What's happening in YOUR neck of the woods-chat with friends

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I guess 'gnarly' could go either way ... my Morning GLory vines are very gnarly in that they are actually 'gnarled'. however, the 2 outrageously gorgeous pink blooms on them today are 'totally gnarly' in a Southern California type of way .. BUT .. the 3 ear wigs that scooted out from under a potted plant on the patio today were GNARLY in a North Western ON type of way, and they succumbed in due course !!
LOL .. I re read this and just laughed !!

We are HOT and HUMID here today .. staying inside and catching up on some neglected items ..

Hope eveyone is having a great day ^_^


Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

A lovely bunch of "kids" ! I am having a giggle with the idea of your brother coming to a dog house and he's a neat freak! Look forward to the stories afterward.
'M' keep working and it will help in the end.
Betty, fridge....science..... thanks for reminding me ....i'd better have a look.
Susan are you going on your trip? Motorhome sound positivly decadent. I just may camp if I could "not sleep on the ground"
We are too warm here again the good thing is that it cools off at night. Sleep is possible.
Bye for now.
Alberta Ann


Ann - we're leaving on Friday am, and will be back sometime on Sunday (just staying the 2 nights).
Think we'd have to "park" the motorhome at the campground and walk anywhere we want to go.... 10 miles to the gallon seems awfully little to get by on, so we're not driving in it anywhere!!

Dundas,, ON(Zone 5b)

Now, camping in a motor home is something I could go for! My parents used to do a lot of that and took small bicycles in the camper so they could get around their area.

Susan, I'm glad you called the temple. There is, I think, something called a stake captain who is supposed to keep track of the members in a certain area. I seem to recall that from friends I had who were Mormon. Maybe he was away on vacation. What ever it was, I'm sure glad you got some help for those folks. With families spread out so far these days, church is usually the closest group we have near to home.

Again, best to all those with very sore parts, including the furry people.

Betty with only one suitcase allowed these days, I'd have trouble sneaking you onto the plane. But never fear, I'll have lots of pics to share again when I come home. If you didn't see it, I blogged at grannym.wordpress.com Travelling is my main passion right now and don't do much else so I can save for that. And now I've gotten myself involved in a new project at http://www.tribaltravel.info and that's taking a lot of time and attention too.
Tomatoes have been great this year, but brocolli tanked again. I just have NO luck with brocolli!

Anyway, off to organise some more stuff.


thanks for the kind words, m'dear! I could Not see them being forgotten - as you said - families are spread out so thinly.
My DH & I have only our church as our family, as most of my siblings and my mom are 1 1/2 day's drive away and cannot afford to make the trip.....

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all, did read all your posts and could chat for ions but it's time to be up and at it..breakfast to be made! Excited that I've cooked 4 meals and not burnt one of them..week is young though. Lol

It's wonderful to have DG friends visit and find them exactly as the are on line..Barb and Norm are the greatest..easy to be with.

Barm who loves quilting painted with the girls yesterday and she made 4 Victorian sleighs and is just so excited.

This morning we'll go to Fort Saint Marie among the Hurons, add that
to making a velvet dressed Victorian Santa for Barb and cement bird feeder for Norm to make and there goes today!

Love the photo of the dogs, they are absolutely gorgeous . Should be in movies, look at them pose!! Sorry Carol about your not being well..lol about the hair, I now close off bedrooms so that they are hair free areas.

Susan, bet you are already packed and waiting at the door ...Friday vantage come quick enough! How wonderful of you to take on your friends cause..think too many of us find it easier to have a blind eye.

Cybercrime, if I can't go then I'd love to see photo's..I don't think I ever planted broccoli, maybe your soil isn't rich enough.

Oooh company stirring time to start the day!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Marilyn .. I was able to read the blog (grannym) but the 'tibaltravel link' wouldn't work for me. Enjoy your time away ..

Nice to hear things are going well with the visitors Betty, how's your back holding up ?

Susan, 10 mpg !!!!!!!!! Yikes ... I knew motorhomes were gas guzzlers guess that's why you see folks trailering small cars behind them, or, bicycles on board. Only 2 more sleeps and you're off :-)

Carol .. the picture is just perfect !!! Beautiful animals ..

