Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Here are my want and haves:
I have:
Ageratum houstonianum
Flame Acanthus
Brugmansia NOID, they are either pink, white or yellow. forgot to mark the container.
Coral Vine, antigonon leptopus
Datura, white bloom with purple edges
Confederate Rose Hybiscus
Scarlet Morning Glory, Ipomoea hederifolia
Hyacinth Bean Vine
Ruellia Brittoniana, blue or pink
Crackerjack Marigolds
Tecoma stans
Mealy Blue Sage
Red Texas Sage, Salvia coccinea
Lemon basil
Speckled Pole Lima beans
Spaghetti squash
tomato, beefsteak
tomato,large red cherry
bell peppers, Grand bell mixed colors and Orange bells and Yellow bells
Zucchini, dark green
okra, emerald
canteloupe, Hales best
lemon cucumber
egg plant, black beauty
snowbird, snow pea
green bean, Provider
watermelon, crimson sweet
green bean, harvester
green bean, greencrop
asparagus, Mary Washington
Sunflower, evening sun
Zinnia, California giants and giant cactus mix
Morning glory, crimson rambler

I want:
Blue Globe Thistle
Autumn Joy Sedum
White Cat's Whiskers, orthosiphon
Scarlet Runner Beans
Single Mexican Tuberose
Kamschatca Stonecrop
Coleus, green and gold
Coleus, Kong Green
Coleus, Lime Frills
Stokes Aster
Mexican Mint Marigold
White Bowman Root
Old Fashioned Perennial Petunias,Petunia multiflora
Small Zinnias
Snow-on-the-Mountain, Euphorbia marginata
bunching onions
newer varieties of coneflower, other than pink
newer colors of Rudbeckia, other than the original
Dwarf chenille plant (seeds may not work, may need cuttings. If so ignore.)
moss phlox
Hollyhock Mallow, Malva
Perennial Sweet pea, Lathyrus latifolius
Helianthus X multiflorus, perennial sunflower
Sea Holly
False Indigo
Basket of Gold
Yarrow, any color
purple oregano
Japanese broccoli, Kailaan

As of today I have the following put aside for the Robin:

For Jennifer Shipway
Scarlet morning glory
Hyacinth Bean
Ruellia pink and blue
Coral vine

For Sherman I have put aside:
Texas sage red
Mealy blue sage
Sunflower, Evening Sun

For Merrymath
lemon cuke
snow pea
red Sunflower, Evening Sun

For Susie
Brug seeds
sunflower, evening sun (red-orange)
tomato, large red cherry

For Craig
Crimson Sweet Watermelon

For Crit
Lemon basil and cilantro

This message was edited Jan 12, 2011 1:57 PM

This message was edited Jan 12, 2011 2:30 PM

This message was edited Jan 12, 2011 3:04 PM

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This message was edited Jan 16, 2011 5:33 PM

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This message was edited Jan 31, 2011 11:15 PM

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

sherman, It was me that wanted Autumn Joy seeds. Do you still have some? Cam

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Crit, you left me off. You were going to send me small zinnias and scarlet runner beans. Thanks, Cam

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Oops, Crit. My mistake. It was Sherman I was thinking of. Cam

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

DJ, When you re-copied the route, you forgot that LA is next door to Texas so I should mail to her and she would mail to MS which is East of her. Thanks. Cam

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Steadycam, I can provide you with perrenial sweet pea seeds.

I would like some seeds of the following:

Ageratum houstonianum
okra, emerald
lemon cucumber
snowbird, snow pea
Sunflower, evening sun


Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

I will set them aside for you. I would like some Lemon Grass seed if you still have some. Cam

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

OK steadycam, I will reserve some Lemon Grass seed for you.


Merry-oh, oh, me waving and jumping up and down, if you have any sweet peas left may i have some? who am i kiding, i am too old to jump up and down, so, just me waving.


steady-have the sedum, will add to your env.

thank you. i think i am going back to my childhood, wanting to plant all the things i had as a child, that i remember smelling so good !

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Karen ~ Perennial sweet peas have no fragrance. I will be happy to send you some ones that do have fragrance. You just save a few seeds of the best flowers and pick them often beforehand and you will get a long flowering period. If you grow a perennial sweet pea, which properly should be called perennial pea or perennial ornamental pea, they have deep tap roots. In just the right climate they can get out of hand. Would you like a variety of colors? The annuals have fragrance and many colors, the perennial pea has deep pink, medium pink, light pink and white.

