4th Annual Windchime Swap!

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

I have every crossed and saying prayers. I hope everything goes your way.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Saying prayers your offer gets accepted Chris! I know moving sucks, but you will be so glad to have a home of your own!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

I hope your offer is received, Chris, and you'll have a yard full of flowers.....soon. And having a sunporch with so many possibilities, oh my.

Northern Michigan, MI(Zone 5a)

Best of luck Chris!!! New beginnings are so exciting!!!

My swap shopping is done just need to get to the post office this Saturday =0)

Victoria Harbour, ON

Oh Chris, any news? How exciting would that be to have a clean garden slate, just think of the possibilities...

Must get to the post office as well..will pack it up tonight and mail tomorrow

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Ugh.. I'm not going to get it LOL.. the lady has "sentimental value" in the home and wants to price it based on that :) So..I'm looking again! It is what it is ..

I've got to find something..or my buddy will wind up getting two or three or four boxes- kind of sending it as I find it. I do have a couple of little things so far :) LOL

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

As an ex realtor, I could jump in here with so many 'no's' about what just happened, but will hold my tongue. Just the right house, or perhaps another realtor, is right around the corner.

So sorry Chris,, you will find the perfect home just wait!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Dont despair Chris, am sure the perfect house is waiting for you..one that perhaps has a lovely mature garden with a bench and a pond ready for you to sit and enjoy!!

Betty is right,, and her description sounds lovely.

Victoria Harbour, ON

was laughing, described my gardens..lol

am on the telephone with my sister congratulating her on Westminster win..

if interested here's the link

here is the link for the show..

first 1/2 minute is advertising then when it changes main screen you can scroll bottom tab to the 24 minute mark and Sharon's interview starts there


San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

I could figure out how to find the story. I think I may need more direct.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Yeahhhh!!!!! I got my chimes! Will try to get a photo this weekend transferred to the puter, sorry plumber in the kitchen. Hectic at the moment. But wanted to say they are beautiful!!!!!! and will go up on the porch this weekend. Thanks Susan!!!!!! (fruit). Ohhhh, I'm so excited to hear my new melodies, will scare the deer for a few weeks, (Other morning found deer prints in the snow coming up the front steps, how dare they!!!). Later all , Kathy.

Pix is my front porch with raccoons (momma, and four babies), think that's where they will be placed, might take care of the coon problems too. Lol. Yup, I got critters!

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Got my package sent out this afternoon. Monday is a holiday so should be Tues. Yeah!!!!!

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

That was quick, Kathy. You're going to have a bang up kitchen before you know it :)

OMG, the sheer guts some people have climbing mountains. We watched a piece on 60 Minutes a few weeks ago of a guy climbing in Yosemite without a harness or any safety devices, just him and the floor below that was hundreds of feet.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Mine went out yesterday ups for i was told they would be no mail on monday but ups was going to run & it was the same cost so i went ups , hope my buddy will be hope :)
will send conf 3 later when i get out to my house .

Northern Michigan, MI(Zone 5a)

I broke an item that was going in my package. Just slipped out of my hand and hit a shelf on the way to the floor.. so I will have to replace that before I can send the package out. No post office for me today =0/

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh, I have done that too! So sorry!

Northern Michigan, MI(Zone 5a)

It just frustrated me, it was an add on to the box, chimes are fine I didn't drop those...lol. But after seeing the way it broke it probably wouldn't have held up well outside... I had planned on buying a couple for myself later on ...lol.

I just have to wait till I get to town on Monday to replace it and then get my daughter to take the box to the post office for me on Tuesday. The local post office opens after I get to work, and closes before I leave work... so I normally mail out on a Saturday morning.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Fruit...first two pix are of my grandson climbing the little bitty hill...lol. The kid's church camp does all sorts of fun things. Sorry phone needs recharging, will do tonight and post that pix tomorrow. I will say it was breezy this morning and the chimes are gorgeous sounding!!

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy

I finally found the perfect windchime for my buddy,, Got into a bidding war on e-bay and almost went over my allowed budget. But I am thinking it will be worth it!! I have requested it to be sent straight to my swap buddy, so hopefully it will be there in about 4 days as it is coming from sorta close by to my buddy.. I will also be sending a little something extra if I find it. Lost it in the move,,,sigh...