Lorna is off to the gynecologist this morning, after a 14 month wait !! Not looking forward to it, how many of us do.

Enjoy your day !



Betty - nope, not ready - sounds too easy to pack up without getting a lot of things done ahead, Plus, my DH is working on the deck still (replacing a lot of boards) Plus I've been painting our friend's bathroom, Plus my DH hasn't put away all the camping gear we Won't need (tents, beds, coolers, tools, etc) so our "moving around room" is severly stunlted! Today is a "free" day, so hope to get a lot done, plus I need to get my hair cut!

Last Sat I was so angry because the con artist that Bob got "taken" by in Winnipeg showed up at our door, he's been back on Sunday, yesterday, and again this am! This "person" was someone Bob was contracted to, and Cam took Bob's pay (Bob was subcontractor to Cam being a contractor). I had to "blow the whistle" on this guy and the owner of the company paid Bob & deducted the $$ from Cam's pay, but when we moved to Calgary, Cam followed us.....Bob forgave him and he stayed (against my wishes) with us for a few months and did it again! Now 4 years later, he's come back like a bad penny. He knows Bob doesn't have a perm job, so he's trying to weasel his way back in. I told Bob that if he Ever gives into Cam and his "get rich quick schemes" again, that's IT for he and I. He knows that I don't like the way Cam has ruined our financial lives twice before and he knows that I'm serious. I Will Not stand for it.
Thanks for letting me vent!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Susan .. good for you for taking a stand re this Cam fellow .. it's almost as if he is stalking Bob .. I'd be frantic as well as extremely suspicious .. I wish you all the best with this ..

Packing for camping .. Lordy .. between cleaning the camper, stocking it, with not just the essentials but also the 'JUST IN CASE STUFF', once we hit the road I was exhausted only to get to the lake and have to work in reverse LoL
See that .. I can LAUGH about it NOW .. at the time I spent the first half day of the holiday being kind of snarly because I was so pooped !!

Hope the visit to Fort Saint Marie was good Betty as well as your other plans for today .. did the weather play havoc with any of it ?
We have BIG wind here and occasional rain showers ..

Docs appt for Lorna went well .. follow ups to come ...




Glad to hear Lorna's appt went well, Marilyn!
If you thought packing a camper was tedious, you should have had to pack 2 tents, sleeping bags, 2 fridges, a tool box (for matches, lanterns, small propane bottles, heaters, etc) and the box for pots/pans/dishes/cutlery, plus the 2 non-perishable coolers......... stoves, and 30 lb propane tank, Plus any furniture we needed for around the campfire (chairs and small stools for chair-side tables) plus extra clothing in addition to the heaters, because of risk of frost in high altitudes!! In the Motorhome we just need to pack the food, our clothing and personal linen and toiletries. Everything else is there, including a furnace and fridge/stove! Heck, it may even have a chemical toilet! Bob & I have one, but we haven't used it because our tenting campsite was Right Next To the Toilet (no, not an outhouse lol)
We haven't even seen the motorhome, but we know that the couple who own it are rather fastidious, and they've used it into October.

btw - anyone know what's the best thing to do for a burn that's gone to being a blister? I was making some mint jelly last night, and the scalding jelly (with sugar!) splashed on my baby finger. I know I did wrong in putting cold water on it, but it was Painful, then later I put some medicated cream on it so that settled it down. It isn't a large area - just around the inside of my baby finger knuckle, but now it's a blister.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

OUCH Susan ... here's a link I've found helpful re 'burns' .. http://www.worsleyschool.net/science/files/blister/page.html

Packing for camping is certainly not for sissies LoL Always a challenge to remember everything, lists are a MUST.
Short weekend excursions weren't too bad, but packing for 2 weeks to a month required the patience of a saint and the memory of an elephant mixed with a lot of good luck !!!
But .. the ensuing quiet and solitude, once you reached your destination, made up for all the grunting and groaning LoL

Sitting here just past 3am and the wind is still brisk outside .. the windchimes are in fine form !
Betty, I think your area might have gotten some bad storms ?
Have friends who have lived in The Bahamas (Freeport) for years .. seems 'Hurricane Irene' might be paying them a visit ..

Have a wonderful day out there ...