I have been trying to dig out the perennial pea out of one of my square foot gardens for a couple of years now, but will probably just let it flower this year, since there is no easy way to remove it, other than herbicide, which I do not use, or to dig out completely after completely emptying the bed and digging down a few feet. Still, if all the root is not all out, it re-appears like mint. (At least mint is edible!)

Now, of course, after saying all that, I planted some white perennial pea aginst the fence, and so far not much result, but possibly it is because DH weed-whacks that area, since it is a bit weedy come late spring. The white pea is desireable in certain circumstances, but you have to know its drawbacks as well, but especially if you are looking for fragrance, as it does not have any.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

If there is a seed that you are wanting, please put it on your want list and if I have it, I will share it. If you see something on this list, please let me know and put it on this thread to let others know that you already asked for it, since I do not have so many trades of each type of seed. I will try and check in at least once a day so I can update this list to let you know what is still available.



'Royalty' Purple-Podded bush beans (3) Maxine (1)
Jicama pachyrhisus (2)
Southern Pea - 'California Black-Eyed Pea' (4)
Cantaloupe 'Sierra Gold' (2)
Lemon Cucumber (2)
Cucumber 'Pearl' Hybrid (2)
Cucumber 'white' (1)
'Black Beauty' Zucchini - Maxine (1)
Golden Zucchini - Maxine (1)
Watermelon Sugar Baby - Steadycam3 (1) (10 seeds)
Courgette Parador (2)
'Sweet Meat' squash (2)

Tomatoes (There is only 10 seeds in most packs)

'Banana Legs' - merrymath (1) steadycam3 (1)
'Brandywine' (1)
(Golden) Jubilee (2)
'Gold Nugget' (1)
'Golden Queen' (1)
'Yellow Bell' (1)

Broccoli 'Calabrese' (1)
Broccoli 'De Cicco' (2)
Broccoli 'Early Purple Sprouting' (1)
Broccoli 'Summer Purple' (1)
Cabbage 'Elisa' (1)
Chard 'Bright Lights' (1)
Cabbage 'Golden Acre' (1)
Lettuce 'Baby Red' - Maxine (1)
Lettuce 'Baby Oak' (1) - Maxine (1)
Lettuce 'Buttercrunch' (1) - Maxine (1)
Lettuce 'Cimmaron' - Maxine (1)
Lettuce 'Crisp Mint' - Maxine (1)
Lettuce 'Esmerelda' - Maxine (1)
Lettuce 'Grendbloise' - Maxine (1)
Lettuce 'Lolla Rossa' - Maxine (1)
Spinach 'Bloomsdale Long Standing' (1)

Italian Sweet Basil (2)
'Dark Opal' Basil' - Steadycam3 (1)
'Siam Queen' Basil (1)
'Lettuce Leaf' Basil (1)
'Red Lettuce Leaf' Basil (1)
'Green Ruffles' Basil (1)
'Purple Ruffles' Basil (1)
'Lime' Basil (1)
'Opal' Basil (1)
'Holy Basil' (1)

Flowering Plants
Acacia angustissima Hawaii (2)
Acacia dealbata - Silver Wattle (2)
Amaranth 'Illumination' (1)
Ammi Majus (2)
Anagallis linifolia - Blue Pimpernil - merrymath (1)
Anchusa azurea 'Dropmore' (1)
Antirrhinum majus 'Bride' - White Snapdragon (3) merrymath (1)
Asperula orientalis - Blue Woodruff (1)
Aster alpinus (1)
Aurinia saxatalis (Alyssum saxatile compactum) - Perennial alyssum - Gold Dust (1)
Candytuft (Iberis umbellata) 'Fairy Mix' (2)
Cassia marilandica (1)
Centuraea dealbata - Sherman99 (1)
Clarkia elegans (mixed) (2)
Cosmos 'Doubleclick' (2)
Delosperma floribunda (1)
Lathyrus odorata - Sweet Peas - Sherman99 (3)
Lobelia 'Blue Moon' - RickCorey (1)
Lobelia 'Crystal Palace' - RickCorey (1)
Maththiola longipetela ssp. bicornus - Night-Scented Stock - merrymath(1)
Nicotiana alata 'Crimson Bedder' - Flowering Tobacco - Crit (1)
Verbena venosa (1)

....more to added to this list.....

