Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

How much did it cost to ship it?


Athens, PA

Anita - it's because he is in the Pacific Northwest.....

Kobwebz - we have had the JP's for a number of years as well. I have tried just about everything to at least put their numbers down to a minimum - Milky Spore is supposed to work well, but I have not tried that as I have a koi pond. This year, we did the nematodes and the JP's were no where as bad - I was even lucky enough to see some rose blooms......

Corey - I hope you are joking about postage costing $189.........

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

Carolyn...thats why I asked again. lol.

Concord, NH

me too!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ME 3 HE HAS GOT TO BE JOKING ANIT NO WAY ____ yes corey am going to yell at you for sure if you spent that much for postage .

I DECIDED NOT TO GO TO BINGO for daddy took a spill this afternoon & I had to take him in for a couple staples in his head Again for the 3 time in 2 yrs guess i better get him a safety helmet :)
he raised such a fuss about sitting there waitting that doc came right in put the staples in & we left :)
Told him I would take him with me next time i ever had to go in :)

Don't anyone loose their wits :) for we all know how Corey like's to make sure we are up to chat with him in the evening :) HEHE Corey guess you know how everyone is watching you >

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Does anyone have Agastache Acapulco Salmon /Orange, Flare or Ava?

Carolyn, I understand what part of the country Washington state is in. I can Google the info.

This message was edited Nov 8, 2010 7:47 PM

columbia, TN(Zone 7a)

Carolyn, I have not tried the nematodes, but have nematocidal marigolds that I have popping up here and there. They self sow. Maybe this will help.

Athens, PA

sorry Anita- didn't mean anything by it......

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

No offense taken, Carolyn. I'm trying to make sense of the hardiness zone map. I understand the the orientation of the state in the US. I am confused by the zones. Most of the west coast is zone 8 or 9, north and south . The state of Washington is 4 different zones. The west coast and the midwest is oriented north to south with the climates/hardiness zones. I can probably find information on the web that displays the mountainous regions, rainfall and ther data that explains the hardiness zones.

omg $189.00 postage. i cannot afford that help!! please tell me it's a typo

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

The USDA zones are about average minimum temperature. The ocean helps the land nearby to stay more temperate and higher elevation would be cooler. Latitiude mainly effects the lenght of the day and night. In Az you have zone 9-10 in the desert and 5-6 in the mountains. In large downtown cities, the masses of concret buildings will hold in the warmth changing the minimum temps. It does get confusing at times but is used as a general idea as to which plants will grow.

Hope this helps.


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

It boggles my mind that friends of ours who live in the higher elevations of far SW VA are in Zone 5. It's like they have their own little growing niche. Isn't it interesting seeing how diverse our environments and Zones are, whether they're next door or clear across the Country?

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Very sorry - that would not be nice humor!

It was a typo: $18.90, not $189.90.

based on the "$18.20" listed in postal rate charts, plus 60 cents for confirmation.

Again, SORRY! Humor ends before heart attacks begin!
I guess I'm still dazed. I had better re-check my work for Work today, I'm reviewing code and designs for the braking and antiskid system for an italian jet(fighter-trainer).

"WHOOPS! Excuse the decimal point, PLEASE!"

Alana: thank you ESPECIALLY for the Salvia farinacea "Victoria Blue" seed. I've been looking for that for months, and apparently it breeds true from seed and isn't even patented!

I do have a "Blue Meadow" Salvia farinacea plant from txaggiegal: thank you, MaryAnn!


Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

Sunset has a new growing zone system and takes more into consideration. It separates desert from the humid south. Here's a quote from Realbirdlady in a diffrent threat:

The other problem is that the USDA zones are about average minimum temperature, which is just one aspect of the plant's environment. Those Sunset climate zones take into account more factors, like how often if gets cold and how long it stays cold and elevation and how close the ocean is. So they may really be more useful.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


I'm literally only 2-3 miles from the coast, Puget Sound, and we usually have onshore wind patterns. Then (I think) the mountains hold the rain and warmth and coolth right over our heads and denies it to eastern washington (sorry, guys!)

The Pacific makes for winters that seldom get very cold and summers that are often cool and never hot (say, by New Jersey standards).

The "Sunset Western Gardening Book" (name from memory) is a bible for me and points out that in my area, the gradients are so sharp that people have to talk about "cool gardens" and "warm gardens" in the same town and practically the same block. Rhododendrons love it, and any Delpihiniums that esacpe the slugs seem to love it.

Allegedly, my average-lowest-temperature is 10-15 degrees. A block or two away, it is supposed to be 15-20. However, "average" means little, especially when "0" and "4" have occured pretty recently.

