Weed Control in Iris Beds, 2011

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Here is an article on residual herbicides.. for whatever that is worth for those who may care.

To view this article online: http://www.aces.uiuc.edu/news/stories/news5671.html

Revisiting the realm of residuals

Author: Jennifer Shike

Your best bet is to ask the chemicals manufacturer and read the lables thoroughly.
You can ask them to supply UNPAID testimonies on the products worth.

You can ask also your local co-operative extension service or University that offers ag.

Using last years product may not be as effective as the first year due to it possibly just benig opened, or perhaps you may have subjected it to other things like improper storage, heat, freezing etc.

Products do have a tendency to change occassionally and the words, "not like the family recipe" could easily apply inpercentages effecting the products effectiveness. So read your labels. There is pro chemicals for those licensed to use such and then their is the ametuer OTC products....

Humble opinion pound for pound backyard gardeners utilize and misutilize fertilizers and chemicals and put more residual into the ground than your average farmer. I can about gaurantee you that farmers do not utilize near the chemicals people think and much, however on both sides of the river are wasted. Backyarders concentrate the usage in a small area thus there is more chems into the ground that most do not even need. Lawn application is a good example of concentrated.. A lot of folks want that dandilion free green grass lawn... so they call in a service.. when in most respects just mowing will curb many weeds and hand yanking the rest may get those golfcourse yards the towns folk desire. Never ceases to amaze me.. how much acreage we hand yanked and some people cannot get on their knees and pull a handfull of dandyweed and for go the chems.

In chemical use and abuse....Farmers will lose a lot to wind in application and moisture. But for whatever that is worth, being a retired farmer. Most farmers these days cannot afford to buy near the chemicals that they need to be effective and there is a portion that just cant seem to use chemicals to the best advantage because they mis apply, over spray and go out of their bounds into road ditches thus creating pollution issues. Then there are those corporate farmers... not going into that.. dont want to start any war....!~

Manure use and other fertilizer is the same problem. Not all manures are safe from chemicals because of the residual some livestock owners, especially backyard horsemen may use to protect their livestock from flies and parasites... then there is teh matter of if you have livestock and import your manure.. you could very well import disease to your livestock if you are not careful in scrutinizing just how well that manure was made. Nothing worse than spreadign the joy of a contagieous diseas from farm to farm and some animal waste inorder to irradicate a sickness from their own stock need to conslt their locale incinerator and the cost of how properly to get ride of their dung that cant be used safely elsewhere. Dont like my say, just call your local EPA and ask them what to do with tainted animal waste.

.......then people wonder why stuff will not grow. And why there are water issues. and why people get ticked.

Just my agian 2c.

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

Could you define "backyard horsemen" ? Would that simply be a person who owns a horse?

If it is not right to protect an animal or my family from flies and parasites with chemicals, what then should I use? I can't very well arm my horse with a fly swatter can I?

As far as the ill poo, I would burn it on my own place, an not let the EPA in on my little secret. Probably none of their business, and if they came for a visit, knowing my luck, they would spy a purple spotted lizard and seize the whole place.

Are there any studies that back up your idea that "backyarders concentrate the usage in a small area thus there is more chems into the ground that most do not even need" ? It would seem to me that the chem is mixed with the same ratio, parts per water. So a person spraying a large area would be using more chems, than a back yard gardener only using the chem on a small area.
For example. Spraying 10 acres vs 1 acre. If you used the same amount of chem on both, umm, it aint' gonna work. The 10 acres would require more chem overall to treat. NOT more or less chem per ratio of water. So it is incorrect that people spaying small areas of their yard, would use more chemicals. Again, blaming the 'little guy' doesn't make sense!
Who is it that visits our yards and lets us know if we 'need' to use a chem?

Here is my 'lawn' right now,
I can throw down a small amount of grains in ten mins time, and in a week they are dead, and I can scratch in some grass in the sparse areas.
I really don't care to spend hours and hours pulling them, when I know they will come right back. My neighbors yard is the same way. She doesn't even mow her yard.
you are invited to come and pull dandies all next week! maybe for a month.... or two...

Thumbnail by FrillyLily
Enid, OK

It has been a long, long time since I last visited this forum due to the arguments and such. In my absence, here is what I discovered.

