Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

I have a long history with kidney stones, Susie. I've had one crushed by lithotripsy and passed two on my own. One of those times, I had passed it by the time I got to the ER (according to the CT scan) and the shot they gave me there stopped the pain- in less than 30 seconds no less!

The last one, I passed at home with the help of a strong pain pill given to me by my Urologist, in case I needed it - which it turned out I did. By the time I was sure I should go to the ER, the pain got so bad that I would not have been able to fold myself up to get into the car to go. I literally walked it off until it passed. It took about 3 hours after the pain really increased. I had been feeling some discomfort off and on during that day. All in all, it took about 10 hours to pass that stone.

Lemon juice/lemonade is very helpful in keeping stones from forming and making them smaller. I have actually had stones disappear while increasing my water intake and drinking lots of lemonade and lemon juice in my water. It's an easy thing to do and does work.

I do not like water, and I know I don't drink enough of it. I have to literally push myself to drink it. My urologist said that cola and any kind of soda is bad and helps you make kidney stones, as well as regular black tea. Herbal is all right, as well as white tea.

Good luck, Susie. I will be thinking about you.


New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Dearest Susie, I am praying for you. I have heard that the pain can be pretty awful. I hope you have something to at least ease the pain.

Crit, Yes, that is the Evelyn I am needing. I would really prefer to send her seeds now in case she is wanting to start them. I would greatly appreciate her addy. Otherwise, if she is not wanting me to have it, I will wait for the robin. I would understand.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Linda, that sounds so awful! I am going to make it a point to drink 64 oz of water (always with lemon) if it kills me. I didn't realize black tea would cause your body to form kidney stones. I have always heard such good things about the black teas. I'm starting to drink the green teas, so I have never tried the black. Passing a stone sounds alot like being in labor. Ten hours of severe pain would make me jump off of a building, seriously, I'm such a wimp!

Athens, PA

Susie -

Praying for you to feel better soon. I think you should just take it easy for a couple of days......

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Susie ... you are in my prayers ... we will be sitting on pins and needles til we hear you are feeling significantly better.

Older daughter posted on Facebook that her DH is home with the flu .... he must have it bad for him to stay away from their music store business.

I copied the info regarding kidney stones and sent it to her ... her DH is plagued with them.

I think many of us will now be adding lemon juice to our drinking water.


(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Like Linda, I ended up walking mine off at the ER because the pain had gotten so bad by the time I got there; it was all Tom could do to get me out of the car to even go in. There was no way I could sit; felt like they were killing me just trying to lie down on the x-ray bed. I passed it shortly after getting xrays -prob 2 hours after arriving. Afterwards they gave me meds for pain and infection and advised cranberry juice and if I couldn't drink that then go for lemon juice in water. bad as labor? Not for me..a male doctor told Tom that when Tom had stones but labor was way worse than a kidney stone for me and a lot longer too!!!! :)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Never been through labor, and knock on wood have never had kidney stones. But do go through my share of excruciating back spasms and wouldn't wish those on anybody. My drinks of choice are diet green tea and lemon water. Can't stand plain water either but my Mom sure loved it and kept a glass on the back of the sink she filled numerous times a day, drank water like a camel and also had a glass with every meal.

Susie, you just had a bought of stones last year, wasn't it? You have got to get to feeling better. We need you to keep us straight, and ya know digging and planting time is just around the corner.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi All Still a little groggy from the shot they had to call my brother to bring me home :) & Yes stones last fall also
not sure what brings then on I dink plenty of fluids all day.

& you all are right can;t sit or stand or even lay for long &they want me to use a strainer to catch the stone why do i want them .
well you all have a great evening .

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

I would say each case is diffrent. My grandfather passed a stone the size of a pencil eraser.

Tomorrow will be a busy day for me. My potted plants have been in the spare bedroom with no light since the first blast, and I'm sure some will need some care. And I've fallen behind on my garden.

Looks like everybody is still enjoying the Robin.


