Colors are nice....but ahhhhhh show me your whites

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

As always 'Lakeview' Jasmine is one of my favorites

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Datura Wrightii - slowly opening and releasing her lily-like fragrance

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

After quite a few years...multiple blooms on my Confederate jasmine

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

My peanut butter shrub....what a lovely scent filling the backyard...

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

NOID Crinums (yes they have 'some' color) LOL

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Maid of Orleans...can you just smell what's comin'?

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Pale yellow's close enough (those blessed with a night blooming jasmine will agree) - here's a NOID Sweet Olive from Lowes....I've actually kept this one alive since June thus far....still amazes me the scent from these teeny blooms...

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Maypop's half I guess she can sneak in as well w/her multi colored 'friend'

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Tab Flore Pleno gotta love how easy and rewarding this gal is

Thumbnail by Chantell
Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Very nice Chantell. I would think your garden would be exquisite at night. Both fragrance and appearance.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Kristi - thank you....and those are your babies (crinums) that blessed me with blooms this year...whaaa whooo....such a pretty scent. I'm sure you have some 'whites' to share???

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

No Chantell, it has been so dry here, I am just grateful to keep the plants alive this summer.
I am enjoying yours vicariously ~ thanks for posting them.

I am delighted to know that your Crinum as bloomed. I absolutely delight in that fragrance ~ stronger at night ~ noooo?

Broaddus, TX(Zone 8b)

Zone 8b, Heat Zone 9 southeast pineywoods of East, TX on Lake Sam Rayburn
Re: Fragrant Gardening forum
I would add Carolina jasmine vine, Wysteria, Honeysuckle, Sweet Autumn Clematis, Moon vine, Maid of Orleans and Pashion vine also climbing roses are in my landscape. I like vertical gardening.

Thumbnail by SudieGoodman
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Kristi - Ugh....I'm sorry....I can't even imagine. I'm going to need to do a sniffer test tomorrow night for sure....praying some of our rain heads your way!!!!! Hugs

Yes Sudie - those as well...will have to dig for some of my other pics taken during rest of season....

This message was edited Sep 5, 2011 10:16 PM

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

ze moonflower..

Thumbnail by dabneyrose
Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

Chantell i'm not sure i am familiar with 'Tab Flore Pleno'...can you elaborate? looks lovey!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

how can i forget my Butterfly Ginger?!

Thumbnail by dabneyrose
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

!! Dabney !! Wooo whoooo - 1st Kristi popped you....wonder if Nery (Vossner), Samantha (astcgirl), and fauna4flora are still hangin' around??? I told JB to come on over and post her pretties.
Dabney - what can I tell you about that tab? Given name is Tabernaemontana divaricata 'Flore Pleno' She is a wonderfully easy plant that blooms from the time spring hits till mid fall. Fragrance varies - is subtle but very pretty...not what I would describe as wafting though. She resides in my bathroom during the fall and winter and will hold on to buds till spring when they open. Can I just tell you those two pics of yours are two plants I still have not experienced a bloom first hand? I've even moved 1/2 the ginger to a warmer sunnier spot..sheesh!!!

Here's some older pics of whites with pretty scents... Night blooming Epi

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

A Brunfelsia nitida bloom - what I would do to know the trick of keeping these plants alive. I absolutely adored their fragrance!!

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I lost my first Bouvardia longiflora - purchased a 2nd from Logees this summer because I loved its scent THAT much. I potted her up much sooner this go around and she's rewarded me with lots and lots of growth...fingers crossed as the true test for me is if they'll over winter for me

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Has anyone bought an new pretties this spring/summer? I couldn't resist temptation - gave in and purchased the Randia ruziana from Logees among other things...hoping it's scent is all that the description states.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

heyhey Chantell!
here's my fringe tree...i've kept it in a pot for a year (we're renting) but finally sunk her in the ground a month ago; i did get 3 fruit/seeds from it but they have to go through a lengthy/involved incubation so all my fingers are crossed!

Thumbnail by dabneyrose
Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

white azalea, in the northern lights series...i also have a newly acquired swamp azalea (finally!!) have yet to see it bloom

Thumbnail by dabneyrose
Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

let's see what else...white parma violet! a dumpling of a blossom but my goodness what fragrance!

Thumbnail by dabneyrose
Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

winter honeysuckle.. i hope these don't have to be blooming NOW! or else i'm really cheating!

Thumbnail by dabneyrose
Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

Chantell, i will follow your links some more tomorrow; it's after 2 in the morning & i'm a bad girl!

