Still hangingPart 8

Crozet, VA

Same here for cool breezes Sally. How wonderful. I actually had a blanket over my shoulders earlier because John had gone through and opened all windows and doors and my blood hadn't yet begun to flow well when I first sat down here. Blessed relief.......aaaaahhhhh.

Billy, I haven't tried a radish sandwich, but will try your idea. Sounds wonderful. I have a lot of radishes to eat, that is for sure. Actually I prepared a bag to send to my brother and one for another neighbor because there is no way I can eat all that he brought in yesterday.

Haven't yet decided what I will get in to today. Cleaning help is supposed to come but she has been very sporadic for a while now, so I don't know whether to count on her being here or not. I know how much of my day will be spent if she doesn't come.....vacuuming and possibly dusting. Oh what fun....NOT!

Here is hoping that everyone will enjoy their day.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Radish open-faced sandwiches are common as a canape in my culture...

Get good sourdough rye--(or old-country Rye bread)--cut slices in half.
Butter, put on sliced radishes and sprinkle with some salt. A few sprinkles of Dill and enjoy.


Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey Chris, Hope you are getting some of the lovely weather that we are enjoying today down here. Such a relief from the oppressive heat (we set a record of 98 degrees yesterday) ;-( and humidity. Take care of yourself, and enjoy counting the days until your vacation at that beautiful mountain spot! Here's a pretty pink rhodo close-up for you to enjoy.

Ruby, I guess if you do wind up doing housework, maybet it will be less tiresome with open windows and fresh breezes - that always energizes me to actually do something! LOL!

Sally/billy, Pretty iris - they look historic; did he give you names? What a nice neighbor to have!! Also love that solar sun ornament nearby - I bet it looks great at night.

Thumbnail by DaylilyDiva219
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Jan, how sad? If I had a pool to sit in, I'd let someone else eat my peas, LOL!!


Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Chris... a quick hello to let you know I was thinking about you and glad you are doing well! I know I don't get over here much, but you are still in my thoughts!

Hope you have a great weekend!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Good Morning!!

Sallyg, we're having a stinking hot and humid day today, but after the cool last few days, I'm a bit ready to bake in the sun.

Ruby, laughing! We've kept the house closed up and I watched TV with a blanket pulled up to my neck last night. I have a flannel shirt on right now!

All you need are radish, butter and bread. We used to have them for dinner when I was a kid. Good harvest! I need to pull a few more today. I planted a looong row of Cherry Belle.

Yikes, you need a new cleaning lady!

Gita, I would enjoy your version of radish canape too!

DaylilyDiva219, fresh breezes just sounds good doesn't it?

I'm thinking the iris might be old. He lives on his Mother's farm. I doubt he knows names. They are tall and sturdy tho!

I love those solar lights!

Oooh, gorgeous rhodo!!

The driveway guy/kid is finally coming to re-estimate what the concrete driveway will cost. I talked DH into replacing the apron too. If you're gonna do it, do it right the first time! I know he's trying to keep the cost down, but it's a one shot deal. I know he would have added it anyway. He was just thinking about it.

We had an easy week with no boys. DD is at 3 centimeters and that means the walls are thinning. I think we'll have babies within a week. She'll be 36 weeks on Monday :o)

I hope all is going well with you. Prayers go out daily. What is so cool about the internet is that you have so many more prayers than you normally would have :o)

The new driveway path :o)

Thumbnail by billyporter
Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

Good Morning Chriss! The drop in temps yesterday was wonderful, I got out in the yard and went at it. Yard looks much better now. The hydrangea you gave me at Holly's swap a couple years ago is getting ready to bloom. I will be sure to get a picture and post it when it does.
I hope everything is going well with you and that you are checking in regularly. Enjoy this great weather while we have it.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Gentle hugs coming your way, Chris.

Still very hot here.

Crozet, VA

Just dropping in to wish everyone an enjoyable and safe weekend. This is the first weekend in over a month that we don't have an invitation to attend something or the other. We are thinking of taking a recent widow friend out to eat at Cracker Barrel tomorrow evening if it suits her schedule. I haven't been to Cracker Barrel in a month of Sundays. Hope I still love their offerings.

Chris, as always I am sending good thoughts your way. You were definitely a good force in my life five years ago when getting a breast cancer diagnosis. You were always so sweet and I truly enjoyed getting to meet you at the visit to Longwood Gardens and then also seeing you at Holly and Ric's swap.

When I think of you, I see you wearing the gardening straw hat that you wore to Longwood and grinning the same way you are in the profile picture at the beginning of this thread. Hope that you are feeling okay and please write when you can. Lots of love coming your way.

Oh yeah, nice to see some new/old faces here today. Thanks for dropping by ladies.


Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Oh, Ruby, have you tried CB's pecan pancakes? I eally like them with fried apples and turkey sausage. I usually only get one pancake cuz I can't eat any more than that.

Have a good weekend, LadyG.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Hi Chris, I hope you're feeling well enough to get busy outside, or even just to sit on the porch.

The driveway guy made it yesterday and stayed an hour. There was a lot of detail to go over. His brother will take out the rock and railroad ties for $80.00 an hour. Dad, who lives just in the other end of town will take the rock. That will cut down on hauling costs.

I had DH lower the mower yesterday and I only got the back yard mowed before it started to rain. Just enough to ruin the day for anything. Now it's raining again. Grrrr! I can see the grass growing!

My astilbe are throwing up shoots and I really wanted to at least, weed around them. I worked for two days and got the whole 80' X 16' bed done!! Now with the rain, I'm skirting the outer edges of the rest of the beds.

We need some pictures. I walked around and got pictures of my iris before they are gone.

This is "Throb" from Schreiners.

Thumbnail by billyporter
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

''Spiced Custard'' from Schreiners.

Thumbnail by billyporter
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Mystic's Muse, a free gift from Schreiners. I love it!

Thumbnail by billyporter
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

"Son Of Star" from somewhere else. I've had it for a long time. I almost lost it to iris borers.

Thumbnail by billyporter
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

"Supersimmon" a favorite of everyone.

Thumbnail by billyporter
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

And, "Purple Pepper." Another Schreiners favorite!

Thumbnail by billyporter
Crozet, VA

Jan, the pecan pancakes sound delicious. My hubby always eats breakfast there and makes a complete pig of himself. He orders a large breakfast and then get three pancakes on the side. I had chicken tenderloin over rice and it was out of this world always. I cannot remember ever having a bad meal at CB.

Thanks so much for the beautiful Iris pictures billy. They are so lovely. Yep, ours are pretty much over now for the year unless some are re-bloomers and might bloom again later on.

I sat here for a couple of hours this morning and looked outside at overcast skies. I kept thinking that it ought to be just right for doing some gardening without the sun beating down on me. I had only been outside about two minutes when the sun came out full force and so I ended up doing some weeding and watering in the beating down sun. I am now wet all over. I am going to take a couple hour break before heading back out.

Hope that everyone has a good week coming up.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I hope everyone is marking which Iris is which--and what color....

Would be nice to divide off a root or two and share it at our fall Swap....

Reminder to myself to do that....Gita

This is my solid purple iris

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

This is my two-tone blue Iris--I love this one!

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I will, religiously, collect seeds from this beautiful Columbine.

It is my neighbor's bed that faces my house----I don't think she ever comes out
to do anything here...I water it and, sometimes, plant things in it.....

Love the colors of this one!!!! Gonna go out right now--cup in hand.....


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, you had me at chicken! LOL!

Luckily the daylilies will bloom soon to keep me from missing the iris. Mine are on their way out, but at least I got them marked and can move the strays out.

Gita, smiling over marking the iris :o)

I love your purple iris!

That Columbine is beautiful! I hope the seeds come true!

We are in for a hot one today. Petey, my seven year old cat is sick and needs to go to the vet today :o(

Have a good day all!

This is a NO ID I call Josephine

Thumbnail by billyporter
Crozet, VA

Thanks for sharing the pictures ladies. Gita, may I put in a request for a few of the Columbine seed? I dearly love Columbine and promise that I will treat them with special care. We had a stray Columbine appear in one of our beds this year. It too was really lovely but I looked yesterday and it doesn't seem to have any seeds to it. Darnit!!! I have loads of a dark purple, almost black Columbine seeds to share if anyone is interested in having some.

Billy, my sister in law calls all of her NO ID plants, Fred.


central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Went on this very neat driving garden tour in the town next to me. The first house was so quirky and eclectic, I would love to live there.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I think I have been collecting seeds from this Columbine for years!
I just never, quite, remembered the colors of it.....I KNOW I had them at the seed Swap,
even though they might have been under "OLD" seeds category. I know I had a baggie full
of "old" Columbine seeds in the "grab Bag" category. Someone took them, I am sure.....

Now that I made point to take a picture of it--I will know what it is for sure....
My neighbor, Olga, has had these for ages.....

I can mail you some right now--so you can sprinkle them "au naturel' in your garden.
The seedlings should come up this year and bloom the next....
HEY! I don't have but a few right now---so please do not overwhelm me with requests....

