4th Annual Windchime Swap!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Beautiful quilt, Stu! And I love those dogs..they just look like they're full of attitude-but then, most little dogs are! My late DH always called the little breeds "wannabe dogs" LOL!

Well, Susie- I know it wasn't me, cause I picked mine up from the PO this afternoon :)

I love these..they're metal but are painted a distressed white- and you all know how I love the rustic look! This set is 3 feet long and I had to take 2 pics cause it's hard to see how they look in the long photo..love them.. thank you Kathy (warriorwisdomkathy)

Hey, Kathy- have you gotten a pic of your chimes yet? I'd love to see them and I know everyone else would too.

Thanks again for the chimes..can't wait to put them outside!

Thumbnail by ClanCampbell Thumbnail by ClanCampbell
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Love those chimes Chris!

Very nice!,,

Victoria Harbour, ON

Ohhh and ahhh Chris, now the hard part, where will you display this lovely chime..

Chris ,, do I need to send you a conformation # for my box??

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

My conf# says it was left at the FRONT Door So If My Swap Buddy Uses their Back door More then the front as we do It could set there for days , & I sure do not want that to happen . what if he or she works all
day & dosen't get on the computer much.

am i just a worry wort ???? I Just don;t want to have to redo it all over again for i can;t there is no more like it .

Victoria Harbour, ON

Know you said it was way south of me but just incase this morning I looked on bed deck..lol Jusssttt incase you were teasing me!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

"Not me" ... lol That's the person that use to live at the house when my kids were young. Now it's ME! teehee

Awesome chimes Chris! Enjoy!

Betty, it was so cute. It had chimes in amidst little shovels, rakes, gloves, etc. It was adorable.

Didn't make it to town yesterday. Was just tooooo beautiful here. 75* I could hear Babe whinnying to me 'come on mom! let's go for a ride!' LOL Well, maybe not exactly, but we went for an hour and a half ride anyway. Was soooo nice!!!!! So, going to town today if I can get moving!

Going to be warm (but not like yesterday) here the rest of the week but strong winds. Like 25 mph. Isn't as pleasant riding when it is like that. Even when it is really warm

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

this was delivered by ups a few 1000's miles south of the canadian boarder

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

P.S. Susie, thanks for the plug for the St. Patricks Day Swap. ^_^

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Hello all. Sorry my pix isn't downloaded yet. Tried and something (me) not able to do so. I'm thinking I might have to either figure out how to do or get a camera that will easily download to this puter.

Heh crit....is my snow headed your way? Got 8.5" this morning, a quick dump and it's gone, headed south and eastward. I hope who ever gets it enjoys. Last night the news said 1-2", think they goofed.

Yeah...I got water in the kitchen again, yesterday. Two weeks without, was long enough. lol. Now I can quit hauling water or buying at the store. Now I need to have the snow melt off so I can get back to sanding (need to do some outdoors, cupboard doors).

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Kathy is that a red or dk pink Bleeding heart I Want a Dark red one :)))

also If you have a digital camera with a card in it just remove the card slide it into a open slot USUALLY In The front of your PC it will altomatically got to your pictures then you can upload to here :)))

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

YEAH! A box was waiting for me when I got home! My swap partner is jab91864- Julie and she sent me the cutest little spinner/chime ever! Also in the box is a really cool orange worm plant stake (really like this guy!), orange butterfly tea light holder (definitely will use as I love candles) and seeds from the Lilly Auction! A super box! Thanks Julie! You 'done' good!

I took pictures but for some reason they are not posting.....will try later to post those.

This message was edited Feb 23, 2012 6:17 PM

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

maybe if I try one at a time instead of all four at once.

Thumbnail by irisluvr0252
Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)


Thumbnail by irisluvr0252
Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)


Thumbnail by irisluvr0252
Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)


Thumbnail by irisluvr0252
Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

The seeds are 'Abilene Nan' X 'Better Than Butter'.....can't wait to plant them and get them growing to see what they look like! Thanks again Julie!

