What's Happening in your neck of the woods?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Computer setup is tomorrow afternoon.

I have a friend, met originally thru dog agility, who is an IT specialist and he looks after my computer for free.( His wife is my house cleaner!) I did try paying him the first few times but he was pretty uncomfortable with that so after awhile I stopped asking. He is just the kind of guy who does things for people!

So he will come over and hook every thing up and transfer all my files and give me a lesson.

Rain supposed to start tailing off this afternoon so maybe I will put on my rain duds and go weed! The edges of the walks in the veggie garden raised beds are really bad and I prefer people dont see them like that even though I know we are all in the same boat. It is a hands and knees job and I have a wonderful crack weeder so it should be easy with the ground so wet.

Betty how is your face - you have not mentioned it for a while.

Victoria Harbour, ON

You are lucky..those IT people charge a bundle for the work they do..
Still red, itchy but takes a bit for the meds to work..if not clean by Monday will try to make appt. with my own doctor!

I managed to get to almost all the beds except the front one, not sure why I left the one most people see left undone but I did; will try and work on that one this weekend. Friend across the road digs up her plants, pulls all the weeds out and replants..she has a bad back so she says it's much easier as she can place them on a gardening table and not have to stoop over.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

The rain stopped about an hour ago! So I put on my waterproof duds and went out and weeded the paths in the veggie garden! Glad to have that done - some of the dandelions getting pretty big.

There has been enough rain- steady for about 48 hours that I started getting seepage into the basement- guess the water table was pretty high as it usually takes more rain than that. Anyway I went out to Cdn Tire and bought a wet/dry vac - they had a couple on sale and I got one that holds a lot of water! Figured that was better than a much cheaper small unit that I would have to empty all the time. Guess there was quite a run on them-the cashier commented right away that I must have a wet basement! It should start drying out now.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Let's hope it's under control, just what you don't need is to be mopping up a flood! Have a wet vac but never remember to use it..are they calling for a dry spell this weekend?

Hmmm weeded all the gardens but one, cannot believe how many weeds there are..gardening sure takes a lot of work doesn't it?

Need help, hoping you all have suggestions for me..

Having 3 construction workers staying at the house for a week B &B but they will be cooking all their meal, mostly BBQ...wonder if they'd share lol BUT one is allergic to cats, not going to get rid of my kitties that is for sure...he'll bring meds but I want to help as well..

Washing all bedding, vacuuming every corner, will wash down what doesn't move with water and vinegar, will purchase fabreeze, closing bedroom doors so kitties can't lay on beds....

Any suggestions as to what else I might try??

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Boy Ive missed a bit!
Susan and Betty take care of your selves! Carol sounds like you are doing all the right things and getting into the garden is a good thing. Sometimes if you have a wet vac you never have water again and they sure do work well. All the gardeners that are coming will be in the same boat re: the garden so not too worry.

Marilyn the allergies will be there no mater what you do but what you are doing will help. Keeping the kitties off the beds and out of the rooms will make a huge difference. I have a nasty time with kitties and my Mom in Law does her best but I still have to use the drugs and carry an inhaler but I can sleep there because she always keeps the door to the bedroom closed and I do the same and open the window when sleeping in there. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and they can be outside a lot.
I do believe the weather will cooperate and it's warming up so whoooooohoooooo plants out of the G house this weekend and into their pots and beds.
Alberta Ann

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Pretty shrub Betty, i think it would look nice anywhere you plant it !!
Good luck with the construction workers. Will you have to cook breakfast and supper for them ? I do hope the allergy meds help the one fellow .. Lorna takes Reactine and is not bothered with the huge POOFS of yellow pollen that blow from the Evergreens .. quite something to see that cloud of yellow powder fly into the air .. the puddles along the driveway have films of yellow over them.
Re your eye .. be vigilant!!

