The Merry, Merry Month of May

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Yes! And to think we once not that long ago managed to function without any of it!!! Just a plain old telephone!!

Ripley, MS

I can even remember having to go to a neighbors house to use a telephone !

My Ipad 2 has made it to Alaska, can you believe it was shipped from China??? I hope they engraved it in English !! I am hoping to get it on Wendesday !!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

You are gonna love it!!!

Ripley, MS

I know, I can't wait to play with it-lol !!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Now I want one!!!! LOL

When I was a kid we had a party line with like 5 houses on it. No other choice!

Ripley, MS

I still can't believe I am getting one-LOL---I remember party lines too.

There is a big daylily sale in the classified if anyone is interested

Booneville, MS

Sandra, you are so going to love your Ipad. Can I come play too? lol


Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

My, my , my, you girls have been busy! I was out-of-town for a few days for my granddaughter's graduation and for my "other daughter" Michelle #2's birthday. Just got home yesterday. Had a great time!

We are having a fence put up around the back yard. Once they finish I will be able to put in some flower beds. The back yard is shaded most of the day so it will be hostas and ferns, etc. I started a hosta bed up here in the spring two years ago. Charlotte gave me a big clump of hostas which I divided. There was enough for my shade bed in Cabot and enough for a bed up here. The hostas are doing great, Charlotte. thanks for sharing them!

Sorry that you are having so many troubles with pain, Sandra and Cindy. Big hugs (gentle hugs) for both of you!
Charlotte, glad you are recovering from your surgery so well. I know your grandson will be visiting soon and I'm glad you will be feeling well enough to have a good visit with him.

Ripley, MS

Sure Terrye, you can come and play with my toys anytime you want ! I am still in shock that I am getting a new toy-lol--does you sister have a keyboard with hers? I have been looking at cases and I have decided to wait and see if I think I want a keyboard before ordering one. What do you think Jeri? What kind of case do you have?

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

And then the toy creates more toys!!!LOL Cases......keyboards.......

Ripley, MS


Booneville, MS

No, she doesn't have a keyboard. She uses the one on the screen.

I bought Shane a case for his for his birthday and the guys at Best Buy did not recommend the case from apple at all. Said the Ipad falls out of it alot. They recommended another one (which was cheaper too) I can't remember the brand name of it though.


Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Another chore to attend to! During the last big storm we had water actually leak in the half bath downstairs. It came down the wall some how. So I decided I probably needed to turn in a claim for wind and hail damage. The adjuster came out today and said we do have wind damage to the roof and wrote me a check less my deductible on the spot. I can get an additional amount after proof that the roof has been replaced.
Now the part I don't like to deal with - finding someone to do the work!
Also making sure they don't destroy my beds during the work!!!
They should be able to use the driveway for access to and from the roof. If not they are going to have to wait until fall!!!

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Jeri, I've been laughing (sort-of) at your 'drama queen' grand-daughter. My DGD had been acting almost the same way...not really a drama queen, but giving the eye-roll, ignoring Mom and us, etc. Now that Mom is out of school she had a big sit-down with her a couple of weeks ago and laid down the law as my Momma used to say. Different child now (she's 11 going on 30). Anyway, I think it opened her eyes the way she told her what perception she was leaving with people and so far so good.

And some good news...DD received the long-awaited job offer yesterday and it was the one she wanted!! She is getting a full-time job in the ER!! Everything stopped when the tornadoes hit so she has been nervous about the whole thing. Then she found out the nurse-manager was gone for a week but that she was still in the running for one of the 6 vacancies. Finally it came through, so thanks for any prayers that went up from y'all for this. She starts orientation on June 14 and is so happy. She still has Boards to pass before becoming a full RN but this is a big step and a paycheck will benefits!

Ripley, MS

Wonderful news on the job, Elaine, I am so happy her hard work has paid off for her.
So maybe Jeri would like a copy of your daughters' speech--LOL !!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

That is good news on the job Elaine! LOL on the speech Sandra.

