20C by Sunday!


It's 11 now, and will be 21 on Monday, they say

If you change to Telus, will you have to change your ph#?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Susan my phone is already Telus- it is just the TV service he was talking abut.


oh - okay, understood

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Carol Metacam is a wonder drug for dogs, Our Tramp was on it and it made the difference of being able to do a small set of stairs or no stairs at all. I felt so much better as she was able to get up and laydown much more quickly and more often. Look out though as her stool was looser and I know that your girl has a long coat.

We have just combined our phone with our Cable. We will save about 20.00 per month. Plus all our canada calls are not long distance if they are to another Shaw customer. Some other plus's but at any rate I was anoyed with Telus so we switched.

Supposed to get warm here this weekend too. Looking forward to repotting a pile of 2inch to 4 inch this weekend. They need the root room.
Happy weekend all
Alberta Ann


geeze, Ann - we have our phone, internet & TV bundled with Shaw and we don't pay for LD to Canada OR US - flat fee of $45 gets us all LD free.
In Winnipeg Telus mall booths were always empty - Telus did not have a good rep in Manitoba.........

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Might have to shave up Abby's bum and back legs if that happens! We keep Sassys real short after she had diarrhea last summer and it was hard to control- had to wash her bum 1-2 times a day which she did not appreciate!

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Carol , I was remembering that so I thought to give you heads up on it. Maybe it was only our Tramp or old age but ...... it was a nice tool to give that girl a nice summer. She was fairly blind and couldn't hear anything but the fridge door. We had her for 17 of her 18 years. We also claimed she was a cross between a coyote and a weasel , a stray that my husband brought in. Very cool dog that was amazingly loyal and kind and could escape from just about anything or anywhere, we should have called her Houdini.

We have sun shining after a dark cloudy afternoon, things are looking up for the weekend with temps and I do believe I will be in the G house all day tomorrow. Put my back out last weekend and slowly have been getting better this week only to be a dummy by enjoying the heated back things and burned my back. Hubby noticed this am that I have blisters down on my lower back. Same pattern as the darn back things. OOOOPPPPS. The blisters don't hurt nearly as much as my back did. I sure have some empathy for those of you who have this on a regular basis.
At any rate transplanting the little plants will not hurt my back. So all is good.
Off to putz around the yard to see if anything is up.
Alberta Ann

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Another nice day although windy and apparently it is heading for 20C or higher by the weekend.
Got out into the garden again for a little bit today. Almost all my Hepaticas are blooming and a lot of little bulbs, Peonies are slowly starting to show. Bought a couple of metal lattices today to set up in the bed by the back gate for the sweet peas. Grass is starting to green up - looks like it will be pretty bad this year, Bailey pees on one side, Abby and Sassy on the other and Sassy does a 'walking' pee so speads it over a large area!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all,

Rained during the night, sky is dark , likely drizzly all day but things seems greener. Would so love to get outside and put in a few hours gardening! I so love vines, have climbing gates here and there but no luck with mornimg glorious or sweet peas..I envy your gardens...

Ooohhh blisters? To bad we all didn't have sense when it comes to out health..seems we fight the pain and take on more than we should.

Hoping you all have a sunshine day and get to play in your gardens

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Sunny here, but not expected to get to much more than perhaps 8C .. darned north winds !!

Probably get out onto the property and do some more branch/bow lifting .. be awesome if I knew anyone who was making Xmas wreaths !!

Furries are going for their yearly shots and check ups in the next few weeks .. sure all is well ..

Booked my WISDOM tooth extraction .. May 8th :-( NOT happy about it ... I am 100% WUSS !!!

Hope everyone has a productive and happy/safe weekend


Victoria Harbour, ON

"M". I'm always on the lookout for boughs but doubt they'd last until I need them. Lol
Don't overdo or you will pay..you are back on the mend so perhaps you shouldn't undertake such a project.

Oohh so close to Mother's Day, you may not be feeling the best for eats and treats. Dislike going to dentists, so happy to have dentures..

Called Greg to see if he would take me to Barrie, need strong man and a truck to pick up the Canada Geese trip I bought but he is still snoozing so best I have patience


Ab Ann - ouch on the blisters!! Your back must Really have been hurting for you to not notice the pain of the heat on your back things!! Are you putting salve on the blisters?

