The Merry, Merry Month of May

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Jeri!! I hadn't even thought about that! This is the second tick bite I've gotten this spring. I guess I need to start spraying myself!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I have my entire yard sprayed by Orkin. With 14 cats and Lucky and then all of us. It takes care of mosquitoes, fleas, ticks and other pesky pests. My fruit is still being pollenated and the honey bee hive is bigger than ever. It hadn't hurt my fish(wish I could say the same for me!!!!)

Ripley, MS

I wish you lived closer Jeri, I could round that number of cats on up to 20 for you !
We are giving away some of ours, they are getting under my feet and I don't think I could stand a fall right now. I want to get them down to just a couple of toms.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

LOL!!! Pudding had kittens yesterday. I haven't found them yet but so many people want one it won't be hard to give them away.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Whooo! You ladies make it hard to catch up! There is no way I can comment on everything. I'm sorry for your troubles, Cindy--both at the camp and with your body. Big hugs to you.
Charlotte, your yard is gorgeous, but that is nothing new! LOL It is always gorgeous!
Glad you ladies and the guys, too, got to see each other the other day!

I am so looking forward to seeing everyone at Karen's on the 4th. However, Karen, you need to dmail your address so I can find you. Now that I have an iphone I can use the GPS on it to mark out my route from Harrison. :o)

I've enjoyed everyone's pretty flower photos! The fence guys are coming here next week to fence the back yard. Once they finish, I can decide where I want to put some flowerbeds. Hooray! Somehow gardening in pots is not nearly as satisfying as having a "real" flowerbed!

Sandra, Gunny's rose is doing great! You just can't beat those old-fashioned roses--not nearly as much trouble as the hybrid teas!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I went to the doctor this morning for my check up and it turns out that I actually had 4 spots of cancer in my thyroid but the nodule that raised the concern to begin with was actually benign. I will have to have some kind of treatment but don't know exactly what yet. I go to the endocrinologist on Tues. My first cousin just got through with her treatments so we have been comparing notes. It also turns out that it is definitely something that is inherited. My surgeon said if you have any first degree relatives with thyroid cancer then your chances of getting it are much greater than normal.

Ripley, MS

Melody posted the road trip article today ! Reminded me of what fun we had.

Charlotte please let us know what the doc says on Tues. Many hugs to you today

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Good article! Thanks for the link Sandra.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Hello everyone ... I am like Marilyn and catching up, but have a question to ask.... does anyone know if abelia is evergreen? I have purchased some and not sure where I am going to use it but i wondered if it lost all its leaves. The plant files say evergreen and deciduous,.... ??? Help please....

Headed to Pittmans in Magnolia..... they have a buy one get one free sale today! :)

Got Kyle graduated on Thursday night, and he came close to being the top scholarship recipient... he was second by about 2K. Not bad.......... it is pitiful that even with all the scholarship money he will still owe!!

Hope everyone has a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend........


Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Charlotte thinking of you today. I hope things are easy for you no matter what treatment is chosen.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Cindy you've actually been on my mind today also! Haven't heard much from you in the last several days. Wondering how you are feeling....have you been to the camp...I'm assuming the water is going down.

I'm fine. Just one of those things I'm ready to get behind me. My first cousin just finished her treatments a few weeks ago so I know what to expect. She had 3 treatments all in the same week and she felt fine the whole time. She just couldn't be around people or animals for about 3 days with one of the treatments.

They're trying to deplete my thyroid level before the treatments. So my energy level is not anywhere near normal right now. Once they can start me on the senthroid I'll be fine.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I hate to hear that Charlotte. I hope the treatment what ever you choose, doesn't slow you down any, Seems your alot like me and cannot just do nothing. Have to be busy. Keep us posted .

i was pretty sore this morning after carrying that 26 pound pack for 8 miles. but Danny decided that since the mosquitos were so bad that we wouldn't carry our packs any more, and just day hike! YAY! best news i've had all weekend. i'm feeling back to normal now though, have been working on that back flower garden, and got a huge section cleared and disked and pulled up all plastic so Danny can plant my gourmet cucumbers and melons out there.

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Hey Charlotte maybe mental telepathy going on LOL
I am doing pretty good this week. My back has been better this last week or so. I have been outside more.. My yard is so pretty in bloom right now that I wish you were here to pick out some daylilies. You too Marilyn. I didn't go to the camp but Jimbo and the boys did. They cleaned the porches and put everything that was up on blocks inside down. All the appliances are back in place. It will still be a long time before power can be restored since the water is still very high. They took a generator over and had lights and a fan.

I guess your energy level is now about normal for the rest of us. Just kidding I know it is frustrating to be very active but not really feel up to par. I hope they get that leveled out for you.

Marilyn when you get those beds made let me know it you want some daylilies. I can send them to you or you and Charlotte can come down.