Carol .. good luck with the new computer .. and .. Alberta has sent a weekend of rain our way .. BUT .. temps above freezing .. the Bleeding Heart suffered the worst :-(

I got some Tyleno #1s yesterday .. 8mgs of codeine in them .. the pharmacist said there'd be a 50/50 chance I'd react (I have a sensitivity to codeine) anyway .. I took ONE at 2pm .. and was fine .. pain relief was minimal, but some .. at 8pm I took 2 .. again .. relieved 'some' of the shoulder pain, enough that I got 3 straight hours of sleep .. at 3am I took 2 more .. well .. I reacted .. spent 90 minutes doing the shallow breathing thing .. it's not an 'anaphalactic' type of reaction .. but one that is quite uncomfortable in the sternal area of my chest .. haven't had a bout in .. hmmmmmmmmm .. 20 years I guess, which is when I took Tylenol #3 for something or another ..

Gord arrives tonight at midnight from BC .. long flight from Kelowna to Toronto, then back to Thunder Bay .. will be taking Lilly to the airport with me, Piper is just too much of a 'piddler' !!!

The 'weed whacker/whipper snipper/trimmer' worked well .. a bit heavy .. but so nice to be able to be portable .. DOWN SIDE .. it came with only ONE battery !! It lasted an hour .. and it was pretty much non stop for that hour .. so ... I will be looking for another battery as back up ..

Off to make a cheese cake .. am going to TRY usinf Nutri Whip instead of Cool Whip .. wish me luck !!



Victoria Harbour, ON

"M"' Darlene was here this morning for plant sale and thought it might be heavy for me, thought with my bad shoulders I ought to stick to an electric one so will go check it out when I go to town, not a lot of trimming so should be ok!!

Bought 50 perennials at church plant sale, justify it because it's fun raising for church! Planted them as soon as I got back, sky was dark and I thought rain would do them good but so far no rain!

As for the construction guys, they will cook their own meals,said as long as they had a BBQ they would be ok..did someone tell them I burn almost everything I cook? Lol

Wow that is a lot of meds, you must have high tolerance to drugs!

Yikes, my bleeding heart did not do well either BUT never have luck with peonies and this year they are full of buds

You'll all be exhausted by the time you get home tonight..bet you've missed him!

Falling asleep here, I'd best get moving otherwise I'll fall asleep and then I'll not be productive


Hi all!
Carol - hope your garden is doing well - all this rain, but I hadn't heard of many wet basements.
We went to do the Movie Night in our church basement, and there were lakes Everywhere - came from the outside walls. Previous years the elevator shaft flooded, but not this year thank goodness!
Because of the wet basement we had the movie in the sanctuary.
Today we had a work bee to clean the sanctuary (nothing to do with Movie Night LOL) and we moved all the chairs to the centre carpet, then my DH washed, and waxed the lino. The rest of us cleaned the chairs (upholstered seat and back - the rest is wood), moved them, then started to work on the stairs, and the rest of the woodwork. Some of the church ladies made a coffee break and lunch (salad, lasagna and baked goods). How great, eh?

btw - I'm more convinced than ever it was just heartburn that caused my trip to the emerg. I was burping like a trooper today, and it was sour.... felt much better afterwards. Sounds like heartburn to me!
Betty - I was in an ICU bed the entire time, and slept some - at one point I had another "session" so was glad I was in the hospital, you can bet! At the time I didn't know what it was and I was scared, but no longer. I have spent, at other times, hours in the waiting room, and that's miserable, I grant you. But, when they're looking after you so well, time passes faster. Also, they brought lunch, and I was able to use the phone, so I didn't feel so "cut off".
Work the next day kinda tired me, but that was to be expected cuz I usually am tired after a long day at work LOL

Anyway, hope your day is going well, everyone!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, another rain day..glad I fit a lot of work done outside yesterday..as most of the work and cleanoping is done for the 3 construction workers I might find time to play for a few hours...

Susan, hospital is the place to be when you are dealing with possible heart issues..still you should keep close eye on it...you put so much energy into the church I hope they know what a gem they have in you!! Did I mention Susan 2 of the workers spending the week are flying in from Calgary? Have to find out where they live in Calgary and let you know.

Well, best I get a move on, couch is awfully inviting

Hope it's a sunshine day in your neighborhood and you get to either. Work or just enjoy your gardens!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Wow the sun came out yesterday morning and shone on Plant Share. Thank goodness.

