Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I think 3 days is the rule, but this must be the biggest Robin since the Svalbord Global Seed Vault received 4 tons of seed on the same day.

I have an easy time of it, because the rare and exotic things go right over my head. Common "easy to grow" plants give me plenty of challenge for now. Maybe in a few years I'll be saying "OH! What's that one like?!?" and looking it up and then coaxing it to bloom.

Yeah, or maybe in a few decades!

Just my simple desires will keep me busy and entertained for the forseeable future, or given the economy and politics, well into the unforseeable future.

I'm almost thinking of withdrawing from seed swaps - or all of society - for a few years, to "catch up" on planting out and finding where things "want" to grow. Those bums at work will probably expect me to keep taking time away from gardening just to earn my salary - they sure have unreasonable expectations!

I sampled over a dozen of deejay's seeds, not taking more than 1/20th of any big paks. Getting her seeds all back into one gallon bag was like putting 27 clowns in a telephone booth.

I'm within an hour or two of having looked at everything, but fitting it all back into the box will also take some time!

All I can say is: reinforce your landing strip because this Robin will be coming in for a landing HEAVY!

(I thought about sprinkling some coarse-ground black pepper into the bottom of one big bag, since someone would be bound to "rescue the escaped seeds" and try various ways to sprout them. But I'm not quite that evil!)


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


I think we'll already be up to TWO baggies for "from everyone to everyone", and that doesn't count the "From DJ to ALL" or "From LazLo to ALL" bags.

Talk about kid in a candy store!

There will be 4 kinds of baggies in the box for sampling the "bulk bags to share".
There should be, something to please everyone:
- normal cheap 2x3" ziplocks
- 2x2" ziplocks with extra-dense plastic to slow down humidity entering or leaving
- glassine, around 2" x 2 1/2", for static-jumping-seeds. Have to fold & tape them
- kraft paper coin envelopes for traditionalists, with glued flap

And I put in small samples of wire cloth mesh for seives. I suggest "if you like it, Dmail me for some". Let the downstream folks see them. I could mail them for 44 cents. Feel free to try them.


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Quote from RickCorey_WA :
(I thought about sprinkling some coarse-ground black pepper into the bottom of one big bag, since someone would be bound to "rescue the escaped seeds" and try various ways to sprout them. But I'm not quite that evil!)


LOL only you could have the imagination of an average 7th grader.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Why thank you!! This means that I AM still maturing, contrary to those theories that I was stuck at 6th grade, or rapidly devolving!



that is so cool you put the wire mesh in there to try ! thanks

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


You may come to the same conclusion I did: I bought mostly the wrong mesh sizes to begin with. "10" is usefull, but 12,14,18,20, and 22 would have been better than 6,16,30 and 60.

I think I picked first what was cheapest, and didn't realize that "kitchen collander" equated to 16 mesh.

I should have dug out a magnifying glass and ruler before ordering.


Athens, PA


sounds like great fun going through the robin box. Any pictures to post?

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Stand by ... here's one.

Also see
Post #8197708
Post #8197684

I'm pretty shell-shocked.

Thumbnail by RickCorey_WA
Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Thank you very much for the seeds you sent to me, especially the Salvia Sensation Rose!

And Stokesia laevis 'Mary Gregory' (Yellow Stokes' Aster) in Plant Files has awesome colors I never saw in a plant before.


Thumbnail by RickCorey_WA
Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Without driving back to work on Sunday, these are the only notes I can find about people asking for Jonna's Salvia:

If anyone else remembers me promsing them Salvia, please remind me before Sunday night!

Salvia "Coral Nymph"
Salvia "Yvonne's Giant"

Carolyn 22
Salvia Coral Nymph
Salvia Lyrata
Salvia Veridis

deejay would also like some salvia, maybe the nemoroso?

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Here's few of the "for all" seeds.

Deejay's, Lazlo's and Diamond's bags were too big to get into one frame, and I fear that if I try to open Deejay's bag agin, I'll never pack everything back into it.

