Compassion for Physically Challanged Gardeners #15

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I'm gonna munch on some 'crow'here. I have done some additional research and indeed gem grade Tanzanites are routinly heat treated. I appologize for my above comments.
I did not know for a long time that even 'flawless' Emeralds had undergone some type of treatment.

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

I just like the silky feel of pearls. Jim is the magpie. He loves the shinies and sparklies, but he has that hangup some men have about wearing jewelry so it is like I'm wearing it for him. lol. A watch and wedding band is it. I bought him a simple and elegant gemstone ring for his b'day when we were dating. He wore it to our wedding, but I think that is the only time he's ever worn it.
My hands go through so much in a day, I would probably ruin any jewelry I wore full time on my hands and wrist. I like necklaces and earrings though.
My GD would love alexandrite. Do they make it into jewelry? Kay*

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Yes, but genuine Alexandrite is rather rare and very costly!!

Midland City, AL

I eat crow a lot, Sheri. It's not too bad with tabasco sauce. :-)
I get a back massage, Carrie. If I'm really, REALLY good I get a foot massage too.
It is much more fun to drape a woman in jewels and then drape the woman on your arm. (Jim).

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Exactly, Jim!

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

OHHH...I like that phylosophy!! Got any nice male friends looking for a nice Boomer lady? ^_^

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

Jim's brother is a widower. I'll find out what his stance is on draping women in jewelry. :-)

Midland City, AL

I wouldn't mind a BF like that. But, I think they are probably more rare than red diamonds.
I hereby declare tomorrow "Marshmallow Peep Sunday." :-)
Carrie, please tell me they didn't name your new nephew Patrick. ~N~

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

i don't necessarily need drapes. Even nice curtains would do. Or in the case of a really special man even uncovered windows would be just fine with me!!

(Debra) Garland, TX

Men who want to take up with Boomer women and drape them on their arms are even more rare than red diamonds, Nadine. Could be it's just a characteristic of my urban area, but most of them here want women considerably younger and sleeker. Let's me out--I've never been sleek in my life!! ROFL

Midland City, AL

lol. Just no plastic mini-blinds.
Debra, I've never done sleek either. I've got the fluffy.look down though. Now, if it would only come back into fashion.
The problem with guys my age is if they like jewelry they wear it themselves. If you look in your jewelry box and find only one earring, it doesn't necessarily mean you've lost one. It is possible your BF borrowed it because it looked better than his with what he was wearing. ~Nadine~

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)


(Debra) Garland, TX

Save on gift giving that way? "Oh, I know you like that earring and I never wear them now, so here's your anniversary..." :-D

Thumbnail by lovemyhouse
Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

How lovely!! Tulips in Texas? Didn't know it got cold enough for them there. How nice!

(Debra) Garland, TX

It does, they just won't come back. The Dallas Arboretum is just a few miles down the road from my house (literally that road) and every Spring they have Dallas Blooms to show off all their gorgeous stuff.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

I've been there Debra. Fantastic place. Have you been to the Azalea trail in Tyler? A worthwhile trip too.
If you store your tulips in the frig than replant them late winter,they'll rebloom.(I did'nt have the patience except once.)
I take that back Debra. Most do not come back but the Darwin tulips do. And one called Little Red Riding Hood does.

(Debra) Garland, TX

Nadine, this photo from 1987 is the thinnest I've ever been. Had dropped 45 pounds after my divorce and had gone back to Indiana for a visit (that's my brother). The pants are baggy, and NO my hair was NOT that big! :-D Its a shadow thrown up from the camera flash. I have since gained back the pounds and, obviously :-0, am considerably more lined and worn-looking. But the hair is still mostly brown even if it is thinning in front. Will try to get a current shot taken so you can see difference. LOL

Thumbnail by lovemyhouse
Midland City, AL

Wow I wish I was that thin.


(Debra) Garland, TX

It didn't last long and I was back up. LOL I probably could lose down to that weight again if I wanted to expend the continuous energy and enforce the all-the-time, all-the-time discipline necessary. But I don't. [grin]

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I might be that thin if I were standing up - but if I were standing, I could get to the kitchen and see what we had for leftovers and EAT them and cook and gain weight. But for me divorce is a real weight loss plan too!

Make that WAS - no more divorces planned. I said if it weren't for me, you could get this cushy, status job in RDU and not have to worry about Medicaid etc. and he said if it weren't for you I wouldn't want a job at all, there would be no me, nothing would matter.

This message was edited Mar 23, 2011 12:46 PM

Midland City, AL

Carrie, that one is a keeper! If I could find one like that I would consider marriage. I've seen enough healthy, happy relationships, that I know they are a possibility and I'm not willing to settle for something less. If I don't find Mr. Right so be it. I'll have my cake without icing. :-) ~Nadine~
PJ has declared a house cleaning day. Better get back to that.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

You picked right, Nadine. Too bad for me he is door #3. I just came across the wedding picture from wedding #2 - I was beautiful! The wedding was beautiful! The food was just right. The music was lovely. I had friends there. Only thing wrong was the GROOM! By #3, I got the groom right, but everything else was kind of wrong. It didn't have the same tada feeling you get when you finish something and it comes out just right. Except of course, the MARRIAGE is the most important part, and that came out JUST RIGHT!

