(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Well then I Guess it is my choice to send you what I deam fit :)) so will try to get it in the mail Tuesday for I Think Post office might be closed on Monday for Presidents day , so what about OLE Georges W"S B-day ??
they close on Lincolns B-days???

anyway I will get your surprise off to you as soon as i can this next week :)
Wishing you all a great weekend

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

They combined them to make (plural) Presidents Day. I wonder what the ole guys would think about that. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Oh well, I get the day off so all I can say is Happy Birthdays guys!

Athens, PA

Glad you all get the day off. I do not. Actually, where I can work is open all the time. We have been open during floods when employees could not get across the river to get to work and obviously some employees could not get home. The only day that is really pushed is the first day of hunting season. There are some people there, but even the schools here close for the first day of deer season.

My kids and I always fed the deer - I hate to see them shot.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Just think of it this way Carolyn. They have to be thinned out, or they become riddled with pests and diseases, so hunters are doing them a favor. Too much inbreeding can cause terrible problems, and deer don't travel very far normally. And the hunters thank you for feeding them, and making them more tasty for eating. My kids practically grew up on deer meat.

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

I grew up with my dad and brothers hunting deer. I absolutely hate venison. My parents would always try to trick me in to eating it, never worked. Feeding the deer up here is illegal. I guess they figure that your baiting the deer so they could be shot.

personally, i would never kill anything for the enjoyment of it. have never understood hunting.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I use to go deer hunting. We figured we fed them all winter, might as well get something back. :-) Seriously, they would go up and eat cattle feed out of the creep feeders all winter. The Wild Turkey's would actually run the cattle away from it!

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

It's the people who kill just for the joy of killing, I can't understand. Sometimes animal population needs to be regulated for the benifit of other wildlife not to mention the dangers of hitting one on the road.

I'm not a hunter myself but it is a source of organic meat and would never turn down any Elk.

Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

sherman99, you have a kindred spirit here. I would never kill an animal for sport. As a matter of fact, if I knew how to do it properly, I would become a vegetarian. From what I understand, it takes some planning to make sure that you have enough protein sources since you would no longer be eating meat.

I feel sorry for the deer, possum, racoons, etc. I live in a suburban area and we just keep taking over their forests and building housing plans that are having a difficult time finding buyers for the new homes. The animals were here first, after all.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Same Here I Trap the COON < POSSUMS & Take them over to the STATE Lands about 10 Miles from here
I cannot have them Killing My Turkeys & Ducks & Getting into the feed SO I Have 3 Live traps .
No Heart to Kill . As for the Deer I Have learned that if I Put a Garden of Pumpkin , & Sugar beets out in the Back field , they Graze out there & Not so much in my gardens up by the house :) .
they come through the yards but leave my gardens alone SO FAR .

I Hope to plant some seeds today . well off to get BKF For daddy soon so you all have a great day .

Athens, PA

Truthfully, I do like venison. I just couldn't do the killing part. I would rather feed them and watch them.

I live in an area where that venison is the only meat that gets some people through the winter. So, yes, I do understand it and I don't judge those that hunt. I just could not do it for myself.

My daughter asked me, how could I eat fish when I have a pond full of koi that are my 'pets'. Same thing - I am not killing them. I will tell you though, there is nothing better than a plate full of grilled trout or fried catfish to me.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Well, I like to hunt AND fish. I don't eat fish so I always catch and release on them. I just like to go. Don't have land since my divorce, and ex got the guns, so I don't get to go hunting anymore. I loved being out at sunrise on a cool, crisp morning. I never say in a deer stand and waited for them to walk by. We walked the timber looking for them. I don't think killing one from a deer stand is 'hunting' one. I hunt the old fashioned way!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Hubby has been a hunter and a fisherman since he was a kid. He sold his bows and arrows years ago but is in the woods from the first day of muzzleloader season to the last day of rifle season. I do not condone hunting just to kill either and neither does he, and give him credit for donating wild turkeys and venison to our less fortunate neighbors. Otherwise, I know many of them would go hungry. I love to surf fish and my fav's to catch and eat are regulation size stripers, drums, groupers, shrimp, and flounders. Baked or grilled with herbs and lemon.

It won't be long before the Fat Robin lands back home! Perhaps later this week, Susie, since tomorrow is President's Day.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

maybe by thursday do to bad weather I do not want Maxine to have to get out in it so No Hurry . I Cannot even get down to the mail box not sure what her weather is but i do not wish anyone to get out in this weather :))
It will get better so just keep the Bird warm Maxine :)))


Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Oh yea, its warm. Recd. 12" of the white stuff yesterday and it has snowed all morning. Trying to convince my body that I need to finish WS some more seeds, butttt!!
No go. Cold has come back, nasty thing.

