Tropical Garden # 92, Here comes Spring!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

There is a store that a DG member owns a runs it is the sample seed shop and that is where those seeds came from, mj.
I think she is in florida right now, and wish I was too. I am freezing!
The ric rac in this group of epis was sent as one piece to me by a lady here on DG named dollie.

Thumbnail by joeswife
Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

HollyAnn, I've grown my Thunbergia grandiflora in a pot for the last 3 years. This will be my fourth season. They do make tubers. It didn't bloom as well last year because of all the rain we got. Here is a pic from two years ago.

Thumbnail by PerennialGirl
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Not a tropical but oh, so cool. I visited a conservation area yesterday where they had 14 acres of blooming trilliums. It is very unusual to have these growing in this area as they prefer a calcium rich soil. These plants are growing on an old shell midden which is a mountain of shells built by the native americans hundreds, maybe thousands, of years ago.

Thumbnail by ardesia
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

A long view. They also had lovely, ephemeral Blood Root which had just finished blooming and there were thousands of Atamasco (?) lilies ready to start blooming in a week or so.

Thumbnail by ardesia
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Those are gorgeous. Thanks for showing me. I love the leaves on those.
I just planted all my arums, I hope they take.

noonamah, Australia

Quote from PerennialGirl :
HollyAnn, I've grown my Thunbergia grandiflora in a pot for the last 3 years. This will be my fourth season. They do make tubers. It didn't bloom as well last year because of all the rain we got. Here is a pic from two years ago.

My Thunbergia is blooming now despite the 778 millimetres of rain we've got so far this February. January was also a relatively wet month, the Thunbergia seems to do better with the higher rainfall. But I don't know whether it's T. grandiflora though.

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

tropic...take a picture and post it. T. grandiflora does better here with more rain also, but it's is a well draining area.

Donna I didn't know it made guess I'll be doing some digging around to see if there any little baby ones under that mess !

Debra oh good glad the seeds got there, and plants later. Things are waking up quick here and I've still got a lot of clean up work to do !

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

PerennialGirl, Nice to know that you are successfully growing yours in a pot. What do you do with it in the fall? Cut it back stop watering it and does it go dormant? That is what I have done with my Mandevilla.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

I do cut it back so that there is less chance of bugs making it into the! I water it every two weeks just enough to keep it going. Sometimes depending where I have it I have gotten a bloom or two blooming.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

My black eyed susan vine is still in the same fast draining pot I had it growing outside in. It likes water..
Frydek is happy!

Thumbnail by joeswife
Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Frydek is definitely happy, Debra! Looks another one for the wishlist.

Red Oak, TX

Hello Everybody, today was another drizzly warm day, with the smell of spring in the air.

plantladylin, Good to have you back!!

Joeswife, I hope that I have a few seeds for that blue MG you posted, that is another beauty.
Your A Frydek is getting ready to take off, good job overwintering that one along with your Nancy's Revenge. I gave up on that one as well. I love them all but there are only a few that overwinter well for me.
It could be a King Anthurium you saw in the picture.

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

mjsponies, Outstanding color!! My Chinese fringe plant has never lost it's foliage.
It is good to know that you are enjoying the nice warm days, remember to take it slow and easy. I got scolded for trying to accomplish too much in one day.

ardesia, that was a learning experience. Those plants and the midden are new to me, I wish that I was on that walk with you. Love the longview shot.

I divided my fern today, and attached it to a pole copying from a picture in the plantfiles.

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

HollyAnnS, It is a shame that you forgot your camera. I love making those and would have copied from your tropical container pictures.
I've had this A lauterbachiana for several years, my problem is that I do not know if it is wise to cut it in pieces and try to root them or leave it as is. It is not very attractive in this present form.

