1/4 tsp was the max i took. there were so many different ones to try did not want to take things i wouldn't use. that said, i still have lots to plant!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Do these tempt anyone? The seed packets are dated 2011 unless otherwise noted.

From Baker Creek
Bloody Dock (Red Sorrel) -- 1 pack left
Basil -- Fine Verde -- 1 pack left
Basil -- Lemon -- 1 pack left
Basil -- Lime -- 1 pack left
Lemongrass -- 2 packs left
Oregano -- Wild Zaatar

Celosia, Corkscomb, Dwarf Coral Garden Mix -- 5 packs left, 20+ seeds each
Celosia, Cockscomb "Indiana Giant"
Cosmos “Redcrest” -- 2 packs left, 10+ seeds each
Hyacinth Bean, Asian Red Leaved
Morning Glory “Chocolate”
Morning Glory “Heavenly Blue” -- 2 packs left, 5 seeds each
Morning Glory, Japanese, Kikyozaki mix
Morning Glory “Milky Way”
Morning Glory “Red Star”
Musa velutina "Pink Banana"
Sunflower “Autumn Beauty”
Sunflower “Mongolian Giant”
Sunflower “Tarahumara White”
Sunflower “Titan”
Zinnia “Envy”
Zinnia “Isabellina” -- 2 packs left, 15+ seeds each
Zinnia “Orange King” -- 2 packs left, 15+ seeds each
Zinnia “Meteor” -- 2 packs left, 15+ seeds each

Tomato Riesentraube “Giant Bunch of Grapes” -- 1 pack left

Argyreia wallichi “Myanmar Morning Glory” -- 1 pack left, 3 seeds
Clytostoma callistegioides “Lavender Trumpet Vine”
Phaseolus caracalla "Corkscrew Vine"
Proboscidea parviflora “Devil’s Claw" -- 1 pack left, 3 seeds
Pandorea jasminoides alba “White Trumpet Vine”
Salvia greggii “Autumn Sage Mix
Salvia lyrata “Lyre-leaf Sage”

Vigna unguiculata “Red Yard Long Bean”M

From Johnny's Seeds
Celosia, Cockscomb "Bombay Wine-Red"
Coleus "Sonatina Scarlet Yellow"
Gaillardia, Blanket Flower "Sundance Bicolor"
Morning Glory "Flying Saucers"
Ptilotus "Joey"
Sanvitalia "Yellow Sprite"
Sunflower "Moulin Rouge"
Sunflower "Chocolate"

Swiss Chard "Bright Lights"

From Lowe’s
Gourd "Birdhouse" (12/2010) -- 1 pack left, 3 seeds
Gourd "Bushel" (2009)
Gourd "Dipper" (2009)
Gourd "Snake" (12/2010)

Gourd "Swan" (12/2010) 1 pack left, 3 seeds
Mesclun mix (12/2010)
Sunflower “Incredible” (2009)
Sunflower “Sungold Dwarf” (2009)

From my Canna Garden collected in 2009 or 2010; seeds have been stored in our extra fridge:
Hot Pink NOID, 1 pack left, 6 seeds
Peach NOID, 1 pack left, 7 seeds

Bell Pepper, California Wonder
Banana Wax Pepper
Hungarian Wax Pepper
Nicotiana, any
Parsley, any
Silene catchfly, any
Snow on the Mountain -- ordered
Straight Eight Cucumber
Sweet Woodruff
Thyme, Creepint -- ordered seeds
White Hyssop
Yellow Squash, straight or crookneck

This message was edited Feb 26, 2011 9:19 PM

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)


Carolyn22 -- Mailed 10-Feb-2011
Basil -- Fine Verde
Basil -- Lemon
Basil -- Lime
Oregano -- Wild Zaatar
Selection of Zinnias -- Mailed 14-Feb-2011

