Still hangingPart 8

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I knew part 7 was getting pretty long, was waiting for a new picture but the thread got ahead of me, so same old picture. We came from here...

Sallyg Thanks for updating every one. I was having some really off days, The cold damp weather had it's effects on me, and the few warm sunny days I was out playing in the garden. Even got a plant shopping trip in.
I had my 3rd treatment yesterday so I should be good till Sunday evening then the side effects kick in.
I'll be outside some today and tomorrow getting some seeds in the vegetable garden that will take the cool temps. Now that I am fully retired I'll have more time to attend to it when I am feeling good.

This message was edited May 7, 2011 8:07 AM

This message was edited May 7, 2011 8:07 AM

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

LadyG, enjoy your time outside today but please don't overdo it. Congrats on the wonderful news :>)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Glad you will have a few days of comfort. Hope you are having some of this beautiful weather we have today.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Same old picture, same happy ladyg smile!!! it makes me happy.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Makes me smile, too.

Enjoy today! Going to a grandyson's 5th birthday party soon. He wanted a chess party. He loves playing chess. He keeps wanting to teach me, but I keep resisting. I tried it when I was younger and just never had an interest. Maybe I should let him, because he loves to win and sure as shootin he'd win every time against me.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL Jan, A Chess Party for a 5 yr old. How great is that. Enjoy the day.

Crozet, VA

i thought that I would drop by and say hello. Haven't been here for months and months. I kind of got a bit side tracked shortyly after Ladyg made her appearance after some months of no one hearing from her on here. So, I have missed a lot I am sure.

The weather is so great recently and puts one in the gardening mood, so I thought I hang a bit with some of my all time favorite gardeners. I only read what has been posted for May on this thread and was just in time to hear that Chris' tumors are responding to the chemo. That is great news.

I am taking a break before heading outdoors to sow some seeds. I want the sun to set a bit lower so I won't be burning up while doing it. I started a few Canteloupe seeds a bit ago and will use grow lights to get them started. I hope that John will have space in the veggie garden to plant them. Yummy on the Canteloupe.

I received a package of seeds from another Dave's member in todays mail. One packet was some type of watermelon seeds. Really interested in doing some research and finding out what type of melon they will be. I might have to beg some space to plant these too.

Anyway....good to see you folks. Will try to do better about checking in. Hope to see some of you at the swap.


central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Hope you have a great day tomorrow.
and to all the Mothers on the MA forum

Thumbnail by flowAjen
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Happy Mother's Day!

Chris, the news is great, greater than great, fantastic!!!! The yard playing is great!! And... the shopping trip is great!!

My neighbor who went thru treatments last year called yesterday. She felt like she had the flu and wanted me to know since we were just together. She had a ll the symptoms of flu, but her cancer breast was so sore she couldn't hardly touch it. She's in the hospital with cellulitis mastitis and it's most likely a delayed reaction. It really came on all at once and they got her into treatment immediatly.

I'm glad you are retired and will have your days to yourself. You can stop by and seee the gang anytime!

Jan, what a sweet Grandma you are! I can not learn chess. I tried, but have no interest either. Just don't lose too badly or he'll get bored with you.

Ruby, we just gabbed away till she felt good enough to come back :o)

YUM! I started muskmelon for my Dad and hope they grow. I planted ''Hale's''

In California, they are cantaloupe and are smooth. Here, they are muskmelon and are netted :o) When Dad was a kid they raised them to sell. Watermelon too.

FlowAjen, that's beautiful!!

The boys helped me water the garden last night and I see greenery! The radish and spinach are just pushing thru. Watering should bring the rest along since they were planted later. It's so good to see success! Of course, since the rows aren't perfectly level, some may not see the light of day. It's not uncommon for me to push a few seeds in empty spots.

Hope everyone has a great day :o)

Crozet, VA

Interesting about selling the melons billy. My dad was a truck driver and his main route was from Virginia to Florida for melons that he sold to local produce stores here. He started in Florida and would work his way up the east coast as things further north began to ripen. Needless to say we enjoyed some good melons during my childhood too.