Thumbnail by prita

Debra, your A. frydek sure is looking happy. Any flowers from your moon vine yet? As far as growing your Fiddle leaf fig, you will need to bring it indoors for the Winter months. They are commonly sold here as "houseplants";)

Rita, thank you for your kindness and generosity. I will enjoy watching that plant grow. Your Veitchii and other Philo. are outstanding plants to view. I started you a piece of my noid Philodendron that I showed a while back and it will not be long until I can start you a piece from joepii.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Rachel, thanks.. the "house plant" Is a TREE! LOL
And Alba has four buds, but they did not open tonight.. perhaps tommorrow in the am when it is totally dark down here they will open, or tommorrow night?

I sure do love that King Anthurium, it looks like it has the white center like the Nancys Revenge EE.
I love anything with some kind of weird and wonderful leaf shape and colors. And, I can tell you all do too.
I love the leaves on this Lobata... I started the seed in December..

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I can't wait to see what this one will look like, it was in a bag of NOID's

Thumbnail by joeswife
Blackshear, GA

I, too, have the A. lauterbachiana. I have found that it is very tempermental. It obviously does not like the least bit of cool weather. I have had mine for 2 years now and it always goes dormant even in the GH. I brought it in the house this year and it still dropped all its leaves. Can't figured it out. I hope I haven't lost it. I would have thought it would have leafed back out by now.

noonamah, Australia

Mjsponies, I'm not at home now but I've dug up this photo of my Thunbergia from the computer. Shows the flower and leaves.

Thumbnail by tropicbreeze
DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Rita I like what you did with your fern...I think I'm going to have to come up with some different ways to plant some things also.
I've been dividing my time between trying to catch up in the yard and the horses.
Rachel - the little white passi is starting to really grow. Can't wait to see it bloom.
I think I lost my African least part of it. There still seems to be one tuber in there. the other turned to mush.

Phal's are all budded up and starting to open.
here's a couple this morning...I'll get better pics later.

Thumbnail by mjsponies
DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

tropic - I wonder if yours is this one
yours doesn't quite look like T.grandiflora...
Several different blue ones...maybe you can tell better looking thru plantfiles than I can.
ok...back outside for me.

(Zone 1)

Good Monday morning everyone! It's great to be home ... but so much to do. I got caught up on the laundry and today I really need to get outside and mow the lawn because hubby didn't get a chance to do it the past two weekends. It's supposed to be 85º here today and our air conditioning system has the hiccups or something. My husband was off for a motorcycle ride with some friends yesterday afternoon and I noticed a thumping noise in the garage and knew it couldn't be the washer or dryer because I had done all the laundry when I got home late Saturday afternoon. When I went to check I noticed the noise was coming from the air conditioning system. I'd been outside all afternoon but remembered hearing clicking noises from the thermostat in the hallway earlier and the gauge showing the temp jumping from 76º to 77º. I didn't think too much of it at the time then but when I heard the thumping noise in the garage I knew something wasn't quite right. My husband has a large marine aquarium and I immediately went and checked the water temp and it was up to 83º which is a bit warm for the fish. I called him on his cell phone but he was about an hour away so I had to wait for him to get home to check things out. He took the side panel off the air conditioner system in the garage and the entire side was a solid cake of thick ice so he used two blow dryers to melt it. This morning it was iced up again and he called the technician but they can't get here until tomorrow afternoon. I have all the blinds and drapes drawn and the ceiling fans running to try and keep it as cool as possible. I'm sure glad this is happening now instead of late summer when the outside temp's and humidity are in the mid to upper 90's, LOL. The sad thing is the warranty just recently expired on the central air/heat unit!%#&

I went for a swim in the pool yesterday afternoon ... not on purpose. ^_^ While dragging the hose around the pool area watering plants, I knocked my little Michelia figo ("Banana Shrub") into the pool and had to jump in to save it! I'm sure it didn't appreciate the chlorine water dunk!

