Tropical Garden # 92, Here comes Spring!

Red Oak, TX

I spent the day transplanting this new noid plant, I hope that it is a climber.

This message was edited Feb 21, 2011 5:17 PM

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX


Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

I found several clumps of daffodils blooming today!

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

Spring is in the air.

Thumbnail by prita
(Zone 1)

I just had a quick second to pop in and glance at everyone's lovely plants ... hope to get caught up when I get home to Florida next week!

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

prita that is so pretty. A cherry or peach blossom?

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

sso pretty. Iove that wild verbascum. I hope I can find some here, and if I don't I am going to ask for some seeds from ya'all.

That Climber sure is looking like it wants to climb.
Beautiful Spring Flowers makes my day.

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Things are just waking up here, that old dormancy thing took in about December...

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

We are all just hanging out, thanks to Kay Jones and her nice gift of Spanish Moss.. I am going to make another one of these,but only if I do something different for the mouth.

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

This is holding some Epi's from another nice DG'r. I just can't figure out what is popping up back there. Can you see it to the top left?
I think I am going to put some tiny googlie eyes on it and watch what it grows in to..

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I come here for help a lot it seems, So, knowing I have never seen a Plumeria do this before, ( mine never did this, so I gave it to my sis in law)
Is this bud growth or leaf growth? I can't believe I havn't killed it yet. Tropicman ( Don) gave it to me fully loaded with leaves, then they turned yellow and dropped one by one.
I might have to give this one a blue ribbon if it makes it to a bloom.

Thumbnail by joeswife
Blackshear, GA

Debra, I would say that it is new leaf growth. I have some also that I raised from seed and I HOPE they bloom this year, they will be 3-4 years old. My patience is wearing thin with these. I got some cuttings from someone back at the end of summer and she said to put them in some perlite and they would root, wellll I am still waiting. No roots last time I checked, but they are still hanging one, kinda looks like yours above. Does anyone have any suggestions, should I just go ahead and pot them in some potting soil?

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

GA, the cuttings will root when the weather warms - patience is a virtue!

Debra, your little guy looks like a lily to me - when something odd pops up unexpectedly, it's so hard to wait to id it!!!

I am about to pop a button, waiting to send a certain friend a huge box of plants - come on, Kansas - WARM UP!

noonamah, Australia

Debra, that's normal looking plumeria leaf growth, not flower bud growth. It looks very healthy.

Blackshear, GA

Kay, should I put them on the heating mat, would that speed things up?

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I don't know, since I just put mine in vermiculite in the greenhouse. The gh is heated and I don't pay a lot of attention to them. I have a rooting chamber consisting of equal layers of perilite on the bottom and vermiculite on the top half - stick cuttings in there and they root in their own good time.

Blackshear, GA

OK thanks

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

Plumeria with flower buds that have been hanging fire since October, I think. I raised this plant from a 10-inch cutting that my daughter brought me from Hawaii. In 3 years it is now 4 feet tall and wide. It does drop leaves if it gets shocked by a temp change, but I have preserved it this winter with dutiful babying on the cold nights.

It forms a rosette of leaves, then the blunt stem tips make this claw formation when the flowers are coming along. Mine has "peach" flowers which means they're yellow, white and pink. If you have the yellow or white/yellow flower variety, the buds will be pale green, not red like these.

Thumbnail by dyzzypyxxy
Blackshear, GA

Here are my two babies I bought this weekend

Is this an agave?

Blackshear, GA

Duh...forgot the pic

Thumbnail by GAgirl1066
Blackshear, GA

Look at this beauty!!! I saw it and just had to have it! They had it sitting in a fancy pot and I thought it would be $30. It is huge, but I pulled it out of the pot and $14.99. I couldn't believe it.

Thumbnail by GAgirl1066
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

GAgirl, it is a false agave, Furcraea fortida mediopicta, they are great plants.