My dad used to tell a story of every time he or my mom would plan to cook outside or to have watermelon on the patio, I would set out inviting all the neighborhood kids, which were numerous. There were twelve kids within three surrounding homes. I first heard this story only about ten or fifteen years ago, so I am not sure why they never told me that the meals or the melons were family deals and I shouldn't invite the whole neighborhood. He laughed when telling this story, so I suppose they just accepted the social butterfly I was during childhood and all the consequences.

Reminds me of a story one of our friends told this week when he stopped by for a chat. He seems to have the same sort of personality as myself. Scott tells of being about age seven or eight and it being his birthday. Both of his parents worked and no party was planned for him that year. His parents arrived home from their job one afternoon to find a house full of neighbor kids waiting for cake and ice cream because Scott had taken it upon himself to invite his friends over. He said the kids were all well behaved and just sat quietly and when the parents arrived home they decided quickly that someone needed to go the the store quickly and get some cake and ice cream for the kids waiting patiently at their home. I thought this was a great story. Parents really have to put up with a lot with their children....for sure.

Hope everyone is enjoying their Mothers Day. I slept late and that in itself is a great gift. On Friday my older son and his crew brought me a Salsa Garden kit with all the things needed to grow the veggies and herbs to concoct Salsa. They also brought a Mary Engelbreight Gardeners Journal for me. Both very appropriate gifts.

Anyway.......happy day to all.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Billy, so sorry about your friend. Hope things go well for her.
I had a nice Mothers day. DD sent me a lovely flower arrangement on Saturday, it is in a decorative tea pot that looks like a birdhouse with a bluebird at the opening getting ready to feed her chick.
Paul did some garden digging under my direction.
I started getting sore Sunday evening, we held off on the Neulasta injection till this morning to see how things will go. May be taking a pain pill later today.
Ruby, that is too funny, you inviting everyone. Our house was the spot of drinks and those freezer pops in the plastic sleeves in the summer. Also for teenage sleep overs, it was so funny getting up in the morning coming downstairs and seeing all the girls in contorted positions on chairs, floor and sofa in sleeping bags.

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

Praying/thinking of you.

Crozet, VA

Me again......hello to all. Thought I would drop by with a few morning thoughts to share. I am not quite ready to get up and rock and roll yet, so still have a few more minutes of computer time. I usually begin my mornings sitting in this chair in front of this monitor and my connection to the world.

It is now an hour later. I lied and I did get up and do a few little straightening wiping down of things. I started to feel a bit nauseous and decided that sitting back down for a bit might help ease the queasy tummy.

I just took a little walk around the back forty and boy do we have some gorgeous blooms. At one time John was big in to Day Lilies. He has now developed a real liking of Iris. I need to remember to go to the MAG plant swap and request any Iris that anyone has to share.

Well, it is now time to bid you all adieu. Have a good one all.


Crozet, VA

Cross posted with Chris and Pam. Oh yeah Chris, I am a good at giving directions on where John needs to dig. In fact, and without my supervision, he is finally getting to digging another bed in the back yard. If I remember correctly a few years back there was a thread that I started asking about input from you folks on how to add to what has been there for some years. May have to go back through old posts and see who had the closest idea to what he now doing.

I can remember sleep overs too Chris. Those were the days. Will always fondly remember some of my shenanigans during my teen years. I look back with both a sense of excitement and of dread. What confusing years they are for humans. Wish we were able to pick and choose the events that we would like to do over but not be subjected to the angst that comes with those years.

Anyway......hope you are feeling better this afternoon Chris. Will keep you close in thought today.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I've not been around for a bit good to see your beautiful smile! Prayers headed your way, sweet friend!!