Well, apparently the campers who have the motorhome now aren't back yet, but will be back this afternoon. I hope so, because they have to unpack and clean it, then my DH has to go over to the owners and learn about it (keys, etc). We're hoping to leave early tomorrow am! It uses 10 mpg...... so it's not going to be cheap!

Marilyn - thanks for the info re: burns. Guess I have a 2nd degree burn, cuz Boy Do I Have A Cushion on my wee finger! It's about 1/4" thick! So, it will take about a week to completely heal, eh? It's not causing any discomfort, but it's annoying as all heck cuz I brush up against it all the time lol I'm trying Very hard not to puncture it, but it's tempting.... LOL

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

It is SOoooooooooooo tempting to break the blister, but, that's just an opening for infection to creep in .. truthfully, I have either broken or had a blister break on it's own over the years .. I'm still here .. if it did break, you'd just have to ensure it was covered with an antibiotic ointment and a bandaid.

Good luck with motorhome .. you're going to be busy !!

I mentioned Daves Site to a friend today, she is considering joining ^_^
Fingers crossed on that ..

Off to walk the doggies



I'll take the antibiotic cream and bandaids this weekend...... likely break it anyway, when I'm camping or around the campfire!!

I've mentioned DG and Cubits to several people I meet, in garden centres, and I'm sure some of them are online even as we post lol :-)

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I tend to think it impossible NOT to have the blister break as ,we, as women are continually multi tasking, hands in and out of water, tucking, peeling, cleaning .. bound to bang the boo boo and, POOF!

Been a long while since I joined Daves, I have tried to recall exactly what it was you could 'do' with an unpaid subscription .. as in a non paying member .. it mustn't have been much because I joined as a paying member within a day or two.
If Natalie joins it'll be a bonus, she is quite an avid gardener with a wealth of experience and a MAXI green thumb ^_^

Am thinking Betty must be extra busy with her visitors .. also believe there may have been some bad weather to contend with .

Guess I'll unfold my 'blankie' and see how much rest I can get ..




Well, it's been 2 days, and the blister keeps getting bigger...... and I DO do a lot of stuff - gardening, packing for camping, moving furniture around....... but no burst.....

At DG, without a paid subscription, you can't get into Canadian forums...... that much I remember....... but not sure what else you can't get into.

Dundas,, ON(Zone 5b)

One last post before I flee.

Susan - I've never let a burn get to the blister stage before I treated it, but due to my son's sensitivity to sunshine I always kept an aloe vera plant for treating him when he went out and sweated off his sunscreen. I found it worked wonderfully for regular burns too. Used it one time when I was so busy talking to a friend who was visiting that I tried to take a cast iron roasting pan out of the over to check the roast - without pot holders. You could HEAR the sizzle and smell the scorch, but I got the aloe on it fast and it didn't blister and no sign of anything within an hour. The stuff in the bottles isn't nearly as good as fresh-from-the-plant, but better than nothing.
And I know we always used to prick the blister with a sterilised needle, since everybody worked and it might tear off and then be hard to keep clean. A needle would let the liquid out so it could lay flat and not get ripped off and the small opening could be kept clean with a small band aid while working.

And Marilyn - I'm sorry if I wrote down that link wrong. It should be TRIBAL travel. It is here: http://www.tribaltravel.info/

I'll try to get some good plant pics for you all - and will miss Canada only on Thanksgiving . . . . But I'll be ready to come home too.

Thumbnail by cybercrone
Victoria Harbour, ON

Afternoon all, here I is..Barb and Norm are on their way home..am hoping their trip was all they wanted it to be..tried hard to cover everything..sitting here typing and i' nodding off..

Sunshine day but here and now a cloud comes out..doing bedding, floors need doing and the rest can wait..still have to down load all my photo's..been to busy to even do that, it's now a priority!

Hear Sailor barking so best go see who is here..waving to all, be back shortly to respond to the above posts..

Keep safe everyone

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

cybercrone love the Protea! did you grow it? May not get an answer as you may be gone, enjoy your travels and we will "see" you when you return.
Alberta Ann

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Well Marilyn, if you get this post .. I wish you all the best .. I looked at the site and read the accomodations part and looked at the pics .. Ummmmmmm .. an open pit latrine .. I have to hand it to ya .. and Hyennas at night to boot ..
Will you be teaching ?