Blackshear, GA

Thank you ardesia, I love it, anything varigated. Do you have one? Any hints on keeping it healthy.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

This link tells you how to successfully grow false agave:

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

That link about says it all. I did have one in the ground that came back after last years freeze but it was so much colder here this winter so I do not expect to see that one again. I have several young ones in pots that I moved into the garage during the coldest weather this year.

This one was at Brookgreen Gardens a few years ago, I fell in love with it and had to have some. Mine are not this pretty yet but they are getting there. Crossing my fingers that maybe this summer they grow to be this size.

Thumbnail by ardesia
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Oh, WOW - that is pretty!

Blackshear, GA

After looking at the pictures on the net, mine obviously was not care for that well. I am going to repot it and give it some fertilizer. What about the pups at the bottom, can I go ahead and remove them or wait til they are bigger?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Gosh, I have never had any pups on mine so I really do not know what would be best. I suspect it would be better for the mother plant if they were removed but I am at a loss about what's best for the little ones and you would want to keep them if possible.

Rita, I am not sure who your noid plant is either but I sure do like it. I also admire the big leaves on your Hoya latifolia. You have found some beautiful new plants and I am enjoying viewing them. By the way, how is Texasbigleaves? I've not seen a post from him in quite a while.

Lin, I hope you are having a great time and Paula, great price on that nice Philodendron Black Cardinal. I purchased a juvenile one from a clearance rack a while back.

Debra, I seperated a promised pup that I have for you. It is a very easy one to grow.

Thumbnail by
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Paula I forgot you liked varigated things. Maybe you should have the duplicate of this one?

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Rachel and all, I always look forward to growing anything from this group of wonderful people.
remember the bare cut tree in college girls dumpster at her dorm? well lookie here now..

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Here is the bottom.. what is up with that sans cuttting? should I cut that bad part off?
any clue as to the type of tree this is?

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

This varigated thing behind the fern frond is a draceana? What am I doing wrong?

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

macho fern has babies coming up, are thhey just darling little fiddle heads?

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

This is my one and only hoya, it was just a few inches long when dollie sent it to me, I wind it around a wire form.. will it ever bloom?

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Here is where I sit when I visit you from down here.. you can see my faithful Gardening Companion gave up on me and has fallen asleep...That cradle was made for one of my daughters, and is filled with her favorite plush toys, as well as some boxes full of seeds.. *sigh*
This USED to be a beautiful finished basement. This is the dry end, and where I have scrunched up all the things in my little area..We are on the north end here, under the garage. NO WINDOWS

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Looking behind me on the East wall, you can see I have moved into the main north end some more.. I keep telling myself zIf I did this right, I could have a real greenhouse with even a pond of gold fish LOL
It is hard for me to admit that this will have to be re-done even better next year..

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I think some track lights, some rack shelves on rollers and a double laundry sink in the back room would do the trick.. Any Thoughts? No One Comes Down Here But Me And Duke. Oh, joe used to play his music down here when he irons, and in the above picture under the blue towel is his keyboard, sitting on an old rainbow ladybug vaccuum storage box. That ironing board is his. He irons to music, I do not iron, I grow plants instead.That is one part that I think I can turn into growing area.. This is the very middle view of this area

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

This is on the other side of the middle wall, and it is my winter holding tub, here is the rangoon creeper from rita, I hope it is still alive, I am afraid to pull it out, it seems to not want to come out when I tug on it..

Thumbnail by joeswife
Blackshear, GA

Hi Debra,
Looking good down there. I love the Agave!

I would go ahead and cut the Sans back, not sure if it is a disease or not, but to be on the safe side.

The dracena probably got a little dry (or wet). That usually will make the tips turn brown.
Or too much fertilize. Generally plants don't need fertilizing in the winter. Just cut the tips off at an angle and you won't be able to tell.

I admire you for dragging all those plants in. I do the same with probably 3 x that many, BUT I don't have to take them down the stairs and hook up lights, ETC. You're amazing! Isn't is nice to have your own little tropical jungle to sit in?

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