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

We have had gorgeous weather the past few days. Hoping you had the same. Thinking of you especially hard this morning.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, laughing. Back then, Grandpa packed and strapped on every melon he could to the car, and they headed to the next town to sell them. Dad wonders how they ever made it up the hill West of town. Back then it split a farm in half, so they basically drove thru the barnyard. They re-routed with the new highway and the farm is whole now :o)

How wonderful of you to share even as a kid. I'll bet the neighbors were thrilled! I would be!

You have wonderful stories! I really enjoyed them :o)

I love your Mother's Day gifts!

Chris, I haven't tried to call her. I don't know how sick she is or if she's home yet. Her husband said a few days. Since she hasn't called me, I take it she's resting a lot. They sure put her in the hospital immediately!

Your Mother's Day gift sounds adorable!

Smiling over the sleep all overs, LOL!

Ruby, this is how I spend my mornings too. I was up at 4:30 am, but haven't even done a third of my threads.

Iris and daylilies are my passion. Pictures if you can! My iris are just putting up buds that I can see. I'm so excited!

It's going to be 92* today. Woo hoo. Yes, woo hoo! I have complained about the cold for so long, I am grateful! Yesterday was perfect right down to the soft breeze.

I mowed yesterday and have one flower bed to finish weeding. I finally took the Hollyhocks out of the garden that were right on the edge. Only one was small enough to transplant. The rest broke and had to be tossed. I still have seed, but I wonder what color I lost :o(
At least now I can see the tulips that were growing in them. I have to mark colors today before they get away from me.

The garden rows are a bit greener too. I think the boys have a wet, green thumbs. I know a couple ends of the rows got plenty of water :o)

I got all the yard ornaments out and the boys kind of helped clean them up. They got to put them in the flower beds. I will enjoy their new places :o)

Have a wonderful day al! Prayers going out to those who need.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

It's late today, but I'm having a me day! Here's a little story.

Thursday, we turned around and the cat almost had a tiny grey squirrel. He's about 6 weeks old and most likely fell out of the nest. We haven't seen any others, or the mother yet. I looked away and he disappeared. Later that day, I was putting things away and guess who was over by my flowers? I talked to him and brought him some water, but he followed me to the house when I went for food. DH ended up moving the squirrel feeder platform over to the tree he liked best and then put a top on it. We put leaves and a rag in the corner and found him some peanuts, dried fruit and apple slices. He was easy to pick up, move and be shown how to get in and out. This morning he looks good and is protective of his little house. That's good! We don't need a pet. He's not out of the woods yet. We have red squirrels and cats. If he makes it he does. It's all we can do.

Yesterday he was still stmping his feet at us as we looked in, so we are using tongs to set food in and arrange his rags :o)

DH called his bluff so he could add more water to his lid and put in some barly and oatmeal. He's loving his house! I think he's a runaway now!

Meezers is your albino squirrel still around? You gave him a clever name and I know I'll remember it later.

Thumbnail by billyporter
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Thats awfully cute!

Crozet, VA

Oh I love the squirrel story. That would be lots of fun if he is able to survive the cats and other predators and you do end up with a pet. I love it. Just this morning while I was talking with my son on the phone, I saw movement on a plant table sitting in front of my front door. I saw a reddish brown color and the movement made me think it might be a pigeon, even though as far as I know we don't have pigeons in this area. Upon closer inspection I realize it too was a squirrel with a red tail. The rest of him was gray but the tail was red. I certainly wasn't expecting a red tailed squirrel. Please tell me about the red squirrels you are talking about. Are the ones with red on them rare? I can't recall ever seeing one before like this.

I hope that all readers are enjoying their weekend. It has been over cast and misting here for two days now. I believe the upcoming week is supposed to be more of the same. It sure makes me lazy when it is like this.

We have a family reunion to attend tomorrow which takes place nearby my house. I have Kielbasa, beans and onions in the crockpot cooking as we speak. It will be tonights dinner and our offering for tomorrow. I am also going to work on making a bowl of watermelon balls for the picnic too. My mouth is beginning to water just thinking of it.

Anyway.....have a great weekend all.


Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Laughing, I see when I copied and pasted my post I thought I was on another thread. I've gotten behind on so many I start to mentally ''slur.''

Sallyg, he really is adorable :o)

Ruby, I know the two colors will not mate. In fact the grey are tougher and will drive the red's out. I prefer the reds myself. They are a bit larger and do not have a horrible squeal. They chitter and grunt.

I do know our grey squirrels have a reddish cast in the winter, especially the tail, but revert to all grey in the Spring.

I've never heard of a two toned squirrel. You'll have to keep an eye out and see if he's still around.

The reunion sounds nice and so does the crockpot full of food! I could live on the watermelon they grow around here. YUM!!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

NOW I've forgotten Chris! I hope you are feeling ok. Our weather turned cold again, so I've stayed in, except for walking the flower beds. I have two iris blooming, both are old one's. It's been misty, so I don't take the camera with me. Today is more of the same and I still need to finish my "me'' day. I did get the transplants from last year logged into the plant journal. I had 79 entries. Thank goodness I printed them out in alphabetical order. I had to go thru the journal page by page because I'm working on the spreadsheet of it too. Since I recopied the whole thing, the page numbers are off. What a chain reaction!

We just had the boys Friday and took them home that night, so it's been a quiet weekend.

I hope all is going well for you.

Thumbnail by billyporter
Crozet, VA

Food is all ready to be heated and then transported to picnic. I just need to continue waking up a bit and then shower, put myself in the car and go down hill about a mile and I will be at the Reunion destination.

My cousin who lives in Nags Head started a facebook page for the Reunion and in the past week has had folks join that most of us don't know. It will be interesting to see who all new attends this year due to the Reunion coming in to the age of technology.

the sun is out this morning, first time in a few days. I am always surprised at how my mood is affected by the weather elements. On rainy, foggy and misty days, I could just stay in bed all day and never turn my hand to do anything. Things pile up quickly when one operates that way though.

Oh yes, this is Chris' thread. Good thoughts coming your way always. I hope that you will check in soon and let us know how things are with you. Have a good Sunday all.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Good afternoon all! Saturday the weather took a turn to cold and damp, which impacted the soreness and discomfort, I spent the weekend in the recliner. Last night I took a knock-me-out pain pill and got a good night's sleep. Felt better this morning.
I went to the basement and planted my hanging baskets, so they will be ready to go outside when things warm up.
Billp, love your new baby. Keep us up to date with more stories.
I down loaded my mother's day arrangement picture

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

beautiful and so is the bluebird of happiness on the side. Glad today is better for you.

self-cleaned the new oven today for the first time. Whew! Those fumes are something. All the windows were open. I should have spent more time outside, but I was a little paranoid about leaving it alone. Certainly does a good job though.

Watching the peas everyday for pods. There are lots of flowers so I'm expecting good things.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Jan, Those self-cleaners are great, I don't get much smoke fumes from mine, the seal on the oven is very tight. I like taking the vacuum hose and sucking up the ash, so easy!
It has been pretty cold up here, I think my peas have stopped growing. I checked the veg garden today and see chard, spinach and beets starting to grow. Parsnips and carrots...nothing yet.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

It's new and they said to expect some fumes the first time. Also the hood/vent isn't hooked up yet, to help draw out the fumes. All in due time. LOL DH is working on some wiring to the new island this evening. Sure will be glad to get it all put together. However, I'm leaving in a week for about 2 months. DH will leave after school gets out June 3. He surely would like to have it finished before we get home. Thought I'd clean the oven before I leave next week. Also, while DH was at school. Just glaad it was nice enough today to keep the windows wide open. Good idea to use the vacuum to suck up the ash.

Going to a ladies' meeting tonight at a house along the Delaware River. I think we'll meet outside on her deck. Looking forward to the sunset.