Picture the closing scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark.
A huge warehouse, full of shelves receding off into the distance.
Each shelf loaded with dozens of foot-locker-sized wooden crates.

That gives you the idea.

I can't sleep, I keep forgetting the eat the dish I made, and it's 2 AM.
But there are more bags to go through!

I just urge you to have your own seeds bagged, sorted and labelled BEFORE this baby arrives. Once it does, you won't have time or concentration for anything but
"OH! Lookit THAT! Yeah, I want some of THAT! Oh, boy!"


Thumbnail by RickCorey_WA
Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I found my list of Salvia-from-Jonna promises, but the people above were the only people on that list, either.


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Wonder if Toby thought there was Catnip in there? Told ya you were going to be overwhelmed, in the best way.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

What, everyone else went to bed?


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Susan

The only word I can think of is one I learned from a friend in Connecticut:


I think Mr. Toby was interested in the (? lavender-scented ?) car deodorant in the Robin box.

Or, after all the seeds I just inherited, the "robbing box".

100,000 thanks to everyone!


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

hey corey hope you was findly ready to go get some sleep I Had to go out for a bit last night with friends & Just to tired to get on here .
hope you have a great day at work today there is always much to go through & I also found that I Forgot to go out in the GH For my BUTTERFLY Bush seeds so forgive me I Think I filled a few wishes with them but was going to put extra but forgot to . so if there are none in your envies please let me know & I will mail to you.

will be back in a few i have to go make pancakes for Frankie & Daisy & The little ones :)

Athens, PA

Corey - love Mr. Toby. Looks like he is enjoying too! Thanks for the pictures.

Susis - pancakes sounds good to me......... perhaps some link sausage with the pancakes or some bacon?

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Count me in but may I please have blueberries in my pancakes?

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> BUTTERFLY Bush seeds

I'm still too overwhelemed to remember clearly, but I know I saw several kinds of Butterfly Bush seeds from one or more people. Thank you for the delpihiniums and salvia! I put a few seeds each from 4 of Jonna'sSalvias in for you. I may re-order from her, so let me know if they aren't enough.

We are having breaks in the rain here - and even bursts of SUN today! Time to plant Calla Lilies! Should I divide them up, or plant that big bag all in one place? It feels like one huge plant, but if I SHOULD, I could break it up so that each thick chunk (bulb-like rhizome?) is planted 12" apart.

I'm having seeds for breakfast!


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

LoL @ Corey. I lost our bet so now you name your preference of annuals. Hopefully, I have something you like in my stash.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


Well, I was looking for Lilliput Zinnia, but I already found that from you in the Robin.
Ditto orange Butterfly Milkweed, I took some of yours, but I guess that's not an annual.
Wasn't one of the salvia you sent me an annual?

But I won't say no to yet another! I can get it in the seocnd pass of the Robin. Thank you!

dark blue or violet or scarlet lobelia?
red Penstemon, if there is an annual Penstemon (zone 8a)
a dark blue or violet bush-type morning glory or convolulus?
daikon radish or "tillage radish"?
Snow Peas?
Bok Choy?


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

evening all today has been afull day here :)

Corey THAT IS CANNA & They are a tender tropic plant that you will have to pot up inside or you can store the RHIZOMES Still Spring & Plant Outside . so Do Not plant outside at this time if your weather is exspecting any snow soon.

well i trully ready to go watch a good movie .
chat more tomorrow .


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks, DJ.


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Are Cannas hardy in zone 8? Corey, I do have some purple and red Salvia I harvested this year. I will check on the others for you.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

purple and red Salvia

COOL! Thank you!

I need to read up on Canna lilys. I've been thinking about building a solar cold frame, but bushes would have to come out first, and I have garden projects already planned to keep me busy for years to come.