Crit -- Mailed 14-Feb-2011
A selection of herbs.
Celosia, Corkscomb, Dwarf Coral Garden Mix
Celosia, Cockscomb "Indiana Giant"
Morning Glory “Chocolate”
Morning Glory, Japanese, Kikyozaki mix
Pink Banana
Sunflower “Autumn Beauty”
Sunflower “Mongolian Giant”
Sunflower “Tarahumara White”
Sunflower “Titan”
Zinnia “Envy”
Zinnia “Isabellina”
Zinnia “Orange King”
Zinnia “Meteor”
Phaseolus caracalla "Corkscrew Vine"
Clytostoma callistegioides “Lavender Trumpet Vine”
Salvia greggii “Autumn Sage Mix
Salvia lyrata “Lyre-leaf Sage”
Celosia, Cockscomb "Bombay Wine-Red"
Coleus "Sonatina Scarlet Yellow"
Gaillardia, Blanket Flower "Sundance Bicolor"
Sunflower "Moulin Rouge"
Sunflower "Chocolate"
Sunflower “Incredible” (2009)
Sunflower “Sungold Dwarf” (2009)
Yellow Hyacinth Beans

deejay9 -- Mailed 10-Feb-2011
Celosia, Cockscomb "Indiana Giant"
Cosmos “Redcrest”
Hyacinth Bean, Asian Red Leaved
Morning Glory “Chocolate”
Morning Glory “Red Star”
Morning Glory, Japanese, Kikyozaki mix
Sunflower "Chocolate"
Pink Banana
Ptilotus "Joey"

diamond9192002 --
Celosia, Cockscomb "Indiana Giant"

evelyn_inthegarden -- Mailed 14-Feb-2011
Ptilotus "Joey"
Sunflower "Chocolate"
Clytostoma callistegioides “Lavender Trumpet Vine”
Asian Red-Leafed Hyacinth Bean

froggies_girl -- Mailed 10-Feb-2011
Corkscrew Vine
Yellow Hyacinth Bean
Pink Bower Vine
Morning Glories

janaestone -- Mailed 10-Feb-2011
Bloody Dock
Hyacinth Bean, Red and Yellow
any zinnias
any sunflowers
corkscrew vine

Maxine -- Mailed 10-Feb-2011
Galliardia "sundance bicolor"
Basil, a few of each
oregano a few
red yard long bean

mellen1954 -- Mailed 10-Feb-2011
Celosia, Corkscomb, Dwarf Coral Garden Mix
Celosia, Cockscomb "Indiana Giant"
Cosmos “Redcrest”
Musa velutina "Pink Banana"
Zinnia “Isabellina”
Zinnia “Orange King”
Zinnia “Meteor”

merrymath -- Mailed 10-Feb-2011
Ptilotus "Joey"
Zinnia “Isabellina” and Zinnia “Meteor”

sherman99 -- Mailed 10-Feb-2011
Japanese Morning Glory
Sunflower assortment

steadycam3 -- Mailed 14-Feb-2011
Scarlet Yellow Coleus
Cannas: Indica, Peach and Hot Pink NOIDS



Moonflower (received)

Crit --
Cinnamon Basil
Chocolate and Spearmint (plants)

Corey --
Hungarian Wax Pepper
Zinnia elegans "Benary Giant" - Crimson 4-5" giant dahlia-shaped bloom
Zinnia elegans "Benary Giant" - Orange 4-5" giant dahlia-shaped blooms
Zinnia elegans "Benary Giant" - Deep Red 4-5" giant dahlia flowered (smaller qty)

deejay9 --
Bell Pepper, CA Wonder

evelyn_inthegarden --
Candytuft (received)

mellon1954 -- Crimson Rambler Morning and Fried Egg (received)

merrymath -- selection of herbs (received)

sherman99 --
straight 8 cuke (only about 8 seeds)
silene catchfly
nicotiana glauca, n. virginian
daylilly seeds
Bush Morning Glory - Convolvulus "Blue Enchantment"
Columbine -- Harlequin mix
Celosia - Red Velvet
Marigold -- Sunset Giant

steadycam3 -- (received)
Yellow Squash

This message was edited Feb 17, 2011 5:02 PM

oh-japanese morning glory and any sunflower. that is great

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Sure thing. If you're looking for particular heights of Sunflowers, just let me know. Or I'll be glad to include an assortment.

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Dear Fruit of the Vine, I would like some of your scarlet yellow coleus and some fried egg.. Thanks. My list is posted somewhere near the middle of this thread. If you see something you like, I'll be happy to put aside for you. Cam

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

FOTV .... 1/2 dozen Pink Bananna seeds for me please ...its a squash is it not?


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

FOTV .... also ...if possible ....may I have just a few seeds of Ptilotus "Joey"?