My box will go out tomorrow or Saturday morning............

Northern Michigan, MI(Zone 5a)

I'm glad you liked your box and it arrived intact!!! I really liked the spinner on the chimes I thought it added a lil more zing to it.

I think I am going to start to soak my daylily seeds this weekend. I am going nuts waiting to "plant" something...lol.

Julie =0)

Victoria Harbour, ON

Omg they are just too adorable!! The spinner will catch everyone's eye...so different!

Just cheched my swap envelope, yep it was able to fit. Lol. Now on USA side..

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Dee.. is just plain Dicentra spectabalis, a pink one, (spring blooming). Isn't the red one, D. luxrient, the all summer bloomer?
I tried to find a port on my new 'puter (refurbished), but there isn't one. Tried to download to my laptop but not going to regular program, so I will stop at the 'puter store and have them help. Lol. I guess I'm still on the learning curve.

Gosh, it's snowing again, please someone else take it, please!!!! The 8.5" from this morning was quite enough!

Love the critter chimes, so cute.

Clan...I hope they bring you many many years of enjoyment and inspiration. Nature has a way of creating many beautiful songs, different with each breeze. Maybe the spirit of bach or mozart will visit, or even a garden fairy, so Enjoy!!! I know I will enjoy my new chimes with those thoughts in mind. Kathy. Pix: smily face.

This message was edited Feb 23, 2012 6:06 PM

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Effingham, SC(Zone 8a)

Just to let my buddy know that I received my box. Unfortunately, I'm not home until the weekend to open it and find out who it's from. For my other Buddy, I will be sending out a Purchased windchime for now, so that you can here the tinkling until my quilts are all done and I get to sit down with the project I intended. So for you, there will be two sets of deliveries and double the tinkle.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

[quote="FLStu" double the tinkle.[/quote] LMBO . Sorry. That just hit me the wrong way this morning!

Kathy, we aren't going to get your snow, but we are getting rain Mon-Wed next week. That is what is left of the snow.

I got my buddies chimes yesterday. They are so cute! Even broke down and bought one for myself! Going to get them boxed up and take them to town to mail today. Also picked up some "green" stuff for the Best of the Blarney swap. Participants signing up now!

Have a beautiufl and blessed day everyone! Will be lurking to see if any other boxes arrive today.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I got my box sent out today, and I forgot the darn card! Sorry buddy, but you will know who it is from when your box arrives.

I got my box today from Cindy! I LOVE my wind chime! it is a watering can, with little garden tools hanging from it, and it sounds so pretty. I also got a bag of clematis bulbs in the prettiest pink. Sure hope I can get them grow? And I also got 2 pretty humming bird hangers.
Cindy, thanks you so much for the wonderful box of goodies!

Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55
Victoria Harbour, ON

You are being spoilt Lindakay..indeed it's a swap box filled with treasures...watering can just too adorable, but then each and every windchimes is!!

(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

You're Welcome LK!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Ok Come on LK If You cannot grow the clematis There you know darn well they will grow here & just incase you forgot my card you can make it up to me with the clematis :)))) way nice box but then you are very DESERVING ☺♥♥♥

Sorry Suzie.. I get first dibbs on the Clematis....lol

Nice Chimes!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Kriss they Like COLDER Weather & cannot withstands Tornados Or Hurricanes right ???

All mine are doing just fine at the old house,, thank you very much,,,,hee hee

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

:) I am going to do my best to get it to grow!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

well that settles that Kriss :) Guess we Lost out on this one :))) GN all

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

wow what great chimes coming in. Hope they sound as good as they look.

Has anyone heard from fruity lately?

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Great job everyone! Sorry I haven't been on here for a couple of days.. been a really rough time for my family with some personal issues with my DD's creep of an ex :( And unfortunately, it's not over- but we'll stick together and get through it as we always have.

I'll get everyone updated up above.. I haven't heard from Fruity.. anybody else?