This message was edited May 16, 2011 5:02 PM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

The rain held off both yesterday and today until evening. I got out side and planted some plants. I would be great if it does the same thing tomorrow.
Ladyg, Hope you will be feeling better soon.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Well----I went and splurged on all kinds of Annuals beauties at the
MD Flower and Foliage place....I was like a kid in a candy shop!
Total cost would have been $145.....The owner said--$100-----
Said--I will let you have these at wholesale prices....that was a savings of $45!

Now to find the time to dig and yank up roots and dig in better soil and, slowly,
try to plant all that I got.....Me things I bit off a bit more than i can chew.......:o(
OHHHH! My aching back!!!!!

Take a look! I already used up a couple flats that are not in this picture.
It's a little fuzzy--like my brain after working outside all day....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here is the bane of my Spring planting efforts.....
Bulb foliage....Some of these are Daylilies'--yet to bloom...

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Another bed with the same issues.....
I have been tying small bunches of the foliage in knots to keep some order.

I cannot work or plant annuals with all this laying all over the place....
Happens every year!!!! Just have to live with it--or get rid of all kinds of daffs....

Plugging away! Do what I can--when I can......


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, ''go down the hill about a mile'' cracked me up!! I hope the reunion brought many new relatives.

For me, weather gives me different days to do different things. I read or clean closets. If you stay in bed, well there's nothing wrong with that! Unless you have gloomy days all the time, LOL!

Chris, you had a good reason to stay down that day. Someday this will all be over and you'll be running all over the place! I can't wait!

How beautiful!! The planter couldn't be more perfect and I love that the umbrella is pink!

Jan, yes, fumes!

Lucky you, my peas are kind of staying small. I'll never win now!

Chris, Ah ha, your peas have stopped too. The race is still on!

Jan, it sounds like a new kitchen! And a nice vacation?

Holly, we need the rain, yet it gets in our way sometimes.

Gita, whoo hoo on the savings! Oh, you'll get it all done! One six pack at a time my dear!

They look beautiful! Healthy and full of color!

Post pictures when the daylilies bloom. I love them! I'll bet you could hoe most of the weeds in that bed.

I see the problem with the droopy daffodils. Oooh, love the ferns!!

Baby squirrel, Hobo, is doing good. He's venturing out of the box now. DH built a better one and he loves it!

Chris, I hope each day the weather gets better, so do you. I better be careful what I wish for. Our weather is all over the place!

I repotted tomatoes last week and the green and hot peppers yesterday. All the cabbage dried and died. I think I remember this problem from before. The lights are a bit hot for it even tho they aren't hot at all. I resowed them. I also got the Half Moon bed widened a little. More to come :o)

Have a great day all!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Still not up to doing much. We are to get a warm up and a break from the rain, so I might be able to get out side and enjoy it.
Gita, nice plants, and the savings makes them even better, can't wait to see your final planting. I like how you stuff your beds, I need to copy that idea.
Billyp, Hobo, what a cute name for him. Hope he behaves himself in your garden. LOL
I have more beets and spinach germinating, and I think a few carrots, The meds are making it hard for me to see small things so can't be to sure.
With Paul's help this weekend I might be able to get my tomato planters started, I can cover them quickly if it gets to cold at night.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I don't, intentionally, 'stuff" my beds--they just all grow big
and crowd together giving that look.
Sometimes, I will have planted something along the border--
and it gets totally obliterated....One lesson learned....
Same in a big pot on that tree stump--spent all kinds of $$ for
a nice assortment--then planted Purple Fountain Grass and, by the
end of summer--that is ALL that survived in that pot.

Can't show you pictures--I am at work--AND--again, it is pouring rain

Stay well! Gita

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Gita, we are always learning things, a lot of my gardening is trial and error. What's important is learning from our errors.
I have the tendency to leave too much space between plants, Hate seeing soil, I want to see all flowers.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Chris, when I decide to just sit instead of work, I think of you. Sitting isn't always a bad thing :o)

I figure unless we show Hobo how to gather from the garden, he won't recognize anything, LOL!

