June RU Plant and White Elephant Swap

Lula, GA

SALLY, when I dig the hosta for Mike, I will get you an eye or two, okey?

Okey, now I'm still confused. Sterling, are you male or female, Mike seems to remember you as a "he"!!!! ;-)

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

He was joshin', Brenda; I think????

Sterling, you're going down for lilies. Did we meet at Beclu's RU?

I have hostas, Sally. Can you dig them any time?

I'm adding one 2' variegated China berry tree to my list recently gifted to me. It might need more space than I can commit. And, oh gosh, that Bird of "Sharon" is supposed to read Bird of Paradise.

Dahlonega, GA

Laurel , Yes , it's best when they are just breaking ground , altho I've never lost any and dug them at all stages . I just cut one off and kept the dirt on it and stuck it in another hole . It thinks it was there all the time .
Wholy , If it won't damage his plant , Yes Yes Yes . Thank you and Mike too .

Lula, GA

Hey, LAUREL, you just said the magic words- Bird of Paradise!! I know Sandy does not have a trade list yet. She would love a Bird of Paradise, please, and I will get with her and see what she is offering this time of year, and add it to my trade list.

I forgot what a kidder Mike is!! ;-)

SALLY- I have a bed full of hosta seedlings I need to thin- Some of them are huge and some have huge leaves.................... and some are both!! LOL! No problem!
And yes, ideal time to dig is early, when the eyes are showing but they actually are more actively growing in June, July. I will be really careful with the petioles!!!


Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

One Big Bird going down for Sandy.

Let me know if I still need to dig hostas since there seems to be a bunch out there.

I am going to be away for awhile, starting Wednesday, while other family takes charge of plants, houses and animals. That's why I can't start seed and make cuttings right now. I'll be busy trying to catch up with both houses when I return and preparing for the RU. If I am out of touch for a week or so, as of Wednesday, it's because I can't make a connection or have limited access.

Dahlonega, GA

Laurel , just hope you're enjoing whatever you're doing .

Dahlonega, GA

Bring on the hosta .

Lula, GA

Hosta for Sally, coming up!!

Dahlonega, GA

Ef , I missed you up there somehow . Your maple is standing by . Sorry . I'll bring a coupla extra in case .

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Quote from mqiq77 :
OK Sterling ole boy,LOL The peanut butter bush I will have. The alstroemera I got from you are doing fine, and Yes, I remember you well.BTW, do you still have an english Ivy problem?If not, then you are the first to succed, "without being in your fathers busness".Mike

OK - I don't understand the "without being in your fathers business" and I will bet there is a funny there! So do explain.

The ivy I actually HAVE gotten rid of by "pulling and cutting, pulling and cutting" and now just keeping the rest of it at bay. I did clear a huge area of it and it took a couple of years but it can be done, and done without poisons too.

And to everybody else - I am a woman... through and through!

Thanks for reserving me a peanut butter bush - they are amazing!


Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Not only is Sterlin a woman, but fair, at that, and Brenda, you are So wright, about me being a kidder, as long as every knows its All in fun.
Sterling, I coined a quote, that I used on a very sucessful freind of mine, that at the time was having a grand ole time reminding me of the failed enterprises I had endevered, and that was in front of his managerial staff.My comment was; "When at first you should suceed, your in your fathers business". In his case, it was his Grand fathers business.Some of the staff members blew their eustation tube, trying to "Not hear it".My friend responded with, "Are you a direct decendant of Jezzebel ??" Cold ! Mike

Lula, GA

Sandy's trade list

5-Walking Iris in gallon pots
5- Berkonigin Brugmansia- double deep pink
5- Brenda's Beauty Brugmansia- double peach
1- Miz Scarlett (NR) brugmansia- deep pink single, lemony scent
5-Large white calla lily starts
5- Yellow Flag Iris- great in ponds, keep in pot, tho
1- varigated Century plant/Agave
1- solid green Century plant/Agave
5- Quart Aloe
2-each of Three varieties no name Elephant Ears, all green, some very large
1- Barss Lime tree- large fruited
1-Torch Lily/ Red hot Pokers
3- Old-timey Tiger Lilies
5- Euphorbia/ Spurge- blue-green
2- Ogon Sedum
2- Little Prince banana- cute, cute!
1- Triple orange daylily- runs
1- Gardena plant- large shrub type
1- Crinum- solid deep pink-purple
3- Gold dust plants/Golden Euonymus- varigated shrub

My husband Tobias is offering any one of these plants: Discolor calenthe (baby), yellow or light purple cynbidium (baby), patio peach (3 year old), or japanise toad lily (purple or white). For any of these plants only: calenthe (zieboldi), grasspink,rose pogonia, putty root, fringed orchid (purple or orange), drangons mouth orchid, calypsos orchid, three birds orchid, or spotted coral root.