Watched a wonderful movie today .. 'A love song for Bobby Long' .. John Travolta and Scarlett Johanson .. one word of caution .. if A LOT of smoking bothers you, this movie should be avoided .. but, a wonderful story.

Glad to see your OK Betty ;-)



Victoria Harbour, ON

You are one brave woman ,Marilyn taking on such an adventure...wishing your travels are trouble free and that you return with pictures galore!!

Sure looks as though we are in for a storm...Sailor is so restless tonight..has pulled almost all the hair out on her hip, quite a sight!

"m". Smoking?? Was it a video rental or a theatre show? Love almost all of John Travolta shows..quite a hunk..Michael was worth seeing as well.

What's the weather like in your neighborhood??

Won't be a late night..been fighting an upset tummy since early this morning..

Yes we are fine, really haven't had inclement weather in my neighborhood but as I said, company left a day early because Irene will be visiting their neighborhood

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Betty .. hope your tummy has settled down a bit .. probably the rush and change in schedule that comes with having company. Glad to hear all went well.

Re 'smoking' .. the movie, as watchable as it was, and enjoyable too .. had a lot of smokers in it .. John Travolta has steel grey/silver hair in it, and plays the role of an alcoholic ex English professor .. he either was nominated, or rec;d an Academy Award for the part. The other 2 main actors also 'smoke' lots .. am trying to think if I have seen that much cigarette smoking in perhaps 'Newer films'.
We watch rented movies on weekends, and the DIVA channel on week nights .. one of my Hospice clients got me hooked on video rentals, and I find it quite enjoyable as long as you have a good movie .. several have been watched for half and hour and removed from the CD player because they were just plain 'weird' LoL

I wonder is Susan got away on her camping trip?

Sweet corn is IN here now .. so will be off to pick some today. I was supposed to be in a Golf Tournament but Jack Laytons death and the timing of his funeral and the services here saw a huge loss of particpants .. I went to a Memorial service for him on Thursday .. just beautiful and very moving .. BTW .. a golfer I am NOT (especially with my shoulder) but, I am a fair to middlin good 'fund raiser'

Should get going on the laundry

Have an excellent weekend


This message was edited Aug 27, 2011 8:39 AM

Victoria Harbour, ON

Mornimg all,

Not quite sure what the day will bring seeing as the sun is out one moment and cloud the next!

"M" I would think golfing would all but do your shoulder in . Best you relax instead!

Must drop into the vegetable market on my way home from town as well..could live on corn..imagine we are near end of corn season here...

Yes, tummy is still not quite up to par, not used to eating regular meals..lol

Don't rent movies as I now get Netflix, for $8.00 a month unlimited viewing and not having to pick up or return movies I most enjoy that method..as well, keep the viewing place you last stopped at should you need to leave.

Great, because I can watch it on my iPad as well...

Got to get ambitious, off to a BBQ this afternoon, would much rather have stayed home and put my feet up but no can do!

I would imagine Susan is off enjoying her weekend and will have stories for us upon her return...let's hope weather cooperates.

Imagine this weekend is the long weekend and really the end of the summer, yikes did I just say that?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

How to grow donuts.


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

LoL .. Carol, I'll never look at my Cheerios in the same way again !!! Thank you for the smiles ^_^

Betty .. I think next weekend is the long weekend .. then school goes back in. It's usually then that we get about a month of incredibly stellar weather.
Hope you enjoyed the BBQ .. we're having one today ..
The Sweet Corn, I think, was a bit on the 'early side' .. I used to like it, but, ever since I lost my sense of taste the enjoyment and anticipation of 'harvest foods' has kind of lost it's appeal.

Am going to have to investigate 'Netflix' .. I keep hearing about it, and it surely would be easier than going into town to get movies and then the ever tedious task of 'REMEMBERING to return them' on or before a week is up ..

Sleep is not my friend again tonight .. sleepy I am though, so, will try the 'uppity sleeping'

Have been reading articles and watching videos on the progression of Hurricane Irene .. flooding and ocean surges seem to be the big concerns. That and people who feel they are 'above being killed' if they jump into the pounding surf !



Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all,

Wind is up but it's kind of nice to feel cool breeze for a change..cant tell if if it will be a sunny or a cloudy day..either is fine for me, have 5 quilt block I need done and 12 charm packages to be cut ..sure would be great if I could post tomorrow..watch me do nothing and play lazy!

