4th Annual Windchime Swap!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Such neat chimes being sent out to everyone..it amazes me every year the diversity of chimes that we all seem to find ..I don't think we've had a duplicate in the 4 years that I've done this. (now watch-one of you will make me a liar this year LOL)

good job so far..can't wait to see more! Of course, my poor buddy has to wait just a little longer, cause my box won't be going out til Monday. We were having a big push at work this week and I wound up working a total of 60 hours this week, so I didn't do much but come home and veg out!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh Crit, those are so pretty, and 3 days from Canada has to be a record time limit?

Victoria Harbour, ON

Crit, I had already mailed it out and came back from lunch and read your post, actually d-mailed Chris the confirmation number and told her to read your last post..I was so laughing..just knew you would enjoy something similar..the day before I was at the Barrie mall and say the little birdie, just knew it had to be included.. Cannot believe it travelled all that way in such a short time..deep sound, loved it..who knows, might go back to garden gallery and get me one!! Ever do that?

Sitting here freezing in Joyride150..grandson turned 14 yesterday so I told him I would bring he and a friend the this trick bike indoor park 7,000 sq. ft bike park...braved a blizzard to get here, 125 miles, spend the day shopping while they ride and am now anxious to head home..told them 1/2 hr more and we leave..that means they rode/jumped for 7 hrs..they will be sore tomorrow..know I for one will not get out of my Jammie's...

Nice chimes so far

Glad they have wifi for my iPad here..

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

oh how nice Now I Hope my pal has found theirs & NOTHING Is Broken Please just post me a picture so I can show the guy @ The ups store & collect on the ins & will replace . so will you please let me know if so & Don't feel bad to tell me . it will be replaced .
well off to play in my seed robin :))) both are home & I'm love _N_It :)

Northern Michigan, MI(Zone 5a)

OOOOOOoooooooooooooo those garden welcome chimes are cute!!!

Robynznest... lol, wish I could say the socks are too big but I am blessed with a wide foot so no they fit like a glove, so sagging and slipping off the heel.

Have a GREAT day !!!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

hey, guess what??! I'm now a homeowner! Woohoo! My realtor called me just a little while ago to say my offer was accepted and I'll be moving into my new place around May 1st :) IF the financing goes as planned LOL..

It's a kind of small place, but it is such a cute home that I couldn't resist. And wait till you see the gazebo! I can see me spending evenings out there with my margarita in hand!

And Betty- it's Blue with white trim and white picket fence..and a red door-- Red, White and Blue! I thought of you as soon as I realized that LOL

Here's a couple of pics of the outside..

Thumbnail by ClanCampbell Thumbnail by ClanCampbell
Victoria Harbour, ON

Omg omg Chris, how wonderful..perfect!! You will have it looking like a dollhouse..the very best..see, nice things happen to nice people..am so excited for you..

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Cris...that is sooo cute. But then I'm partial to the blue house, is almost the same shade I will be having put on the house in a month or so. And I love the red door, (hmmm, can I steel the red door thing, lol). Truely it is cute, I hope you're very happy and have many wonderful new memories. Wow, you'll be closing just about the time of last frost, yeahhhhh!!!! Will you be moving plants also or starting anew? Tell us more.

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh Chris, that is so cute! Congrats on being a new home owner!

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Congrats Chris, you deserve it and that margarita. I could so totally see myself in a place like that. I love the look it has. Country Victorian. with a cute cottage garden there under that window. Listen to me, I'm dreaming of me in that house, lol. I'm sure you will have great ideas for your new home. YEAH! YOU!

Victoria Harbour, ON

And 'red' on the door signifies welcome! So when is open house?

You don't need big!! It will be filled with love and that is what counts

Caddo Mills, TX(Zone 8a)

That is such a pretty house. I love the color.
Ok, buddy your package is going out today. I'm sorry I'm so late, two tests to study for especially the accounting test. I hope you like your new present.


Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Love that house Chris! I especially love the outdoor space in back! That is what we plan to do some point down the road!

My package is going out this AM to my buddy! A bit late but hopefully the contents will make up for the lateness!


Effingham, SC(Zone 8a)

DeeJay9...... I did receive the wonderful package and nothing was broken. Sorry gang, but I've been having increasing difficulty posting from home onto DG, so had to wait till today at work, and having difficulty sending a picture through the work system to attach for all to see. I'll get this figured out eventually and show everyone.

Deejay sent me a really neat Chime... very quirky and just up my alley made with suns, beads and tinkling chimes.. Not sure if it will be under the lanai or out in the garden yet. There was a painted and personalized flower pot with seeds as well as a mason jar decorated with ladybugs seeming to flit inside and a top that I think is a pin cushion. Included in the mix are straight pins with little flower heads that will be great when pinning my binding my quilts. Even the wrapping tissue was festooned with lady bugs. Dee Jay, it made me smile from ear to ear and took a bit asway from some stress that I'm going through lately. LOVE THEM ALL. Again, will post a picture when I can get things to line up.

My Buddy's box is going out into the mail today, so should be there in two to three days. Not handmade, but I really was drawn to the piece. Eventually, my buddy will get a second box once things calm down a bit. I have the compnents, just need them to magically put themselves together..... right!!!.

