the robin is amazing ! i am taking a time out so i dont go into seed overload. I am really glad it came today, since i dont think i could have waited (through the no mail holiday tomorrow) till friday

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> seed overload.

My head exploded ... several times.

But I got better.

Don'cha just love it?

Now I am looking up names and printing little labels, probably inventing whole new levels of OCD-fetish.

(rolling around in a big pile of seed envelopes)

Athens, PA


we all have extras - please don't drop out..... I have difficulties keeping my cats out of my seeds, so I know what you are saying......

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

I have seeds for you too FOTV! I have a 4 year old and a 2 1/2 year old who try to play with all my seeds. lol.

Erin =)

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Diamond and all,

I FINALLY found the link to my favorite hardiness zone map. You can zoom in until you see street names.

You can uncheck all but one or two zone-colors, which helps since the colors in the key don;t quite match the colors on the map!

I often have to zoom out and back in before the color changes take effect, but not always.

Zoom in on something like Whidbey island, and so how much difference a mile or three makes!

I wish they ahd something like that for frost dates! Does anyone know of one?


(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Durn, poor thing! Try letting a Roomba around your seeds (cringe). I'm at the very end of the robin and I have more than enough to put in for you and me. My dog lay down in the middle of all my seeds and rolled...and rolled...and rolled before I found out what happened - luckily they were still in their individual brown lunch bags drying and I didn't lose too many.

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)


The ones for the last frosts are there also.

This might work better for the rest of us.

Hope Sherman is having a good time.

I hope FOTV stays in.

This message was edited Nov 10, 2010 9:58 PM

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


It seems to say Nov 11 - Nov 20 for me, which agrees with what I'm seeing outside.
(I just realized that the colors are easier to match if I select "map" instead of "terrain".)

Maybe there really is that much diffrecne in a few miles and a little elevation between me and Paine field, or I misread the NOAA data I once found. That said 10/27 was the 50% date for 32 degrees min temp. It seemed to say that there was a 90% chnace of temps below 32 by 11/18 at Paine Field station. It showed a 50% chance of 28 degrees one 11/26, or 30% chnace of 28 degrees by 11/13.

I'm probably confused ... grumble.

But I like the data from your link: it gives me an extra month, and explains why I haven't seen anything close to frost yet this fall.

This map agrees with what I got from NOAA "Probability of freeze later than date" for the Paine Field station ... NO! That's the Everett Station! Duhh. The map shows ten days earlier for Everett, but not 30 days.

Confused Corey

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

I think I was set up. That was your site.

The frost data it shows for me just about covers my winter. I'm not expecting a frost for the next two winters.

Don't worry, be happy.


columbia, TN(Zone 7a)

FOTV I too have tons of seeds, let me know if there is anything on my list you want. Annette

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Well I Guess that SETTLES It Susan UNLESS Your DOGGIE Ate Your Debit CARD Your still in the robin :) HEHE . SEEDS OR NO SEEDS

As for the BOX SHERMAN IF You can find a new BOX For the Robin & Feel it needs one then yes Please do .
we Know that Many Of of mail carries think they are Carring a Football . I trully thought that it would be heavy
to last at lease 4-5 Stops .

Sorry I Didn't get back on last night I took carolyn to Bingo then took her home to find her daddy passout on the
sofa unresponsive so i called the ambulance & Then his other daughter & Stayed with carolyn till her sister came back home about 4am , Bob IS going to be fine (GOOD NEWS ) But He has been getting Kemo for his Cancer & He has a sugar problem & Guess his level got low .
But He is Fine so scary .

away out last nice day for a bit so i hope to do some burning we did get the tarp on yestaerday so No falling on my kesster this winter.
well sister just called to say she is on her way over to visit with daddy today so i can play :)

you all have a great day back soon

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

You all are the best bunch of friends I could ever hope to have and just made my day! The irony is we got the girl to keep the deer out of my gardens. Thank you all so much for letting me stay :)

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Susan, I would be happy to send you seeds! I was just thinking of you! I was looking for Amaryllis bulbs. You sent me the most beautiful Amaryllis last year, now I'm hooked! LoL I have seeds out of the wazoo. Can we start a list of what Susan lost or wants? Then we can check off the list of seeds we have to send to her?

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> That was your site.

But I never saw the "frost dates" links within that site! I thoguht itwas "USDA Hardiness only".

Happy happy, joy joy. Words to live by.


