The Merry, Merry Month of May

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

It looks like just another inch and it would have been inside!! Hope you can get in and check it out soon - know you are anxious to get in.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Cindy do any of us have time to just sit down and enjoy our gardens! LOL

Genna I actually don't have weeds in my beds in the back! I do get weeds between the cracks in the stone in the sunny area by the koi pond but not in my beds. I guess it's too shady and I have a big build up of pine needles and leaves. I never rack any of them out of my beds. I just let them decompose on the spot. So actually the back is fairly low maintenance except for my constantly moving and changing things around.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I have a new treasure for the back yard. My neighbor owns a company that concrete finishes on floors. He also does countertops and some other stuff. This is a little table thing he made for some reason. It's out of concrete. Maybe an experiment. Anyway he just brought it down to me. It has some chips in it that are supposed to glow in the dark and the green that you can see is also supposed to glow in the dark. I think I'll probably wash it with something to give it a more weathered mossy look. Think I'll actually use it between a couple of chairs as a table.

Thumbnail by cperdue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

With the color washed down and a plant on it, it'll really be interesting.

Thumbnail by cperdue
North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I love it! I wish he had a few more that he wanted to get rid of! I cannot wait to see how well it glows in the dark.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

It definitely glows in the dark! Looks like little stars all over the top of the table. Too cool!!

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

I love that little table, Charlotte! Any more 'experiments' he'd like to get rid of? Definitely cool!

Cindy, I enjoy just getting out in the garden. To sit is something I don't do very well, but I wish I did.

I have a new echinacea that is blooming, called 'Secret passion'. I bought a few new ones this year for a space I re-did. I think I'll like this one even though they aren't very big yet.

Thumbnail by OutsidePlaying
Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Charlotte you are a lucky duck. I like that. You have very unique things in your gardens. A new thing of interest at every turn. My beds are so widely spaced every time I put something in them it just sticks out like something plunked down with no thought. My favorite thing of all time is the blue chair Sandra gave me several years ago. It needs paint this year but I can't find any blue that looks like that one. So Sandra if you have any idea what it was ????? I bet not. It is the perfect color to stand out but not garish. Walmart used to have some good spray paint colors but not anymore.

Elaine I'm not much of a sitter outside either. I am always seeing some weed that needs pulling or something that needs cutting. With my back the way it is right now it is easier to work out there than to sit on anything. I love your new Echi.

Ripley, MS

I think it was a spray paint Cindy, that was a long time ago---lol
I love the table too Charlotte. I sit in my swing for a while,but have to get up and walk,some days I make several trips a day around the yard.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I don't think any of us are probably sitters! I'm a walker too! I start every morning by walking around and looking at every thing like it changed from yesterday!! LOL I do have some new brug blooms this morning.
Cindy I love your blue chair too!!! It is just the perfect color of blue.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Well Jeri I just lost one of my fish. Hopefully it will just be that one for the season. They are spawning and this dumb comet managed to get in behind some rock and behind a plant. I just happened to notice him a day or so ago and had to move stuff to get him out of the place he had trapped himself in. He injured himself in doing all that and finally went belly up today. I'm just glad it was a comet and not one of my koi.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Charlotte you have my sympathy on the lost of your fish. I commiserate your pain.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Jeri my mere little comet was nothing compared to what all you lost!! But I do hate to lose even a little comet!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Me too!!!

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Charlotte, I'm sorry you lost your comet. I lost 3 this winter. One was my oldest, prettiest fantail. She just got ill and floundered around for several weeks and finally died. The other two were small goldfish that were born in the pond and I found them in the skimmer when it was really icy cold outside, so I don't know what happened there. I don't have any koi. I decided when we put in the pond that I'd probably be better off (mentally) to not put much $$ into the fish, lol! So we went with the cheaper goldfish varieties. It's still sad when they die on us and we don't know why. I'm sad you, Jeri, when you worked so hard on your clean-out and then lost yours.

Jacksonville, AR

I had winter sown these (and a lot more) in 1/2010. I never got caught up last summer with plants, mulch, and so on. Too greedy at Master Gardner sales, and at Kathy Anns garden party, it got hot so quick, etc. Just left the jugs with the tops off, and late summer stuck stuff in ground. When they first started coming up this spring was really surprised, and excited. The Melton Fire that I have already put on the trade list was also a winter sown. I am adding the sunset gaillardia, and the rudebeckia cherokee sunset to that list. The purple gaillardia isnt doing well and there seems to be only the one plant.

Thumbnail by JanieP
Jacksonville, AR

Merritts Pride Hydrangea

Thumbnail by JanieP
Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

So sorry about your fish Charlotte, Elaine and Jeri. I know Jeri yours was a really gut wrenching loss of those big Koi. I don't know anything about fish but those were big and beautiful. I could never have a fish pond because the Herons would eat them the first day. LOL

My daylily I grew from seed Miss Ella was blooming today. She has barely recovered from the flood and then being moved. I should have taken a picture of My seedling Grandsun yesterday because it was beautiful. I have 2 that have bloomed from seed planted last year. Wasn't anything special about them but they were pretty. Sandra I have about 50 seedlings in the glass room off seed that I got from you last year. I don't know what gets in my head when I start planting daylily seeds. I know it's the crapshoot part that intrigues me. I need more daylilies like I need more flower beds. NOT I spent the day moving daylilies out into the beds. So many names are gone so I am going to enjoy them as they are.