FOTV- i am trying to cover 1/4 acre in just sunflowers, so i would be grateful for any. we are losing all our bees here and i am trying to plants things the bees will like. thank you.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Cam, I'll be glad to add Scarlet Yellow Coleus for you when my order arrives. Sorry I'm not the one that has Fried Egg seeds. Perhaps ME has more?

merrymath, I should have clarified that Pink Banana is Musa velutina, a Banana Plant and isn't a squash. Gotcha down for Ptilotus "Joey".

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

FOTV ...... may I have a few seeds of each of these?

All the herbs. I'm trying to collect different herbs and different 'flavor' herbs
Celosia, Corkscomb, Dwarf Coral Garden Mix
Celosia, Cockscomb "Indiana Giant"
Morning Glory “Chocolate”, Morning Glory, Japanese, Kikyozaki mix
Sunflower “Autumn Beauty”
Sunflower “Mongolian Giant”
Sunflower “Tarahumara White”
Sunflower “Titan”
Zinnia “Envy”
Zinnia “Isabellina”
Zinnia “Orange King”
Zinnia “Meteor”
Phaseolus caracalla "Corkscrew Vine"-been trying to find this in plant swap!
Clytostoma callistegioides “Lavender Trumpet Vine”
Salvia greggii “Autumn Sage Mix
Salvia lyrata “Lyre-leaf Sage”
Celosia, Cockscomb "Bombay Wine-Red"
Coleus "Sonatina Scarlet Yellow"
Gaillardia, Blanket Flower "Sundance Bicolor"
Sunflower "Moulin Rouge"
Sunflower "Chocolate"
Sunflower “Incredible” (2009)
Sunflower “Sungold Dwarf” (2009)

I really don't need too many of each, but I would love to have a few to get some things started.


will have available (several pkts of each)

redbud tree seeds
mimosa tree seeds
castor bean seeds(not sure of name but leaves are green/flowers red)
rose of sharon seeds-red/white/blue mix
mexican sunflowers
morning glory- dont know name but flowers are dark blue with a pink center

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

On the January 9th post, you said you were going to send seeds on the 12th. I don't remember getting them, did I?


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Oh, I forgot, I have mimosa and redbud seeds too. LOL

Somehow I have lost the lists of seeds. Are they on another thread that I have lost?

Athens, PA


I would like to see your list again too.... can you copy and post it?

Karen - I know you are looking for bees - plant agastache and veronicas. The bees love them.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

I've added your requests, Patti. I love growing fresh herbs and cooking with them too. Scroll up to your January 9th post. Is that the list you're looking for?

Corey, could I please have a pinch of
Zinnia elegans "Benary Giant" - Crimson 4-5" giant dahlia-shaped bloom
Zinnia elegans "Benary Giant" - Orange 4-5" giant dahlia-shaped blooms
Zinnia elegans "Benary Giant" - Deep Red 4-5" giant dahlia flowered (smaller qty)
Check the list I posted today and let me know if I have anything you'd like to try.
In the meantime, a bunch of us suffering from cabin fever would enjoy a chuckle from you. What new ditties do you have just waiting in the pipeline?

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


Sure, I was in there recently and none of them were "out" ... should that be sent directly, or go into Round Two?

Corey, could I please have a pinch of
Zinnia elegans "Benary Giant" - Crimson 4-5" giant dahlia-shaped bloom
Zinnia elegans "Benary Giant" - Orange 4-5" giant dahlia-shaped blooms
Zinnia elegans "Benary Giant" - Deep Red 4-5" giant dahlia flowered (smaller qty)

>> would enjoy a chuckle

I have to confess:, if I were relying on my own wit, it would be half-witted at best. I almost think it's like a Muse: if it comes out funny, most likely my fingers just started typing it, and it surprised me and made me laugh as I got a line or two typed, thinking "where did THAT come from?"

Or perhaps its just a demented, dis-associated mental figment or fragment that just happens to have a better sense of humor than my conscious mind.

I wish I could whip them out on command!

(But that does remind me of a joke I heard after one of the Lethal Weapon movies - a guy thought he was Black, but he wasn't really. It was just a pigment of his imagination.)

My favorite in the last few months was (I think) on the "You know you're a seed saver when ..." thread. I was trying to think of a way to express "confessing" to having a seed problem, then started laughing as I saw I was typing "Bless me father, for I have seeds." WHERE DID THAT COME FROM ??

Maybe real life can substitute for wit: it's funny, in a way, that I can consistently be outwitted by rodents.

After problems with cats and squirrels digging up my beds, I decided that my first experiment with bulbs shall NOT suffer from squirrels digiging them up and eating them.

