Clematis talk

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Rebecca is group 2. I just got her last year form Silver Star. She is growing like she's on steroids this spring. Her blooms open a bit of a wine red but mature to a true red.

Marilyn, they're one of those plants that are very happy to have a haircut somewhere between mid July and mid August or any other time they're looking a bit ratty.

A little limerick I wrote to help remember the pruning groups:

1 for the pruners means no, nada, none
2 for the pruners means only cut some
3 for the pruners means lots to be done

Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

I like that limerick venu what a good way to remember the pruning groups. Here's Josephine finally putting on her show.

Thumbnail by Cem9165
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)


The older I get the more I like the nada group.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Pretty, Annette. I love the one in the background just starting to open.

Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks pirl. Jackmanii is also starting to bloom now.

Thumbnail by Cem9165
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Sweet. I love that shy look when they first begin opening.

Thomaston, CT

Thanks, Weeze, for the pruning if I only knew what group each clem I own belonged to! Rebecca & Josephine are very pretty clems....jackmanii is planted at my art teacher's home, so we've all had a chance to paint it.....

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Just post photos as they bloom, Marilyn, and we should be able to come up with answers to identify the clem's for you.

Thomaston, CT

Thanks, Pirl.....some have labels, but others are long gone.....

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

Love that limerick!

See, since I am VERY new to clems, in my mind, group !'s & 3's are ones I am leaning toward. Group 2's mean I have to think too much..... ~j

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

I'm in the same boat with you Robindog, most of my clems. names are from my faded memory. lol.

Thomaston, CT

And my memory fades more each year....LOL!

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

This is a new one for me this year so it is only about 12 inches high. I think I have a tag for it but didn't dig for it when I took the picture. I think this one is going to shoot right up to the top of my favorite list. We will see as it grows. The blooms are small but wow the color really pops.

Thumbnail by Riverland
Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Pirl this is a lost tag. Usually has 4 petals and they curl a little bit.

Thumbnail by Riverland
Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Another washed away tag. Pirl I appreciate the help. Don't feel bad if you can't pin these down exactly.

Thumbnail by Riverland
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

My guesses:

1. Venosa Violacea (does the name sound familiar?)

2. Just a maybe...Polish Spirit

3. No idea. The colors of north vs. south are just difficult when it comes to that color family. It does remind me of the look of 'The President' but the color is different than up here where it's much more purple.

Thomaston, CT

All are lovely, Riverland.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

I agree with Pirl, the first one is Venosa. The second one might be Durandii. Also agree with Pirl on idea

Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

Here's Jackmanii blooming beside an iris whose name I can't remember.

Thumbnail by Cem9165
Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

My NOID that's taken off and found a support of it's own.

Thumbnail by Cem9165
Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

Duchess of Albany has finally opened her blooms. Right on time for the Royal Wedding LOL;o).

Thumbnail by Cem9165
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Very nice, Annette. I'll probably be watching the royal wedding. I love all the grandeur and ceremony.

Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

I'm actually watching William and Kate right now. Their love story is soooo romantic.

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Does your Jackmanni put out feelers so it can cling to things? The one I bought said that it did not do that and it was more of a ground cover type. I found that it did not put them out when I planted it. Maybe it is not really a Jackmanni.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Duchess of Albany looks a lot like Princess Diana....keeping it all in the royal family ^_^

Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

My Jackmanii wraps it's leaves aroung the fence to climb. I secured it once several weeks ago when it first started growing, and it's been finding it's own support. Here is Comtess de Bouchaud who will also be joining the royal party. She'll be wearing a pink gown ;o)

Thumbnail by Cem9165
Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Mine are all growing so nice and putting out flower buds already. I will get some pics posted as soon as I can.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Easter or no Easter, I got to get out to water my new plants. The clematis is holding on, it was 90 degrees yesterday, so I got to keep eye on them and the rest of my babies. I guess it is going to be me and the Lord in the garden, with the birds. What a nice feeling. Good day everybody.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

kiseta, peace be with us this special holiday. Happy Easter to all.

Thumbnail by Lily_love
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Happy Easter!

Thumbnail by pirl
Thomaston, CT

And a beautiful Easter morning here....60's & sunny....Alleluia! Love to see the clems blooming.....another month or two here.....

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Wishing you all a blessed Easter.

Thanks Pirl you are right on the first one. Have no idea on the other 2

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

Happy Easter! The sun JUST came out - and I am not complaining. And my itty bitty clem, survived the snow! ~j

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Phil - normally plants meant to be outside, in the garden, all year long will survive snow. They wouldn't like hail but the roots wouldn't be hurt - glad you aren't faced with hail!

Have a happy and sunny Easter.

Athens, PA

Happy Easter everyone. Spent the day yesterday with my grandson and then was able to get out in the garden for a couple of hours until dark. Just a perfect day.

Marie - Jackmanii clings. Sounds like the one you have that does not cling is an integrefolia. Although they do not cling, but scramble - I just love them. Can you post a picture of your jackmanii?

Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

HAPPY EASTER everyone. Marie I took a closer picture of Jackmanii to show you how mine clings to the fence. As I stated above the leaves are guiding the plant upwards by wrapping around the fence. Annette

Thumbnail by Cem9165
Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Once it starts to bloom I will post a picture. Buds still have not opened in this area, but are putting them out. All my other clems send out clingers, but not this one. But the blooms look the same as yours. I will look up integrefolia and see what that

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

I had an AHA moment today. My poor Ivan has been chewed, which I attributed to bunnies. Well, I caught the culprit in the act. It's a blister bug. He was munching away. I pulled him off and the top of the vine came off with him. Ivan has been pruned so many times this spring! I put the cloche back on, but I don't know where the bug went.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I had to Google blister bug to see a photo. I'd never have known. Since they eat clematises they are stinking blister bugs!

Spotted new growth on Blue Moon/Claire de Lune, which I thought expired. The new growth is maybe an inch tall. It will be fun to photograph it weekly and see how fast it grows...I hope!

Hint: it's the tiny green sprout next to the bark in the photo, near the bottom.

Thumbnail by pirl
Duluth, GA(Zone 7b)

Pirl, I happy for you that it came back. Dare I hold out hope that I'll eventually see my Princess Diana that was planted only never to be seen again? I hope your vine does well. Annette

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