You know you're a seed saver when ...

Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

When you buy mini M&M's in bulk at Sams Club...pass them out to the kids ...but tell them they have to eat them right away so you can have the plastic container to store seeds in!!!

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Rick Corey "Maybe I should not have sprayed it and
then uprooted most of it "

There is a helpful solution you spray on plants to kill
the bugs and/or keep them off. Its about 5% olive oil,
1% dish soap and the rest is water.

However, if you increase the percentages of oil &
detergent in the mix it will kill the plants by starving the
leaves of oxygen. Its not a far stretch of the imagination
to figure out how I came to that conclusion.

Common household ingredients so it won't cost much
to give it a try to kill the weeds And, after a good rinsing
you can re-use the spray bottle! [If I have any around I
strain oil I've discarded from cooking and use that.)
Hope this helps with your weeds.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

You know you're a seed saver when you try to read this entire thread (laughing hysterically in an empty room), to make sure you've haven't missed any good tips ;-) Or when you try to plan your vacations around spots you can visit that are likely to have good seeds for snatching :) Or when you're supposed to be leaving to go take DD to the dentist... and you're still on DG... gotta go! Thanks for all the tips!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


>> to make sure you've haven't missed any good tips

Oh, no! We're corrupting the youth of America (and the world)!

As if anyone on this forum were not already hopelessy far down the path of seed-head-ism.

I'm so far around the bend that i can't even see the bend from where i am!


Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Been corrupted, now just trying to perfect my techniques ;-)

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Guilty ... and proud of it!


Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

You know you are a seedsaver when....

You want to reduce the size of your seed stash, and there is an opportunity to do so. So you join a seed exchange, just wanting to share your seeds and get maybe, one or two that you do not already you may already know where this leads, right?

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> You want to reduce the size of your seed stash, ... , just wanting to share your seeds and get maybe, [b]one or two [/b] that you do not already have

>> you may already know where this leads, right?

Hmm, whatever could you mean?? ;-)

Unless that was

one or two ...

hundred ...


Is that a problem?


Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

You know your a seed saver when there are no fast food bags left in the car.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> no fast food bags left in the car

Good one - me, too!

I even welcome bills now, because I pay by credit cards and save the return envelopes "for the seeds".

I sometimes even (gasp) tidy up and put thigns away. I need the room for drying moldy seedheads.

"Who you callin' a moldy seedhead!?!"


(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

... When you fall into one of the neighborhood recycling bins because you saw some nifty containers that would work for storing seeds. (owie ...)

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Dumpster Diving -the best!

casselberry, FL

omg...i took dead heads from plants at garden that some goodies...dwarf red puff and dwarf ponciana hope they grow...karma ya know

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I heard about some threads titled seed snatchin' ... got to find time to read them some day.

Ever hear the record "Alice's Restaurant"? A guy has to sit in a line with other felons and is asked "What 'cha GIT?"

"I didn't get NOTHIN' and I had to pick up the garbage."

The other felons looked at him with hairy eyeballs and demanded to know what his offense was.

"Litterin' ... "
" ... and disturbing the peace!"

So my suggestion is that if they do come for you with handcuffs, at least resist arrest enough to gain some status among the other inmates!


... or tell The Security Guy that you were picking bug cocoons off the plants, and hand them back to him.

Rick Corey

This message was edited Nov 18, 2010 11:33 AM

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

LOL Rick Corey!

My excuse will be ... "You looked a bit busy so I was picking off the dead stuff so the plants look pretty."

I never thought to take seeds from a garden center, what a great idea ! if caught, we that are older and gray haired could just look confused and say something like, oh, this isnt my yard, so sorry, i get confused.

casselberry, FL

Quote from merrymath :
When visiting a garden center you are on the lookout for dry dead flower heads.

is it stealing or shoplifting when u take the seeds at garden centers

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Quote from corrigandee :

is it stealing or shoplifting when u take the seeds at garden centers

It is neither. It is lending a helping hand and thinking of others. 1st ...... don't want to see an employee reprimanded for not dead-heading. 2nd .... thinking who else may like these seeds such as school garden clubs.

Sometimes I think they do not dead head so I will visit again to collect more as I never leave without making a purchase.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

The plants look better clean, and in some seasons it should stimulate more blooms.


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

You know you are a seed head when you are combing seeds from your indoor cat's fur.

Those Chinese Forget Me Knot seeds are like tiny velcro balls. I found a few on the cat, on my slippers, stuck in the living room rug.

Bella the cat is a "chaff head" she has been "helping" me process the dried seeds. She loves batting tall stalks around. (Of course, I make sure she has a few safe ones to play with and throw everything else in a closed garbage can.) She even stole a couple of marigold heads from the table. She thinks this is a really fun game.

I refrain from "deadheading" flowers when with the bf - unless the plant is especially gorgeous and he is in the tool department. I like the "You were so busy, I was making them look pretty and couldn't find a garbage can" excuse. I do deadhead plants while walking to the post office. I even caught a neighbor dead heading a dahlia in my garden -luckily one that had a lot of blooms. I gave her some other seeds from plants she liked and made a new gardening friend.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

you know u are a seed saver when your mate starts howling from bruising their bare feet in the carpeted dining room from a. 4 o clocks seeds b. morning glory seeds. c. datura head pieces d. rose hips. e. a cherry pit and you say hey! thanks for finding that one..

and when you are on your knees, feeling and looking around on the floor for a seed you wanted to save, or you put the plant in the bathtub to catch them and see them easy enuff,
and you put a sign that reads " do not run water in this tub " for the company that might come over.
or: you can't open your drawers anywhere without a seed flying out.. gee I wondered where those chinese beans went to.. and here they are!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


I can see him rolling around in agony.

"hey! thanks for finding that one.."

Make sense to me.