Susie it will be in the mail as soon as I receive the extra seeds.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

there is no problem or any hurry you have more snow that us but we also had a blanket if sleet the Snow plows just went down our road but our drive has not been plowed .
I'm sure everyone here will agree the robin is safe & Sound right there till the weather is better & Your health is also better.
Happy Gardening

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

You guys be careful out in that stuff. Be safe.

I would like to put out some more WS, but I am out of jugs!!!! So now I am working on the seeds I am going to start inside.

I should never be let near a garden shop .... I'm dangerous! Went by HD to look for windchimes. They didn't have any but I still ended up at the front with a basketful. Bought a rescue plant, don't remember what. lol Found blue elephant ear bulbs, lilly of the valley and bleeding hearts one red, one white so ....of COURSE... I had to bring them home! Along with bird seed. So...... on to Lowes. Let's not talk about it. lol

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

oh my gosh! lol. I'm the same way! I can go in for one thing and come out with everything but what I needed! My brother is the manager of the nursery department at Lowe's so that doesn't help! haha.

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Crit, I'm like that too. My DH won't even take me to Lowe's or HD anymore - I have to hide in the truck before he gets in if I want to ride along. He knows I'm going to come home with some sort of plant -there's just no question about it.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

I have fairly good self control at Home Depot, Lowes, and Walmart.

But shortly my favorite local garden center will open ... it is very hard for me to stop there and leave without making a purchase.

Visiting my younger daughter (30 miles away) and going to the Christmas Tree Shop which is a short distance from her residence is one place it is impossible not to make a purchase .... just viewed (online) their latest flyer and I think I should visit DD this week.

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

we have a christmas tree shop here in Binghamton. I haven't been there,but I would like to check it out soon.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Erin .... you're gonna be floored when you see the prices at the Christmas Tree Shop.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Blue EE's are cool, Patti. What a great score.

Hubby knows when we go to the big box stores he can find me in the garden center when he's finished shopping, and I'm still puttering around. It's much better when I go by myself and can take my time. I would be equally dangerous if we had a Christmas Shop.

Feel better soon, Maxine. You've had a rough time lately fighting the crud.

It's hard to imagine s*** when we're enjoying temps in the 60's but am sure we'll be blasted again. March is notorious around here for the white stuff.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

This was the first week of April here 2 years ago........

Thumbnail by Crit
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Blue EE ? :) OH My Is there any extras ?? I Love christmas gifts :) HEHE

As I Told Corey I Have been trying to get my Printer to work with computor & It is just to far Over my head
to figure out & let me just say I Was not Bore yesterday & Being self taught to even turn on this dang computor never haven them in school 50 yrs ago I Do very well But If i had a MACHINE GUN I would use this Printer for a

So I Will Just have to write everything out & you all know My Hand writing is not the best .
but will try to do my best with it .
For those out of jugs ask your local schools if they will give you their empties they some times have a few
or the restrants , your family & Friends . & recycle bins

well off to read happy gardening

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

evening All well i have been lost in the seed robin :) all after noon then went out got super over with & came back to it .

JUST WANT To SAY THANK YOU All for all the great seeds that you have shared with me I Just hope that I Can get them all planted this spring & Trust me I'm going to give it my best shot .

Graig Pending on what the weather looks like tomorrow by noon I will let you know if I Can bring the robin over your way or meet in charlotte But I Will call you .

my back is killing me right now & I'm going to lay back so i can finish this robin up in the morning to hand it off.

have a great evening & again thank you all .

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Well quick as I find them I am sending you the fox glove seeds, forgot to put them in the box as it left here I think.
Its funny weather here and my bloue berrys look like they are fixin to bloom which will be bad as it ususally frost in late March. Our oak tree has budded out. This weather is way to weird.
(((hugs))) to all


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

You're very welcome to the seeds I was able to share with you, Susie.....and will do it again the next round with you and our other players :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Already? Susie you must have had everything ready to go!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Susie ~ You have mail on Sunday??

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

NO I was to MEET Craig & Well I Don't Know what happen I WAITED & Waited as long as I Could
& Findly came home so waiting on a call to plan the next step.

Athens, PA

what happened? I hope he's alright.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

yep Graig has the robin now He called & We set up a new meet he is on his way home I Just got home .

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Wow you both live that close? How nice! We have to plan a plant swap or just a meet and greet. I like the idea of a picnic. Everyone bring a dish or beverage and a plant or two. We socialize for a bit then mosey back home. But we would have to take pictures to share with our friends farther away. ;-)

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I had better get my seeds ready!


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

should be there within a couple weeks

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Susie, I sent you a d-mail. We made it to Joplin, MO, and will stay here for the night. I feel in "home territory" as SIL and hubby live within an hour of here. Have made the trip a few times so know the roads. Another 8-9 hours on the road to Iowa. Am bracing for a weather change from what we are used to these past 2 weeks. 70's/80's going home to 30's. Brrr...

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Off hand I know of 2 DG'ers from Joplin. I live near Tulsa.

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