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Hey Dane,

the RR is on it's way to the last person on the first round. LoL When did it start...November 1? Have you all heard about what's going on here? The city recently purchased a building for city government offices. It was suggested that the building be named after someone who made a significant contribution to the city. So one of the formaer mayor's name was Harry Baals pronounced Balls. Everyone is in an uproar about this name. Heck we have a street named after this guy. this made national news...go figure? My city makes the news and Jay Leno is cracking jokes about us!

Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

Sorry janaestone, I have to disagree. I had my second child Lamaze, no meds, and passing a kidney stone IS alot like hard labor, which I was in for 2 hours before our youngest daughter was born. No fun there either.

I've had two 12 ounce glasses of water already today and am working on number three. I have a slice of orange in these. I need to go to the store to get some fresh lemons.

Anita, I heard the story about Mr. Baals earlier in the week. It must have made the news in the Pittsburgh area since I heard it on a talk show out of Pittsburgh. What a hoot!


(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Oh I know for some people it's terrible. DH was in the hospital for 4 days with one huge one. I guess I had an easier time with the kidney stones than labor. I just thought it was a breeze compared with labor. LOL As if either is easy in the first place!

Susie, they may want you to catch it by straining because they will probably test it. There's different types of stones and depending on the type they may want you to do something different to be proactive. They tested Tom's and found it was a common type of kidney stone - nothing special they said (it sure seemed special to me - I've never seen my DH in such pain and agony).

Start drinking water with lemon juice every day, young lady! ^_^

Athens, PA

Even though I have not had the problems with the kidney stones and I do add a wedge of lemon to my tea and my V-8, I think I will start adding fresh squeezed lemon to my water too. I really don't want to go through the agony you all have portrayed. Can't tell you about labor either - both my children were sugically removed.

Susie - I really hope you are feeling better soon.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

ME ... will dmail you evelyns addy

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Sorry ME, I don't have Evelyns address. I will keep looking and let you know if I find it. Have you d-mailed her?

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

ME ... you have dmail

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the addy. We have been in touch.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)



Looks as if LAVINAMAE-------FEB 13 TH
Was the Closes Guess Even though she didn't think about the 13th Being on a Sunday :)

Please let me know what gift card you would like
these are the only stores in my areas or i could fix you up a surprise package:)

well off to call my Doctor will be back soon

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

I say take the surprise package!!!!!!

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Congrat's LaVina Mae. It couldn't have happened to a nicer lady.

Susie, hope you get some help soon. Pain is not nice!!


Athens, PA


let us know what the doctor says. Saying prayers for you. I hope you are feeling better very soon.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Oh my gosh, the box landed and I almost couldn't carry it out of the post office! am going thru the seeds part time as I have to work at the election board tomorrow afternoon and if I don't get some thing cooked up, this woman won't eat. Probably wouldn't hurt me to miss a meal. Maybe then I could keep off a couple of lbs. Seems like I get them off and then look at the scale and those rascally lbs. came back on. Who would have thounk it!!


(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Yay, LavinaMae - lucky lady!

Concord, NH


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM On the Mend My friends

Can you IMAGINE The MILES on this ROBIN From coast to coast N-E-S-W & N Again ????
In JUst about 3 Mo's . & 20 Players .

Heat wave on the way & I Have got to get caught up on things I could not do while i was laid up.
Have a great day all .

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Susie ... best get to all those chores .... you'll have lots to do after you receive the robin .... lots of envys in it for you .. so you gonna have a lot of sowing to do.

I presently have 74 completed winter sown containers on my back deck.

Going to the NJ Flower & Garden show on Sat with a DG friend .... I plan to take and post pictures.

For those of you with back pains ... esp sciatic ....consider purchasing a zero (anti gravity) lounge chair .... very easy to use ...amazing what 15 to 20 minutes daily will do .... I purchased one two years ago .... my younger daughter purchased one for her significant other ... liked it so much she bought one for herself.