This message was edited May 12, 2011 8:30 PM

This message was edited May 15, 2011 11:02 AM

Lula, GA

Laurel- is this BOP a GIANT Bird of Paradise? What color? She already has the white one, and it has 3-4 side shoots. Hope she gets to see it bloom this year! Third year for it.


Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Welcome, Sandy! What a nice mom you have.

Brenda, I've never bloomed it because it was sold as a wee thing and labeled a Spath.. It kept growing, and growing...and growing. So then I divided it and it almost croaked. It's looks great but I sure have given it a hard life. lol Anyway, I have the other half but being a native south Floridian, one BOP is enough. Let me know one way or the other 'cause I'll be hauling it up from Atlanta.

Lula, GA

LAUREL, LOL, guess I should have asked you if you have ever seen it bloom but no, it hasn't, sooooooooo................... go ahead and haul away!! Sandy would be happy for it! Thanks!!
Sandy is off to little league baseball practice with my grandson, Brian, so the DG surprise will have to wait!

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Our other Brenda, Plantnutz, has re-upped and been added to our guest list. Wholy, remind me if needed to fix the two n's in Sandy's user name. I've already done two edits on that thread tonight. One BOP accounted for.

Austell, GA(Zone 7a)

Okay, here's a start to my have list. I will post more after I walk around in the yard this weekend. Bear in mind none has been dug yet...

2 - bletilla
2 - small starts of double kerria
3 - variegated solomon's seal (this has been dug)
3 - campanula punctata 'cherry bells' http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/showimage/18074/
lots - hellebores
tricyrtis - tapei silk and samurai (I think)
gooseneck loosestrife
maybe some oakleaf hydrangea
Northern sea oats
vinca 'illumination'
2 - LA Iris 'black gamecock; - one for wholyhosta and one for someone else.

Would love to have a yellow toad lily or the tricolor. Anybody have any to share?

Brenda B - do you have la iris 'black gamecock'?


Laurel - bletilla, var. solomon's seal, oakleaf hydrangea
Whollyhosta - black gamecock LA iris, oakleaf hydrangea
Sterhill - double kerria, small blue hosta, samurai tricyrtis
Sandy - var. solomon's seal, maybe some ferns
Mike - big blue hosta
Elaine - orphan hostas

This message was edited Jun 1, 2011 10:52 AM

Lula, GA

Elaine, may I have some of your Frosty Morn Stonecrop? Thanks. I will have my trade list up soon.


Lula, GA

Elaine, I would like one of your Snow Nymph Salvias, please.

Sandy was going to put her list up this morning, but ran off and left it on the kitchen counter when she came over this morning to plant some brugs and get some beds mulched for me.
I will get her to read it to me this evening, and I will post it.


Lula, GA

I have added my trading list on my post above


Dahlonega, GA

Sandy , I would die for a big leaf E E .I will dig you one of my astilbes for it .

Lula, GA

SALLY, I will speak for Sandy and say "yes" to your request and your offer of an astillbe!

PLANTNUTZ/Brenda- I don't know if my Black Gamecock survived, so I would love one from you.
Would you like a start of Cajun Sunrise? Photo.
Also, would you like any brugs? I have a large collection. I can start rooting cuttings from most all of them. And I do have some mature plants to bring and give-away. One double and several singles.
~Brenda B

This message was edited May 13, 2011 10:07 AM

Thumbnail by wholyhosta
Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Brenda, I would like a Charles Gramaldi, and Dr.seus, if you have them, and that cajun sunrise, sure grabs my attention. Thanks, Mike

Brenda, it was the CG, and Dr. seus, that both Jim, and I wanted. I'm not familier with the Ar.Brug, are the fragrant? If so then yes, I love fragrant things, all fragrant plants, thats why I have peanut butter shrubs all around me. Thanks, Mike

This message was edited Jun 2, 2011 2:53 PM

Lula, GA

Sadly, Charles and the good Dr are no longer with me. But I can get up a Cajun Sunrise for you, Mike.

Mike, Sandy dug a Dr. Suess for you!

This message was edited May 31, 2011 2:17 PM

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

yes, Sandy,
yes, Brenda.. putting on my post above

Dahlonega, GA

I'll leave the astillbe in the ground and dig it closer to time. I'm afraid it won't get enough attention in a pot and it's started to bloom .

Lula, GA

Thank you ladies!

Sandy will be on here intermittently, but she says thanks for the welcome!

I will make the changes to my trade list.