Delicate little blooms of Callisia fragrans ... nice fragrance:

Well ... I must have gotten sidetracked and forgot to hit send this morning when I typed this post. I've been in and out since @ 7:30 this morning and thought I sent this earlier but see it's still sitting here on my laptop screen! It's a beautiful day here in Florida ... I got the back yard mowed and have been playing in dirt and pulling weeds but needed a break. We have so many weeds here, it's hard to control them. I would like to have a bulldozer come in and take out the entire lawn and weeds and plant Florida natives but for some reason my husband likes a lawn. Well, I have a couple of phone calls to return before heading back out but will first share a few pic's I took this morning.

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Buds on a Knock Out Rose:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Dracaena fragrans 'Lemon Lime':

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Tradescantia ohiensis ("Spiderwort") is sprouting up all over the lawn and I took a couple of pictures before mowing it down, close up of the blooms:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

This Oxalis triangularis never completely went dormant over the winter as it sometimes does. It's planted in a container at the bottom of my variegated Ficus benjamina tree and I just noticed the blooms this morning:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Oncidium orchid with no tag ... it looks like O. Gower Ramsey but I have another plant with that label and I think I had two of that one but can't remember for sure. Anyway, it has pretty little yellow blooms:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

The pollen count is very high right now ... so many trees and plants popping into bloom. The back deck and all the plants are covered in pollen. This is blooms of one of the many Cherry Laurel trees:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

I've been talking about planting the Carolina Jasmine in the yard but it's still in a container on a trellis, maybe I will get it planted in the next week or two. It's been blooming for a couple of weeks and the fragrance is really nice:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

The Gerbera's began to pop up before I left for my trip to South Carolina ... came home to find one with buds and this one with a couple of blooms:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

I've heard a few Gray Catbirds around lately and they do indeed sound like a cat crying. They love the fruit of the Loquat tree and the little fruits are just now forming:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Last one I promise! I'm going back out to play. ^_^

This is a gift from the birds, they scatter seed from the feeders and gift me with Sunflowers every spring. When I went out to the backyard this morning I found this one sprouting in a pot with a plumeria:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
Blackshear, GA

Thats so funny about the 'rescue'. What we do for our (plant) babies. Hope the water wasn't too cold. Ours is already warming up, last several days has been in the 80s here also.

Red Oak, TX

Hi Everybody!!
RachelLF, thanks, you have shared so much with me already, I would be satisfied with progress report and pictures of your P. Joepii.

Joeswife, you might want to try growing the King Anthurium, I find it much easier to grow than the finicky Veitchii.
I love the excitement of waiting on a noid to bloom!!

GAgirl1066, I wish that we had a expert to advise us on what to do with our naked A. Lauterbachiana.

Tropicbreeze, your plant seems to be a T. Erecta.

Mjsponies, thanks, I can not take credit for the idea, I copied from plant files. I am running out of room in the HH's, now I am roof gardening.
That is a good picture of your Orchids, but I would like to see more.

Plantladylin, It took you no time at all to jump right in (lol) or, in other words, back in the swing of gardening.
Those are well appreciated sunny pictures. It hailed on us last night, and today was very chilly.

noid fern

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

new thread

Huntersville, NC(Zone 7b)


I grow a lot of Aroids, Succelents, Musa and Ensete. I have about 25 species of Alocasia right now trying to pull everything through in my garage. A few more weeks and I should be good to go!

How bout you?

Huntersville, NC(Zone 7b)


I am no expert, however; I would repot the small one to the right in the picture. I would dig up the large plant and cut off just above the offset that is growing at the bottom of the tuber. That gives you 2-plants.

Next cut off the top of the main tuber about 3 to 3-1/2'' down; keep top 3/4'' of tuber above the soil line when repotting; there is your 3rd plant. You will have some tuber left over; if it is more than 6'' cut in half and place the two pieces vertically at the soils surface in a new sterile pot. Soil ammendment percentages should be about 60% potting mix and 40% med coarse perlite for new starts. This picture shows the pieces of an A. Calidora That I repotted a couple of months ago. the key is not to much water to rot the piece of tuber and to place in the smallest pot possible until; I would say, one entire new leaf.

Thumbnail by homer1958

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