I just got in from outside and sitting down with my feet propped up! I just worked slow but steady and got quite a bit done. I can see what I'm trying to accomplish beginning to shape up. I got my trees planted today. The variegated dogwood and the smoke trees. I dug around on the crape mytle for a few minutes and quickly decided to get out my handy dandy racheting pruners. Didn't take long at all to cut it down without much effort. So I just did the same thing to the rose of sharon. Baby rose of sharons are coming up all around the one I cut down so I can just let some of them grow if I want one some other place. I want have a chance to work on it tomorrow but by this weekend I should be able to stay putting my manure and mulch down. I also need to go out and buy a few big flat rocks.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Charlotte, Charlotte, Charlotte! What are we going to do with you?!!!! You are supposed to be taking it easy, remember? Spreading manure and mulch and hauling big, flat rocks is definitely NOT taking easy. I guess I need to organize a posse to come down there! LOL

Oh, Jeri, you certainly have my sympathy. Drama queens! Been there, done that! Wouldn't you just like to. . .--well, best left unsaid! LOL So funny about borrowing Elaine's DD's speech but not a bad idea!

OK, Sandra, now what exactly does one do with an ipad? Don't tell me I need an ipad, too!!!!

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Maybe I can get my daughter to write down that speech for y'all.
That is too funny, and she will get a laugh out of that.

Ripley, MS

Well, Marilyn, it is like the Iphone--but it does not make calls--it is just a "tablet" size computer. It is really just another toy for me to play with.
Jerry and Cayla went together and gave it to me for Mothers Day, they had it engraved. My laptop is on its last legs as I have had it for quite a while now, so if it goes out I will still have a way to get on line, the Ipad does not have as much storage as my laptop and it does not have a disk drive. It uses apps--like the Iphone--
It is on the truck for delivery TODAY !!! Hooray ! They gave me a card and the receipt for Mothers Day, Cayla ordered it on the 30th, but since they are new it takes a while to get one. I went into Wal-Mar yesterday afternoon in Ripley to pick up some things for Jerry's Mom and went to see if they had a protective film for the screen, I asked the girl if she had any IPad 2 accessories--she looked and me and told me they had just got the Ipad 1-lol--but she thought they had a few things. They did have the film so I am ready with that when the truck runs.
I took Jerry's Mom to have an evaluation on having some teeth cut out yesterday. She refused to take her portable oxygen with her and we were gone about 3 hours. She didn't have to walk much, just sitting most of the time. When she got up to warm her supper last night she fell, her knee was swelled really bad, Cayla and I went and stayed with her while she iced it for 20 minutes. by this time it was pretty late, so I asked her to stay in her chair until Jerry came in and let him be with her when she got up to be sure she could walk ok. She gave in and had Cayla get her walker out of the closet. We have been trying to get her to use it, but she wanted to stay with her cane as long as she could. He stayed with her a while and she seemed to be able to walk ok with the walker. Cayla thinks she was so tired from the trip is probably why she fell. I guess it is possible, as she does not know herself what happened. She told Cayla she was in the floor for an hour before she was able to get to the couch and get herself up. Then she fixed her supper and ate, before she called me to tell me she fell. Someway we are going to have to convince her that she is going to have to take that portable oxygen when she goes places, she just hates to fool with it. She sleeps late, sometimes Jerry wakes her up at 1:30 when he goes to work, so I haven't called her this morning, I sure hope she can get about today on it.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I'd appreciate any help available Elaine, please ask her for a copy of the speech!!! I pray for the patience to outlive this rude behavior before I resort to the better left unsaid part...LOL!!!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Sandra I ordered the Otterbox for the grands but I have a soft case that I ordered offline that makes a stand for watching things if you want. The worst part now is you have to charge the battery overnight before it is usable and that is agony for me.

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Wow everyone has been busy!

Cindy I hope they can give you something to subside that pain away. My goodness!

Charlotte you're so motivated, and you're right, the more motivated you are the slower you age! I think that's why Dave is going to be 50 on Friday and he looks 43ish and acts 25ish! So glad they gave you a check on the spot for your roof, my mom had to have her roof replaced last year because of hail damage, she didn't get a check and it was quite a fiasco but they ended up not paying one dime for a brand new roof. And they walked all over her flowerbeds, they can't just use one spot to do a whole roof, they have to have maneuvering room, you better wait til fall.

YAY Sandra!!! I want one too!!! Hope Jerry's mom is ok, I bet she did fall because she didn't take her tank with her, she's got to start doing that and she will more than likely put up a fight, but a fight is better than her being in the hospital.

I've been busy busy lately, Dave's mom in CA passed away last Friday, she was in the hospital for 4 days before she passed and he decided not to go out there because all his siblings wanted to do is fight and talk behind each others backs and he wants no part of it, he said they can fight and be miserable all they want, he's going to stay here and remain happy!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Crissy please tell Dave how sorry we are about both his mom and siblings behavior!!! I think he did the right thing too!!!