That went very well, a few plants left over but they were just compost material I think. I picked up my two free plants( for volunteers)-a BeeBalm and Verbascum and later after the rush while checking the tables picked up 2 more little sad looking verbascum - Ihad seen others I would have liked ( I brough 6 so could take 6 free) but there was such a rush I could not see and anyway I dont really need them. I bought 2 Peony seedlings a local breeder was selling for the Peony Group - they are tree peoniy seedlings out of his garden, grown from see, no guarantees on color! And then chatting with a friend who had picked up 3 Spiderworts she gave me one of them!

Then off home and my IT friend arrived and put together my computer. He brought 2 of the dogs with him Dougal a sheltie/American Eskimo mix and Pixel a 2 year old Papillon . The weather stayed nice so I worked outside getting the yard cleaned up for today, even got the back lawn cut.

Then realised the dogs had not had a walk since Wednesday so I took them out and ran into a friend walking her dog so we sat and chatted for a while.

Busy day! I took 2 Tylenol 3 in the morning so my hip did not bother me although by mid aftenoon my back was coplaining!

Today I am greeted by sunshine and sat on the back step in my night clothes while the dogs did their thing. Somebody was sick last night, I was up about 4 and found 2 little piles of something very dark on the carpet so I cleaned that up. Then when I went to go to the back door on the landing piles of something black, obviously stools mostly almost liquid and not smelly thank goodness. Cleaned it up, trying to figure out who it might have been , probably Abby she was eating dirt yesterday. Hard to know who does these things when so many animals around. Anyway everybody seems healthy.

The basement is drying out.By last evening most of the water had dried up. I will start putting things back later today. I had a lot of large Xmas decorations stored behind the furnace, all in their original boxes and there was water there too so the bottoms all got sooked! Tomorrow I will go look for a couple of really large storage boxes for them.

Not much left to do today although I would love to spread the mulch and compost! Not gonna happen! General tidy up, cushions on the outdoor chairs, a couple of signs to put up and get some snacks ready for my helpers.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Omg you did far too much already, think you ought to stay in your night clothes and enjoy the day!

Worked outside for a bit, dumped all the edging scrap in back field, not sure why I insist on filling wheel barrel but I do then can't move, back so bad!

Love spider wart, didn't have more at plant sale Saturday..that is a great way of doing sale, you can pick for same amount you took..

Bought 50 Plants yesterday, son Greg dropped in just as I was planting, said one good thing about it is soon I'll have no grass to cut seeing as I keep enlarging .. Told him my plans of a secondary pond, have to say he didn't encourage me doing the project.

You just got to shake your head, entire yard, decks and where do they get sick, yep, right on a carpet.

Are you enjoying the new computer? Bet it's high tech..

Going to try new trimmer before it starts to rain again..hard when it rains absolutely every day and off and on during the weekends, get so far behind...legs and back are reminding me that I'm old!!


That's funny - they're from Calgary.... Yes, ask them which part!

I agree Carol - no matter how little carpet you have vs lino or wood, they Have to pick the carpet lol

This message was edited May 29, 2011 2:20 PM

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Well I was lucky - there was only a little bit on the bedroom carpet but the worst of it was on the lino at the back door landing! Good girl Abby. Now Fancy if she was goihg to be sick, no meter where she was in the house, always headed for the white background living room oriental!

It was a lovely sunny day here and all went well with open garden. No idea how many people came through but it was pretty steady all afternoon until about 330 when it slowed down. The friend who was supposed to come to help 'man' the front yard called an hour before to say she could not come, I made some begging phone calls to the closest garden friends I could think of and one was able to come over and stayed all afternoon. I stayed off my feet a lot of the time and used a cane which gave my hip and back some extra support and survived it all nicely. I really do enjoy this. A lot of people indicate they had been in my garden more than once but never in the spring and they always loved to see it. It is fun to talk to epople and it is also a validation of ones work to get so many compliments.

Decided to just eat and put my feet up and read for the evening, will sort out the basement tomorrow.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I moved us on over to .............. http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/f/tradeeh/all/

Hope to see y'all there while the coffee is still piping hot ^_^


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Thanks, Marilynne. But I think the link is incorrect. Try http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1185810/

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