Colors are nice....but ahhhhhh show me your whites

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Beautiful, JB...just gorgeous!!

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Thank you Chantell. I never sniff a bloom that I do not think of you. Is that sick or what? LOL JB

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

JB ~ I will agree with you on that last comment.
Chantell ~ this one is for you...


Thumbnail by podster
Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Oh Pod, that is beautiful.....what does it smell like?

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Like most fragrant bloomers, it doesn't have much fragrance during daytime but from dusk on it is wonderful.

It is butterfly ginger which you might be familiar with... sorry I am not good at describing fragrances.
I love the white blooms that float at the top of tall dark green leaves. Rather like butterflies, I love it. Kristi

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Kristi - are those ginger blooming for you now? Sooo jealous!! I finally have mine in a spot they like. Last year they bloomed by fall...LOL. It was such a great scent...even though I waited (I think) at least four years for a bloom. Hmmm...I seem to recall it having a lily-ish type scent...not sure that I trust my memory though. My tropical jasmines are all budded up now as is my Bouvardia longiflora which actually survived the winter for me. That plant is such a bug magnet....ugh!!! Our Lowes has both the Confederate Jasmine and the Carolina Jessamine marked down to $3.50 & 3.99....whaaa whooo! Anyone with experience with the Carolina Jessamine? Fragrant? Course I bought one of each..going to have it grown in the back yard.....ahhhhhhh

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Carolina jessamine grows wild here. It is an early spring bloomer and the delightful fragrance wafts through the early spring air. I always chuckle when I see it cultivated for sale. Unless there are different cultivars, it only blooms for 2 or 3 weeks in the early spring (Feb) around here.

Confederate jasmine I love but again it only blooms for about a month around March here. It is one of those fragrances that brings promise of wonderful things to come in the gardening season ahead. I hope to never be without this jasmine.

The butterfly ginger is indeed blooming right now. I was afraid I had lost it after last summers' drought. I dug and potted it and it rewarded me with blooms. Hoping to encourage them to continue through the rest of summer.

I can't help but wonder what triggers the bloom cycle in all these darlings. My summer crinum or lily (whatever in the heck it is) hasn't offered blooms yet and I am becoming impatient for that white bloomer. How is yours doing Chantell?

Not the best photo... the blooms are always messy looking. The pinkish white blooms have a delightful fragrance of cloves but only when I get down on my hands and knees to smell it. That does get more difficult over the years. lol

Soapwort ~ the foliage looks stressed like I feel and the messy blooms look like my hair. I can only hope I smell this good.

Thumbnail by podster
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL - I sooo I gave up the hope for the gray skies providing my plants with some relief and took the hose in hand I felt as wilted as they looked after only being out there for 3 mins...sad, I tell very sad!! My confederate jasmine really put on a show this year...for quite some time. It just finished up a good flush - maybe 2-3 weeks ago. I was THRILLED with that clean scent night after night after work...ahhhhh!!! I always love it when folks say - oh THAT grows all over the place here...sheesh! I figure long as it's hardy here...the $3.50 I paid was nothing compared to price + shipping from Logees (much as I love their healthy plants). My (your) crinum is huge - lots of green...I don't think I've seen the start of a bloom stalk though yet. But as I told you...I DID get blooms last year so I expect I'll get blessed again. Goodness between it and the ginger - plus the brugs and plummies in pots my yard looks like a tropical oasis (ok maybe not 'all that' - but still). I am so thrilled with this all have blessed me with more ideas. I never thought about soapwort, Kristi - now I'm going to have to find me some...LOL Any other plant in particular you'd compare its scent to?

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Now you know I can't describe fragrances well but soapwort blooms are a clean spicy fragrance. I love it. And (BTW) it is an herbal.
If it didn't look so embarassing, I'd offer a start of it. It spreads by creeping and crawling.

Your comment ' was THRILLED with that clean scent night after night after work...' reminds me how rejuvenating it feels to walk around in the yard and smell something so wonderful. It makes the worries of the day pass from my mind and refreshes my spirit.

This is blooming again but oh such an ugly bloom. I planted it under the eaves of the greenhouse and will catch the fragrance drifting through the GH windows in the evening.

Manfreda virginica (do these count for white blooms?)

Thumbnail by podster
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ok...after looking it up, I've got to have at least one for my back yard - you're killing me!! LOL do these throw pups? Maybe I'll just look for one if they do... And definitely I'll be getting some soapwort!!

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

Rose Madame Hardy

Lilium Crystal Blanca

Rose Glamis Castle

Saponaria Bouncing Bett in white

And yes, all of them are scented!