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Chantell... everything in pots? Your Flore Pleno gets huge and is tropical tender. You must have a greenhouse?

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

I had a Brunsfelsia once & the blooms were so narcotic that when i went to go drive into town late that night to pick my son up, i almost couldn't drive..i didn't keep that one, but i think i'd like to try again, haha!
I have not smelled a indoor space in quite limited here. Hubby is building me a greenhouse!!! but it won't be frost proof.
Chantell, I am a little bit warmer than you plus a have a zone 8 in my south-facing back yard right up against the back of the house and that's where my ginger lilies are.
i have grown moonflowers before but this year i think i have cracked the code; they will grow up to 5 miles during the long summer days but won't start blooming until the days start to shorten; being from the tropics they want an even photo period..same length days & nights. And now i wonder if that's why my tuberoses never threw up a flower stalk until late in the season. Anyone know more about this?

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

single tuberose

Thumbnail by dabneyrose
Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

double tuberose

Thumbnail by dabneyrose
Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

Do you give much winter protection to your confederate jasmine, Chantell? I planted one this summer to grow over the mailbox. Have never even heard of a peanut-butter shrub!!
I ordered Logee's Osmanthus "Fudingzhu' this spring so will have to wait to smell that one.
OOO you have a crinum!!! I've been waiting 4 years for mine to bloom! I think i over potted it..anyone?

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

one more white, for now (i think!) and it is not 'mine''s belongs to everyone as right now it is scrambling all over everything like drifts of snow; the sweet autumn clematis.

Thumbnail by dabneyrose
Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I don't know if Chantell provides winter protection for the Confederate jasmine but none here for mine. It will stay evergreen and bloom in the spring for me. ( In a normal year )

Dabneyrose ~ I am fascinated that you found the daylight hours as a bloom trigger. Odd, my crinum blooms (normally) in July/August. If I am not mistaken from her post above, Chantells' would be in bloom right now...

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

Crinums..from S Africa, would be used to more of a diurnal swing? And so would not be adverse to blooming in July? I saw some in Houston blooming around July 4th. I broke my own heart...snagged a little bulb to bring home & left it on my daughter's windowsill!
Hope you are getting some rain in your corner!!!

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

2" from LEE but windy, windy so it is dry already again.
There are some other Crinums that I have and they bloom in early summer.
This one (like Chantells') is late summer so may be from different locales?

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

beats me! it a fun thought process to chew on though..: )
was it someone Ogdon who wrote a book on native/summer bulbs? Great book..i'll have to track it down & read it again...lot's on crinums.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Most of my pretties are in pots, Dabney - comes with the territory of loving my tropicals. PB shrub is in the ground and I will have plenty of cuttings for you all come early spring (might even have a sucker or two already rooted) - just pop me off an email or message me on FB. I'm not always great at checking in on DG. What else is IN the ground...hmmm....the passifloras of course...confederate jasmine - shooting star gardenia (pic attached) - also Chuck Hayes and Frost Proof Gardenia...there's a jasmine growing in my dwarf magnolia (I'd have to check my journal - I believe it's Stephens Jasmine - didn't get enough sun to bloom though)...those Crinum blooms are my first and I think I've had the plant in the ground 3 years now (Kristi?). I had purchased some from Brents and Beckys that were supposedly hardy but they didn't come back up this year - very disappointed. My confederate jasmine is in my south facing front yard - originally she was planted in front of a very tall shrub - but now she's slightly under that bush since it's grown in the last 5 years...LOL. As for the moonflower enlightenment - I'm putting that knowledge to use next year for sure. I'll have seeds for both the DATURA INOXIA 'VARIEGATA' and DATURA WRIGHTII as they both have their spikey pods growing now. As for the tuberoses (whew I'm long winded tonight) - sadly I'm still not seeing a stalk in either of my pots...hmph...lots of leaves but nadda a stalk...sad, sad, sad!!

This message was edited Sep 7, 2011 11:46 PM

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Dabney - hoping you're still peeking in you know of a vendor that carries that white parma violet you spoke of?
Also ISO salvia clevelandii that Vossner had spoke of previously. Anyone know of a vendor that sells it?

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hey, I have been busy and have not had much time to share, but this one was too beautiful and perfect not to.
My old stock plant , Gardenia Jasminoides 'Amee' gave me her first bloom of the season today. Enjoy

Thumbnail by JBerger
Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Just can not stop once I begin. Here is one of my many Iris. Pure white and smells just like an Iris only sweeter.

Thumbnail by JBerger

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