(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

LAVINA Looks as your up next :) you should have the robin landing about the 20 th :) are you going to be home ???? hope to hear from you by monday a.m Please

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Corey, I used one of your little screens you made for Susie. The #30. It works well for sage seed separation. I put it back in the Susie bag.

Lavina and others who will follow. Be sure to stock up on little seed bags before the Robin gets to you and cut some labels! Cam

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Good advice, Cam, and I'm ready.

Lavina, I'm right after you. The Robin just might just be hopping here by Easter. Last time it came was Christmas. How far ago does that sound now?

Severa flats I sowed in the last two weeks have lots of seedlings popping up. Ptilotus "Joey" is up, as is Creeping Zinnia, several Basils, and severa; Morning Glories, just to name a few.

Anybody else have seedling up?

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


>> Corey, I used one of your little screens you made for Susie. The #30. It works well for sage seed separation.

I never even tried the 30 mesh, I just thoguht "that's too small". Just today, I had to clean some lobelia seed, and guess what? It passes through the 60 mesh!

Now I wish I hadn't given all the 30 mesh away!

P.S. I put an embroidery hoop around some window screening, and that works pretty well. I think that's 24 mesh.

Sage - 30 mesh
Lobelia - 60 mesh


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Corey I Hope you all are keeping record of these :))) so we can use as a refference guide when it comes time to collect seeds in the fall Never thought about an Embroidery Hoop that would hold the screen tightly :) Ty For the tip.

Fruit , I have not planted anything well i will take that back I planted some but nothing germmanated it was to hot not enough moisture , neglect, sunlight , you name it they just didn't have a chance .
However there is a Morning glory growing & another type of vine thanks to the cats taken the tags out I cannot tell you what they are ,

I did however yesterday take some older seeds that I HAD TAKEN OUT OF THE (Dang cap key)
older robins & I dumped them all in a container together , columbines, daisies, asters, sunflowers, salvias, there was over 30-40 pks of old seeds & i took them out dumped them out over the ground behind my back deck .

weather guy just informed us that we have 4 inches of s - - - to get dumped on us tonight so that should sow them down into the ground :) so i need to go cover some plants .

well daddy is up so will chat more later .


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Quote from RickCorey_WA :

>> Corey, I used one of your little screens you made for Susie. The #30. It works well for sage seed separation.

I never even tried the 30 mesh, I just thoguht "that's too small". Just today, I had to clean some lobelia seed, and guess what? It passes through the 60 mesh!

Now I wish I hadn't given all the 30 mesh away!

P.S. I put an embroidery hoop around some window screening, and that works pretty well. I think that's 24 mesh.

Sage - 30 mesh
Lobelia - 60 mesh


I found a kitchen strainer at Wal-Mart that looks to be about the size of the 30 mesh, and is nice because it has a handle on it. I use it on my sage and basil seeds.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Also use the 30 on my moss rose seeds. Anything tiny it works well for. Just don't get a lot of the fine chaff out of it.

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

I am excited need a deversion after our tornados last night. We are ok but boy was it scary. Our house in Raleigh just has big tree limbs to remove and both my boys andtheir families are OK.
Now I know what the screen is for, I bet it would be good to use for basil seeds.
I have tons of the small plastic bags as ZI learned long ago to even take a pack everywhere and a magi marker.LOL
Her birdie


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Please put my husband and I in your prayers. BIG prayers, please. Thanks to everyone!

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Lavina, Im so glad you and yours are OK. I thought about you as I watched the news and saw all those storms. Our weather this year and last never ceases to amaze me. Right now, most of our state is in severe drought and 2-3 fires per day. Strong winds today did not help and they are scheduled to last the rest of the week. The weather is just weird lately.

Athens, PA


I am hoping you didn't get hit by tornadoes. Let us know when you and DH are ok.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Carolyn, Tornado's missed us, thank God. There were 2 cells and a little open spot between them. We were in the little open spot. Bad news is, we only got 1/4" of rain out of the whole bunch. Waaaaaa. We need it so badly. My pasture grass is just setting there, not growing an iota.

We are OK from the tornado's. Just some other stuff going on. Thanks for all the continued prayers!!!!!!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

gm all was haven quite a time getting on here this morning & Now trying to get all our foums answered .
So glad everyone is ok from the storms We got his with NEW snow fall they say 4 inches by noon .
I hate the white stuff but guess we are very blessed to have snow & Our House compared to all those who have lost their homes & I in no way will complain of our weather.

There is many places that are just devastated & I really feel for all of them & sure pray for relief for all.
well two more forums to answer & you all have a great day .

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Is the bird on the way to me yet? I am excited
After all the weather this past week and they said we are looking for same westher tomorrow or Saturday I need a nerve pill.

Hope all is well


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

It should be there today if you have not gotten your mail yet cam sent you the conf# so maybe check on it to see where it might be .

Oakland, MD

I can't wait for the Robin to be on my door step. I have lots of seeds to add.


Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

I haven't gotten the conf. Number? Do you know when it was sent?
Hubby will call at lunch and tell me if its there.


Oakland, MD


I just have not had time to get on here it has been very crazy at my house. a lot has been going on some bad and some good things. My kids the most they had lost there Dad and they are at the age that they don't understand why they will not be able to see there father anymore. Trying to get them to understand is very hard


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Here was What I Was doing most the day :)))) There is 5 New little Kittens Neighbors cat had Her Kittens
here in my closet today . all very healthy so far as i can see & Mommy Eating & sleeping .