I just know enoguh to put everything away before my SO comes over, or I might be the one rolling around in agony!


Claremont, CA(Zone 9b)

You know you're a (deranged) seedhead when you end up in the ER after cleaning several hundred Ginkgo biloba seeds by hand (it was FUN, really!), then the next morning, your head blows up like a red balloon and itches like poison ivy.

Evidently, there are other alkaloids in Ginkgo besides the one that makes you smart, and they can enter your bloodstream through the palms of your hands.

Clearly, the chemical that makes you smart is easily overridden by the passion of being a Deranged Seed Head.

Does anyone have any Calamine?

I'd attach a picture, but it would scare the children.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I bet you gave the ER people a thrill. Did it take them long to guess it was the seeds?

Get well soon!


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

oh dear, poor you! Heal fast.. use some aloe ?

smartseeds-you made me really laugh. thank you. (and, hope you feel better)

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

You know you're a seed saver when you have so many Robins flying at the same time that you can't keep them straight.


Houma, LA(Zone 9a)

Just curious...Do you think I could get in trouble for taking the dry seed heads from plants at Wal Mart? I always feel like I'm doing something wrong, and dread getting caught, yet I know they serve no purpose to the store.

Pawleys Island, SC

This thread was/is just too funny. I am definitely a seedhead too. my son brings me seeds( totally convinced I will know what they are by looking at the pod) from every camping/hunting trip he makes and there are post-it notes in the car to write down where I saw those confederate jasmine seed pods that will be ready in a few weeks, Oh yeah and the locations of every kind of palm tree in the neighborhood and when they bloom and when the seeds mature..............
When it's spring and your hubby says, " why don't you want anything on all those bookcases I built for you?" and your is, because the seed pods aren't ready yet.

When you can spot a seed pod on a camellia at 65 mph! and you add it to the post it note list.

This message was edited Dec 1, 2010 12:22 AM

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

You're juggling robins??

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


>> Do you think I could get in trouble for taking the dry seed heads from plants at Wal Mart?

A few other people have asked that, or confessed, or boasted about it. No one said they had been hassled. I think the savvy clerks know you're doing no harm and making the plants look better. Clueless clerks may not care.

My suggestion was that if a security guard ever complained, you should say you were picking off insect egg cases but didn't know where to throw them away - and hand them to him. Maybe caution him that he should wash his hands in case he isn't immune to seedheaditis..


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Evelyn

>> You're juggling robins??

Guilty! You should see the cork-screwy path they fly when I release them.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

You know you're a seedhead if ...

you're a guy and ...

you miss the first eight minutes of the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show to finish up your trades in a seed swap.

Then you know you're a lucky guy when the show turns out to air at 10 instead of 9:30!

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh, my, laughed aloud so many times reading this thread! I am definitely guilty as charged! I keep baggies and labels and Sharpie markers in my van at all times, and can't seem to drive past the local college horticultural center without stopping to see what is setting seed. Luckily, the head gardener caught me at it, and gave me permission to collect all I want. :) He even told me that if I ever got questioned by any of the volunteers, I should feel free to invoke his name. :)

Someone asked about seed storage. I bought a couple of those shoebox sized boxes that are intended for storing photographs. They are a great size, can fit a commercial seed packet easily, and come with dividers. I have a blue one for veggies and a pink one for flowers and ornamentals, and then keep two notebooks, (blue and pink as well) for stashing order confirmations, seed tags, pictures of what I've ordered, maps of what I planted where, and when, etc.

I also label plants obsessively in the garden (thanks to the Eon co-op, and the P-Touch labeler DH got me for Christmas last year), and I love to include a little note on who I got the seeds or plants from. Always so nice to see something in bloom, and remember, "Oh, Critter's agastache is blooming!" or "Those are Bernie's dwarf iris" or "That's the Silk Road I got from Steve."

Just curious--how many of you seed savers are also winter-sowers? I really dropped the ball on wintersowing last year, and am looking forward to having that excuse to play with my seeds while everything outside is cold and dead this winter!

Pawleys Island, SC

Seedsaver I am, wintersower, I am such a newbie.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

You realize your seed addiction has escelated to harvesting seeds that you will never sow .... but think other addicts may clamour for them ..... and seeds from plants you cannot ID ... but make sure you take a pictures of the plant and seeds to post in hopes of obtaining an ID.

I will be winter sowing (1st time) .... already have 100+ containers saved (22 yr old grandson who resides with me thinks I am nuts ... but he has no say in the matter as he lives here rent free).


Pawleys Island, SC

Mary, my family gave up on me long ago. They have finally decided to join me.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I finally found the Seed Snatchin' thread, from 2004!
Also known as "Dumpster Diving Divas".

It appears that some of us are treading paths blazed long ago by our forefathers, or rather, foremothers.
The hunter-gatherer seed-snatchin' lifestyle sustained many at the end of the last Ice Age ... 2004.
We but humbly stand on their shoulders ... they showed us the way to do that ... whilst dumpster-diving ...

"Look what followed me home!" (pickup truck loaded to the brim with seedheads in cups and cutting in soda bottles).
(Sound of sirens in the distance)

Weezingreen's Seed Snatchin' thread Part 1:
. . . Part 2 . . . More Seed Snatchin' Part II >
. . . Part 3 . . . Yet More Seed Snatching III >
. . . Part 4 . . . Seed Snatchin' . . . . Part IV >
. . . Part 5 . . . Seed Snatchin' . . . . Part IV >


Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Corey ~ You never cease to keep me entertained.....LOL!!

I now hearby call the meeting of the SeedSavers Anonymus to order!


Pawleys Island, SC

Oh man, I said I wasn't going to stay up late tonight, now I have a lot of reading to do................ Thanks Corey ( no really it will be fun reading. )LOL

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