(Debra) Garland, TX

Would never ever recommend the divorce diet. :-)

Nadine, amen to that! PJ and Carrie's DH are men worth the hard work it takes to have icing, too. But, unless or until someone of their caliber comes along for each of us, cake can be sweet all by itself, no? LOL

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

^_^ I actually don't like frosting much anyway! I do like my husband much.

Midland City, AL

If men are just icing on the cake, I want to be peanut butter cream frosting. :-) The very best icing and one with some substance to it.
Carrie, I'm a "Let's see what's behind door #3" for Kay and she was Dorr #2 for me. Our special song is "Broken Road" by Rasco Flatts. It took me a while to get her to see me as something more than Rodney's little brother.
Here’s my favorite recent pic of Nadine. I caught her singing. I'm more concerned about her chronic anemia than her weight. I've seen her aunts. Hanna women just don't come in thin. I hate seeing women make themselves sick trying to fit into a one size for all mold. One of Kay's daughters had to be treated for an eating disorder. People kept telling her how much better she looked and how proud they were of her for losing the weight when she was really hurting herself. Her step-dad was a pharmacist so he caught on to what she was doing to lose the weight and got her into treatment. She still looks too thin to me, but she is at least a healthy weight.
I know the pain would be less if I lost weight. That is what keeps me trying to lose. The TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) program Vickie recommends is the only program that ever worked for me long term. It's a slow process though. (Jim)

Thumbnail by seacanepain
(Debra) Garland, TX

Carrie, he's a lucky man.

Jim, MARRIAGE is the icing. :-) You and Kay definitely have icing of substance. But some of us are content to just have plain cake if marriage to the one you are with just isn't quiiiite right. LOL

That's a great shot of Nadine. She looks happy. I'm glad she moved down this-a-way.

Those few brief months in 1987 is the one and only time I have ever been what could be considered thin. Or thinnish. 33 pounds at a year old, 145 pounds at 11 and so on. Being healthy is much more important than some artificial "rule" about what is right.

mulege, Mexico

I just got the DVDV of "Guys and Dolls." It was made when women still had curves. I was surprised at how "heavy" many of the women looked.


(Debra) Garland, TX

Yep, for years, my idol has been Mae West. :-)

Midland City, AL

Welcome back, Katiebear. I was beginning to worry about you.
PJ is going to pay for that! lol. Mostly, it’s not that he caught me singing along with the song on my MP3 player so much as my hair color. I tried to get rid of the carroty tones of my hair by darkening it. That is the color of my sister’s hair and everyone says how much she and I look alike so I thought it would work.
Her eyes are a soulful brown whereas mine are green and although she becomes as pale as I am in her northern winters, her skin will darken to a light olive with even a chaste kiss from the sun. I can stay in the sun all day and all I get is a few more freckles. The differences in eye color and skin undertone make a bigger difference than I thought they would.
I carry most of my weight in my hips. I’m sad to say that picture actually makes me look thinner than I really am. I was at a sub-shop trying to make my mind up between a meatball sub or something with fewer calories. My friend advised me with that old saying. “Moment on the lips. Lifetime on the hips.” The old man behind me spoke up. He told me to go for the meatball sub and my friend about a scientific study that big hipped women have more intelligent children. He said “Those are perfect child-bearing hips.” ROFL. I don’t plan on adding to the world’s population, but I did enjoy that meatball sub.
It drives MK up the wall that doctors give her a hard time about her weight, but say little to me. My doctor explained that from a medical prospective, it isn’t so much about how heavy a woman is. It is her waist to hip ratio. (Something about the protective powers of estrogen.) MK has lost a lot of curve from waist to hip since menopause. The doctors are concerned about her heart. I maintain an hourglass figure. lol. A BIG hourglass, admittedly, but still an hourglass. Women with small waist to hip ratios are more prone to diabetes and heart problems. My lectures from doctors focus more on exercise than diet. Moving dirt to create the wheelchair ramp is my current exercise program. :-) ~Nadine~

(Debra) Garland, TX

Hi, Katie!

Nadine, just call MK your own personal trainer. LOL I'm apple shaped. all weight in the middle. make a lot more sound effects leaning forward than sideways. :-)

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

I'm apple shaped too. I never had a weight problem till i got depression at 30. I was always 120 lbs. seems like i just woke up one morning and i was 185. Not telling how much now. LOL As long as Kay stays real active, I think she'll do fine. Is there any heart trouble in her family?
In the 1950,s that was a normal weight (abt 120.) We all walked alot.played outside mostly. It was a different world. I always tanned easily too.
Glad you're back Katie Bear. How are you?

mulege, Mexico

Thanks, Vickie. I'm doing OK. It's spring here and all the cirtus are blooming so it's very fragrant here. My jasmine is also blooming.

The dogs are shedding and the fleas are waking up. I found a great comb at Walmart and am getting lots of fur to add to the compost.