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Kathy Ann 26 lbs is a third of your weight!!!!! You should be flat out not just sore.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Your right Kathy Ann I do have to do dong something all the time! I've been out all afternoon - just not moving as fast as normal. I'll be back to full speed as soon as they will give me senthroid!

Cindy I bet all your day lilies and other flowers are really pretty right now. I still haven't made it down to the cemetery in Spearsville and really need to go. Maybe I can get my schedule figured out after I go to the doctor tomorrow. I'm going out on the 9th for Jake's graduation. He had planned to come back with me but has decided to wait until Aug because he's going to a church camp on the 13. He didn't know it was scheduled for that week when he made plans to come back with me. Then Justin and Clint are coming the 6th of July to spend a few days. I would like to fit my treatments in somewhere after I get back from CA and before Justin and Clint get here if that's possible.

Sandra how are your doing??? Hope your feeling OK.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I worked all the soreness out today Cindy lol I am ever so glad he said nomore packs though, i have 2 blisters on the bottom of my feet today. but I really thought my thighs and shins would be sore from carrying all the weight and walking so much. We did that 8 miles in about 7 hrs. We walked slow and had alot to see. I slept all the way home ha.

I've got our next hike picked out already! No packs this time, I think it's a 9 mile hike. we'll have to start out very early on this one cause there are lots of SSS's along the way. (Special Scenic Sights)

just for the record, I don't even wish 26 pounds was l/3 of my weight lol But I know what you mean. it was alot of weight for someone mysize to be carrying for 8 miles. here I am thinking i need to get the 6 pounds back off that i recently gained.

now I do know what i can handle. and how far I can trek . We did go through all our water an hr before we ended the hike. not good, we didn't even have water for our oatmeal or supper that we were intending to cook on the trail.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I have quite a few things blooming so will try to post a few pictures. Love this day lily. I have the name just didn't look it up.

Thumbnail by cperdue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Another day lily.

Thumbnail by cperdue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Just a sampling.

Thumbnail by cperdue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Lots of brugs blooming.

Thumbnail by cperdue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

More brugs

Thumbnail by cperdue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

This is a NOID but a pretty white. At first I thought it just had not turned yet but finally realized it's white.

Thumbnail by cperdue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Some hydrandreas.

Thumbnail by cperdue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I don't have any idea the name of this one but it is pretty. All my other mop heads are blue. Don't know how this pink one got in there.

Thumbnail by cperdue
Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Beautiful flowers Charlotte.Love those daylilies!! .Hoping the best for you during your treatments.

Ripley, MS

I am doing ok-still having lots of pain from the shoulder, but better than it was a month ago. Jerry is also feeling better, he got a b-12 shot at the doc Wed and he worked at his Moms all day yesterday.
Amanda came late this afternoon and left Charity with us, Faith is still playing ball, they take turns in the summer, that way they both get all of our attention and also their Moms. It gives them a break from each other too.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Sounds like all you ladies have been busy, as usual! Charlotte, do keep us posted about your treatments, etc. Maybe sometime this summer, you and I can fit in a trip down to Cindy's. I would love to go visit her even if I don't dig any of her daylilies! :o)

Praying for Cindy, Sandra and Jerry and anybody else who needs it! Love and miss all of you!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Glad your feeling better Sandra! Is Jerry still working the really long hours?
I'm like you Marilyn, don't need a lot more day lilies but would like to see Cindy.

Ripley, MS

No, he has been only working 40 hours for the last several weeks, I am glad, he said he could work if he wanted, I told him he better no volunteer for overtime, he needed the rest. They got a new manager and they are trying to cut the ot down as much as possible.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

That's good!! He does need his rest!

Ripley, MS

Yes, he does, at our age we will take all the rest we can get !

Beautiful lilies

Thumbnail by slcdms
Ripley, MS

More lilies, I made these with my IPad, but have not been able to find an app to upload pictures with, so I put them on the pc and did it that way, it makes really good pictures

Thumbnail by slcdms
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I didn't know you could take a picture with an ipad! They are good pictures and pretty lilies.
It's hot out there today! I work an hour or so and then come in and cool down a bit and go back out.

Ripley, MS

I watered the tomatoes and had to have a sugar free popsicle to cool off !
It is amazing how fast things dry out with the 90 temps

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Love all the pictures. I had some sewing todo today so I asked danny to help me move my sewing machine over to Amber's room, look what he did! my bedroom is completely empty except for the bed lol. I hope I can keep it this organized.

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

he moved all the thread too. It really looks nice in there, I might want to sew again ha.

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

And LOOK what else he did for me, FINALLY poor toby has been sitting in the closet for almost a year. Poor baby. he's out in the yard now .

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

here's all the thread, it's a bit blurry.

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I need to borrow Danny for a few days!! LOL

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Those 3 big boxes to the right of the first picture are what I had to sew today. I'm glad it's over with.

some of my japanese iris are blooming. forgot to get the name of this one

Thumbnail by kathy_ann

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