And of course it says little about frost dates. I went to a NOAA site that give free information, like daily and monthly min and mx temps) and looked at the weather staion nearest me (Everett WA, Paine Field, I think) and tried to make sense of the numbers. My belief from that is that, allegedly over 1950-2001, the 50% frost dates for my neigborhood were around April 8 and Oct 27. Plus or minus a week or two. Then i found some sumarry staistics that confirmed it and narrowed it down to those dates.

Right now, I'm 11-12 days past my expected first fall frost, even the petunias are happy and I haven't even seen my breath yet in the morning. I don't know what the min temp has been so far this year, but nothing serious. marigolds and zinnias and even petuinias do NOT want to go to seed!

However, spring frosts, freezes and once three more snowstorms came after I expected the last frost (that's why I went to the NOAA statistics and got a closer estimate of the average dates).

Some extracts from "PlantMaps":
Zone 8a: "average" minimum temperature 10F to 15F
Days Where Temp Exceeds 86°F: Rare
Ecoregion: 2f - Central Puget Lowland

The cool summer evenings are great for me, but make tomatoes and peppers a chanllenge, i hear.
And never shoveling snow and seldom scraping ice off my car are just GREAT.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Some very kind people have given me eight kinds of salvia!

Thank you all!


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks all! That helps a lot. Here in the midwest I forget that there are mountains, oceans and anything other than fields of corn and soy beans. LoL I was able to find some information but like you said it only addressed the minima temps. I will definitely research the Sunset website.

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

Sorry bout the link try this one

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I've never lived anywhere where tornados were remotely possible. And always near a coast.

For many years, there was a theory about global weather circulation ("Hadley cell circulation mechanism") and they couldn't prove it because Earth is so "messed up" with oceans, continents, albedo variation, mountain ranges and such-like clutter.

When they finally figured out how to take deep images of Venus's atmosphere, the first few pictures pretty much proved the theory right. It may be a baking hot oven, but the surface is a SMOOTH baking hot oven.

No frost dates, just boiling hot sulphuric acid.

And so to bed!


This message was edited Nov 10, 2010 10:16 AM

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

I am getting more n more excited.
Can hardly wait till it lands.
Hope all is well with everyone.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Gm all I Knew They Robin was a little More costly this time for there is MUCH MORE Newer Collections In
this Robin Fresh from the Gardens .

NOW If there Is anyone who cannot Afford the Postage Please Let me know & I will Remove you from the Robin Its NoT a problem & We will Understand .

Once it gets towards the Middle it should start to widdle down a bit . well another great day & I Have lots of burning to do . & Going to plant out some seeds :)

will BB about noon :)

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

GM all, I did get a chance to check out the Sunset website. It's making alot more sense to me now. LoL

phew! i can afford 18.00 but not 189.00 so glad it was a typo! for a minute thought might be humor but had to check just in case. will be standing by the mailbox till it gets here !

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Would the lady who wanted "Cherry Brandy" rudbeckia seeds from me, please Dave mail me with your address.
I finally made it out to my flower beds to clean up the mess from July to now. I don't think I have ever seen such a mess.
well anyway, I found my plants of "Cherry Brandy" and will send them to her directly.

Thanks, Maxine

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

My receipt says "Zone 5" (USPS postage Zone 5, not USDA Hardiness Zone 5).

So my part of WA to sherman99's part of CA is five "postal zones".

Hopefully many of the hops will be cheaper, over shorter distances.

Maxine, if WI-to-WA is super exensive, I'll split the postage for that hop with you.

I see that, at "under 8 pounds" we are $4 over the LARGE flat rate but under the "2 medium Flat rates", for this distance (5 zones).

But our box is bigger - 1288 cubic inches instead of 792 or 1,102 cubic inches.
And we could go to 1,728 cubic inches, maybe bigger, if we need to, for no added cost, our way.

(I only checked that for a "Zone 5" hop. I don't know what shorter or larger distance tradeoffs are.)

I see that "Parcel Post Rate" for 7 pounds 4 oz is $12.17 instead of $18.20 - but 6 days instead of 2 days.

It's like the rate regulations are so complex they DRIVE you to select flat rate. Which usually or almost always cost more, until you get to really heavy weights and cross-country hops.


6 days would be better for my date for it to get to maxine's !!! LOL

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Oh, you mean the BET! (Diamond could win that bet by picking March, and then holding onto it for a month or so. Kidding!)