Gita, you must have good dirt! Grrring over the fountain grass! Like Chris, I space things, and don't like bare soil either.

It has been a busy few days. I had to take a few me days to get things finished, and I did! I was even behind on writing down diary highlights in a separate book. We had the boys overnight Friday and will have them overnight Monday. The oldest has his first ball game and we'll take him to it. His parents will take them home. Then Friday, we have them for the day. DD is at 34 weeks tomorrow and is she ever big! It's still all out front and tight as a drum. She has two ''pineapples'' in there, but they sure look like melons, LOL!

It's a beautiful Sunday! The birds are singing, no dogs are barking nor cars running around yet. The sun is hot and I've already shut the house up. I am so glad I mowed after we took the boys home yesterday! I was tired, but the air was cool.

This is a new iris that just appeared a few days ago. I've never seen it before. I think it's two Schreiner Lilliputs crossed. The falls are just like the one called "With Castanets." I'm so happy with my new flower! It's also a bit taller than the Lilliputs.

Thumbnail by billyporter
Crozet, VA

Okay, really quiet here. What's up? I love reading about what everyone has going on and I get carried away and feel as though I am with each of you in your gardens as you describe what you have going on. l really enjoy hearing about the squirrel.

I just got up to get a cup of apple juice and see that my kitchen sink has a bag full of radishes from the garden in it. That will be my first project of the day, washing and cleaning them for munching on later. Getting radishes from the garden always takes me back to my childhood and the many hours I spent in a garden with my grand dad. Vegetable gardening has been a tradition handed down over the year sin our family, though John and I are really very new at having one. My mom and dad's gardens always produced a large bounty each year. Good eating for sure.

Anyway Chris, knowing your "go get em" personality, I know that you find it hard to just sit and relax. Having to learn to listen to my body and do whatever it was demanding at any given time was a tough lesson for me. I always felt guilty about being non-productive. I have gotten better with it over the years though thankfully. No one around me was making any sort of demands, only my critical self sending me messages about doing more. know you are very much loved by so many at Dave's. Do what you need to do and write when you can. Hope that everyone isi able to stay cool during these hot days.


Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

HOT days indeed!!! glad my son has a pool here in Texas, cuz I don't have access to one in NJ. DH said he put the AC on Sat. So I know it is hot there.

Hoping you are keeping cool, Chris.

I talked to my DIL in NJ and she said she picked some peas. I am sad that I am missing them.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, so sad :o( We're pretty sure a cat got the squirrel. We miss him :o(

Awwww, that's how we all started with gardens, I think. The Grandparents, then the Parents.

I remember Dad with a dibble, making a hole, and me dropping in the little tomato plant. Pour in the water, wait till it's gone and fill it in.

I learned to clip the two bottom leaves to bury it deeper. I see now, the deeper it is, the closer it is to the ground water :o)

I'm starting to get radishes too! I haven't had a sandwich yet, but butter and thick slices of radish....DELICIOUS!!!

I too have realized that when the body is sick, let it rest.

Jan, how sad? If I had a pool to sit in, I'd let someone else eat my peas, LOL!!

Yesterday was a busy one.

We took the family out to eat. (It was Dad's birthday May 29th and we treated the family at Pizza Ranch.) Came home and had coffee. My neighbor brought me a cute snail ornament for watering all week. I potted up flowers for her that she said she liked. A guy I've shared flowers with stopped to look at all mine and later brought back two of his iris. I weeded, but quit early to clean up for getting groceries today :o)

Today we have a lot of rain moving in from the southwest. I was happy with the way the weather was, but it will water all my tomatoes, peppers and eggplant I just set out. I also had to replant some of the spinach, but this packet is old too. The turnips didn't come up at all, so I replanted them. The seed is so tiny. I think it might have gotten buried.

My new iris :o)

Thumbnail by billyporter
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

We woke up to a cool breeze today what a huge relief! Chris, hope you're enjoying some good porch weather and that any more test results are all the best. It fun to read these updates from across the 'world' of our forum.

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