Tropical Garden # 92, Here comes Spring!

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Debra, where is your Hoya - I didn't see it!

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

LOL, me either....kept looking at the pic going where is it ??

noonamah, Australia

Quote from dyzzypyxxy :
Plumeria with flower buds that have been hanging fire since October, I think. I raised this plant from a 10-inch cutting that my daughter brought me from Hawaii. In 3 years it is now 4 feet tall and wide. It does drop leaves if it gets shocked by a temp change, but I have preserved it this winter with dutiful babying on the cold nights.

It forms a rosette of leaves, then the blunt stem tips make this claw formation when the flowers are coming along. Mine has "peach" flowers which means they're yellow, white and pink. If you have the yellow or white/yellow flower variety, the buds will be pale green, not red like these.

Dyzzypyxxy, those are leaves, or "leaves-in-waiting". They sit like that until the weather's right before growing.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

here is the Hoya, in front of the macho fern, sorry..

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

But wait, there is more..
This moon vine has buds and one is getting big.. a treat in the winter for me..

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I do have some blooms.. a begonia under the light in the FREEZER Room..
( This is what I call my cave)
This room used to be a make shift bedroom for my Truck Driving Dad.
He used to sleep down in this room over night.. I had planned on finishing it out.. It has potential for Green Room re-design..
this year my son put the round wire table down here for me.. you can't see the wire shelves my sister and I put up when she came up for Thanksgiving.
Gosh imagine this as a Fern Room..Some track lighting here might help, tho.

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

RJ, I saw your post. I am glad you are still around, I have missed you.. and your posts..

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

This thing was given to me by a customer a long time ago.. it was my second tropical plant in the last thirty years. I keep having to cut the top off cuz it gets so tall and has no support to stay up, and it wants to lay down on a nice bed of leaves and damp stuff, I just know it. Poor thing..I will be cutting these babies out if any one wants any please let me know by Email..

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Don't laff, but this happens to be a great place to keep small things going.. and lots of seeds are popping up now.. I have decided that where no one else will go in this house, I will put plants in it..

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Now this little area gets neglected alot, because I do close the doors, and I know I have two more growing shelves here, three storage drawers below it, ( not being used to its maximum capacity) hmm. two more grow light sticks.. I need to call an electrition.. Any ideas?

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

This area is where the racks are , and there is another room on the other side of that wall, full of plants, including the closet..This is where a bed used to be, a long time ago. There is a window up there, but this area is going to need some major wall repair, so I have to hold off on greenhousing it up too much.
I am going to need a chair lift thing I think, on the stairs, if I continue this..LOL
It took me two years to get this light set up.. It cost a whopping 19.97, but cost more in trying to figure it out with Joe. There are plants behind the table by the wall , too.
I am taking too much space here, sorry to ramble on so.. You all have a Blessed day tommorrow.. any thoughts or ideas are always appreciated, and thanks for the advice.

Thumbnail by joeswife
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

The last picture shows your Hibiscus leafing out - what color is it?

Blackshear, GA

Here is what I found yesterday!!

Rita, don't you have one like this? How do you care for it?

Anthurium ?

Thumbnail by GAgirl1066
Blackshear, GA

Cestrum - red....LOVE this plant. I bought one last year to replace the one I lost, but not sure it made it through the winter, so I bought another. Kinda hard to find local.

Thumbnail by GAgirl1066
Blackshear, GA

and the bargain of the day. desert rose in 3 gal pot...$14.00

Thumbnail by GAgirl1066
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Girl, I want to come shopping with you! Where did you find these pretties? We are heading down to JAX in March, LMK if there are some good places I shouldn't miss.

Red Oak, TX

Hello Everyone!!

It has been very warm for the last two days, but rather gloomy. I have been waiting on a sunny day to take a few pictures but it seems as if we will be having another drizzely gloomy one.

pencolagarden, are you home yet, how are you doing?

LiliMerci, It is good to see you! It seems as if we have survived another bad winter.
My fruit trees are not blooming. The picture is of a flowering Quince.
The fern that I posted a picture of previously, is native to Vietnam. I remembered that someone in your family was collecting plants from there. This fern is a very unusual plant with thick fronds.

This is another cool fern 'Microsorum longifolia'

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

Variegated Paddle plant Kalanchoe

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

plantladylin, I hope that you are enjoying your road trip, it is always good to get away for a little while.

Joeswife, as always, it was a joy to read and view your posts. I will say again how much better than any magazine, is your actual experiences growing those plants!!
Quit tugging on that rangoon creeper, I have one that looks exactly like yours with no foliage, I promise that it will leaf out as soon as it warms up in the spring.
Your spanish moss creation put a smile on my face, my GK would just love that one.
First prize goes to you for bringing the dumpster sick back to its original beauty. Is it a Fiddle leaf fig?

plumeria with new leaves.

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

Rick Rac Orchid Cactus

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

GAgirl1066, it would be a very exciting going on a plant scouting trip with you. You always find such interesting plants, they keep me busy googling.
I find that the Anthuriums I have planted in hanging baskets do much better than the plants in the ground.