My right heel has been very painful. My doctor has made a referral to the podiatry department. I'll call them next week and see when I can see somebody. Our weather is so beautiful now that I'm hoping to wait a month or so to go up to Ca. again.


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I'm a pear - Scarlett O'Hara waist but it's murder to find jeans that fit right. I've heard it's the waist/hip ratio that men are attracted to, and not the false eyelashes.

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

I'm sure glad Jim was "a leg man." Legs, I've got. lol. K*

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Hubba hubba!

Midland City, AL

Naw, not the legs. It was the way Kay combined being smart, being honestly concerned about others and still having an attitude that caught my attention when I was a kid. I first really noticed her at my brother’s wedding rehearsal. She was doing the hippie look while everyone else was still doing the 50’s look in my conservative part of the world. She joked that I was her date for the wedding and didn’t talk down to me the way most of my brother’s friends did. The lady who was in charge of organizing the wedding was witchy. She took some sort of sadistic pleasure from needling and insulting the young women in “helpful’, backhanded ways, especially Kay and her sister. She mentioned again and again how difficult it was to make the wedding party look right being as “certain of the young ladies” were so awkwardly tall. She also made a point of very publically giving Kay the name of a local beautician who could “fix the bad dye job” her obviously incompetent hairdresser in Alabama had done. (I think the lady knew Kay’s hair was NATURALLY brindled and knew also she was self-conscious about it. Kay had been known to do some radical off-the-wall things when she was angry. My brother was taking bets on what she would look like the day of the wedding. They thought she would show up in full hippie regalia just for spite.
It was a surprise to everyone when she did everything the witch told her to do. She looked terrible and, with a smile, gave the wicked witch full credit for her new look. When my brother expressed a little disappointment that she hadn’t done anything radical to tweak the woman’s nose, Kay just smiled and said in the heavy southern drawl she still had back then, “You don’t hang fools, Sugar. There are times when it’s best just to keep feeding them out as much slack as you can find in the rope. A fool will get all tangled up and hang themselves.” My brother never quite got it, but I did.” The bride has wonderful memories of the day, even though it did end in divorce. My nieces and nephews from that marriage have these wonderful pictures of their parents and they get to double over laughing looking at their Aunt and Uncle “in the old days” when the age difference was noticeable.
It wasn’t until years later, when I was about 14; I began to notice my old friend had nice legs. lol.
Vickie, one of my BIL’s recently had a heart attack so I guess there is some history of it in Kay’s family. The doctor’s said it wasn’t his first heart attack. That concerns me. How can someone not know they are having a heart attack? I think of the times Kay has doubled over from shooting pains in her shoulder, and then waved it off a few minutes later as nothing serious. Have you ever experienced anything like that? I mean, how do you know when it is time to go to the hospital
Katie, I finally took the hair trimmers to Tater-dog. She's enough of a lab to be double coated. I was finding her hair all over the house. She hates the electric trimmer, but loves it when all the winter hair is gone. I think maybe dogs don't shed as easily when they are older. (Jim)
Photo: I was the ring bearer and about 8 at the time. Photos like this sure make you realize how far photograpy has come in 40 years.

Thumbnail by seacanepain
Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Jim, I knew when my DH was having heart problems. I got so frustrated gettng him to a doctor and them not finding anything and telling him he either had ulcers or imagination. Even tho nitro glycern tabs helped him immediately. Unless it showed something on a ekg,It did'nt exist. He did finally have a heart attack while in ER and they operated immediately-3 bypasses. With a woman the symptoms are usually a little different. More pain in the upper back.Not so much tightness in chest. Kay might try nitro glycryn(SP) tabs to see if it would help any. If it does. someone will probably have to fight tooth and nail to get some tests done.There is a blood test now that shows certain enzymes if you are having a heart attack.
I was an EMT. I have seen heart attacks and i don't mess around.LOL
I had an aunt that was so much like Kays witchy lady, and she was a pro at it. I had to stay with her a couple weeks in the summer. She had this fairy tale bedroom upstairs with everything in pink ruffles. I had to stay downstairs in a small bedroom with no bedspread and no pictures and all grey. She tried to break me and my to be DH by going to my to be mother-in-law and telling her i was pregnant. My MIL did'nt beleive her and never told anyone. I did'nt know about it untill my SIL told me years later. One of many reasons i loved my MIL SO MUCH.
Anyway my life improved so much in my DH,s family.
Jim you were a handsome youngman. Now we need an updated picture.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I know my DH has heart problems! His new witch doctor put him on a new BP med which makes his BP lower but also makes him dizzy and cold and so forth. When we first met, he threatened to live to 90. Now he thinks he's going to go of heart attack or stroke at age 60-70. (His brother, his uncle, yadda yadda.) Grrrr, men! Not you, Jim or Ted or Sarge or any other men who are listening! How about: grrrr, man!

Midland City, AL

Pay back!

Thumbnail by Sansai87
Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Jim is a very good looking young man. However that cross is beautiful.
Thanks Nadene. Now we need a picture of Kay.

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