I've been watching Irene as well, quite a few DG members along her path..

Carol, enjoyed the link!!

Ate so much at BBQ that my tummy is off this morning. Maybe a coffee will help ..

Furries are looking at me, think they want to be fed

Enjoy your day!

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

LOL on the donut seeds!


$5 per seed? LOL Boy, did They see him coming!

Got home from camping awhile ago, and going to relax for the rest of the evening - will post again tomorrow.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Pricey seeds those ^_^
Hope you had a nice time away camping Susan.

Have had a skunk 'let go' out back .. PHEW .. what a smell .. I can even smell it ..

Hope everyone enjoys their upcoming week, any East Coast forum members will likely be getting quite wet !!



Apparently there was a skunk in our campground, eating at garbage..... but Not letting loose, thank goodness lol
Had a wonderful trip. Here are some friends we met up with there (met them the last time, and planned to meet them again this time - it was lovely). Here are Margriet and her hubby Winston, and their adorable daughter Joslyn (4 yo in October).

Thumbnail by Tallulah_B
Fredericton N B, Canada(Zone 4a)

Usually I'm just a Lurker on this forum...my life just isn't as eventful as you busy ladies.However on Saturday night my DIL hosted a fund raising dinner for Canadian World youth.My grandson is volunteering this winter ,first in PEI then in Indonesia.The dinner featured Indonesian food.The tables wore colorful Indian Sari's as cloths.My garden was the site of this event.We entertained 35+ people.Thankfully Irene was not among the guests.Here is a picture of the party.

Thumbnail by agedgardener
Fredericton N B, Canada(Zone 4a)

And another picture...

Thumbnail by agedgardener
Victoria Harbour, ON

OMG what a place to have a dinner party..was it catered? Beautifully decorated..I'm so glad that Irene wasn't in attendance! Gorgeous people...now who is who???

Fredericton N B, Canada(Zone 4a)

the party was not catered.My wonderful DIL did all the cooking and planing.Friends and family helped out with tables chairs, Saris and decorating the tables.I provided the garden and some of the guests.DIL worked for 2 days on the food..She is an Acadian and loves to cook and entertain which does with all the flair and expertise of a professional caterer.I was taking the pictures so I'm not in any,GS friends waited on the tables wearing white shirts and African print aprons.They wore pants too!!!!!This was my table .The girl in red is my eldest daughter .The man in sunglasses sang at my wedding.JOY

Thumbnail by agedgardener
Fredericton N B, Canada(Zone 4a)

Dil who hosted and cooked for the party

Thumbnail by agedgardener
Fredericton N B, Canada(Zone 4a)

The photographer ..

Thumbnail by agedgardener
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Joy .. what wonderful pictures, and, what a wonderful event !!! Am SO happy 'Irene' kept away !!
Tables look lovely and I can imagine the food was scrumptious .. good luck to your grandson !!!

TBay is as warm as ever, AC has been on all day .. temp reached 32C today and, get this, down to 8C tonight !!!

Tomorrow I have an eye exam booked .. haven't had one for 10+ years, and, after the last one I purchased a pair of glasses that did nothing but nauseate me when I looked up from where I was sitting to speak to someone .. had them adjusted twice .. no deal, so, reverted to 'cheaters' .. but .. over the last 2 months I have noticed a definite change ..

Susan .. I am hoping the SKUNK stays away tonight !!!



Victoria Harbour, ON

Joy what gorgeous people, you've given me an idea for a fundraiser for next summer..not as elaborate as yours but a little tea perhaps..what alternate plans would you have incase it would have rained?? Now that photographer is beautiful, regal, just glowing..wouldn't by any chance the photographer be you?

Just got a call that an old family friend just passed away, heart attack..drats and more drats..


M- the skunk was in the campground, not our neighbourhood lol

Fredericton N B, Canada(Zone 4a)

I don't think we had a plan B but she has had that many people for her family reunion and had it in the house.Mind you it was crowded!!Yes that old girl was the photographer.I guess I should photo shop that picture!! Here is my GS waiting on table No wonder I'm a proud Grammy Joy

Thumbnail by agedgardener

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