What's Happening in your neck of the woods/chat with friends

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, quite the night weather wise last night, issued a tornado watch late evening..wicked storm..poor Sailor, she just could not settled down nor could I, kitties were still outside so about every ten minutes I was out calling..finally about 2 Missy came in, I fell asleep and it wasn't till 5 am that Riley was at the door begging to come in..

Apparently the weather will be stormy all day so doesn't make for a nice Monday, but I'll take it as I'm sure with this rain and a bit of sunshine we will see Mother Nature doing wonders in the garden.

Joy, glad you enjoyed your outing! Bet you looked terrific all snazzied up and felling like a queen with son in hand! Omg that poor woman, she couldn't have picked a better time than at the function seeing there were doctors all around!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Meant to add Heather/Sassy is blessed that she will get to spend her last days with you..your dogs accepting her means they know she needs tender love and care!

Susan, don't you be rushing doing all you should be doing, give that knee a break.

Yikes, another after shock in Japan, one month since the 1st. alert for tsunami..luckily didn't happen but can't imagine how those poor folks felt not knowing the outcome..

Better get a move on, head pounding so cannot run around the house like I normally do! Lol

Fredericton N B, Canada(Zone 4a)

Well girls to continue my story.I really felt I should have worn my black good dress.I might have dressed in the newest style but ......The person who passed out war a man.Our sons played together and started school together.I hope he just fainted.It was very warm.I came home to find that my DIL had cleaned up the front flowerbeds.I was so pleased.The crocuses are blooming and tulips and daffodils are up so I really wanted things cleared away.We had a nice chicken barbecue at dinnertime.I'm exhausted today.GD took a picture of me in my glad rags...I was shocked at how much I look like my mother did at my age.It may have been .the print dress or the lbs. I've put on this winter.JOY

Thumbnail by agedgardener
Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Carol, I know that Sassy will have a good home as long as she needs it. Please tell her there is nothing wrong with a Big butt, I'm in that club!
Betty photo came through properly. Very nice! You must have had nasty weather with a Tornado warning, yikes!

Joy, you look bright and cheerful in your outfit is this one of your new ones? Isn't it great when you get a hand with the chores! I have found that the older I get the more I look like my Mom too. At first I was kind of put off but the more I think about it I am flattered. I hope you are as well.

We have a bright day here and only a slight breeze so sun is warm. What a lovely change.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Still overcast here, but the bulk of the storm is moving east, sorry Joy...I so love seeing people in bright colors, especially love the reds/whites..beautiful outfit..remember purchasing a red dress and all the time I was wearing it I felt like a neon sign, everyone looking at me lol

Off to vision center, called this morning to say I can't see a thing, wearing dollar store glasses instead of the new ones...the had a cancellation at 3:20 so back to see what I can do?

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Hi folks,

Last day in Vancouver. DGD is in day care so her mom can come and go as they have a 7 am flight to Mexico tomorrow. We fly out a couple of hours later. Today we had breakfast with good friends and a good chat. Had hoped to see another friend but haven't been able to connect but we had lunch at our favourite sushi place downtown. And while we were downtown, checked out the luggage at The Bay which is just inside from the Sky Train station. We do that every visit, but this time I bought myself a new Samsonite suitcase regular $300 for $120. About the same size as my 11 yr-old 24" Samsonite. The old one is approaching 150 flights and is showing it, making me a bit nervous about travelling with it, but up to now I haven't found anything as well appointed on the inside. We'll leave the old one here and take it back to Ottawa next time we are out here.


Victoria Harbour, ON

ViAnn, that's one great bargain, amazing isn't when you get used to one suitcase, know exactly what you are aloud to carry, positioning of each item...good for you! Off trekking to another corner of the world tomorrow..hope weather is nothing but sunshine for you both.

Got off a. 3pm, went back to the vision centre, there was a cancellation with the eye doctor so hurrah, he might be able to tell mle what's wrong, NOT, say a prescription was ok that I got a few weeks ago, checked the positioning of the bifocals..all a. O.k. Isn't the glasses causing the blurr or the headaches.

Manager said he would give me $$$ back but no sense seeing as I need glasses, just have to wait for other tests to come back...sooo no further ahead.

Family coming for supper, should be here shortly so I'd better go check on spaghetti, wouldn't want to burn it...donate been known to do so!

Lordy, wind sure is blowing..hope none of you are getting bad weather...so muggy...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Up for a minute for some tea .. have been 'flat out' for about 2 days .. feel just crummy .. first food just a bit ago .. Irish I am .. 'tea and toast' .. hoping it'll stay put ..

Love the pics and the news ..


Victoria Harbour, ON

"M". Thought you were resting...let Lorna and hubby give you some tlc from what I hear it's a flu that stays with you for some time...


Carol - poor Heather/Sassy - must be painful having a tumor in your throat.
Why rename her? Do you get any $$ assistance from vets or Rescue group? (I'm sure you must have said, at some point, and I believe the answer was "no", but just confirming). If not, then you couldn't spend your $$ more lovingly for these beautiful animals than you have. kudos to you for all your love and care.
as for the Pleat Sheet - wouldn't having a wider sheet do the same thing - getting a king sized for a queen bed, etc? It sounds like extra work buttoning/unbuttoning it each am/pm.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all, beautiful sunrise and a sunshine day ahead..just too bad I have to work..

