Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

The SEED ROBIN is airborne!!!!!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ok thank you for the heads up for yardqueen


Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

Robin landed today! Went through it already and will add mine tonight. It whould be in the air tomorrow. On it's way south... Ready Laz?

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm always ready for seeds! LOL!

Thumbnail by LazLo
Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

ok, delay in getting it back in the air. It had shrunk a lot so I tried to build it back up. Harvested fresh seeds, but I had to clean them and it took a good while. It has taken off again now and is on its way south to LazLo!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

thank you allot yard , sorry about being MIA couldn't be helpped :) will try to keep track but I just may not post much . HAPPY GARDENING To all .

this was my DENI "short for HUDINII The escape Artist :) She passed away 2 yrs ago & I still miss her so much .

Thumbnail by deejay9
Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Houston, the Robin has landed.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

thanks LAZLO Hope you enjoy :) I want some rain :) looks as we might get a few drops later today .
well off to chat with my big brother & sister Happy gardening all .


here are some of the seeds i planted this last spring oh so pretty

Thumbnail by deejay9
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

anyone have any of these or will have later ????

Blue Barlow Aquilegia Plant
Nora Barlow Aquilegia Plant
Songbird Bunting Aquilegia Plant
Songbird Cardinal Aquilegia Plant
Songbird Dove Aquilegia Plant
Songbird Nightingale Aquilegia Plant
Songbird Robin Aquilegia Plant
Spring Magic Blue and White Aquilegia Plant
Spring Magic Pink and White Aquilegia Plant

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

doesn't anyone say columbine anymore?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I just copied & Paste as to what i found :))) was just easier then typing :) Just lazy

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

LOL, Laz... I say columbine! Easier to say than Aquilegia ... I find I pronounce quite a few names wrong so sometimes I take the easy route. ( I just pronounced route rhyming with out. LOL)

I have a friend who insists on pronouncing cleome as cle-ome, is in home. I am sure it is cle-o-me. ( as in me and mine)


Laz, how does the robin look?

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

fat 'n happy - - finding quite a few interesting species to keep and try, also a few i've been seeking for awhile . . . i've augmented its bulk with some of my own seeds such as black cohosh (now is the time to sew it in containers for transplanting out in late fall) and a few moringa just for fun . . .

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Good Morning everyone , Laz is the Black Cohosh from your gardens ? is it a fast growing plant or invassive i have heard of it just never grew it .
little cloudy this morning sure hope we get some rain looks as it is all over my the lake .



northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Hooray!! I'll be watching for it this week!!


Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

the bird has flown the coop! keep your eyes peeled, Deb.

the black cohosh seeds are . . . sew seeds in containers and keep them there until late fall, then transplant out in your bed(s) - - i think these are great for heavily shaded spots where nothin' else wants to grow - - in that case, who cares if they spread? eh? the will not enjoy getting into the sunshine, so i fear them not here by the Gates of Hell (Austin) . . . if you don't want to start black cohosh now, then put the seeds up in your reefer's veggie drawer for at least two weeks, then bring them out into a warm (70°F) place for a couple more, then put them back into the reefer for another three weeks and sew them in the ground after the last spring frost . . .

very nice white blooms.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

LOOKS as Deb Is Lost in the Robin's Nest :) HEHE For it landed yesterday , Deb did I send you Anita 's address ?? can't believe it is almost to the end of the line .

well i have an apt this morning so you all have a great day .

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

I can't believe its almost time either. I'm looking forward to the Robin landing here.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)


Sorry, I didn't post yesterday. The box is here, I haven't had time to go through it yet, (just a quick peek, so far) but plan to do that when I get home today. If I can't make it to the post office tonight, I'll get it back on it's way tomorrow.

Yes, I have Anita's address. I'll post when I get it on it's way!!


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Deb You have time to keep till sat if you want or even monday if you need , don't rush girl .
I'm sure anita is ok with next week :) Well I have to go unload my
car you all have a great day .


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes, I'm fine until next week. I was out getting goodies from my garden for the Robin. Next week gives me more time to allow the seeds to dry out.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

thanks to everybody for the gobs of seeds you made available to me . . . YUM!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

did you leave a few for the rest of us :)) here is a few more I would like for you all think about for our winter ROBIN .

& Let me say Our WINTER ROBIN With Be wearing a Coat
& Loaded to BEAK You Might want to bake him

ALSO He will be carring SOME Specialty Seeds & So I WILL BE VERY VERY Selective as to who & How many will be playing .

also wanted to start sharing special seed sites with you all & Hope you will share with us .

Happy Gardening

few more

yarrows i have the yellow or gold .

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Love columbines and would certainly appreciate you sending
some along. Going to try doing some fall planting and I believe
those are on the list for that.


northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

OK, It's on it's way. Delivery confirmation # 0310 0480 0002 3965 7132.


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Hello ladies,

I have continued to follow this thread. I do hope I get to participate in the next SEED ROBIN.

I already have loads of seed to feed the robin.

My latest acquisition is from my neighbor's yard ... not only did she give me several pods from the flower picture (black eye susan), she also potted up 3 plants that self seeded but did not bloom this year .... lucky me.

