Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

My daughter had 2 growing up (1 at a time) They stayed in her room in an old 55 gal fish aquarium. lol She won grand champion with one at the 4-H fair and the other one something but I don't remember now what.

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

There was lots of Zinna seeds in box when I had it . Hope all is well and I still have pictures if I need to post what was in the box. And mesh and lots of small bags as I had my own so I did not take any of them.
Hope all is well and we are expecting snow again Thursday . I am still trying to get over the 7 inches week before last. And the 4 snows this year as we had not had measurable snow in over 12 years so this is way to much snow. Maybe the 2 moles in my yard will leave. The 2 windmills aren't helping.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Gm All its been snowing on off this weekend about 1-2 inches so nothing like the big fall last week :)

well Looks as anita will have the robin by weds or Thursday when she gets off work :)
so we know what herup comming weekend will be like :)

well off to put on bkf
back later

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Anita, the robin is on it's way to you!

Susie, I sent you dmail a little while ago with the confirmation number.

I really pushed all the air out of the packages once I was done with each one and everything fit in the robin with room to spare. There were no mesh seed sifters in it but there were the smaller bags. I didn't use any because DH brought me home boxes full of them. I noticed some people had zinnia seeds but not many. I just have to say what a wonderful time I had going through it all and am thrilled with the different seeds I have to plant this year!


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

thank you Di Got the # & thank you for playing Look forward to the next round :)

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Erin, I like Kesha even if he's a boy - what a cutie he is.
We raise New Zealands here. They are used for meat and sometimes fur(red, whitre, black) but mostly meat. These are good sized rabbits - the does weigh 12-14 pounds and the bucks weigh 9-11 pounds usually. When DS (the oldest) started in 4-H that's what he wanted to raise so we've had them for 11 years now and the youngest DS is the only one eligible due to age to be in 4-H and FFA now. We had 26-30 rabbits housed at one time and with all the babies one year we had 62 of them - thank heavens we didn't breed all the does or we would've had over 120 at least! We've had all three colors of NZ's at one point or another as well. I'm really active in the county 4-H here and love working with FFA kids. When the youngest is finally done in 3-4 years, I'll miss it more than the kids will!

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

he's the sweetest little boy. He hops around the house tormenting the cats. lol. After a while he goes back out to his cage.


Concord, NH

happy birthday to me

Athens, PA

Happy Birthday!

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

Happy Birthday !

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY I Usually Look at the B-Days But for some reason just didn't get to them yet today .
forgive me .

Just got a call from the my friend & The gals want me to go to Bingo Tonight its snowing so not sure if i will or not.
hope you all are haven a great day I Just put on some Broccolii & Cheese soup so off to go check on it have a great day .

Athens, PA

Oh Susie. Broccoli and cheese soup is one of my favorites. Sounds wonderful. Is yours homemade? I used to have a recipe for a really great B&C soup and I no longer have the recipe. I remember it was thick and full of cheese...

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

fresh Homemade RECIPE Follows


Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

I'm thinking about trying a heat mat for my seeds. HUMMMMM
Our weather forcast says snow again for tomorrow. Brother its already been a record breaking year here at the Crystal Coast of NC
Love the flower pictures above, makes me glad spring is just around the corner.

Doing my fly-by- HI

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Hi Lavina, it's been a record breaker for us as well here in SW Ohio.

Happy birthday, gardenseeder!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm really late checking in today and am sending you a special Happy Birthday wish, gardenseeder63. May all your blooms come

Thanks so much, Carolyn, for the Moonflower seeds you shared with me.

Do any of you have extra seeds of Sage, Rosemary, Thyme, Mint, or Oregano? Just a pinch will do. I'm trying to plan an Herb garden and would appreciate any varieties.

Now that I mentioned Herbs, who else has that old Beatles song Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme playing in your heads? I think Crit has me covered for Parsley :)

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

FOTV ..... I don't have parsley, I have mint. Chocolate and Spearmint, but not in seed. I will send you some plants in the spring.

Concord, NH

ty all for the birthday wishes xox

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

The RR arrived in my city yesterday. I'm just waiting to see if the mailman will redeliver today

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Bet your Setting in Front of the door way .

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)


This evening I purchased a pack of Greek oragano seeds ... I will share some with you.

I can also send you some sage, rosemary, winter thyme, and creeping thyme ... I need to see what mint seeds if any that I have to share.

Di, your seeds arrived today ^_^ THANKS


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Thank you Mary and Patti. Looking back it was Cam who'd reserved a few Parsley seeds for me.

I mailed a bunch of seed envies today, including the Gourd seeds I promised you in the last round, Erin, and forgot to include. Just wanted you all to get a jump start. Hang on, Patti...I'm almost finished with your envy.