Thumbnail by deejay9
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Isn't that exciting? I always loved it when my mommie dogs had puppies.

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Lavina, My computer went down Monday and I just got back up. Broken router. Had to buy new one. You should have got your pkg today but just in case you did not, here is the conf #.0310-2010-0000-9914-9746. wanted to call Susie to let her know but I had not copied her phone # from the computer to any place else. Sorry for causing you any anxiety. I never dreamed I would have computer problems. Cam

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

for some reason that conf # is not registering maybe later i will try it . Carolyn I Need to know if your watching
for you will be getting the Robin After FOTV

Jen Is Moving & MERRYMATH IS At her daughters till the 30th so we will share with merrymath after she returns home if it isn't to late . so please let us know ok .

well daddy is waiting for me to come chat with him :) so you all have a great day .

Athens, PA


I am here - lurking...

Jennifer, I am hoping as time goes on that you will be able to find some type of stablity - especially where the kids are concerned.

Love Momma kitty and the babies..... The ASPCA contacted us recently to see if we would consider fostering cats that don't have any homes. I told DH if I did not have him, I would do it in a heartbeat. He didn't take it the way it had been intended. I think part of the problem is that years ago, he asked me what would I do if he wasn't here and I didn't even think about it and responded with 'I'd have more pets'. That didn't go over very well either...... sometimes I think he has no sense of humor!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Not to many HUBBYS Have Any sence's any way HEHE Sorry for any guys Lurking :))

Glad your watching caorlyn Has anyone heard from DI / Janaestone ??? I haven't seen her post in awhile Hope all is well .
well you all have a great day back later in the day

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

OH Jen I am saying a prayer for all of you.
My oldest son was born in March and my hubby got killed in a car wreck in September that year. He went to get milk cause he wanted a yellow cake with my home made hershey coco icing. Dean never knew him and it is still hard if I see that cake. Its been 43 years.

On a happier note, I am gonna start planting lots of things this week end. Finally got hubby tio understand at almost 90 degrees in the house it was time to cut on AC.

hugs all

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Hubby called I think its landed, he has got a box and a $7000 dollar notice increase on our property value for next years taxes, thought property value was going down.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

YIPPY HURRY HOME BUT BE SAFE GIRL i's going back out side to play for a couple hours :)))

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

lavina mae, I want to make it clear that I had nothing to do with that tax increase. chuckle. I shipped your pkg Monday so it should have arrived Wednesday. I think it would all fit in the flat rate box now. Wish I had thought of it before I taped it up to go. Would have been $6 cheaper. Cam

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

I can't seem to figure out a flat rate box thingy.
But you all know what I am doing this week end.
Have a great Easter weekend and all stay safe will check in sometimes.
That tax hike is a bummer, now all we need is our place in Raleigh to get a tax hike also.


Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

The medium flat rate box goes anywhere at any weight for 13.00. It is just slightly smaller than the box we are now using which had some space leftover when it left me. Cam

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

is the box a prioity mail type BOX ??? or just a reg box ??? Lavina HAppy Easter sure you can find a few BUNNY Treats in there :)))

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes, the flat rate box is 2 day priority. All the flat rate boxes are two day. Just pick one up at the post office. They are free. Take it home and see if the Robin will fit. If it does, you can save some $.

This message was edited Apr 22, 2011 12:03 AM

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

I'm here...just very busy at my house right now. Looking forward to the robin landing here in rainy Ohio - not too many people left before me - yay! :)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Susie, It hit me today that I'm going to be out of town Thursday through next Monday or Tuesday. Please skip me this time and have Lavina send the Robin to Carolyn. The seeds I've promised to folks behind me, I'll mail individually. Really am so sorry for the late notice and didn't realize til I went to make a note on my calendar today.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Ok susan not a problem thank you for letting us know & Hope you have a great time on your trip .
we will proble have a fall robin .

LAVINA : dmail me if you see this message ok .

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

For those of you growing the coleus, Scarlet Yellow, are they really more like magenta and chartreuse? That's what mine look like so I was just wondering. Cam

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I had thought about putting the Robin in a flat rate when I had it. Thought about it, forgot about it.......... that's me!

Here is a picture of our new horses. I gave Frisky (black) a bath this afternoon when I got home from work, because it was 90* and is suppose to be colder and rainy (ya right!) until Tuesday. She had psoriasis or dandruff or something on her back, and I wanted to bathe her with a medicinal soap. It was our first dance at this and she did really good. Tried to rear up a couple of times, but I just kept talking to her. I really think she was trying to see if I was afraid of her or not. lol She found out ....NOT.

Thumbnail by Crit
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Frisky. She is about 2

Thumbnail by Crit
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Red. Isn't my DH original about names. lol

Thumbnail by Crit
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Thank you for understanding, Susie. I D-mailed Lavina to let her know what's going on and for her to please send the Robin to you next, Carolyn.

Going from memory after checking the flats of seeds this morning before rain set in, there's a bunch of Zinnias, Cosmos, Ptilotus "Joey", Creeping Zinnias, traditional Morning Glories and Japanese Morning Glories, Salvias, "Giant White" Agastache, a Blanket Flower, Swiss Chard "Bright Lights" and several Basils that have popped up and most of the Zinnias are just starting to put up two sets of leaves.

I'm starting more seeds next week of Coleus, Tomatoes, and Peppers, and who knows what else. I'm tickled to have seedlings :)

Anybody else have a report about the seeds you're started?

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