>> The irony is we got the girl to keep the deer out of my gardens

Just like software! We add code to "protect agisnt the rare risk of a mild "X" thing happening.
That new code creates huge risk of severe things Y and Z!

Please mention seeds you might like to recover! I was a Boy Scout many decades ago, and have not done my daily Good Deed lately. Opportunities to catch up are always welcome.


Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

Hi Susan,

Did your new puppy get into the seeds that I recently sent you? I can resend more of some, but some of the daylilies seeds I sent you may have to be replaced with other ones. Let me know and I can resend you a package! I know what puppies are like - our Boxer Ben is 2 but still thinks he's a puppy. We keep everything up and away from him just in case!!!!


Concord, NH

i agree we can all help fruitof the vine. please let me know what i can do. check my list ill send you some free just give me your wants and addy, blessings susan

I cannot make up my mind, there are so many seeds in the robin !!!! then i started fiddling with the screen samples trying to decide which i liked, then back to the seeds, then realized i have gotten nothing done today, nothing. oh well, there is always tomorrow (after the seeds go on to the next person)

Belton, TX

FOTV...Sherman99 and then Dmtom and then Lazlo and me...between Lazlo and my seed harvesting over the past few weeks, we will have PLENTY to add for you...please stay and enjoy@! the pooch!

the order in the box is that i send to txaggiegal next, that is correct isnt it?

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Linda, the seeds you sent are safe in the fridge :) I don't know how long this puppy stage is going to last but am having to rethink where to put jugs when I start Winter Sowing.

All this willingness to help is overwhelming, thank you! I may contact a few of you later but for now will be surprised with the Robin. My bad for not keeping a journal or the bin in a safer place.

Diamond, I just planted new Amaryllis this week and some of them already have little green leaves peeking out. Love these things and had forgotten about the one I sent you.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Karen Yes you are to send to Txaggiegirl , Maryann . well i have to finish off a B-day gift tonight so you all have a great evening .

Belton, TX

Dmtom and I traded places in the shipping sequence...please ship to dmtom in Harlingen next... then dmtom to Lazlo in Austin, then me in littl' old Belton...did I tell ya'll we got 2 new restaurants?..sorry but the news is rockin' our world!..

Sorry for the confusion on the order, but we hope it is not too much trouble, Susie...thanks, MaryAnn

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Wow what a box. Last time I was in seed swap it was not as big as this box. I too have finally shook up the baisail and got lots of seeds and the fox glove. Can hardly wait to get the box in my hands.
Have a great day everyone

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Just dmail you & I'm not sure if sherman will be able to get this message before she heads to the post office .

I rec'd dmail from dane saying he traded with you & Put you # 3 & He # 5 then i talked to lazlo & He says you all are going to meet & That will be Much fun for you all if that can happen .

Would love to see a pic of all of you around the SEED Table :) Too cool .the weather is so nice again today
& I'm still collecting other New seeds so will have more for the next Robin :)

well i hope we can figure this out Before Karen mails the Robin today .
have a great day all

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

LAV : Save me some fox glove seeds ok :)

Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

would it all fit in a MEDIUM PRIORITY three sided shipping box?? I believe it's just one price no matter where it goes...I just shipped something to Tennessee and was only $7. and change...

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Tiff these pks that are in the Robin are so so full that They will not fit in a three sided box or even a large flate rate
they will not fit in there is or was 3 -4 GAL Baggies of seeds & Then also another 3-5 envies with seeds to all of you.
so I problem should have made 2 Robins out of them all but you all said one box so this is what I Did.

Even if we had done 2 boxes & You signed up for Both Boxes it would have cost $7-$10 for postage on both boxes so one Robin At Even $18. for postage I Would think is still a good deal unless you do not carry for the type of seeds we all have to share with you then for that we are sorry .

I Do Hope everyone will enjoy this robin with the varieties that are in there .

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

deejay will mark them tonight, they are mixed up so don't know what colors they are. And they may all be pink.LOL I should have labeled and fixed them right after they bloomed.


Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

Gonna be like Christmas!!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

no problem Lav :)

Also Maryann , I Just read a mail from karen that she was on her way to post office & It sounded as she did not see the post to send to dane as you ask for if look at 1st list i had you 5th but then dane ask to be 5th , I'm sorry but wish someone would have told us a week ago but looks as it is GOING To Maryann.

we will know soon when karen gets back from the post office , I Do hope you all will enjoy the robin when it arrives .
well i have more seeds to get planted so will check back in later today .

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I worked it out to around 3/4 cubic foot of seeds: 23x7x8" = 1,288 cubic inches = 12x12x9".