Wants -

Gypsophila paniculata
Any 'Wave' Petunia - thank you merrymath!

~ Someone to till my soil, pull the weeds, cast the gophers, voles, moles and ground squirrels out of all the gardens, and help me plant....I see no volunteers yet....!! (SMILE) Oh, thank you, Crit, for the good thoughts of banishing the critters from the garden areas!

Oh and some plastic and/or glassine envelopes since all I have are paper ones.

This message was edited Jan 16, 2011 2:23 PM

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Evelyn .... I would like to try the BANANNA LEGS tomato seeds

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Evelyn, I would like to try your purple podded bush beans.
You will have to send them to me as I am not in this round of seed exchange.
Address is in Daves or I can send it to you?
Just let me know, ok?


Interested to see what else you have of veggie seeds.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

someone mentioned BRUGS Are these seeds ?? if so I Would love to try them If this is a Cutting or Rooted it will have to be a private trade when weather is warmer. we do not do bulbs or roots in the robin Unless it is to someone your sending to Next on the list .

also Cam wrote
DJ, When you re-copied the route, you forgot that LA is next door to Texas so I should mail to her and she would mail to MS which is East of her.

I will try to change it today if others agree

sorry i'm out of it again headthrobs are back , so please keep chatty & I will check back when i can .

Eaton Rapids, MI

Hi, I was wondering if anyone had moon and stars watermelon? or any other watermelons? I have suger baby but wanted to try something different this year. thanks

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Susie ~ I hope that you feel better soon. The computer screen is probably not good for your headache. I will hold good thoughts for you.

Oakland, MD

I got two plants today in the mail I think they are lilies and the thing is that I don't know who the person is that sent it. It is from Mary in NC. It was a surprise to me I did not know that I was getting the plants. I have potted up.

My Desk Top computer keep the Can thank goodness I have a backup Laptop Computer.

It is very cold here and the wind is blowing hard.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Our only mary in our group that i can think of is from PA. for any of you that are following the Robin That Is In Flight Now it is at KOBWEBZ & I MADE A NEW THREAD

hope you all are have better weather it is very cold up this way & more snow moving in by this weekend.

I Recieved My GARDEN GATE BOOKS From EVELYN & I Cannot leave them alone since i opened then Yesterday :)
I'm Marking so many pages as to projects i want to try. & The looking at pictures is better then reading :) .
well just finished super & I have to go put my critters in the barn so you all have a great evening .

I'll have more wants to add maybe tomorrow :) HEHE TY EVELYN.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Susie ~ When does this robin start? I hope to finish putting up my list tomorrow. I want to be sure to get my seeds repackaged as I do not have any clear plastic bags, just paper ones.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Wow Evelyn, do you ever have a bunch of seeds!
Would like the following, please?
1-[1] package of each of the lettuce. I am a lettuce nut as I have to grow it, as I have acid reflux and a hiatial [spelling] hernia.
2-black beauty zucchini
3-golden zucchini

I will gladly pay you postage for these seeds. Did you quit gardening? I am planning on putting in more as my son wants to share garden and work to produce it. He lives on extremely poor sand, almost what we consider blow sand. Doesn't raise much of any thing except those pesky weeds.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Evelyn as soon as the Robin that is going around right now gets back here I will remove seeds that others have shared with me then add ones I Have for you all then it will go back in the air we are hopeing about 1St Part of march .

I know it sounds a ways off & Your growing season is differ but i hope you will still find some great seeds & Be able to get them in the ground in time :)

well work to get done around here this morning . so you all have a great day .


evelyn-thanks for the heads up on the sweet peas, did not know that. would still like to try a few if that is ok with you.
also, if no has asked for the Centuraea dealbata would love to have that. thanks

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Evelyn, If you have enough, I would like some Sugar baby watermelon, a purple or red basil and the banana legs tomato.

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Susie, I have two kinds of Brug seeds. One is yellow and the other I forgot to label. I will put some aside for you if you wish. Cam

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

sure i would love to try them :))) time to shut down back in the morning .


Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Quote from steadycam3 :
Evelyn, If you have enough, I would like some Sugar baby watermelon, a purple or red basil and the banana legs tomato.