Had a garden angel drop by yesterday while at work, 2 more gardens done, would say that leaves 4 more and spring clean up is done then it's up to mother nature.

With rain and sunshine we've had this past week I can see my lawns are several shades darker..better not get too anxious because because it will mean grass cutting...imagine saying such a thing..

Kids were over last night for dinner, nice visit..then Mel (dil) left to go walking to meet up with a friend after she got a call that her friends dad had just passed away.

I no sooner closed the light s, got in bed that I heard a knock and yelling 'it's me, seems they were out walking and both needed washroom facilities. On their way out I could hear Melanie tell her all about the gardens sooo invited her back once flowers are at their prime for a visit..

Speaking of gardens, last year the rec coordinator wanted to have a community garden show but started much too late..should give them a call to remind them it's now time to start planning..I'll put my gardens in to help support their cause...would mean a lot more work but it would be worth it to share!!

Love the sheet idea ... But seeing there is just me and kitties in bed not a problem with sheet sharing

"M" hope you've had a good nights rest and that you feel back in the land of the living!

Wonder how Jenn made out, if she did relocate..little one must almost be crawling/walking by now?

Best I get a move on

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Susan I dont usually rename foster dogs - have done so in past with a lot of thought and then new owner has renamed! But Sassy is anticipated to be a long term foster because of the cancer. And I prefer non human names. I had a short list and soicited some ideas but after she had been hee a few hours I realised she wanted to be called Sassy. And sassy she is! Facially she reminds me a lot of Fancy.

The tumor does not seem to bother her much although I think it is interfering somewhat with her breathing.

We dont take our dogs to vets who dont give us a discount. The ones we use most often give us 30-35% discounts! Makes a huge difference as you can imagine and we dont have a giant bank account.

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Victoria Harbour, ON

Just don't know how you do it, honestly..I'd fall in love with each and everyone of them and wouldn't be able to give them up....your are to be admired!!! Love the dog photo's..must take a few of Sailor so should something happen to her I'll have them..

Did paint a portrait of her, turned out to be exact..I'll take a photo when I get a chance...

It's absolutely gorgeous out there..calling for rain all weekend! Too bad we can't change our work days to fit in good weather days..

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

We're in the lounge at YVR waiting for our flight to San Francisco. TTYL.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Wish I was with you!!!

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Carol she does look sweet, and I like the tip of her ear folded, and her eyes are bright. You definatly have her attention. I know she will be well loved while she is with you. Sheet is interesting.
Viola A I love the way you are able to pop in where ever you are! I can never remember my pass word as I have the easy way in at work and home.
M our snow is now going quickly and soon I will be able to see my beds too.

The Google truck was in our area on the weekend so maybe our street will be updated. Why don't they come when the garden is nice?

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

So much happening, and, I am happy to report I am on the WAY BACK to being ME .. trying not to push myself too hard, and I gotta admit, it's difficult to watch others do what I usually do .. but.. I did make tonights supper, so, that's a baby step.

My beds are all showing now .. BUT .. cold temps and S N O W are predicted in bits and bats over the next while ..
GEE HOSAFAT did we get HAIL bigtime on Sunday .. no vehicle damage thank heaven .. the 'down pour' lasted 5 minutes or more .. and out mothball sized hail was small compared to the golf ball sized hail perhaps 5 miles north .. quite the scary deal !!! Have a pic. of course ..

Wishing everyone, safe travel (to them that are), continued great recoveries, health and happiness to pets .. and Betty .. shall I ask re your headaches ?



Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

DANG me .. forgot the HAIL pic !!!



Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" glad you are on the mend,,think all of us shared the storm..didn't get the hail but did have tornado watch...cannot believe you are still going to get snow, yikes..can you recall last year when last snow fall was?

As for headaches, still with me, infact had a terrible day, already laying down..called the doctors office and the reception lady, fill in for the regular receptionist checked my file and said results were in and did not see an entry by the doctor that he needed to see me so guess all is okay with the head, so now what do I do? Have you ever felt you'd rather find out something bad than ot knowing why??? You are feeling so terrible and almost bedridden??

bIL Paul (boss) felt sorry for me..his daughter is getting married next week in the islands..Paul and the rest of the family leave Saturday so other than Suzanne it will just be her and I..Paul said that if Suzanne has a opts in other offices for me to work from home...so hope she does one or two days!

Got home tonight and Cathy had been here and must have put in a full day raking and cleaning as every garden is now done! Let the flowers frow, all up to Mother Nature

Ann will be coming over for an hour tonight, t.v. Bingo and heart to heart, really want to get into my jammies but better give her a treat and not!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Now there is a term I have not heard for years- Gee hosafat - sure takes me back!

I heard we are supposed to get snow wed. night! Darn, am almost hoping it will be rain. Most of the yard is almost clear of snow, keep raking leaves off the lawn, full of twigs and little brnches from the self pruning willow tree.