I sprinkled hot Thai pepepr flakes all around.

(I hope I don;t have 5,000 Thai pepper PLANTS this summer!)

I covered the bulbs over with chicken wire.

I staked and weighted the wire down.

I urged my cat to go forth and do battle with the heathen squirrels, but he just yawned at me.

I scowled mightily, shook my fist at the tree rats, and threatened dire consequences if those rotten rodents dared to eat my bulbs!


So instead they waited for the bulbs to sprout, and then mowed them off cleanly as the sprouts emerged past the chicken wire.

I swear I heard the squirrels laughing at me and squeeking out
"Please, Sir! May we have some MORE??"


So I spent a few hours today, cutting more chicken wire, propping it up, and staking it into arches like openwork tube tunnels. Stalag Hyacinth.

We'll see who's smarter, me or those rodents!


Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Quote from steadycam3 :
Here are my want and haves:
I have:
Ageratum houstonianum
Flame Acanthus
Brugmansia NOID, they are either pink, white or yellow. forgot to mark the container.
Coral Vine, antigonon leptopus
Datura, white bloom with purple edges
Confederate Rose Hybiscus
Scarlet Morning Glory, Ipomoea hederifolia
Hyacinth Bean Vine
Ruellia Brittoniana, blue or pink
Crackerjack Marigolds
Tecoma stans
Mealy Blue Sage
Red Texas Sage, Salvia coccinea
Lemon basil
Speckled Pole Lima beans
Spaghetti squash
tomato, beefsteak
tomato,large red cherry
bell peppers, Grand bell mixed colors and Orange bells and Yellow bells
Zucchini, dark green
okra, emerald
canteloupe, Hales best
lemon cucumber
egg plant, black beauty
snowbird, snow pea
green bean, Provider
watermelon, crimson sweet
green bean, harvester
green bean, greencrop
asparagus, Mary Washington
Sunflower, evening sun
Zinnia, California giants and giant cactus mix
Morning glory, crimson rambler

I want:
Blue Globe Thistle
Autumn Joy Sedum
White Cat's Whiskers, orthosiphon
Scarlet Runner Beans
Single Mexican Tuberose
Kamschatca Stonecrop
Coleus, green and gold
Coleus, Kong Green
Coleus, Lime Frills
Stokes Aster
Mexican Mint Marigold
White Bowman Root
Old Fashioned Perennial Petunias,Petunia multiflora
Small Zinnias
Snow-on-the-Mountain, Euphorbia marginata
bunching onions
newer varieties of coneflower, other than pink
newer colors of Rudbeckia, other than the original
Dwarf chenille plant (seeds may not work, may need cuttings. If so ignore.)
moss phlox
Hollyhock Mallow, Malva
Perennial Sweet pea, Lathyrus latifolius
Helianthus X multiflorus, perennial sunflower
Sea Holly
False Indigo
Basket of Gold
Yarrow, any color
purple oregano
Japanese broccoli, Kailaan

As of today I have the following put aside for the Robin:

For Jennifer Shipway
Scarlet morning glory
Hyacinth Bean
Ruellia pink and blue
Coral vine

For Sherman I have put aside:
Texas sage red
Mealy blue sage
Sunflower, Evening Sun

For Merrymath
lemon cuke
snow pea
red Sunflower, Evening Sun

For Susie
Brug seeds
sunflower, evening sun (red-orange)
tomato large red cherry

For Craig
Crimson Sweet Watermelon

For Crit
Lemon basil and cilantro

parsley and yellow squash

This message was edited Jan 12, 2011 1:57 PM

This message was edited Jan 12, 2011 2:30 PM

This message was edited Jan 12, 2011 3:04 PM

This message was edited Jan 15, 2011 2:39 AM

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This message was edited Jan 16, 2011 5:33 PM

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This message was edited Jan 24, 2011 1:16 PM

This message was edited Jan 31, 2011 11:18 PM

This message was edited Feb 2, 2011 12:32 AM

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


Would you like this Rudbeckia? "Gold Storm"?

It's from Botanical Interests.