Thumbnail by DonnaMack Thumbnail by DonnaMack Thumbnail by DonnaMack Thumbnail by DonnaMack
Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Ohhhh.... DonnaMack! I need to avert my eyes. lol Those are so pretty and I'd bet gorgeous in the dark.

Chantell ~ see how pretty the Saponaria (soapwort) should look. Mine is embarassing. BTW that Manfreda was discussed a few years ago but in all this time, it has not suckered and I've not had any luck germinating the seeds. If it ever should, you are on the list.

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

I LOVE white flowers. Some people don't consider it to be a color, but I like to plant a white variation of every plant I have, from white platycodons to white salvia to whatever.

It's so nice to see that other people like it too.

How about peony Festiva Maxima?

Or allium ramosum?

Or white platycodons (that need deadheading, LOL!)

Thumbnail by DonnaMack Thumbnail by DonnaMack Thumbnail by DonnaMack
Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Nothing more inviting than white on a hot summers day. In this heat the bright colors looked washed out by this time of year so whites are ideal

In the background of your Saponaria photo is Nicotiana? It is fragrant also?

Tell Chantell what you think your Saponaria smells like please?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

BEAU-TI-FUL, Donna!!! How do you like the Festiva Maxima's scent?

Kristi - you are too funny and sweet as always. I was just razzing you for bringing yet another plant to my attention that I had no idea had a great scent!!! You should see my container of sprouted eyeball plants - I'm nervous to plant them out but realize I need to...ugh!!! Cross-posted with you...the nicotinias scents vary. I don't find many of the low growing ones to have much, if any, scent. The taller ones...sheesh - brain just took a break w/o warning - can't remember the names (the one I like most is in my journal for front yard) are very fragrant!!! If I get seeds would you like some?

This message was edited Jul 20, 2012 8:19 AM

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

Good catch on the nicotiana alata. The original. It is sometimes limp in bright light but on overcast days, and particularly at night, the scent is intoxicating. My neighbors used to ask what it was, and why they couldn't smell it during the day. Many of the ones with colors have little or no scent. The exception - nicoriana lime green - but it isn't white.

I would describe saponaria as fresh and sweet.

Festiva Maxima is so gorgeously scented that every May I kneel in front of it and bury my face in the flowers. I wish I could describe it - it's heavenly. Some say it smells of roses. I think it smells better than that. I always imagine that if whipped cream had a smell, it would smell like Festiva. And it has strong stems too - and lots of sidebuds, so it stays in bloom for a while.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Yummy descriptions!!! My wish list for fall planting includes picking up some 'Silk Road' Lillies and ordering a 'Moonstone' Peony....nothing like adding yet more whites....LOL

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

I have both! Highly recommended.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Donna - where did you get your Moonstone peony?

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

I got it from Adelman's but bluntly I would not recommend them to you, at least for this year. Moonstone was one of three I ordered from them several years ago, and the other two didn't appear. Ever. I thought it was my fault. And it took a very long time to bloom 4 years. And this year I got a lot of complaints from my very experienced peony friends that most of the Adelman's peonies did not even appear. They normally are sensational (I went to the American Peony Society conventions a couple of years back, and their peonies surpassed everyone else's).

White Flower Farm does a fantastic job on peonies, but they sometimes send the wrong ones. My order for 3 Festiva Maxima ended up being Festiva Maxima, Ann Cousins and Kansas. But the quality is fantastic (see my FM above) and the price is right: $19.95. They tend to charge less for the classics, which seems appropriate to me.

A&D Peonies has a fabulous reputation.

They are somewhat pricier at $26.00. They have an eye candy site:

Klehm is great (I've been given gifts) but I would never order from them because they are ridiculously overpriced. Come on, $28.95 for an old peony? Please!,&pagetype=plantdetails

If I were going to order Moonstone, I personally would choose White Flower Farm. The peonies they have sent me have always bloomed - quickly! And they are great. Their reputation has justifiably suffered in several areas but their peonies, lilies, daffodils and roses rock! I got a superb Rose Tess of the D'urbervilles. Just don't order perennials.

Does this help, or is it informational overload?

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Here is my newest white baby Star Jasmine. I have never been able to propagate them before this year. YEAH!

Thumbnail by JBerger
Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

Congratulations! Don't you love it when it works?!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

No Donna that's EXACTLY what I need...thank you very much!!

JB - LOOK at your GO girl...great job!!!

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

Just one more note. If you want fabulous peonies VERY inexpensively, go to Old House Gardens. They are a top 30 company on Garden Watchdpg.