Gordon Ornamec 170 works very well for my bermuda problems. It does take some patience and more than one treatment in most cases but I have managed to keep the bermuda out of my bearded iris and other ornamentals with this product. I buy mine here http://shop.wildseedfarms.com/Ornamec-170-Grass-Herbicide/productinfo/3295/

I used both Preen and Amaze for weed control and found that I like the Amaze best. I buy it at Lowes locally. http://www.lowes.com/pd_5671-38888-40518_4294857254_4294937087_?productId=3136737&Ns=p_product_prd_lis_ord_nbr|0||p_product_quantity_sold|1&pl=1¤tURL=%2Fpl_Grass%2BWeed%2BKiller_4294857254_4294937087_%3FNs%3Dp_product_prd_lis_ord_nbr%7C0%7C%7Cp_product_quantity_sold%7C1%26page%3D2

Here is my iris bed this year, it was beautiful...not completely weed free but pretty darn close!!

Thumbnail by enidcandles
Enid, OK

The same bed, April 2010

Thumbnail by enidcandles
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

You want to control your flies if you got horses take proper care of your manure and you will not have flies. Too many horsemen are lazy and neglect taking care of their manure and have piles that they do not know how to manage. Its so easy to spray, God forbid the lazy ones but grab a shovel and rid yourself of the problem.. nope, so many dont. You can quit the chemicals if the manure is gotten rid of and controlled and natural predators do wonders. Then you can quit too having the stench that comes with it. Your horses will be better off too.

I am not without totally not using some chemical control, but too but its the FILTH that is the problem. Its the filth on the horses that attract the flies as well.

Blood sucking flies would be a lot less if it was not for the filth of manure that they chose to breed in.. so Hello.. the cleaner you are the less you will need chemicals..

All backyard horsemen are not lumped in to the same pile, but when you have a small place or too many horses you are concentrating nitrates, slime and filth. FILTH is your problem that attracts the flies. You want horses.. get a yard that you can manage properly and handle your manure and all the issues that come with them. You put out fly traps and you will see what KIND of flies you are having the most problems with. and then you take care of the problem. Get rid of the filth and you will get rid of all the flies that breed in it.

Hello, 50 years ago you could literally find water that you could drink out of the pond. Can you do that today?

Dear goodness.. some people get a dandlelion intheir yard and thats a panick attack.

Is it any wonder we have hardly anymore bees and such?
We can go one and on about whats right and whats wrong...and argue points and somepeople will still not agree or change so well...every one seems to want "pretty" but when ugly functions and is better they still choose a method.

I personally leave the dandelions. They bring to my garden much needed bees. They have a pleasant aroma and since I prefer not to harm the pollinators.. and LOVE honey.. and bees are getting endangered more and more... them dandelions can stay put. They are not "weeds" here.

Unfortuneately we cannot have our honey and eat it too.

As for small town gardens.. dear goodness again.. just take a look how many people "burn" their grass by doing stupid. And how many have to cut and cut and cut because they fertilize and moan then they got to cut so much.. .. well enough said..

And yep, thats my boy.

As for irises..we are flooded and have not seen many yet.

Enid, OK

Ok, see...my point is reinforced - I will not be doing any further posting or visiting on the Iris forum. Sooo sad!!

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

What is all this about horses on an Iris Forum ? There must be a horse forum around you can vent on.
How about a town you live by ? Zone 5A might be the problem.
Enidcandles, your Iris are beautiful! Stick around & post more pictures.
Mine are about 8" high right now so will be blooming in about 3 weeks.

I am good buddies with admin. if we continue having a problem here.

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

Never noticed the Amaze, but I am going to check it out at my Lowes.
enidcandles your iris are very pretty.

South Hamilton, MA

Irises are great. don't let a problem poster annoy you.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

No one is venting.. someone mentioned horse poo on iris beds.. and then it got on to the flies and stuff... if someone is upset over the consequnce of their operation handling things, that just comes with the territory. So get real and understand that. People fail to realize the consequences that come with it and if they have not learned a better way or how to improve, they get upset and take things personal.. thats not my fault. Im stating facts of life here..