Sure, but I will have to check in merrymath's envelope to see if there are enough 'Banana Legs' seeds to split. Otherwise I will look to see if I have more in another envelope. I'll let you know.

The others are set aside for you.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Evelyn ... I am only hoping to have one Bananna Legs tomatoe seed germinate .... so split those seeds ... if I fail to have success with what you send, then it was not to be.


Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Quote from sherman99 :
evelyn-thanks for the heads up on the sweet peas, did not know that. would still like to try a few if that is ok with you.
also, if no has asked for the Centuraea dealbata would love to have that. thanks

No problem, Karen; they are set aside for you.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Quote from CraigBennett :
Hi, I was wondering if anyone had moon and stars watermelon? or any other watermelons? I have suger baby but wanted to try something different this year. thanks

Large watermelons have a longer growing period. They do very well in the South. I have not even tried any here. I am sure they would do well in the warmer inland areas of Southern CA as well, but not sure about MI. Are you in zone 4 or 5?

Last year we had snow in May and then rain and hail after that. Not sure what this year will bring as it is different every year. The cool-weather veggies did great until the middle of August, and that is definitely unusual. Sometimes summer will start in May and then last until November, then we have winter. It will be interesting to see what the weather will be this year.

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Quote from CraigBennett :
Hi, I was wondering if anyone had moon and stars watermelon? or any other watermelons? I have suger baby but wanted to try something different this year. thanks

Craig, I can share some "Crimson Sweet" with you but the pkg says they can get to 25 lbs and they take 85 days to harvest. If you start them inside and plant out in May or June, you could expect harvest Sept 1st. Do you have frost by then? If not you might have success. They like sandy soil and full sun. Let me know. Cam

Eaton Rapids, MI

Steadycam-are crimson sweet melons round with stripes? if so my neighbor grew them last year. I think you have to have a little luck with the weather but it is posible.I am in zone 5. the suger baby did great last year for me. I looked up the days to maturity on the melons- suger baby - 80-85 days, crimson sweet - 85 days, moon and stars - 82-95 days.
I usully just let the melons grow in with my other plants- kind of my version of intercroping. if I can get a couple seeds of each varity I might try one plant of each and see what happens. thanks.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ok i Made the changes I now need to know witch one is closer to Jen Is it Merrymath or carolyn ???
Looks as if The robin is costing less Only when it dose not Have far to fly.
snow day again :) so i have another 6 jugs to fill but i have run out of soil so i need to make a trip to town
Hope you all are haven a safe & Fun weekend .

NEWBIE CRIT-----------------------------OK
NEWBIE DEEPSEA72---------------------LA

Oakland, MD

Quote from deejay9 :
ok i Made the changes I now need to know witch one is closer to Jen Is it Merrymath or carolyn ???
Looks as if The robin is costing less Only when it dose not Have far to fly.
snow day again :) so i have another 6 jugs to fill but i have run out of soil so i need to make a trip to town
Hope you all are haven a safe & Fun weekend .

NEWBIE CRIT-----------------------------OK
NEWBIE DEEPSEA72---------------------LA

this is an idea this is what I did when I set up a Robin for another group. I used map guest and put the address in and it tells you how many miles. Just put in my address and the starting point and then use the other two's address as the ending point and that will give you an idea. It was a big help to me.


Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

(Just deleted the redundant question...)

This message was edited Jan 16, 2011 2:17 PM

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Evelyn, I believe the list contains only the 1st ten recipients of the 2nd Robin.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

The Robin has 15 players I was just showing the changes in the flight as others has suggested to me .

Jen & Eve thank you & I would do that if i was up to it but untill my doc calls to change my dose of coumadine up or down I cannot think well with these head throbs .

this is why i ask the gals to tell me for they live out in that area sorry for cheating but its all i can do right now to keep meals fixed & Tring to get the family around for daddy witch I Have passed it over to my sisters to do.

I'm really hoping for my doc to call me today but i think that is just a dream :(
if no change is needed we will leave as is :)
thank you all & I do hope to be back to normal soon.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Susie, I checked with USPS. The distances from Jen to either Carolyn or myself, are within the same range. At most there is a 15 mile difference (but not as the crow flies). Or should I have said the robin flies?

columbia, TN(Zone 7a)

or flower seed viability table go to you have to scroll down a wee bit to get to the flowers,

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