(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

Chris!!! That house is so cute!! Congrats girl!!! But why can't you move in until May?? Seems an awful long time.

This message was edited Feb 27, 2012 8:33 AM

Chris my tracking says my windchime will be delivered today. Sure hope my buddy is home to get it!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Mine too Kris, maybe they crossed paths on the road somewhere?

Well mine headed west,, so maybe???

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Chris ....ConGrAtuLAtions!!!! What an adorable house! Even though small, that will make it cozy. And I LOVE the back yard. Are those hosta I see already planted out there? Just ADORABLE!!!!

Going to town in a little bit to get my buddies package in the mail. Maybe with several going out today, it will still remain a mystery who their buddies are. lol

Stu..... that chime sounds great! Can't wait until you can get your pictures to work so we can see!!!!

Don't forget about sign ups to the St. Patrick's swap if you are interested! Sign up ends Friday.

Have a great day all. A few more threads and I need to go to town!



(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

Well I got the most BEAUTIFUL wind chime.....it has 6 little butterflies and lots of little flowers. Only thing is...don't know who it is from?????? But THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!!

Thumbnail by purpbutfly
Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Oh Cindy, that is so pretty, bet it sounds just as good too. No return address on the box?

(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

It was sent from Trackside Candle in Forth worth TX

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Cindy, maybe some elf sent it to you!

(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

Hmmmmm could be, went back and reread some of her posts. How funny if she is, she has gotten my name in the last two swaps I've been in, lol. But one thing for sure!!! She knows what I like ^_^

Elfie sitting in corner,,,, very bad Elfie I sure am glad they did not come to my house as they would never have left here!!

As for my swap buddy. It was LK / Tatters,,,,,lol. She is just plain bad,,, sent me a note and said my swap buddy sure would like to know my new addy!!

I have not taken pictures ,,,YET!!
But here is what I received,,,, A beautiful little fairy sitting on a leaf.. Just to cute!!,, and a really cool and unique double dragon wind chime!! I love both of them!! She also sent me some seeds and bulbs!!! I now have Puruvian Daffodils and Canna Piccasa!!!,seeds are 4 o'clocks and also sent me Assorted moring glory seeds.. I love everything and I will be a good girl and take pics as soon as the batteries are charges tonight.

Thanks Linda.. You are so special to me..sniff sniff!!!!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Ok, let me see what I can answer here LOL. first off, thank you everyone..I could barely sleep last night cause I was so excited/scared/thrilled/terrified!

Betty, come on down! I'd love to have everyone here to see the house lol
Kathy, yes feel free to steal the red door idea..after all, it isn't my idea :)
Robin, you're the 2nd one to mention cottage gardening and I agree that this house just begs for one!
Tina, don't worry about it- mine's going out tomorrow LOL.. yep, the procrastination queen is living up to her title ^_^
Stu, sounds like you got some good stuff there! Good for you :)
Cindy, it was my choice to wait..doing a VA loan, which takes a little time along -plus that gives me time to pack and that's when my lease is up..
And I love those chimes.. wow!

ok, I missed one somewhere- Hostas, yes they are around the tree and there's also one out front- can't wait to see what comes up this summer! There's an area out back that I need to find out about. Hard to describe but it really would be a great place for cannas .. and I'm FINALLY going to get to plant my coneflower seeds! Woohoo!!

Thumbnail by ClanCampbell

I wanna come visit....

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Good luck, Tina.

Me too, Elfie. That house is cute as a button, Chris. I love the colors, especially the red door and think of the possibilities on the white fence. We're all gonna help you fill up your gardens, and the pergola out back is just screaming for vines.

So, Cindy, does that mean the mystery still continues for you? Very nice chime. Elfie would have kept it for the copper...lol

it's so sad,, and so true.. That is why I begged them not to mail it to me.. was so scared poor Cindy would have no chimes...

So does that make me a good Elfie now???

(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

LOL it sure does!!! ^_^

Victoria Harbour, ON

I do cottage gardening and it just adds the pizzazz of welcome to my garden!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Just wishing chris a HAPPY BIRTHDAY Enjoy the day they only comes once a year :)))
are't we lucky :)))

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Did someone say it's Chris' birthday, Have a happy one.

Fruity, I was thinking the same thing with the pergolla. I can see a sweet autuumn clematis or a lady banks back there or even a blazing red climbing rose. A couple of large pots at the corners with different tropicals and of course loads of chimes hanging down. I want a pergolla.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I will have a pergolla one of these days! I picture a wisteria climbing on mine!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Happy Birthday Chris...enjoy all that comes with birthday celebrations...

Pictures of my wonderful swap chimes!!

Again,, Thanks LK!!

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Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

My buddies package is in flight and should land tomorrow. (Wednesday)

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Beautiful chimes there Elfie. I LOVE them! And those Peruvian Daffodils are so cool !!!!

I've been trying to organize my seed collection and see what I need to get started. The winter has been so mild here I haven't been able to do any wintersowing, so am going to do them in the house.

Victoria Harbour, ON

wow Elf, what a swap box....windchime looks to me like a fairy elf?
Bet you've already got everything planted right?

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