SALLY, could you please write on the astilbe tag what color it is!

MIKE- was it you that wanted a start of an Adora brug several years ago? I can still start this one for you.


Dahlonega, GA

Ef georgia 1 -1 BGood Japanese maple
Mqiq -2 BGood Japanese maples
Wholly 1 BGood Japanese maple
Wholly 1 Astillby for big EE
Nutz 2 BGood Jap map
I'll keep the list here in case of a senior moment

This message was edited May 14, 2011 10:32 AM

Austell, GA(Zone 7a)

Okay, guys, put up some wants and I'll see if I have any.

Sally, do you have more bloodgood seedlings? If so, I'd like a couple.

Laurel, I would love some burros tail.

Sandy, I would love a little banana.

Brenda (plantnutz)

Dahlonega, GA

It's on the list

Lula, GA

BRENDA, I will let Sandy know you want a Little Prince Banana. I remember it being a hot item at the Dausett Springs RU back in '06- we finally got a hold of one several years later.......................... and they do multiply!!!

I know Sandy is looking for-

Double daylilies
Hardy orchids

I sent you a dmail!

****** Nobody beside Sterling wants any Heritage raspberry plants???These will give you a little fruit this Fall. They produce two crops of tasty raspberries per year and nothing bothers them! Except maybe the grandkids or neighbor's kids wanting to pick-n-eat!

Brenda B

Lula, GA

LAUREL- I have been meaning to ask you for the burro tails, please.
I have a nice collection of tender succulents, epiphyllums, dragon fruit, and rhipsalis- burro tails will fit right in. Thanks!

~Brenda B

Dahlonega, GA

Wholy ,is that dragon fruit the same as the tropical fruit you eat ? If it is , I gotta have one. It will go to Texas.I'll trade a seedling mango .Can't guarantee the quality of future fruit , but a pretty plant .

Austell, GA(Zone 7a)

I have updated my haves. Any interest?

Sterhill, would love to try your chinese indigo. The 'lady in red' hydrangea I got from you is going gangbusters!

Lula, GA

BRENDA, how "maybe" are those oakleaf hydrangeas you are offering? I would like one, if it's a "for sure" !!! ;-)
Also, potted up Cajun Sunrise for you- thanks for the Black Gamecock. And when I dug a varigated tricyrtis for Sterling, I dug extra for you.

BRENDA- On the brugs, I have Georgia Peach, Savoy Truffle, and Butterfly, which is my favorite for fragrance.

MIKE & SALLY, got the hosta dug. Mike, you are getting two eyes, Sally one- that was the way it divided up.

SALLY- I was not offering any of my collection of tender hanging basket plants, except for the epiphyllums, but I can get you a start to the Dragon Fruit. It will only be a leaf- that's how mine started last year.

All my trades so far are dug- who have I missed adding up above to my trade? Anyone?

~Brenda B

Dahlonega, GA

Wholy , If it's a basket plant , I can't use it . I have to transport my tender plants to Texas and back , if I can't put them in the ground out there .Thanks bunches anyway .There is no one there to care for them .

Lula, GA

SALLY- I am raising my dragon fruit in a pot, because it can't take the frost, Comes inside for the winter. But I just read yesterday that people put them in the ground but not where it freezes. So, does it freeze in your neck of Texas?

Dahlonega, GA

We had freezes two years in a row in Tex. If it doesn't get too tall , I can protect it there. Does it take a lot of water in the summer?My neighbor can water from across the back fence for me in summer when I'm gone .Our freezes only last three nights once a year . Weird !

Lula, GA

I would give it a try under those circumstance then, Sally. I will bring a start to the RU for you unless you want if Friday?
Thanks for the offer of the Mango tree but my greenhouse is maxed out in the winter- beyond that even. Hanging room only...........................and that is getting short supply.

ELAINE- I just
found out my Night Blooming Cereus is NOT; it's actually Epiphyllum strictum- sounds like a species. This is what mine looks like- it is blooming now.
Link- http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/showimage/266080/

Are you sure your NBC is actually one- there is alot of confusion over mis- identifying this epiphyllum- has it bloomed for you?
Link- http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/showimage/23946/

I would like it if is truely NBC. It is a beautiful plant- I did have one in Florida many years ago.

Brenda B

This message was edited May 17, 2011 7:36 AM

Dahlonega, GA

Great , I'd love to try a start of it . If you bring it Fri , I can get it going here sooner . The mango was the only thing I was planning to transport , So much for that ! I usually have half the back of the van loaded with plants to carry out there . So far , until last year , they went into my son's yard across the road .
What time Fri is best for you , or wait till Thursday to check your schedule . Lemme know .They open at 11:00

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