Rudbeckia fulgida sullivantii 'Goldsturm' coneflower
Black-Eyed Susan, Orange Coneflower

may need stakes Tender Perennial Stratify-Surface
1'-3' tall
cut flowers last 20 days
blooms summer-fall
very Drought Tolerant

start inside 6-8 wks B4 avg to get blooms first year
-or- winter sow 3-4 wks B4 avg last frost
-or- sow outside up to 8 wks B4 first fall frost
thin to 12-24" (or 18-30"?)
emerges 10-15 days after soil warms to 70º

easily divided in early spring
often self-seeds. divide clumps early spring

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

WOW What chatty People in here last night :)))

Cam : Can you please add
(( tomato,large red cherry)

Morning Glory, Japanese, Kikyozaki mix

Pink Bananna seeds ???? SQUASH???
May not be around today for the girls wanted to go to BINGO & I Really Need to get out of the House a Bit Or These Gardening sites are going to BREAK ME . :)

FROGGIES_GIRL If Your watching can you let me know Please ???

well off to read other forums have a great day all .

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)


On Jan 14th I posted what I sent out that day

Everything I mailed were in legal sized white envelops.

The envelop I sent to you contained the following

Coleus, Sonatina Velvet Red (Solenostemon scutellariodes)
Coleus, Sonatina Scarlet Yellow (Solenostemon scutellarioides)
Bearded Bellflower (Campanula barbata)

The Coleus seeds were commercial seeds purchased in 2011 and I there were not many in seeds in the packs ... I only have about 10 seeds left of each and I want to keep them for myself.

There are additional packs of the Bearded Bellflower in my For All to Share.

Corey, what program do you use to print your labels?

Athens, PA


I would be interested in:
Basil -- Fine Verde
Basil -- Lemon
Basil -- Lime
Oregano -- Wild Zaatar

I too love to cook with fresh herbs. Does anybody know where I can find some mint, Thymus vulgaris and rosemary?

Cam - I think I have some of the things you are looking for on your list. I'll check to see and let you know.

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Fruity, do you still have some of the following that you could send to me?

Bloody Dock
Hyacinth Bean
any zinnias
any sunflowers
corkscrew vine


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Everybody's up-to-date with requests in my reserved block up there I started yesterday. Seeds are in packs, so I'm going to start emptying them today and made trade baggies. That way I'll know how many trades of each are left.

Here's what Plant Files says about Musa velutina, Pink Banana:

Thanks for the chuckles, Corey.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

"FOTV....I've added your requests, Patti. I love growing fresh herbs and cooking with them too. Scroll up to your January 9th post. Is that the list you're looking for?"

on your post:
Bloody Dock (Red Sorrel)
Basil -- Fine Verde
Basil -- Lemon
Basil -- Lime
Oregano -- Wild Zaatar

If you have the pink banana left, i would love to give that one a try!

Yes ma'am. I'm looking for any and all herbs that are "flavored". Also the scented grasses like lemon grass.

Carolyn .... I have some spearmint and chocolate mint. Do you want some of that?

Cam.... I have some mexican tuberose that I just got last spring. Wasn't planning to divide them yet, but I could probably send you a rhizome to get you started.

Athens, PA

Crit -

I would love some spearmint and chocolate mint please! Thank you.

I am really missing having fresh herbs at my disposal for cooking...... one thing that I did last year that was a real hit, was I was mixing the fresh herbs with softened butters and perhaps a bit of freshly cracked pepper or some kosher salt. These flavored butters were really great on corn on the cob. They were fun too!

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Wow, it does not pay to be away from here for even a day. Yesterday we visited with my huband's sister and her husband who live in Montana, then went shopping after that. I was not feeling well, but just pretended to be well. Does anyone ever do that?

Fruit of the Vine ~ I would LOVE:
Ptilotus "Joey"
Sunflower "Chocolate"
Clytostoma callistegioides “Lavender Trumpet Vine”

IF you have any at all to spare....just a very few seeds would be fine with me. Thank you SO much!

~ Evelyn

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Okay,'s what I have available. I will be putting envies in the robin when it reaches me later this week for anyone in round two. Please let me know if you want anything within the next few days or I have forgotten to send you something. As of right now the only person I have anything to send to is Craig Bennett who is getting yarrow and chinese lantern.