Ripley, MS

Happy moyhers day to me,, posted from my new IPad 2

So sorry about da especially mom Crissy

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I've been busy today and you all have been too!!
Christine sorry about Dave and his mother!!
Sandra it sounds like you are really going to have to convince her she has to use her oxygen when she is gone. If she is used to it and then doesn't have it, it has to effect her her. I wouldn't want to be responsible for taking her somewhere without it.
I also see your already having fun with your ipad!!! I want one!!!LOL

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Crissy, so sorry about Dave's mom. Please tell him we are thinking about him. It is really sad when the kids have to make a fight about everything during a time like that. :o((

Sandra, looks like you are going to have a good time playing with the ipad. :o)

Ripley, MS

Yes I am having fun with it. It is much easier to type on than the phone. I think I will be fine without a keyboard. I guess I will probably go with the otter box

Mammaw slept in her chair last night, she was afraid she would not be able to get out of her bed. Her knee still looks rough, but she is using it prety well.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Crissy, so sorry about Dave's Mom. I think he probably made the right decision to stay out of the fighting. He would be miserable dealing with that, and it's bad enough to be grieving.

Sandra, enjoy your ipad. Everyone I know who has one really enjoys it. I'm 'old school' I guess and still need my laptop! But if I had 2-3 gadgets and more money to spend I'd probably have one too. I did get a Nook e-reader last year for my Birthday, and I love, love, love it.

Jeri, I'll see what I can do about getting her to write down a good speech for you to give.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I was just out in the front yard to take a picture of a daylily that just opened today and I saw movement and lo and behold it was my jackrabbit!!! I kept trying to get his picture and he just stayed right with me. He would just stop and get totally still. He got about 3 or 4 ft from me. Didn't seem to be afraid of me. Despite his posing I couldn't get a decent picture. I had my camera on a wrong setting and I kept messing it up trying to get it back to the right thing. He is big but seems to be very young. I think he may have lost his mother.

Thumbnail by cperdue
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Hello all,
Trying to catch up with everyone! Ya;ll have been busy.... it has been crazy busy here too! Got Alex graduated on Saturday, and then he left for Dallas on Monday for the first leg of his trip to East Asia... he was to leave NYC yesterday afternoon, but they missed their flight. They ended up spending the night in Queens.... he said the hotel had LOTS of locks on the door!! They finally got a flight out late this afternoon so they are about 25 hrs behind schedule!

Kyle was supposed to be at decathlon competition today and tomorrow in Cabot, but his hamstring is still giving him a lot of he decided not to go. I hate that because he really wanted to participate but no point going to possibly cause more injury...

Jessica is in a big election for student council president....election is tomorrow and her opponent is the principal's son. I will be glad to have it behind us! I am concerned about what he (the principal) might do to her IF she wins...he is very vindictive and runs the school for his kids only. Two coaches have been fired just this year because his kids didnt get to start on the teams.... Jessi has tried really hard to run a clean campaign, and I am proud that she was willing to at least make a try. She has wanted to be student council president since 7th grade and she almost didn't run because he had signed up.....but I knew she would regret not at least TRYING! So, tomorrow is the day... a few prayers would be greatly appreciated!

I have a few daylilies blooming but most of the blooms are not very pretty.... maybe this cool snap has messed them up? Not sure ..... I have several weeds that still haven't been cleaned out and I have several plants that I don't know what they are because my mini blind tags have completely faded out!! So, guess when they start blooming I will need someone to ID them for me!

Elaine....congrats on your daughter's new job! I know that is a relief for you and her! Sounds like she laid down the law and did a GOOD job with it! I think a lot of these teens don't have any leadership or direction at home and a lot of the behavior that they witness at school is NOT good! I have had to lay down the law several times myself - but I have NO patience when it comes to all the drama and I don't really tolerate it! :) Moodiness is one thing, but not drama and rudeness - I have a REAL problem with the rudeness that a lot of these girls display! I took water to about 6 or 7 of the softball games for the girls after I realized they didn't have anything in the dugout to drink during the games. ONLY ONE girl bothered to thank me in all those games! By comparison, we took treats for the boys to every football game and it never failed that I had at least 50% - usually way more - tell me thank you. There is something WRONG with that picture! These girls are way too spoiled!!