Took Sassy to vet this afternoon. Blood work OK, urine looks like infection, going to do culture, on antibiotics anyway because of gum infection- her teeth are terrible! Will do ultrasound on Fri to check if any tumors in abdomen, if clear will also do chest X-ray looking for same. Depending on those results may have to decide if want to go further which means decision re surgery to debulk neck tumor ( in which case would also deal with the dirty teeth) but that is big bucks so not sure if will go that far. Unfortunately we always have to think about the rescue bank account!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Well that sent me on a little google search: The phase is apparently originally Jumping Jehosaphat: Here is one explanation:

On consulting the Oxford English Dictionary and the Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang, it seems clear that the name of the king of Judah (which also occurs in several other spellings, most commonly Jehosaphat) was used in the United States around the middle of the nineteenth century as a mild oath, a euphemism for Jehovah or Jesus. The phrase Jumping Jehoshaphat is first recorded from Mayne Reid’s Headless Horseman of 1866, but is probably older. It seems to have been in the tradition of exotic imprecations that Americans of that period were so fond of, with the repeated initial sound greatly helping its acceptance.


Ann - the "Google truck"???? have no idea what that might be....

Carol - thanks so much for looking that up - I love trivia and (like "Christ on a crutch" - a saying my father was fond of, or "Jesus wept" or even "Jesus H Christ" another one of my father's favs)
Actually, the last one is from the "IHS" which means "In His Service" and some people purposefully took as the "H" being Christ's middle initial LOL
Jehosophat was something I think that Grandpa used to say in "The Real McCoys" wasn't it?
He probably pronounced it more like "Gee" lol

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

aSusan - I think the Google truck is the one that takes the pictures of houses for street view.

We are at a lovely B&B in Sutters Creek, CA. Had a good flight to SF and the a good drive out here. Also saw an area called Daffodill Hill. Google it.


Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, see frost on the roof next door so must be chilly and breakfast television says possible snow on the weekend..hmmmm say it isn't so..lol

Sounds like a wonderful place to be visiting ViAnn, enjoy your day and will google Daffodil Hill

Think you are correct re google truck..always wondered how they did all the street views..thought with satellite capabilities they have now days they might use that method! Now there would be a job for one of us...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

A GREAT way to start your morning .. ViAnn will LOVE this one ...


Jehosaphat, back in a bit ^_^


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Nah no satellites- they just drive up and down every street with their cameras! There was an issue in some countries because peoples faces could be seen and I think they have to blank them out now. I find it handy when I am going to do home visits as I can usually find the house I want to visit so have a better idea where I am g oing! Especially in winter at night!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Yes, when I enter in my contacts on the ipad someones address first thing that comes up is map then moves over to their home..boys were showing me mine, bunch of cars in the yard and Kyle pointed to license plates being unfocused so you cannot get that info..does help though to know which house you are looking for..just thought there would me an easier way to get that data..

Ahhhh checked out the utube linke..cute kids..thanks for sharring

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Marilynne - if that YouTube has sound I'll look at it when I get home. No sound on DHs computer.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Thats pretty cute- there are a couple of other similar ones there too. Monks and nuns.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

The one I sent was done in Alaska.

ViAnn .. it's the Messiah .. done in a rather 'quirky' way :-)

Enjoy your day everyone .. actually IN the beds today .. trouble is .. things have to ;come along' a bit more before I can start rooting OUT stuff like RUDBECKIA ~~



Fredericton N B, Canada(Zone 4a)

My favourite Amaryllis has started to bloom.It is five years old and has rewarded me with blooms every year.This year there are 6 buds.JOY

Thumbnail by agedgardener
Victoria Harbour, ON

How beautiful...the one I got last year that was so beautiful now gas 3 or 4 long leaves only, should I cut them off?

st.george, NB(Zone 5a)

Beautiful blooms you have Joy!
I have been spending alot of time watching the eagle cams in BC. Here is the link if anyone is interested - there are quite a few of them but the Delta 2 has 2 chicks that hatched this weekend.


Fredericton N B, Canada(Zone 4a)

Don't cut them off.Keep watering and fertilizing it.I put mine outside in the summer.In the fall keep it out until the first frost.Then you can put it in the basement for at least two months.I usually leave them until after Christmas or later.They will show a little green,Start watering and bring them to a sunny window.I have about 6 but this one is the prettiest. JOY

st.george, NB(Zone 5a)

Is anyone else finding this site very slow lately or is it just me and my computer?.............Laurie

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

I was just on and no trouble at all. Maybe it was busy. Cool site!

We are expecting snow tomorrow!!! I thought that nasty word would give us a break for a while.
Oh Well all my little ones are inside under lights for now.

Fredericton N B, Canada(Zone 4a)

Does anyone know what is doing this to my lawns and the neighbour's.Is it a Skunk or what?JOY

Thumbnail by agedgardener

ooooooh Joy - that looks nasty! Sorry, can't help you...........

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Joy I think that is snow mold. I don't know much about it- do an internet search and Im sure you will find lots of information and how to deal with it.

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