I have ordered from them several times: hyacinths, daffodils, crocuses, other minor bulbs. For some reason, their peonies are cheap, and they have a history of sending big, bodacious plants. The minimum order is $30, but that's not bad. They only have a handful of them, but these prices cannot be beaten!

Festiva Maxima for $15.50

Mrs FDR for $17.50. I bit. I left one behind at my old house. It sells for about $29 at Klehm and A&D.

It's a shape shifter. And it bleaches to white. Yes, once mature it needs staking. But it's worth it!!!

Thumbnail by DonnaMack Thumbnail by DonnaMack Thumbnail by DonnaMack Thumbnail by DonnaMack Thumbnail by DonnaMack
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

^_^ Thanks for the info...sadly they don't have Moonstone and sadder still I have a puny yard and have to limit what I purchase for lack of room. I keep saying my neighbors should let me just spread the yard out to the sides and I'd take care of all of them...LOL

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

No they don't have Moonstone. Honestly, I ordered rather impulsively in the last few weeks and I have actually been moving things around. I moved here in December (it was very mild) and my issue was "slamming" things into the ground. I am moving at least one peony, a rose and several perennials and bulbs. You sound like you are being responsible, which I will do if I ever grow up! LOL!

This message was edited Jul 25, 2012 12:36 PM

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL Responsible? Surely you'd only have to take a glimpse of my sardine packed townhouse front yard to see that there's no rhyme or reason to my madness other then love of scent and sentimental value of some...

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Love how Datura Wrightii glows as the sun rests and the moon greets us for the evening

Thumbnail by Chantell Thumbnail by Chantell
Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

Chantell, it's been a while since I have successfully grown datura. I had some once at the base of a trellis while I was waiting for a rose to fill in. Gorgeous stuff - I must do it again.

Oh, oh, impulse - all this talk of white flowers! I just got Jacquline Du Pre, the rose, from Heirloom. This is what it's going to look like in a couple of years.

I am so bad. The wonderful thing about roses is that you get fairly immediate gratification. A rose you get in April can shoot up a foot and a half and bloom in June.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Beautiful rose, Donna....nice choice!!

I purchased 2 Daturas last year and collected seeds. Not sure if this is from the seed I threw down or from the mama plant that was in a pot near same matter - I'm thrilled - I love the scent!!

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

I was walking down the street in a nice residential area of Chicago near Lincoln Park when I passed a garden with masses of daturas. I was blown away, and the nice man who owned the property, and grew them, was very pleased and offered me some seed. He filled up a baggie. From those I grew my first batches.

The balance has been in the fridge. Think I'll go dig it out!


Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

O.K. You can all take a look at this and tell me what it is!??????? My dear dog, Charle ate the tag. It is a Logee's plant and I think it is a jasmine or a jasminoide but I am now in the process of looking through my flower pictures to see if I can see one like it. Hopefully it will have a name. Sorry. It smells so purty too. LOL Please dmail me if you have a name. Thanks. Hugs. JB

Thumbnail by JBerger
Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

JB ~ could it possibly be a gardenia? Whatever it is, it is lovely! Kristi

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Kristi, I don't think so. Here is a shot of the was out in the rain for two days and it is turning yellow.

Thumbnail by JBerger
Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Here is a better shot of the plant with better camera than phone.

Thumbnail by JBerger
Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I don't know... off to peruse the Logees catalogue. I'm in trouble again. lol Kristi

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Looks like a jasmine to me - bloom size about a dime or nickel size, JB? I'll have to check my photos - reminds me of one of mine...

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

No, Chantell, the flower is as big as a silver dollar and has 9 petals and a pale yellow center that has tiny petals around it. Almost like a paperwhite center but not as obvious.

I sent pictures to Logee's and hopefully they can help me. I bought it there. I have gone through all my receipts for the last 5 years, I have gone through most of my pictures and I am lost to think of where to go next. Thanks anyhow.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Kristi - couldn't remember if I posted a pic of your babies last year...couldn't figure out what smelled so darn good the other night...glanced across the yard....whaaalaaaa....ahhhhhh

Thumbnail by Chantell
Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

That is sooo cool! I am amazed they are still in bloom for you. Mine have bloomed in July here. Thanks for that bump this morning. I needed it.

The gal I got those from years ago came by to see me yesterday. She said hers didn't bloom this summer and mine didn't either. I told her I had shared with you and others across the south and I'd seen a few blooms photos even though ours didn't. lol

Now if you could only ship me some of that fragrance.... yum. It is wonderful. Thanks Chantell! Kristi

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