CLOSED: Come Join us - Fourth Annual Tomato & Pepper Seed Exchange !

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)


We have 139 participants !!!

Hi everyone,

I am hosting another Tomato and Pepper seed swap that will include members from a few different forums. I wanted to post this a bit early so you had time to collect seeds or place an order.

Here are the guidelines we will follow for this swap (Note - they differ slightly from last year):

1) Seeds must be received by me no later than November 15th, so I recommend you mail your envelope no later than November 1. Please note that I live in Canada, so those in the US and overseas need to allow at least a couple of weeks for mailing time.

You can send "named varieties" of tomatoes or peppers (or both). Do not include mixes or seeds labeled "granny's mystery mix" or unnamed bell peppers or anything like that. I cannot, in fairness, send mixed or unknown packs of seed back to people that followed the instructions and only sent in "named varieties". If I receive anything like this from you, it will be returned to you, unless it is clearly marked as bonus seeds.

If you are sending hybrid seeds to exchange, only F1 seeds from a commercial source are acceptable. Your source for the F1 seeds must be clearly marked on your seed package/envelope. Do not send in seeds you have collected from a hybrid plant. They will not grow true to the original parent plant. If you are unsure if the seed you have collected is from a hybrid, please do your research online before mailing in your seeds.

2) A minimum of 10 seeds per packet. A maximum of 5 packets of the same seed. An overall maximum of 40 packets per person. Please stick to this limit, as it ensures enough variety for all participants. Every year I have a few participants that push well past this limit, and slip a note in saying, I hope it was ok...and by the way...I only want all rare seed varities in return...LOL. Sorry folks, that's not going to's just not fair to all participants. Bonus seeds are of course more than welcome, but I just ask that they are clearly marked as such.

Please ensure seed packets are clearly marked with the name, and whether they are heirloom, OP (Open Pollinated), or F1 hybrid seeds. If you are sending pepper seeds, it would help me a great deal with sorting if you could indicate on the packages if the peppers are sweet or hot as many individuals in the last swap had clear preferences. If seeds are from a commercial source, please note that as well.

3) If you send tomato seeds, you will receive tomato seeds in return. The same idea for peppers, unless you include a note indicating you want something different in return. You can also send in tomato seeds and ask for pepper seeds in return or visa versa, or any combination. I fully expect a large variety and volume of seed types to be able to accommodate this.

4) Please include a list of what you are sending, your wish list and if there are any seeds you do not want to receive. It is very important to take the time to write out a list of what you are sending, otherwise I have to do it for you and I do not have time for that. If you are only interested in heirloom or OP, please tell me that as well. I will try my best to accommodate your wish list, but there are no guarantees of course. The variety will be completely dependent on what is sent in. In last year's swap, we were able to fill many items on people's wish lists so please take the time to prepare one - it will be worth your while. In a follow up posting, I will list many of the highly sought after varieties from last years swap, in case this helps some individuals decide what to send in for swapping.

5) You will need to mail your seeds inside a bubble envelope with a return label inside, along with the correct amount of return postage. I will reuse your original bubble envelope to send your surprise seeds back to you. Return postage rates are as follows:

* If you live in Canada - $1.25 return postage stamps
* If you live in the US - $2.16 (CAD or US$) (includes tax)
* If you live outside Canada and US - $4.31 (CAD or US$) (includes tax)

All postage rates can be verified on the Canada Post website. For those outside of Canada, you will need to send enough funds to pay for return postage. You can either send concealed cash in the envelope or you could submit payment for postage via Paypal. Please DO NOT send stamps from your country. They will not work here in Canada :)

It's important that you send a regular bubble envelope and not the heavy cardboard insulated type. Weight restriction in this price category is 100g.

6) If you change your mind after registering, and no longer wish to participate, PLEASE notify me immediately so we do not delay the swap waiting for your seeds to arrive. This will also save me a great deal of time trying to follow up and track people down.

7) I will d-email you privately with my mailing address once you have posted here to sign up for this swap. My address can also be found in the DG address exchange.

Any questions. Please let me know. Let's have fun exchanging seeds !!!!


This message was edited Oct 16, 2011 8:09 AM

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Hi Heather,
I always get great seeds from this swap. Sign me up, please!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Welcome Alana,

Sent you a private message with more details including mailing address. Please let me know if you do not receive it.

We're getting a great response so far. 16 signups so far in our first day. Last year we had 109 participants altogether and I look forward to beating that number for our best year yet.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks a million, Heather!

Sign me up, too. Last year was GREAT.


sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

may i sign up please?

Prosper, TX(Zone 8a)

Count me in!

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

I always swear "No more seed trades after this." Then I get a not from you and it's off to the races!

Thanks for your timely note. I hadn't intended to save seeds this year, but I will now!

Count me in!!!

Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

This is probably a good place to ask.... Do pepper seeds need to be fermented, like tomatoes?
Debating on weather or not i will have enough time, patience, & named seeds to participate this year.

Prosper, TX(Zone 8a)

No pepper and chile seeds do not need to be fermented. They only need to be dry so as not to begin to mold.

Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

Ok, that's what i thought but for some reason i thought i just better be sure. Now if i actually get any black pearls before this swap ends.... Lol

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> In a follow up posting, I will list many of the highly sought after varieties from last years swap,

That's great. My favorie "yar-end seed sale" was discontinued, so i'll be buying some commercial pkts to split. Might as well get ones that are popular!

I think you're smart to call what you senback to us "surprise seeds", especially since what you sen(to me at least) last year was better-targetted at what I wanted than i could picked for myself out of 6 seed catalogs with an unlimited budget. You do know tomatoes!


Prosper, TX(Zone 8a)

Gee outlaw I am Perko's Chile Farm and I have Chile's so if your wanting Black Pearl I can send you some directly so that you can be on your way.

Winnetka, CA

Hi Donna.... I would love to participate again. Thanks for the 'heads-up'. Nancy

Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

Quote from perkoschilefarm :
Gee outlaw I am Perko's Chile Farm and I have Chile's so if your wanting Black Pearl I can send you some directly so that you can be on your way.

Ha!!! Now that you mention it! Some of these screen names are like decoding vanity plates. :) i think i was reading your name more like... 'Perko schile farm'. Whatever a schile is.... Lol
I have some black pearls growing now. They've yet to flower though?! Finally starting to get sweet bell peppers, unnamed variety though. So I'll have to dig through my seed stash and figure out what qualifying seeds i have.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

This message was edited Sep 1, 2011 8:09 AM

Hopkinsville, KY


There is a 12 step program for tomato seed collection addiction; fortunately I am not in it.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

We're up to 42 participants and we just started two days ago !!!!

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

i would love to see a list of the most sought after seeds from last year. i will be buying seeds to augment what i have and would like to get things people want


Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

When I tried to join the 12-step program they told me to call back when they've added a few more steps!

North, TX

Count me in too. ^_^

Long Beach, CA

Yay for Heather's annual seed swap!!! Yes, please count me in :D

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> There is a 12 step program for tomato seed collection addiction; fortunately I am not in it.

I think that was the concensus in these threads. Most admitted they had a problem, but NO ONE wanted to change a bit.

Seed Trading: You know you're a seed saver when ...

Seed Trading: You know you're a seed saver when ... (Thread #2)

I think the popular version of a "12-step program for seed savers" was something like:

1. buy seeds
2. plant seeds
3. save seeds

4. trade for more seeds
5. plant more seeds
6. save more seeds

7. trade for even MORE seeds
8. organize seeds
9. plant even MORE seeds
10. save even MORE seeds

11. build more garden beds
12. plant even MORE seeds

Problem? What problem?
Making amends? Is that like when you add compost and mulch to soil?


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Hi folks,

Over the years a few people have asked me if there are paticular seeds that people are asking for, so I finally got my act together last year and kept a list of a few of the most sought after and the well....not so sought after varieties. I'm not sure if this list will help anyone with decision making this year, but just in case. Wish list items seem to vary slightly every year, but this may be an indicator of some of the ones that we could have used more of last year :) Here goes...

POPULAR TOMATOES - mortgage lifter bicolor, earl's faux, neves azorean red, barlow jap, gary o-sena, sungold F1, momotaro F1, omar's lebanese, applause, virginia sweets, fordhook first, summer cider, stump of the world, taylor lacey leaf, green zebra cherry, tim's black ruffles, kimberley, black and brown boar, russian #117, early varieties, varieties that do well in cool climate, varities that do well in hot dry climates.

POPULAR PEPPERS - trinidad scorpion, red savina, biker billy f1, rocoto, manzano, tobago seasoning, poblano, orange sun, sweets - non bells, early peppers, rare varieties (of course :)

on the flip side....there are a few seeds that we tend to get way too much of and are typically not listed at all on wish lists. I've done my best to hold some of these back and replace with variety from my commercial purchases, but thought it might be best to give a heads up that these tend to come in on a high volume basis. Here goes:

TOMATOES WE GET TOO MANY OF - Green zebra, Large red cherry, Small red cherry, Rutgers, Regular beefsteak
Marglobe, Brandywine regular, yellow pear, regular roma

PEPPERS WE GET TOO MANY OF - Jalapeno regular, Cayenne Red (any kind of red hot- large or small), California wonder, Habanero orange, Hot cherry, hungarian hot wax

Having said this, it is not my intention to restrict what you send in. There will be participants that do not have what you send in as I fully expect a large number of people from around the world. I purposely stock up on a good variety to prepare for this swap, so I can mix things up if needed. We'll be more than happy to accept what you have in your stash for swapping. If you're in the position of trying to decide what to send in or what commercial seeds to buy to split up and send in, my hope is these lists may be helpful to you.

I'm still getting caught up on new signups that came in while I was at work! the numbers are getting bigger and bigger...and fast. I love it !!!!