Ok, off my soap box now..... ^_^

Cindy, hope that you are feeling better. I hate that you are in such pain. Charlotte, sounds like you are over doing it!! I agree with Marilyn, we may have to send out a posse.....

Jeri ..sorry about your fish. SOunds like my luck. I want some weeping japanese maples in my foundation planting by my front steps but I am terrified I will just kill them! :)

Hope everyone is well and has a great night!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Wow - Charlotte, we cross posted. He does look like a big bunny! He is so he enjoys living in your gardens. Hope he doesn't eat anything!


Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Not likely that the bunny won't eat anything, Genna! ROFL! That's what bunnies do! :o) Saying a prayer for Jessica and the school election! Congrats to Alex on his graduation. I hope they have a successful trip to Asia. Is this a mission trip? I'm sorry that Kyle missed the decathlon competition. I hope he gets better real soon!
My DGD, Samantha, graduated on Friday night. She will be going to Europe in July with a group of band/choir students from all over the U.S. They will tour nine countries and give a concert in each country. The Europeans are really supportive of things like that and there is usually standing room only at the concerts, according to the man who runs the program. Samantha's mother went on the same tour when she graduated from high school so this organization has been around for a while and is very reputable.

Sandra, how is Jerry's mother doing today?

I need to get out in the yard today and dig up some daffodils along the back fence. We are having a new fence put in (just chain link) and the fence guys will be cleaning out the fence row before they install the new fence. The daffodils will most likely be destroyed in the process if I don't get at least some of them out of the ground beforehand. Should I put the bulbs in a paper bag and keep them until the fall before re-planting them?

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Great experiences for all the kids!!

Marilyn I know Friday is going to love his new playground!! Samantha is such a house dog that she is ready to go back inside after 5 minutes or so even if I'm out back myself!! She also likes me to tote her around outside rather than running around herself!! Strange dog! Charlie will stay longer but he is also ready to go back inside after 10 or 15 minutes even if I'm outside! They prefer the comforts of the inside!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Well, the principal has already sent Kyle out of the student council elections - he is an officer and the officers are responsible for handing out ballots, collecting ballots and counting votes .....but each officer only counts a portion of the ballots and has to count them twice and arrive at the same number. Then that count is verified by a different officer - each "count" is written down after it is certified by a second officer and the sponsor tallies all the counts - so only the sponsor knows the totals. But the principal went to the sponsor this morning and said "someone" had come to him with the concern that Kyle would count all the votes for Jessi...... and removed him from helping with the election. I think the sponsor was pretty upset about it. We are concerned about the principal being present during the count, but we have some people on the "inside" so to speak that we know will not allow cheating....and IF cheating occurs that they can not prevent - they will let us know. Sounds horrible to say, but the principal can not really be trusted. He isn't SUPPOSED to be present during counting - but then he was in the fieldhouse during homecoming elections and that had never taken place before!! Just say a prayer for me, and her.... it is putting her under a LOT of stress at school! I would love to see her win, but it isn't a big deal to me if she doesn't as long as everything is handled in a fair manner.

Alex arrived at his destination just about 30 minutes ago...... a 16 hr flight! Whew.... I am not sure I could do that!

Charlotte- your babies sounds spoiled. My little babies think they have to be outside whenever I am....but sometimes I have to make them go back inside because they can not breathe well in the heat and humidity with their scrunched up noses....... :) I always let them go out with me, and they usually try to lay in my shade while I am working with makes it difficult to work...since my yard is full sun it means they are all three trying to lay under or behind me! :) or sometimes under the wheel barrel if I have it with me..... Guess I need to buy one of those large umbrellas and start carrying it around to stick in the ground so they can supervise without being in the sun! Marilyn, I know that Charlie will love his new play area too. Hope those guys don't tear up too much while they are putting up the fence. I am not an expert, but I would probably just put the bulbs back in the ground when they are done. ??? I know one of the large daffodil farms in the area is currently selling bulbs and they recommend they go back in the ground within a few hours of the time they dig them. In fact, the guy suggested that if I purchase bulbs that I till the area with our tiller and get them in the ground......

Sandra, is Mammaw doing better today? Hope she is able to get up and about.

Jeri, how is Mary doing? I hope that she is continuing to improve every day!


Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thank you so much everyone, Dave's fine and glad he didn't go.