I have been growing those false Agave for a while now, I am totally in love with them. I left the biggest plant out couple of winters ago because it was too big and awkward to bring it. Even though I tried my best to save it, it rotted. I thought that I had two cultivars, the plant in the brown pot has pupped while the other 3 plants have never done so, regardless of age.

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

RachelLF, I was hoping that someone would recognize my noid aroid. You have helped me immensely in the past. If another should ever pass your view in the future, please enlighten me.
Texasbigleaves has not answered my D-mail. Hopefully with a good dose of spring fever he will be back. I miss him.
I picked up a Anthurium Waroqueanum last week. Out of several with healthy nice foilage I picked this one with the big stem, hoping to get bigger leaves soon. I hope that I will not regret my selection. It's a good buy at $15.

That is a very nice variegated A. Wentii, mine are still dormant.

Thumbnail by prita
North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

Rita, I love that fern. So pretty! I happened on a website last week and saw that someone is trying to root a new hydrangea breed that is from Vietnam. It is so pretty, the bottom of the leaves is purple. I want one.... :)

Thumbnail by LiliMerci
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I have been looking to replace my rickrack cactus - hope I can find one this year.

Are any more of you going to add your wish/have lists to the sticky?

Blackshear, GA

OOOOORita, love the fern. Where did you get it? That is on my want list, haha, everything you have is on my want list. Love the varg. paddle plant too. You must have a great nursery nearby.

Did you know the name of the anthurium?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Prita, I love that variegated Kalanchoe. I got my first Paddle Kalanchoe last spring while vacationing in Fl. I had never had one before and never seen one fully grown. It certainly took off much to my surprise.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

prita, I luv luv your variegated plummie!!!! That is one definitely on my wishlist.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Hmmmm, I can't see a var. Plumeria - please, someone - tell me where it is!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Hey Dave, it's too hot here for the Dicksonia- I lost the baby ferns..should have left them alone...after taking them off the rocks they started on...they croaked...lesson learned.

Keaau, HI

How's it Randy!

Sorry to hear that. Maybe if they had more cover and water!

Tree Ferns tend to do their best here, when under a forest canopy. They grow high on the mountain in cool wet areas, but don't do well in much exposure.

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Keaau, HI

Freshly weeded, desert rosette garden with Xanthorrhoea throwing it's 1st flower spike.

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Keaau, HI

Dracaena sport which stays very yellow.

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Keaau, HI

Members of a new Alocasia garden.

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Blackshear, GA

Very nice, I love them

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Metrosideros, What is the first one on the left side next to the Africian Masks.

Debra, I enjoyed viewing all your pictures and please post a picture of the blooms from your moon vine. Of all the Ipomoeas, it is my favorite and I think Rita nailed the I.D. on the dumpster tree. Nice find.

Paula, I'm with Rita on growing Anthuriums in hanging baskets. They thrive much better vs. containers and goodness knows I lost a few until I listened to this advice from her. Anthuriums like water but they grow best in a mixture of soil and containment which allows them to be watered often but drains very well.

Rita, wow! You sure did get a very nice A. warocqueanum for the money. Mine is still doing well but I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can keep it alive long enough to get those big beautiful leaves. I've read and have been told it's a little picky where temperatures are concerned and thank you, you have been so very helpful to me as well. As far as your noid Philodendron is concerned, I viewed a plant at Steve's that looked very similiar to yours. At the time he said that the plant was being "called" Philodendron holtonianum but that name was yet to be confirmed. You may want to check out his website and also take a look at Natural Selections Exotics website as well. She has a juvenile P. holtonianum pictured under the Philo. section. Let me know what you think as I am very interested in getting a name for your plant as well.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I lost my A. warocqueanum , and that little one to the left there in that post above. They were sure cute. Nice photos, Dave.

Rita, is that a SNOWQUEEN hibiscus up there with your plumeria?
Kay, I have some ric rac you can have, and a varigated devils back bone , too.
going to let them go to a warmer home, as I think the customer for life I have had that had me drive to her place to get her car for service is willing over to me her really old established plants. One of them is a large DBB, and some arrow head, a huge pink philo, and some large aloes. I felt honored to be asked to go to her place, she is such a Grand Lady. I am sad to know she is not going to be able to drive any more.

Paula such good finds. I wish we could go planta holicking all day. It would be fun.

I posted this in another thread, but I am making up 500 seed packets to give away at our booth for the Lawn and Garden show. Thankfully, I have two helpers at work to do that.
Oh and Dave.. the Xanthorrhoea looks like some of the hardy yuccas here.
I saw trilliums up at my oldest daughters place.

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I forgot and posted the wrong picture, but the hibiscus putting out new leaf growth is budding and blooming a pretty red, the yellow is about too again.
James, I am hoping to see some more of your posts this Spring.

Thumbnail by joeswife
Keaau, HI

What is that last plant Debra?

Nice photos everyone!

The Alocasia on the left is Alocasia cuprea.

Thumbnail by Metrosideros

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