Consequences of horse poo while good fertilizer for iris.. is weeds. So the problem is the composter. If you dont do your compost right, Which most horse people do not do
you will get weeds. Horses do not digest seeds well.. and so putting straight horse poo comes with consequences. You cant keep your compost or stable clean you get flies. So Hello... its a fact. You spray, you cause other issues...

You cannot call horse poo that where the horses are is treated with wormer and sprayed with chemicals "organic". another fact..

So now if those facts hit personal cords... sorry, but that is that operators problem... change the system to make it better and correct your problem. Thats another fact.

No matter how you approach any subject, when ALL the facts come out.. holy cow.. someone alwasy is uppity and offended. And THATS A FACT. YOu come you want answers and solutions to your problems, you ask advise and when you find you are in a quandry.. some people whine and say someone is venting and someone is offended becasue they cannot take the facts.

If the admins here want to keep coverig up FACTS.. well that is their business. There truly are other forums on other sites that will keep all sides open and honest.

If people here want truth they are goning to have to stop letting their emotions over rule their objectives.

SO gettng back to the weed issues in any garden bed.. there ya go.

Its gone full circle.... again.

Enid, OK

I swore I would never come back here but...other members seem to remember why were posting here to begin with.

FACT This thread had not been visited since April 9
FACT I have been watching and posting to this thread since November 23, 2009.
FACT Had the entire thread been read BEFORE posts were made, there would have never been an opportunity arguement - we were having a discussion.
FACT This is not the first lengthy post of FACTS that were not necessary
FACT I am a paid member and my contact information is listed in the directory - is everyone's??
FACT I am here to discuss weed control in iris beds
FACT Ornamec works for me
FACT Amaze works for me
FACT My irises look really pretty and I am proud of my accomplishments

South Hamilton, MA

Manure should be aged before spread. Not everyone who is posting deals with horses. We are having a discussion about weeds, not a tirade. Luckily most of the posters are quietly giving opinions & experiences. Glad that you are still with us ec.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Discussions of topics is good for all. Someone trying to make everyone see everything their way is not allowed on Daves Garden. Go read the rules!

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

Bloosombuddy, many of the facts you posted, are your opinions, and may vary from one person's experience to another's. That does not mean that another way of doing things is 'wrong'. You have given very little research or proof of some of the things you claim are facts even though you seem bent on cramming them down our throats...
It is a FACT that I use preen and I like it :)
And I will try the Amaze when I get the opportunity! How does it compare price wise to the Preen? Is it just me, or do others cringe when they pay for that stuff? But then when I think of all the weed pulling, ice packs and chiropractors bills, I gladly pay to throw out a little Preen :)

South Hamilton, MA

We bought some Preen, but after DH read the directions he didn't want to use it so took it back. I suppose that means we keep on pulling. Sigh!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Preen wont kill established weeds like dandelion. It only retards seeds ( thats ALL seeds ,self sown pretties too ) from germinating. Established weeds still grow.

Enid, OK

I think the Amaze might be a little more economical - I just find it works better for me.

Nope - won't kill off established weeds but it sure keeps them at bay once the area is cleaned up! I HATE pulling weeds!!

I think I made a major gardening OOPS though - I put out a bunch of ornamental gourd seeds, grabbed the preen and went to shakin' - bet those gourds don't come up now! Oh well, there is always next year. LOL

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

well you could pull up your gourd seeds, turn the soil over and replant them, if it was just a few.
I don't actually mind pulling weeds, but just gives me a terrible headache, plus I am so busy and don't always have time.
I use round up on established weeds that I can't pull. Mostly I just pull weeds, but sometimes I get a big fat weed right in the middle of a plant and I don't want to disturb the roots, so I use round up and a paint brush, just putting it right where I want it. works great!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

The gas from Preen will disapear in 10 -12 days.
I sprinkled after direct sowing poppies.

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

One good thing about these forums is the educational benefit. I just learned how to turn HS into BS.

Enid, OK

Well stated oldgardenrose!
If the poppies came up, there is a prayer for the gourds - of course it isn't "just a few" - more like a couple hundred - not digging them up and starting over! If they don't come up, I will plant something else there later on.