Northern Michigan, MI(Zone 5a)

My box will be going out today... yay!!! Will dmail my confirmation tonight after work

Effingham, SC(Zone 8a)

To my windchime buddy, though you know notn who you are. I will be a bit tardy in sending out the chimes as I wish still to make it. I am trying to complete four quilting projects right now for trophies for an upcoming National dog show for my breed, so will probably need to wait till this weekend to tackle the chimes. It will hopefully go out the latest on Monday.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Good luck Stu on your dog show..may you come home a winner!

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

I don't think anyone here is going to object to a few extra days, we all know life happens when we least expect it. Good luck at the show. we are all crossing our fingers and toes.

Mine will go out tomorrow.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

No objections here!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Can't put it out till spring so if you have my name you've mega time to post!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Oh heck ya! This swap is being hosted by the Procrastination Queen herself--- ME! Just ask any of these sweet ladies, I'm sure they remember my hiding in the corners on various threads just because I haven't found my 'round2it' LOL..

What type of dogs do you have, Stu? And please feel free to show off your quilting projects :) We'd love to see them.

I've got my chime bought, now to find a box.. yep, here I go again ^_^

OH.. and I had a notice from the PO that I have a box to pick up.. woohoo!! Hope to get there tomorrow after work before they close :)

Effingham, SC(Zone 8a)

We have Brussels Griffons, a toy breed that the dog is in 'As Good As It Gets' . Our nationals are in Louisville next month the week of the 12th. I volunteered to make the trophies this year for the sweepstakes Best of Opposite Sex, Best of Winners and Best of Breed. The BOO and BOW are wall hanging quilts or can be used on a grooming table, if the winner likes. The BOB is a lap quilt. Have the fronts of the first two done, and almost finished the BOB front. Then they need to be backed, quilted and bound. I also have made a quilt for the live auction fundraiser at the banquet dinner for the past two years, and wioll do so again. This is last year's auction quilt that raised $275 for the club. I was afraid that I would cut it close with the swap, and bit off a bit more than I realized due to dog shows this past weekend and some LONG days at the office. This one I called 'Griffs in Black and White'. The second is me with my first Best Of Breed win with our next to oldest girl from a few years ago.

Thumbnail by FLStu Thumbnail by FLStu
Victoria Harbour, ON

wow, quilt is spectacular Stu...here's hoping you come back a winner in the Brussels Griffons breed. Know how much pleasure Sharon derives from showing and know just how much energy is put into it

Beautiful quilt!!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Mailing my windchimes at lunch today..will provide tracking number

Sure hope my bud likes my choice

Hopefully mine went out today. I really would love to find the same one for me.. serious envy going for my swap buddy...lolo

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Hope my buddy is home today to receive their chime:)

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

WOW Stu ..... very impressive on the quilts and you dog looks like a winner in my book!!! Such a cutie.

Going shopping again today. Hopefully will find what I am looking for! I found a neat one that had little gardening tools and stuff on it, but it was $39.99 and I just couldn't do it! Hope to find something similar or something else that 'grabs me'. ^_^ It will be out by Saturday.

If anyone is late sending my chimes, no worries. I'm with Chris, sometimes hide in the corner because I procrastinate. Just hate going shopping anymore, especially for groceries! But have to do that today also. Have already picked up a few little goodies to add to the box, but not the 'real deal' yet.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Oh Crit, gardening tools, how lovely..can you describe it and I'll keep an eye open on my side of the border???

Mine is in the mail..drats, if anybody has received a swap from me you'll know I love 'tape'..well I taped it like crazy only to find out it had to be put in a large bubble envelope so didn't have to get carried away..said 4-6 days and my swap partner will have their windchimes...

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Just check conf # & someone has a box at their front door Please check your door steps ....
would hate for it to be left in a storm .

Victoria Harbour, ON

Could it be me, could it be me???

Off to check!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Count me out, no package!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

sorry betty it is much farther south then you this time :) say did ya all check the


well off to play


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