This message was edited Sep 2, 2011 8:03 AM

Prosper, TX(Zone 8a)

Sorry but I am going to have to drop out of this swap as I am about to go overseas for many months. Hope every body has a dandy time.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Thanks for the update Perkoschilefarm

Prosper, TX(Zone 8a)

No prob.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Wanted to touch base with everyone on wish lists. I really do encourage you to put together a wish list of tomato and/or pepper seeds that you'd be interested in getting. Some people hesitate because they think they're adding to my workload. You're not. That's really the main jest of this swap is to send you back seeds you don't already have. There are of course no guarantees, but taking a few minutes to put together a wish list is well worth your while.

Alternatively, there are folks who don't have a wish list, but they have an inventory of what they already have. They're just hoping to get things that are not already in their stash. In those cases, I would encourage you to send me the list of what you already have for seeds and I'll use that as a basis to come up with some nice surprises for you.

Wish lists and "already have" lists can be sent in the same envelope as your seeds. Or if it's easier for you, you could always send it to me by email attachment. I'm not sure if you can send attachments via the davesgarden messaging system, but you will find my personal email address in the welcome letter that's sent to you once you sign up.

Hope this helps to clarify if anyone was wondering.

I know there's some lurkers out there...come on..whatya waiting for. Come join our fun

Bordentown, NJ(Zone 7a)

I would like to participate again.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

We're up to 59 participants. Anyone that has signed up was sent a private email or message from me with further detail. If you haven't received it, please get back in touch with me.

Austin, TX

I've got a bunch of berkely tie dye seeds i can contribute.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

We're up to 71 participants !!! Still lots of time for others to join in our fun.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

We're up to 79 participants

Would love to see more daves garden participants in this swap. The participation from dg is significantly less than other places this year. If you've been lurking...don't be shy...come join our fun.

Coos Bay, OR(Zone 9a)

Count me in, Heather. I didn't do it last year and missed it.

lahore, Pakistan(Zone 10b)


I would like to participate. But i am not sure how the return postage will work as i am in another country.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Welcome to the swap Khabbab. I just sent you a d-mail with further instructions. As indicated in the first posting, the participant needs to send funds to pay for the return postage (canadian or us dollars). Some enclose the cash in the envelope with the seeds, and others will choose to pay via paypal payments services. Either way is fine. I purchase Canadian postage with the cash that is sent to send your surprise seeds back to you.

More detail on how to pay for the postage via paypal is found in the dmail I just sent. You may find this easiest for you.

Let me know if you have any further questions.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Hi everyone,

We're up to 91 participants with lots of time for more to join in.

I've received a couple of questions and thought it would be worth addressing them here in case anyone else was wondering the same...

- Green customs forms - do you need to put them on your envelope? - it really depends on your local post office. You can just toss the envelope in the mailbox as with any other letter and it will be fine. If you take it to your post office, and they ask you to use the green customs form..that's good too. Just write tomato/pepper seeds (whatever you're sending) on the slip. There's no worries here, as these seeds are fine for sending into Canada and customs will not have an issue with it. Canada customs only has issue with sending live plants into Canada (not tomato and pepper seed)

- Is there a minimum number of seeds packs to participate in the seed swap? No. Only the maximum of 40 altogether with no more than 5 packs of any one type of seed. If you're just starting out and don't have much seed, this is a great way for you to expand your variety, and I would encourage you to participate.

Any further questions, please feel free to let me know.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Woohoo! We just made it to 100 participants. !!!

A couple of people asked me if you have to be a member to participate in this swap. The answer is no. I have several people that are not members of any online forum participating in this swap. If you have a friend that you wish to invite to join us in this swap, feel free to mention this to them. Ask them to get in touch with me directly by email (email address provided in my original welcome letter that was sent to you when you joined).

I do need to track who is participating and need email contact information for followup purposes if someone is not a member of a forum, so I do need to know if you've invited someone to join us.

Thanks everyone

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

OK count me in please. I dont know why I ever thought I wouldnt want to participate.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Welcome 1lisac...glad you decided to join us again :)

We're up to 104 participants...need 6 more people to beat last years # of participants. In case you haven't already guessed...I'm a very competitive person...LOL

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I would like to join, but have only 5 varieties of open pollinated (my garden) heirloom seeds available:

Mortgage Lifter (my fave so far)
Goldman's Italian American
Tommy Toe cherry tomato
Amish Paste

I wouldn't want to burden you veggie mavens with "boring" varieties that you already grow or don't want to grow. I am new to veggie gardening, but have enjoyed my tomatoes this year. I have been lovingly fermenting and drying seeds for nearly two months. I didn't realize how many seeds I had until I started bagging them up. If is unfortunately fried green tomato time in PA. Fall has suddenly arrived in the Pocono mountains.

If it makes a difference, I would be happy to receive tomato and/or sweet pepper seeds. My goal is growing tasty veggies in my relatively short zone 6a season. I'll try growing any kind of seed once - twice if I kill it the first time. (Case in point is the 7' tall potted South African orange flowered tender perennial in the foyer tonight. I am not sure of the name - seedling from a swap with faded, smudged, possibly misspelled label that hasn't flowered yet and may be ugly or stinky. If nothing else, it is a conversation piece.)

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