I have tried the roundup - paintbrush method, that one is not for me...I spill the roundup, drip it on the plants and so forth. I even tried soapy roundup on a glove...I just make a mess and kill stuff I don't mean to.

Lebanon, OR

As you should Enidcandles your iris are lovely!


Enid, OK

Thank you!
I don't know "who" they are, but I love them!

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

I use Roundup with a paintbrush on dandelions around plants. About the only way to kill them. Mix it the same as if I was spraying.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

OMG. I just read this thread. You are all lucky I was busy and not reading because then you would be missing me because I would have been kicked by admin. all the way to at least Utah.

Polly and Dee, thanks for your info. I trust your knowledge and willing to share. I am fortunate. I have no weeds. But I do mulch, even by my irises. I just do not cover. I used Preen for several years until I got rid of the seeds in my crushed granite. I made the mistake of planting a herb that I loved the smell of. It seeded everywhere. I still find one behind a flower trying to hide. I actually laugh when I find it, as I am pulling it up.

The only problem I had with Preen is it left a yellow stain on my garage flour.

Take care and keep up the good work. Sharon.

lewiston, ID(Zone 6a)

Wow, what an informative thread!!! I'm being given a bed of iris that one of my garden club members has tired of just because of the grass growing in the bed.....I figured I could pick it all off the roots to start fresh.....I have a fenced bird sanctuary in our front of our property in which I planted ajuga & mint....there's bunches of iris & lilies in there amongst the trees & sunflowers.....some grass came with the ajuga and I have fought that for the last six years....I don't want to use anything that will harm our birds since so many of them are doves & quail + we have frogs, mice, squirrels....this gave me a lot to think about.....Thank you...Deb

Enid, OK

At least the conversation was useful! Glad you popped in.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I'm working in Preen but I think I'll look into the Amaze for the grass that always makes and appearance.

I found a nursery that carries the Over the Top stuff but haven't made it there to check it out yet. Maybe next week:)

Is there any good way to get rid of clover? I try to dig under the clumps and get all the bulbs but they scatter so easily. Would those tiny bulbs maybe respond like seeds with the Preen application? Or should I just keep trying to dig them up...

Enid, OK

Once I get it pulled out, the Amaze seems to keep it out - for what that's worth. The Preen does not seem to work as well on any of the weeds for me.

The Over the Top stuff - is that for weeds or for grasses? Most that I have found only do grass and only at certain stages of growth. Read the labels well, most anything you buy that you can use around your perennials will say it does not work on existing weeds.

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

Quote from dmac085 :
I'm working in Preen but I think I'll look into the Amaze for the grass that always makes and appearance.

I found a nursery that carries the Over the Top stuff but haven't made it there to check it out yet. Maybe next week:)

Is there any good way to get rid of clover? I try to dig under the clumps and get all the bulbs but they scatter so easily. Would those tiny bulbs maybe respond like seeds with the Preen application? Or should I just keep trying to dig them up...

What do you mean by working in ? You are not supposed to mix it into the soil, just sprinkle it on the surface of the soil.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

I have great weed control this year! Her name is Terry, a very efficient weeder.
I sprayed my beds with Poast on Thursday. Wasn't a lot of grass because of Poast use last year.
I need to spot treat dandelions & thistles. A foam brush with Round up will be that application.
Dwarf Iris just starting this weekend.

Thumbnail by CountryGardens
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I meant putting it on the spaces around all the existing plants in my bed--working it in. I apologize for not wording that properly.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I have use Preen a couple of yrs and cannot tell it helps much. This yr I have bought many bales of pine needles. I like how they look. I still have some stubborn weeds and a few places of grass working thru :(

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

dmac085, sounds like you have Oxalis, not clover. Oxalis is very hard to control. Does it flower and what color is the oxalis clover leaf?

I have bronze leaved oxalis and it is a constant battle to control. I have been trying for 4 years to get rid of it but it keeps showing its head somewhere else. Sharon.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I so wish we could get the pine needles here. I use straw instead, but not as pretty.

I've had great luck with Preen, but you have to apply it 3 times a year or so.

Gainesville, TX

the pink in the low front is an oxalis. I love it here in the sand

Thumbnail by sharondippity
Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Has anyone heard of or ordered iris from Jaine Moon located in CA?

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