I think two medium flat rate boxes would cost $21 plus $1.40 for two confirmations.
My shipping was $18.20 + $.70 to send 7 pound 3 oz a distance of five zones.

P.S. I finally found the batch of sticky labels I printed first. (I should NEVER put something in a special place "so I won't lose it!). MomOfTwo, I'll mail these extras to you in a flat envelope. Would you put them into the RR bag with the flight path? Thanks! There's extra address labels for you, deejay, diamond, merrymath and Maxine. They won't run when wet.


Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

Either way doesn't matter at this point. I'm sorry I got people confused.

Tex Aggie has helped me alot and LazLo was my first trade and would like to see both their gardens and meet them in person , plus I would have their knowledge. The trip is about 7 hrs according to mapquest so I'm looking at about a 18 hour hot lap.

The Little Lady and I have discussed this and thinking a Round-Up might be better. We could take the RV, stay a few days and see some sights. Niether one of as has been there, and we haven't visited San Antonio yet.

Collected some Pink Crape Myrtle (I beleive) in a parking lot, I'll include some. The Texas Mist Flower seed heads are starting to turn brown. I can rush some if anybody wants.

The postage; seeds are gravy in this. The people I've met and the knowledge they have shared and the motivation to persue this new "old" hobby is worth more than I can say.



columbia, TN(Zone 7a)

I know it's a whille yet for me to get the robin,trying to be real patient.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Well, I am not going to get too excited about receiving the seeds as it is snowing here. Ground is white already after a morning of rain. We truly did need the moisture so it is welcome.


just got back from the PO read all these posts. the robin is on its was to txaggiegal. might i suggest that if you change the order of mailing you should probably tell the person doing the mailing. and, a day or two notice would have helped. that said, the box is stuffed-enjoy.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

all if fine going to Maryann she is going to contact dane & Lazlo so all is good & She should have the Robin by Monday .

&All I WILL SAY IS That From what I Hear It IS a WHOPPING 9 lb 13.8 oz BIRD So Please I Hope you all will Not Order any seeds till you See what is in THIS BIRD :)))

I Have a feeling that Bethw336 Will have a very very HAPPY THANKSGIVING BIRD :)

Karen Thank you For Joining in our robin & Share all your seeds with us .

well time for a movie & my time :) you all have a great eveing

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Dane, my first trade was for LazLo's mystery mix. You and your little lady will never regret attending a RU. Find one in your area and fire up the RV. Several years ago I had the privilege of spending the night in Austin before heading to San Antonio for 3 days. The River Walk is amazing and wish I'd had more time to spend at Market Square.

Edited to say.......Maxine, say it ain't so. We're dry as a bone here too and don't mind if it's January before the snow flies.

This message was edited Nov 12, 2010 8:48 PM

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Well Fruit, I hate to rock you boat, but the ground is white here this morning. Still too dark to see how much. Not as much as the twin cities recd. 8 to 12" for them.

Thanks for posting how much that box weighs.
Sure glad that I have leaves to put in my round oak table as I think I will need them.

Every one have a great weekend.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Gm All I Just want to say One thing about this robin & I Hope NO_ONE Will Take any OFFENSE
The POSTAGE Is Costing More this time around WHY Well

#1 Fresh Newer Seeds From our Gardens & Lots of them to share
#2 Having To Use a Larger Longer Box
# 3 Distance Between Stops

So your LOOKING At $15-$20 . for postage possible Just wanted to let you know what it has been running so far

Rain is headed our way today & They say snow by end of the week NOT Even ready for that stuff.
I Have a niece Down in San Antonio & Some day Hope to go visit her , exspecialy after I Watched the Drive-in-Dinners & Dive's By GUY On the food network last night , LOVE That show But I can also feel my waste line grow Oh Heck what wasteline ? Lost that back a few years ago's anyway :

well i have to get busy so have a great day will check back soon

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> Larger Longer Box

My PO clerk told me my postage was "all by weight" despite one dimension being over 12", but I think they just make up prices as they go along.

>> the ground is white here this morning .. the twin cities recd. 8 to 12" ...

Now I don't feel as sorry for myself about having to put the furnace on low and wear a sweatshirt.

No frost yet in Everett, WA!

Petunias, marigolds and Knockout roses are still colorful. Even Zinnias are trying to stay alive, losing the struggle slowly.

Of course, there is so much rain that even the ducks are complaining, but that's part of living in the Pacific NorthWet.


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