Your hop from CA to TX (txaggiegal) must be more than five zones, because I see this:

Priority - - $20.20
Parcel - - $12.96

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

AS For the postage I Do not think any one is going to be disappointed when they see The Choices they have to choose from in This Robin & As I Said There is enough in many baggies to take out a HEAPPING TBLS & Still
be more then you can get from any seed co.

All i ask is that When you get the robin Just add any thing new that is not already in the robin for others to try .
SO IF YOU WAnt a TBLS Of each baggie that is TOTALLY OK & Do Not feel that you have tp Put 20-30 pKs
back Just Put anything new for others to try .

well going back out side . so you all have a great day bb later

Athens, PA

Anita - glad you did not take offense as I really did not intend any to be there - I do see what a stupid response it was though ..... my apologies.

The zone thing gets me too - we have a lot microclimates in this area. We are in the foothills of the Apalachins, and the Finger Lakes are about an hour north...... all of this seems to play a part in the zone issues. That and every once in awhile we have the 'Alberta Clippers' (not fond of those) and the 'Nor'easter's' (not fond of those either.....) in the winter time.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

LoL Carolyn, no no no I feel like I am asking stupid questions. There's so much I'm still learning about gardening.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


you should have a landing today, maybe toworrow.


Ocean Springs, MS

Could I get in on the second round of this robin? thanks, julie

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

SURE JULIE I will let you know when it gets ready to go back around .

THe robin has landed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the box is sort of battered, should i send it on as is or repack in a dif. box?

i am going to open it now, so no doubt will be going into seed shock and out of touch for a while !!!

Thumbnail by
Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I added some extra tape on the bottom and re-inforced the edges with an extra layer. If that was the only seam that sprang, maybe I just didn't get enough tape on that edge.

I don't think it was packed so tight that it exploded from internal pressure (yet).

But it didn't seem like really heavy-duty coruggated to me. And of course anything passing near Seattle absorbs humidity.

One thing: if you do swap boxes, you can make it bigger. I fear that will become necessary at some point.

My PO clerk told me it was priced "entirely by weight", but my team of legal experts can't advise me on when "szie matters". Maybe it is only the "Ballon Rate" we will never approqch. i was afraid that "any dimension greater than 12" is a "large" package would cost more, so we should aim for 12x12x12. Nope.

It's a mystery! Maybe scientists doing Doppler Uberelectro-Uncephaloscopic Holography on Venus (DUUH) will someday be able to interpret PO regulations. Not me.

Enjoy the seeds! Heh, heh, heh. Abandon sanity, all ye who venture there.


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Susie, I can't remember when I've had a worse day and have been looking so forward to going through the Robin again, sharing seeds and picking a few new ones. Our Lab puppy found my bin and pretty much destroyed everything in it I've worked so hard to save and trade. It made me sick to my stomach seeing the mess she made and all I could do was clean it up and cry. I'm hoping with what's still blooming, I'll be able to salvage enough seeds and join next time.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Oh, MAN, Susan, my sympathy!

If there's anything you don't find in the Robin, you should post and we can dig down to replace some of it. Not the same, I know, as "these came from MY garden!"

I think there should be a special "Labrador Survivor" category in the Robin, where you can join while putting in bags of "mystery mix fertilized with puppy saliva".

My cat was intruiged by the air freshener in this Robin, so i locked it in a closet overnight.
The Robin, not the cat!

Although I once pulled some things out of a little-used shed in one corner of a place I lived in 7-8 years ago.
Never realized that Mr. Toby had slipped past my ankles and was hiding under something.
Of course I closed the door.
Later we wondered where the cat was. He stayed away longer than usual, and we becoame worried and searched.
When I finally opened the door, he LEAPED out to get past the door.
Then he stopped. Re-assembled his dignity.
Then he stalked off, tail held high, muttering "I MEANT to do that!"


Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

Looks like most of the boxes I get in the mail. At least they haven't started opening them and taking stuff out, like they did on the mountain. ( I hope)

FOTV sorry about the mess, I can just imagine it happening to me, and you have more to deal with.

This message was edited Nov 10, 2010 5:21 PM

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Did I understand you to mean you were dropping out because you have nothing to trade?
I don't think anyone would want you to do that. I bet you can scrape up a few things and I would be happy to add some extras.

FOTV-please do not drop out. i would be happy to put in extra seeds for you. also, would you mind giving me an idea of what you lost and i will see if i have some to send to you. dogs have destroyed lots of my stuff over the years, i know how devastating it can be.
(when i was a lot younger i borrowed my boyfriends new alfa romeo, and my dog destroyed all the seats, shredded them down to the frames. guess he did not like the BF) but that is nothing compared to losing all your seeds !!!

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