Thumbnail by Riverland
Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

This is one of my very favorites. It's been blooming for awhile now.

Thumbnail by Riverland
Jacksonville, AR

This is from Mary at Kim's garden party. I am so sorry, because I didnt realize there were (2) Mary's there and I am not sure which one this is from. It is a mountain hydrangea Blue Billow. The name is wrong on the picture, I had typed blue bird :(

This message was edited May 25, 2011 6:18 AM

Thumbnail by JanieP
Jacksonville, AR

Painters Palette Hydrangea

Thumbnail by JanieP
Jacksonville, AR

This years entry for "Beginners dont do this" contest. Three hydrangeas in the picture. I have caught on to why the spacing info is given for planting plants......slow learner.

Thumbnail by JanieP
Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Janie those are really pretty.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Cindy love your Red Eyed Fantasy day lily. I can see where you could really get carried away with the seed. It would be so much fun to see them bloom from just a seed you a planted!

Love your hydrangeas Janie! I tend to plant my stuff too close together also. But love the way they look.

My day lilies are just starting to bloom. I need to get out and start taking some pictures. Lots of brugs blooming today.

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Yeah Charlotte it is fun because the seed will never come true to the parents. It will hold some of the traits but it's a roll of the dice what you get from seed. This is another seedling I didn't give it a name

Thumbnail by Riverland
Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

This is Grandsun but I just couldn't get a good picture of it. It has slight pink undertones and some diamond dusting.
The wind is howling here today so it's hard to get any pictures

Thumbnail by Riverland
Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

This is another seedling It looks a lot like Grandsun but doesn't have the ribbing or as much ruffling.

Thumbnail by Riverland
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Like them all! Really like ones with ruffles and ribbing and lots of color variation.

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Love the red eyed fantasy daylily.. love them all but that one really stands out. Love the hydrangea's too..

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I got to see Kenny and Jim today! They brought my concrete ducks and we met at a nursery. Yes, we all went home with plants. No surprise. I just love those two guys! Had a wonderful time. No surprise with that one either! I took my friend Holly, which knows nothing about plants. She was absolutely amazed at us discussing a particular type of plant and already have 4 or 5 set aside before she "could even figure out if the plant was sun or shade!" She did learn several things today and had a great time, too. 2 nurseries and veggie stand and 1 walmart later, we made it back home. Yes, the car was totally full...once again, no surprise ;o)

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

We had a great time too! Ann Wood's gardens were beautiful. Kim sorry we missed you and Holly. We did get to see Kenny and Jim. Did we buy any plants?????? What do you think!! Had to have one of the big passi vines, 3 clematis, Invincible hydrangea, lots of coleus and some other stuff. Sarah brought a bunch of stuff too. We were packed also!

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I am glad you got to see them! Did you see KA, too? Yes, Ann's place is spectacular! Of course, you bought it possible to go to Dian's and not buy something...NO!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Yes I saw Kathy Ann too. I stopped by her shop and we traded plants! Kenny and Jim stopped by to pick some things up from her too and she told them they had just missed us so they come back to Dian's to visit a few minutes.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Well I just discovered one more thing I brought home today! A tick!!! I was itching between my shoulder blades and reached back to scratch and discovered a big fat tick!! Shower time!!!

Olive Branch, MS

It was great seeing ya'll !! I think we could have just kept picking Coleus out at Dian's. I wish we all lived closer. Kathy THANKS for the plants. I had no idea you had that many for us. I hate you had to dig them. Maybe sometime we can get back over there and just visit.

This message was edited May 26, 2011 8:20 PM

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

We all need to have lunch together and then shop!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Sounds like a plan Charlotte!

We're suppose to go hiking at spyrock loop this weekend, after we call the ranger to make sure there's been no tornado damage. don't know how close that storm was that went through there. There's a nice water fall on the trail and several look out points. should get some nice pics.

kenny don't feel bad about those plants i dug for you, it's high time someone do for you because your always doing for us.

charlotte, you would have died if you saw the huge tick crawling up my leg today lol I got him before he got me though. That's what I get for rolling around with Riley.

Ripley, MS

If you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas and ticks-I have always heard that saying and now Kathy Ann just proved it ! Glad you all got to see each other, Kim you have waited a long time for those ducks, I am glad you finally got them.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Good one Sandra!!! LOL
My tick got me good - I have a big welt this morning.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Charlotte that is terrible that you got bit by a tick. I looked up lyme disease and these are the symptoms:

Early symptoms may include fever, headache, fatigue, depression, and a characteristic circular skin rash called erythema migrans. Left untreated, later symptoms may involve the joints, heart, and central nervous system. In most cases, the infection and its symptoms are eliminated by antibiotics, especially if the illness is treated early.[6] Delayed or inadequate treatment can lead to the more serious symptoms, which can be disabling and difficult to treat.[7] Lyme disease is a biosafety level 2 disease.

If you experience any of these symptoms please go to your Dr. immediately. My nephew developed lyme disease and it was awful for him.

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