Carol - nice that you've gotten blooms! I don't know if I do, as I haven't been out since Mon night - darn cold........!

no Betty - no playing out in my garden - any exertion and I'm into coughing fits...... so, sitting at computer, or watching TV and doing hand quilting....... nice easy, slow stuff....

Marilyn - guess you'll get to eat a lot of ice cream on the 8th.......... (grin)

Saw that it's going to be 23 on Sunday/Monday - yikes! That's 73F! looks like we're going to have a nice spring?!?!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Ohhh must go check our temps Susan for next week..staying home most of the week so would be nice to sit on back deck

Susan, are you making progress with you hand quilted projects...


yes, working on Leland's lap quilt - 5 long rows, and 5 short - am on #3 of the long rows. It's a nice quiet thing to do when I need to sit quietly and "do nothing" so I don't go into coughing fits. Next, I'll do Laura's lap quilt.
Once they're done, I'll bind them off.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Some of the blooms. The two large Hepaticas have been in bloom for about a month now.

Thumbnail by fancyvan Thumbnail by fancyvan Thumbnail by fancyvan Thumbnail by fancyvan
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

AlbAnn .. I, for one, have also been a vicitim to a heating pad that was too hot .. lower back for me .. scalded it pretty good too .. ya's think it'd be a 'live and learn' type of thing, but, sadly, I've done it twice .. the heat is just so soothing .. ..

Went out to work around the yard .. but ended up coming in as the wind is pretty brisk .. hung my clothes on the line, BOY were my fingers cold !!!

Susan .. I sure hope your cold leaves you soon .. good thing you have hand crafts to keep you busy .. not sure re me and the ice cream .. all I seem to want to do for AT LEAST 3 days after I have an extraction is SLEEP, sad to say .. the whole procedure just knocks the wind out of my sails.

Hope you get to Barrie Betty, and, enjoy the upcoming week :-)

I see the 'flower of the day' on Daves today is Gentian .. going to have to read up on it :-)

Including a pic of Piper and Smokey .. they do so love the fire and their beds ^_^


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

This morning, because of a paper article I dropped by a fair trade fair. A group called Minkha sells hand knitsweaters made by ladies in Bolivia from Alpaca and Cotton wool. I wanted something multicolor in a cardigan that I could wear with pretty much everything. Would have preferred no collar but can't always have everything you want can you!

website is www.minkhasweaters.com - there is a catalogue on the site.

This message was edited Apr 21, 2012 10:54 AM

Thumbnail by fancyvan

Piper and Smokey look soooo comfy!

Carol - that sweater looks so cool! Are you one of those people that don't look good in a collar? My neighbour is like that, whereas I look better IN a collar (maybe it's because, like my mom, I will tend to have a "chicken neck" when I'm older? lol)

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

LOL Susan I prefer collars too but on a cardigan I'd rather not as I usually have a blouse or polo shirt underneath with a collar.


ah - gotcha! In that case, I would prefer no collar too - I have some collared blouses and know what you mean by that.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Sending out the warmest and most sincere best wishes to 'echoes' (Brenda) from Wpg who will be having heart surgery tomorrow in Wpg.

My thoughts and prayers are with you B .. you sure helped me through a rough spot when I was there with Lorna in 2009.

HUGE hugs


Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Brenda. Lots of positive thoughts from here too!!! You have waited for a while, so speedy recovery as well.
Alberta Ann

Victoria Harbour, ON

Prayers going out to Brenda , you will keep us updated "M"??? If you get to speak with her before the operation let her know she is in our thoughts..

They have come such a long way with heart surgery..may the Lord watch over the surgeon's hands..

Are any of you getting this winter weather..five drops of rain, wind is up but they say the storm will roll through this region later this evening...praytell, what will the flowers/shrubs think..will it damage this years growth do you think?

Home today, if it doesn't snow I'll run a few hours when my shift is over at 4:30..get supplies out just incase I can't get out tomorrow, other than that trying to finish the stained glass panel I'm doing for my sister..no urgency it's for Christmas. Lol

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