Penstemon 'Husker Red'
False Indigo - Baptisia australis
Purple Coneflower - no ID
Toadflax - Linaria purpurea 'Canon J. Went'
Phlox paniculata - no ID - hot pink
Garden Phlox - Phlox paniculata 'David'
Chinese Lantern Plant - Physalis alkekengi
Smooth Hydrangea - Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle'
Cup Plant - Silphium perfoliatum
Speedwell - Veronica spicata 'Royal Candles'
Blackberry Lily - Belamcanda chinensis - no ID
Weeping Redbud - Cercis canadensis 'Lavendar Twist'
Lily Turf - Liriope muscari
Globe Thistle - Echinops ritro
Gay Feather - Liatris spicata 'Floristan White'
Spider Flower - cleome - no ID
Butterfly bush - Buddleia 'Nanho Blue'
Threadleaf Coreopsis - Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam'
Leadwort, Hardy Blue Plumbago - Ceratostigma plumbaginoides
Dill - Anethum graveolens
Shasta Daisy - Leucanthemum x superbum 'Becky'
Bachelor's Button, Cornflower - Centaurea cyanus 'Blue Boy'
Dark Opal Basil - Ocimum basilicum 'Purpurascens' - maybe 10 seeds
White Yarrow - Achillea millefolium - no ID
Showy Milkweed - Asclepias speciosa
Pink Milkweed - no ID
Yellow Trumpet Vine - Campsis radicans 'Flava'



This message was edited Feb 6, 2011 2:53 PM

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)


for the time being please set aside a small helping of each of the following for me

White Yarrow - Achillea millefolium - no ID
Showy Milkweed - Asclepias speciosa
Pink Milkweed - no ID

I seem to have overdose on seeds and decided for the sake of sanity to stay away from them for at least several hours ... well time is up ... I'm ready to sort and organize my seeds ... will let you know ASAP if I still need them or if I have them in my seed stash.


This message was edited Jan 30, 2011 5:20 PM

janaestone- may i please have some of:

cup plant
butterfly bush

thank you

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Gotcha covered, Evelyn.

Di, could I please try a few seeds of each of your Basils?

If anyone would prefer I mail your seeds directly, please D-mail me with your address.

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Di, I would like just a very few seeds of the following:

False Indigo - Baptisia australis
Toadflax - Linaria purpurea 'Canon J. Went'
Phlox paniculata - no ID - hot pink
Garden Phlox - Phlox paniculata 'David'
Speedwell - Veronica spicata 'Royal Candles'
Blackberry Lily - Belamcanda chinensis - no ID
Weeping Redbud - Cercis canadensis 'Lavendar Twist'
Lily Turf - Liriope muscari
Gay Feather - Liatris spicata 'Floristan White'
Butterfly bush - Buddleia 'Nanho Blue'

Athens, PA


I have some Stokes Aster, a little bit Veronica Sunny Blue Border and a smattering of zinnias.


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Diamond Girl, next time you're here, check my haves posted up there yesterday and let me know what you'd like to try. I've reserved a few Celosia, Cockscomb "Indiana Giant" for you :) Well don't you just have to try those?!

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Carolyn ... great news .... I found your envelop .... I felt it best to pop them into the mail instead of the Robin because it will be some time before you have the pleasure of reviewing the Robin.

Now I will be on the lookout for those seeds that produce hosts for butterflies.

Crit, may I have a small portion of chocolate mint?


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

HELP! PLEASE!! I just reviewed yesterday's mail. There was a small bubble envelop containing 3 packs of seeds .... return address is from a Mary _____ in Kentucky.

I don't remember trading or requesting these seeds ... this is really bothering me.

PHEW ... after an extensive review of d-mail ... finally found her .... seems about 2 weeks ago I sent her the postage .... with preparing for the Robin ... reviewing the Robin ... packing the Robin (hoping I did not leave anything out) ...this transaction was totally wiped from my memory.

Off to write a thankyou and post a nice positive comment about her.

PS ... I had already posted the 1st part of this post when I found the d-mail of this transaction .... did not want to just edit and delete it all ... so decided to let you see what an effect the Robin can have on an individual.


This message was edited Jan 30, 2011 9:55 PM

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Di ~ Will you please send me the following seeds, if you have enough to spare:

Toadflax - Linaria purpurea 'Canon J. Went'
Garden Phlox - Phlox paniculata 'David'
Gay Feather - Liatris spicata 'Floristan White'
Leadwort, Hardy Blue Plumbago - Ceratostigma plumbaginoides
Shasta Daisy - Leucanthemum x superbum 'Becky'

Thank you so much!

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

ME if possible, I would appreciate receiving some Gaillardia-Sundance seeds.


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

FOTV may I have a few (about 6) seeds of Zinnia “Isabellina” and Zinnia “Meteor”

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