I'll still have a good assortment to include in this round and a few others I've ordered that should be here shortly.....will list names and quantities when they're in hand.

Susie, would you like for me to mail my extras to you ahead of time?

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

FOTV- Thank you. I will keep watch. Suppose to get down to 25 below zero tonight. Bunny is staying in until it gets above freezing. Suppose to be above freezing during the day all next week. Maybe some (or all) of this snow will melt. I want to see my snowdrops!


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

The box is here and I finally have a chance to look at the seeds. I will be back soon to let you know what I have found!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Parsely, Sage, Peter, Paul and Mary?


New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Ha! I mailed seed envies today, too, to all EXCEPT Evelyn since I don't have her addy. Please, Please send it to me????? I have your seeds ready to go. Everyone else either d-mailed me or I found you in the DG addresses.

Bordentown, NJ(Zone 7a)

"Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme" from Scarborough Fair by Simon and Garfunkel

but I still love the Beatles. And am old enough to remember them.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Gm all well If you do not see me on much today then I maybe in bed or at the ER I have been up since 4 Am With the lower back Pain Once again & I Think the Kidney stones are back for I KNOW I'M Not Giving Birth But it sure feels like it . it is still to dark out & I Do not go out when i cannot see what the roads look like news said we got snow I cannot tell yet .

I know your suppose to drink cranberry but i cannot drink it being on coumadine hard to sit & hard to lay right now but just wanted to check in on you all .
i mailed out my seeds also to merrymath, & Maxine , Susan I Have yours ready to go out to you that way you can get a jump start on yours also . will let you know when they are in the mail.

ME EVELYN Is about the 3 one after you so you can put hers in the robin if you like

well you all have a great day

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Recd. mine yesterday, susie.
Thanks so much.


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Which evelyn are you needing? I have an evelyn in the garden, or something like that, in my trade tracker.

Athens, PA


OMG! I hope you feel better.

For what it is worth, and I do not know if there is any truth to this - ask your doctor, I was told that a bit of citrus will help to keep kidney stones away. That even just a squeeze of lemon in whatever you drink - iced tea, water, etc. is enough to keep the stones away. A friend told me this quite a while ago and her husband has historically had kidney stones. I know some people are stone formers and others are not. I personally have never had them and I also keep fresh lemons in my house at all times and put a wedge of lemon into my iced tea and my V-8 and I do drink both daily.

Let us know how you are feeling.


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Hey Susie,

I hope you are feeling better soon. I was up until midnight looking at all the seeds. All I can say is WHOA! Everything was contained very neatly. Mary and/or Di you did an excellent job of organizing and arranging things. Now I'm panicking hoping to put it back just as neatly as you had it. LoL I don't think that will be a problem. Whose idea was it to print up the labels in mailing order? Great idea!!!

Susie, would it be okay If I mail it out on Monday? I'm working all day today and all day tomorrow. I could ask my son to mail it off for me but I prefer not to...there's no telling where it would end up. LoL

there are so many types of great seeds! I'm scratching my head trying to figure out where I can put them all. LoL

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

MONDAY WILL BE FINE Anita I Just called my doc;s office & They want me to go in for an altra sound soon They are calling over the order.
my Brother in TX Is In the Hospital He had Stones in his Prostrate & just had a 6 hr surgery on Weds .
I will ask my doc about the lemons only I don't really trust in this Doc to much of any thing at this point for as young as he is trully looks like a teen.
anyway off i go & will try to get back to you all later in the day if I feel up to it.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Let us know how the ultrasound comes out. I'm willing to bet the lemons help. They surely cannot hurt.

Athens, PA


good luck - let us know

Concord, NH

were all praying for you!

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

When I was 25 I went rock hunting and didn't bring water. I dehydraded and about a week later had a kidney stone. It was a terrible ordeal. Never did get anything for pain and it was before they used ultra sound.

We all need to stay hydrated. Even in the winter they say to drink at least two liters of water a day.

Hope all goes well with you and wishing for a speedy recovery. With todays technology, it's not as big a deal as it was back then.


(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Hope you feel better soon, Susie....I had one a few years back - ouch. Thinking of you and hoping for a sppedy resolution.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

hey everyone just got home & going to go lay back i have 3 small stones & Doc says they are small so they should pass in a few days , as i knew already anyway if they do not pass by monday then i will go in to have them crushed or removed. so he shot me with something that has made me droopy so you all have a great day .

back when i can

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

I'm glad the doctor found the culprit and can resolve the problem. I am sorry that you are in pain. I hope you pass them and feel better very soon!

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