New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Mary, I happen to have one of those chairs, and I LOVE it! One of my friends had a couple of them, and she brought one of them to school. We had it in my room. We would often sit in it during prep. time and grade papers. Also purchased one for my mother, and everyone who comes to visit likes sitting in it.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Mary, do you have a web site for your chair. Have never heard of it. I have had 3 back surgeries, a daughter that has had 1 and a granddaughter that is facing one soon.

Thanks for answering my inquiry.


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

You should be able to find a zero-gravity chair locally in the spring ... I even saw one on sale at a local supermarket last year.

Benifits of the chair

Picture of the chair

We paid under $50 for each of ours ... and they were of top quality ... so shop around .... way too expensive the ones I see offered on the web.

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

I got ours at a farm supply store.(Theisens) I have seen them in the past at Wal-Mart during either spring or summer.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Do they swivel from "horizontal" to "upright" each time you get out?

I would love way to elevate my feet above my heart, but 'easy in, easy out' is also important.

Deejay, I bet "less pain for a change" is a real thrill!


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Corey, you should be able to find one now at a retail store in your area .... here is one being offered by Sears

Find one locally and try it .... it works somewhat like a recliner ... just that you can go back farther.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Mary.

Hmm, elevate my leg, or buy more compost? What a dilemma!


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

As much as I love flowers, a zero-gravity chair would be my choice.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Especially if it let me fly through the sky with the greatest of ease!


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Corey, during the summer of 2008, my sciatia was so bad, I had to crawl to the bathroom in the morning.

I invested in a zero gravity table ($300). 15 minutes a day was all I used it ... it took care of the sciatia. But I think one can receive the same benefits with the zero-gravity chair ...which is easier to use and cost a lot less.

It may not make you fly, but you will have more stamia .... and therefore find yourself tending better to plants.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I don't think it was literal sciatica, but once I went on a strenuous business trip long before I was ready to, and got that "hot wire shooting up my legs into my back" sensation. That was the only pain I've ever had that made me "see white" around the edges of my vision. I'm glad you were able to take care of yours!

I don't have much pain to speak of that way, any more. Mostly just sore muscles, and complaining ankles. But "more stamina" would be really good! (That, and time off work when it ain't raining.)


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

A girlfriend of mine talked me into going to her accupunturist. I had my first appointment today. I had done it before on my back probably 10 years ago so wasn't afraid of it. Some places feel better and he said other places it may take a few days, or it might not help at all. My thumbs really take a beating at work if I have to type very long, and I do work on the computer quite a bit.
I go to my Pain Mgmt Dr. on Tuesday for the injection in my SI joint from my work comp. fall. Surely someone can give me some relief!
That zero gravity chair sounds quite interesting though. May have to try that too. I just need relief. It is exhausting hurting all the time. Most of the time I am just use to it, until it gets really bad. Of course, the pain pills don't hurt. I've been on them so long, I can't imagine life where I didn't have to take them!

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Crit, I know where you are coming from in regards to pain. You will be in awe what benefits you receive after using a zero gravity chair .... it may take a week or two of daily 15 minutes or more in it before you obtain significant relief. Just the money you save on gas that you use to travel to and from your pain management Dr. will pay for it.

Ask your pain management doctor about zero gravity.

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Yahoo I have been working way to hard. I love surprises so the surprise a surprise package sounds great, I love surprises. Hubby has been sick and we know it has nothing went to Raleigh to check on oldest son and just got home this afternoon.
I sat here and packed some seeds to be mailed out by Mondayto all promised seeds to. I am having hip proble

ms and outta whack. Its tough to realize that moving to the coast I have not been in the gymfor 3 years and all my muscles and bones creek and hurt, I just know it has noting to do with gaining 30 lbs and being over the hill.
And I did not look at a date for the end I just picked it cause it was my dad's birthday. 02/13/1907. He passed away March 1st 1972, had just retired the 13th of February.
((((hugs all))))
I have enjoyed this and learned a lot from all of you

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