Are you in the Address Exchange? I will go look......Gita


Crozet, VA

Thanks Gita.......I haven't been to any of the seed swaps that the group has had in the past. Would you like for me to get some of the dark purple ones I have to you? Anything else I might have that you would take for a trade? Need any more Day Lilies? hahaha

Jen, great pictures. I had fun looking at all of them. Gosh, makes me want to do a garden tour now. Guess that next spring I ought to begin paying attention to what all goes on around here in terms of garden tours and possibly try getting involved with a few of them.

There were several pics you shared that I truly loved. I loved the boy in the boat with what I believe were petunias or pansies. Whatever....that was favorite. Also the brick and maybe concrete design with plants through out it was really amazing too. Really makes me think that so many folks have such an eye for arty types of things, and I feel so ho hum about my lack of abilities.

Hey, the countrified garden was really amusing. Those folks have done a lot of collecting in order to have all those old items to display. How fun for them to put that all together.

I recently saw a friend of ours had made an area in one of her beds where they had taken a large, about a three foot in diameter wagon wheel rim, layed in on the ground and filled with white sand where they then put a lot of seashells that made such an eye catching attraction.

Thanks to both Jen and Gita for the fun visit here today.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


My Columbine seeds need to dry a bit before I can send you some.
They are all still in a cup in their pods....

Go ahead! Send me some of your dark purple seeds--and i will
send you some of these red ones...They all can go in a reg. envelope
for 44 cents.


Do you have a picture of the dark purple ones??? Would like to see....

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, laughing! I'd have too many Freds I'm afraid!!

FlowAjen, your slideshow blew me away! Each picture was better than the last. Loved the fish splash :o) She must have a huge place. I would love to do everything she did!

Ruby, you're describing me, LOL! Ho hum.

Chris, I've been franticlly weeding, and I got all but one bed completely done before we got dumped on by the rain.

The driveway guy came. They'll get to it in a couple of weeks.

DD is as big as a house and due anytime now.

I need to move a Dr. appt. to next month because there is just too much going on this one.

How is your day going?

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

We have babies! Sara delivered the twins this morning.

Carly Anne was born first at 2:58 am. She weighs 6# 2 ounces is 19'' long

Callun Richard was born 7 minutes later at 3:05 am. He weighs 6# 3 ounces and is 19'' long.

All went well and everyone is fine! We'll take the boys up this afternoon. We just happened to have them when she felt the start of labor yesterday.

Cael will be 7 on September 6th and Colton will be 5 on September 24th.

Grandma Sally

This message was edited Jun 16, 2011 4:59 AM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Sally how wonderful. Congrats!!!!!!! They are good size babies for twins. What wonderful additions they will be for your family. You know I have twins also. My middle children Jen & Josh now 35.

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

Gramdma Sally! Congrats! Two more for the crew! I am sure pictures will be coming?

Chris, Good morning, I hope you are enjoying this wonderful weather we are having now, I know I am. Here is a picture of the hydrangea I got from you at Holly's swap a couple years ago. I had it planted at my house, then when I moved out it came with me. When I get my own place eventually I will have to dig it up and take it with me. The flowers are a bright, intense pink, kinda hard to tell from the picture.

Thumbnail by Catbird423
Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

A little bit closer. you can see some of the darker pink, the whole bloom is pink.

Thumbnail by Catbird423
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Congratulations on your new Grandchildren. !!! I am sure you will cover them with endless
love every time you can.
A boy AND a girl--how nice!!!!

Wishing them all good health and happy days ahead....You too!!!!!


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

We took the boys to see the babies and then dropped them off with their aunt and uncle. I'm glad for the quiet, LOL!

Holly, thanks! I'm pretty happy with them, LOL! Let's seee 35 year from now I'll be 89. Eeek!

Catbird423, Thanks! I'm amazed you were able to transplant it with no problem. It looks great!!

Gita, thank you! Beautiful bloom you have too!

My newest Grandkids!

Thumbnail by billyporter
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)


Thumbnail by billyporter
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

All of us :o)

Chris, I don't know where you are in treatments, but I sure hope you're doing OK!

Thumbnail by billyporter
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh They are just so adorable. When Cris views this thread she is just going to love seeing those sweet babies.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Congrats on the twins!!!! Funny how when babies are photographed by themselves they look so big, then when someone is holding them it puts it all in perspective.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Thanks Holly, I hope Chris is doing well!

Thanks FlowAjen! isn't that so true, LOL! In one picture, Carly's head looks so big!

This was comtemplating the belly button :o)

This message was edited Jun 17, 2011 5:14 AM

Thumbnail by billyporter
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I need to shut my mouth, LOL!

Thumbnail by billyporter
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Beautiful babies!!

Chris, thinking of you today... it's less humid (finally), and I'm getting in some garden time. :-) Must remember to take time to *enjoy* the garden while I'm out there, not just try to get stuff done! LOL

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