This message was edited Nov 24, 2010 6:35 PM

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Spring 2009, I was tickled a neighbor gifted four different no-named Canna rhizomes. She just handed me bags of them and included notes indicating color and height. The blooms were beautiful and, Susie, you grew the Hot Lipstick Pink one from seeds this year. I thought that was amazing since I've never tried to do that. After our first frost I decided to do an experiment and see which ones might be hardy. I dug half of each one up after our first frost and literally had wheelbarrows full of rhizomes. I'm in Zone 7a and the only two I learned names of that returned were Indica and Richard Wallace. It's a good thing they came back since I lost all the rhizomes I'd dug and stored in our unheated garage going through several cycles of freezes and thaws last Winter. Hard lesson learned. This year when it's time to dig a few new ones I tried this year, more NOIDS, I've made room to store rhizomes in a heated closet and am hoping for better results next year.

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I'm in 7a also and my experience mirrors Fruits. I have some that last for years like Richard Wallace and City of Portland, and others, usually the ones I really want to keep, like Princess Di and Madame Butterfly that I lose if I don't bring them in.
I am glad you guys discussed this. It reminded me that I have been remiss. I am going to leave the others this year and hope for the best because I am short on time, but I need to get out there next weekend and dig up Vanilla Ice; my favorite this year.

I have a big envelope of seeds ready to go when the box finds its way downstream-can't wait!

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

K I am still in and excited as can be.
We had our first frost today and its cold.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

my vanilla ice canna did not make it so if you have any extra Rhizome to share Please Think of me :) I Have the Pink lipstick, city of portland & richard wallace have not seen the princess Di or Madame Butterfly have to look them up :) I would love to try seeds again from any of these also . going to start them early again this next year like in Feb :)

I have mine in the house & they are all done Blooming so i cut back all the flower stems . well corey must have
fallen into the bed of seeds . Hope he was able to sleep .

Sherman99 should see the robin land one day this week :) hope you have a wide landing strip :)

OOOPS Hit the wrong button . going to be in the 60's for a few days so i hope to take advantage of the good weather .
have to go into town this morning so you all have a great day .

wanta take bets on the next landing :) I say thurdays

This message was edited Nov 8, 2010 8:01 AM

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

I'll say wednesday only because thursday is veterans day.


columbia, TN(Zone 7a)

wish I could do the cannas used to be able to but the japanese beetles arrived here about 5 years ago and they love the leaves.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

When did Corey mail the RR? If he mailed it Saturday, I say Tuesday other wise, I say Wednesday.

He just recd it saturday so not sure

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I woke up in one big pile of mixed seeds, chaff in my hair, with a seed hangover. Don't worry, I sorted the pile of seeds, each back into the pkt it came from. (KIDDING)

The Robin will be back in the air before lunch.

Sherman99: stand by! INCOMING!


I cant wait !!!!!!!!!!!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

what a BEAUTIFUL Day & I Sure am getting much done or i did but I have got to quit for time to get sup ready for the oven so go out to BINGO Tonight

so i hope everyone is haven a great day also .

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

A beautiful day here as well! Yesterday I attempted to cut down all of my perenniels. I was rushing to get it done but there was no need to rush. We are supposed to have weather in the 60s all week. I cannot believe it but I'm not complaining. LoL

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

She took wing again today, Monday 11/08 at 11:45 PDT.
7 pounds, 2.8 oz, 23" x 8" x 7".

$18.90 including confirmation - she said that was all "by weight", not "by size".

I would say there is about three cubic inches of unused space, but compression will gain you a little more room.
More bubble mailers could be replaced by thin plastic bags.

The one week forecast here is highs of 47-50 and lows 39-41 ... or 36-41 just a few miles away.


edited to change $189.90 to $18.90 - a typo, not cruel humor!

This message was edited Nov 8, 2010 7:39 PM

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

If needed, a 12x12x12 box would give 34% more room, and cost no more.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

I'm not understanding how you are in zone #8 as far north as you are? Make this make sense to me?

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