Sandra you are going to enjoy that ipad!!! Maybe when Dave finds some work I'll get one too!! Tee Hee

Wow Genna, hope they don't get in trouble for being that late! Kyle made a good decision I think, he doesn't want to tear it. Sorry he missed it though, what a bummer. Good for Jessica! The Principal is a bad man, wants things to be ran like the 'good ole boys club' but those days are diminishing. I'm sending prayers for her!!

I'm hoping that the count isn't swung by what the Principal wants!

Ripley, MS

Jerry's Mom was doing ok the last time I checked on her about 8 last night. She sleeps late so we usually don't talk to her until Jerry leaves for work at 1:30. Sometimes he fixes her breakfast for her then. She slept in her chair the first night she was afraid she wouldn't be able to get out of the bed. She has always had trouble sleeping at night and usually does not go to sleep until 4 or 5 in the morning.
Glenda came to see about her yesterday, she does not think she needs to have her knee x-rayed so we will just wait and see.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Good luck to Jessica! Please let us know what happens, Genna. So glad that Alex and his group made it safely to their destination. 16 hours on a plane doesn't sound like a bit of fun. I have always wanted to go to Australia but, even if I could afford it, the long plane ride would probably keep me from going.

If the bulbs need to go back into the ground, I need to wait until the fence company starts tearing down the old fence before I dig the bulbs. However, I don't think they will want me out there digging up bulbs while they are using the little bulldozer to take down the old fence and all the scrubby-looking trees that have grown up through it. The land behind my daughter's property used to be a cow pasture but no cattle are running on it now and the current owners never mow or do anything to it. In fact, they live out of state. We will probably have to spray that heavy duty Round-Up on their side of the fence to keep those scrubby trees and all the weeds from growing up again.

Charlotte: Friday loves being outside. If I am outside, he wants to be out there with me. I try to take him for a mile walk every day when the weather is good to give him some exercise. He loves it and will run to the front door when he sees me get the leash and put on my sun visor! Those are signals that we are going for a walk! LOL He always drinks a lot of water when we get back home and then he takes a long nap! :o)

Ripley, MS

Please go here
I love yo all

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Genna, I hope Jessica got some good news today in the election. That principal doesn't sound like he has many principles. Weird that he would think HE could participate in the count but Kyle could not. Sounds like a conflict of interest to me. Well, it's always best to take the high road no matter what. That sounds like a wonderful trip for Alex, but I don't envy him that long trip.

Charlotte, I hope you are feeling never complain and just keep going. Hope the drugs are out of your system now and that you are better.

Jeri, I talked to my daughter a little bit today. She said her speech all started with her slamming the refrigerator door while her daughter was standing in front of it complaining. Then they sat down. She said several tears later, my grand-daughter went in her bedroom and a couple of hours later, there was a letter to me and PawPaw for the mail. I got it a couple of days later. It was a really sweet apology for her behavior and had several bible verses scattered on the envelope and on the stationary. My daughter basically told her she was being disrespecful and she was going to have to lose the attitude of entitlement. Many words were said but that was the heart of it. She told her how we (the grand-parents) had been supportive of her going back to school and were the reason my grand-daughter was able to go to camp in the summers, and had lots of other things. But her recent attitude was not showing love or respect, must less appreciation for what she had. My grand-daughter got the message. DGD is really a great kid, she is just going thru a lot of hormonal changes right now. She's smart as a whip, in the top tier of her class, loads of friends, great soccer player, popular in school, but she has lately had this eye-rolling attitude toward other adults and sense of entitlement she needs to lose. I think she's getting it.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Genna hope the elections turn out OK!!! Sounds like you all need to get rid of that principle!!

Marilyn both Charlie and Samantha love to go for a walk! I'm a bad mother and don't take them as often as I should. I just send them outside to do their business. When I get their leashes out, they get so excited they can hardly stand it!!!

Elaine I'm doing fine. As a matter of fact for some reason today a lot of the swelling at the incision has gone down. I've had this funny sensation around my chin and mouth like it feels when you've been to the dentist and the feeling starts to come back in. I guess all those nerves have been caught in the swelling and are now coming back to life as the swelling goes away. I still have a lot of swelling, but I've been amazed how much as gone out just today.

I went out late this afternoon and sprayed everything with MG. I started out to do the brugs, containers and hanging baskets but ended up giving a lot of other things a shot.

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