Hope things are ok with her! Miss Fruitness, please check in with us :)

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

I know somebody who got a box today.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Lovely chimes being received.

Your quilt is beautiful, Stu. Such a labor of love making several more for trophies. And all the best showing your Brussels Griffon. We are partial to small dogs, too, and have a Yorkie.

Call off the hounds.....lol...I'm here and am going to bed.

Everybody have a great week-end.

Northern Michigan, MI(Zone 5a)

Aaaaarrrrrggghhhhhh, somehow I messed up and screwed up and lost my post, so here goes again...lol.

Big thank you to Robynznest for a GREAT windchime swap!!!

I got TWO, yes TWO sets of chimes!!!!

First set is a very pretty sunflower flip flop chime that squeals summer fun!!!

Second set is a coppertone fairy that is absolutely beautiful.

I cannot wait for the snow to disappear so I can hang them outside to fill my garden with musical tones =0)

There was also a pair of work gloves (can never have too many gardening gloves) with the nubbies on the palms and fingers to grip better.... those will be well used and welcome once I start grubbing around in the dirt. =0)

And last but not least there was a very cute pair of frog prince socks.

Thank you so very much for a GREAT swap!!!

It was a happy moment to come home from work dead tired and get that "zing" hey I've got a box of something good... =0)

Thumbnail by jab91864
Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

You are so welcome. When I saw those flip flop chimes I had to get them not knowing who I was getting as my buddy. They just jumped out at me and said 'Bring on the warm weather'. And I thought if my buddy wanted certain thing then I could keep them myself. I was so glad when you said you wanted anything. I never have enough gloves, actually, I can never remember where I took the last pair off, so that I am buying them all the time during the summer.

The socks were a last minute present and I didn't pay any attention to the size until I got home. They are a bigger saize than most wear, but I thought since they are so light and airy, made of such lightweight material, that it is probably a good thing they are a little bigger that way they won't stretch too much and tear. Now watch your feet are probably so tiny you have to double over the toes before putting your shoes on. rofl.

Thank you for being my partner and I love the way you presented the pics, that was so cool.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

What cute, cute, cute chimes you all are getting!!!!!! I'm sorry to say my buddy will have to wait a bit longer. I called the P.O. this morning, and darn glad I did, to see what time they closed the window. They said the window is not open on Saturdays....grrrrrr, so I cannot mail until Monday. I'm so sorry.

Love the boxes. What cute little 'extra's' everyone is getting! I agree, can never have too many gloves OR gardening tools! I always seem to misplace my hand trowel and have to go hunting it or buy another. LOL

Since Susie earlier plugged my swap that I am taking sign ups for, I guess it is OK for me to repost it. lol If anyone wants to play, sign ups are until March 2nd. Come on over!


Think I will start going through my seed stash today to see what I want to ws and start inside. That alone will take me a couple of days! lol

Everyone have a great weekend and enjoy those terrific boxes! Good jobs girls!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Betty ........... let's try THREE DAYS for your package to arrive!!!!!!!! Woooohooooo!!!

After finally getting open a "mummy of a package", lol (YES GIRL, you dooooo love your tape!) I received these beautiful chimes from our dear Betty!!!! They are just fabulous and also a Cardinal on a twig held by a spring so it will jump up and down in the wind! lol I just LOVE Cardinals, they are so pretty! The WELCOME chimes with a trowel and ummmm, can't think of the name of it, soil loosener thingy with 3 prongs sound sooooo beautiful! They have a lovely deep tone which is just perfect! Thank you so very much Betty!!!!

Now, I have to ask you! You had posted in the morning of Feb. 22 that your package was going out at noon. I had described the cutest chime I saw with gardening tools on it at 11:28 a.m. Then you posted yours had gone out. Is this the "original chime" you chose, or did you actually 'find' one for lil ole me???
All I can say is you have good taste!!!! ^_^ Thank you again!!!! I'm thrilled!

Thumbnail by Crit

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