She has other black eye susan plants in her side yard that are not as spectacular.


Thumbnail by merrymath
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Well as of right now I Do not know when our next robin will go out Just depends what in in the robin
when it gets Home I have been told that This robin was very disappointing this time around for many reason 's
& that is sad to hear . One reason when the Robin Left here there was OVER 400. pks & Now way way less
they say & Not worth the Postage for it is full of common seeds .

LET ME JUST SAY This there were many packs that were filled with seed & ENOUGH IN Each Pack
that everyone could have taken a few seeds of each & Pass them on but this was not done .

Packs were removed just to lower the postage of this ROBIN . THIS IS NOT RIGHT I Had told all the players what the postage would be , & Some Changed the Box To Make it cheaper This is not right UNLESS The BOX IS Damaged .

Just want to say to those who might have missed out on any you might had been looking for I'm sorry .
but hope that you will Join our next robin .

In the pass this Robin Has Been so much fun & many to choose from & I Hope we can keep it that way
for everyone . in a long run you can get more seeds for your $8.00 , then You can By Ordering seeds online .
this year will be a booming bumper crop of seeds .

well time to shut this down
good nite all


Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Mary is SO sexist!


Hello ladies,


Thumbnail by LazLo
Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Susie, instead of d-mailing you, I decided to post here.

You are extrodinary .... you took time to look for information for me ... I feel so guilty asking you about new guinea IMPATIENTS... esp since your headaches are still a problem.

When you d-mailed me back I noticed I left out IMPATIENT and in my haste only typed new guinea .... I am so sorry.

I found out they are sterile plants (no seed production)

Here is one that I want to propagate for next year ..... next post will have picture of a different one that I have and want again for next year.

Thumbnail by merrymath
Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

This one is on side of back deck.

You are a very special person Susie


Thumbnail by merrymath
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Thank you mary & Glad I helpped a Little bit to point you in the right direction :) Sometimes I Do not have all answers so it is very easy to turn to the net for all my info & Again ask any time it is better to keep busy .
& Your Plants are very pretty maybe you can take them in over the winter months & you can do cuttings on them

& Looks as if I will be living with my Headaches for alife time since i do not have the $3003. for the curer :(
Found out today I have what is call TMJ ???? . & my jaw bones are out of wack & causing all my problem most likely . So he is telling me .

well the Robin Should land maybe tomorrow ANITA HAVE FUN WITH IT :)
well my critter cat is picking on me so got to get off here you all have a week.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Sue -

everyone has TMJ. in fact, we all have two of them. one is on the left side; the other on the right. when one or the other of them goes flibbijibbit, that is more correctly called TMD or TMJD, short for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder. it used to be called Costen Syndrome. and i am so sorry to hear that you are afflicted with it.

although it cannot offer you anything near a cure, perhaps you can derive some relief from the migraines or milder, yet still painful, headaches associated with TMJD by trying out the drinking of a tea infusion made from the herb Feverfew. if it does not grow in your garden at the present time, i will gladly harvest some from mine for you to try out. just LMK


~ Łaz

Thumbnail by LazLo
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

thanks laz I Have lots of feverfew here in my area More then enough just never used it as a tea just an invassive weed . guess we all learn something new .

as for the TMJ _TMD I Had never heard of it till yesterday when My Dentist took xrays & Came in to tell me what it would COST to correct the problem but That would not be a curer . Good thing i had taken a dump Before I got to his OFFICE .

as for looking up this condiction when i got home i trully didnot have time to do so but hope to this after noon so i can better unstand & hope to rid these headaches , thank you for the info .
& from what i'm told we have a specialist right here in town who has traveled the country & the 1st to discover
this condiction in people & Thought I would stop by their office today to pick up pamlets on this .
his name is dr Degoa He is my sisters Dentist .

thank you all for your help .
Also like to say i MERRYMATH I Have sent your address to anita /Diamond & You will receive the Robin proble by Monday .

well off to get my day going you all have a great one .

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Hi All! I got the fat Robin today!!! I am going to take my time today looking over the seeds and adding new seeds. I could have it in the mail as early as tomorrow evening no later than Friday.

Susie says to let everyone know she will be back online tomorrow evening. She's having some problems with her pc and will have it back in order by tomorrow.

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Susie, sorry to hear of your headaches. I had no idea
either of what TMJ-TMD was so I looked it up. As you
stated you hadn't had a chance to search for info I'm
adding a link & hope you find it helpful.

YOU have done a Fabulous job with this Robin &I applaud
you for all the time & effort. I truly find it appalling that
participants took seedpacks out just to decrease postage.
I'm on a fixed income & there have been alot of times when finances have been stretched to the max:but I'd remove my
name from the list if postage was going to be an issue.

Hope the feverfew LazLo suggested helps you feel better.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Thank you Cris I will check out the list as soon as I Can get my CP UP-Dated LOST All My Info On All My
Swaps Address & That is but I guess that is not a problem when we stat a new Robin Everyone that Wants to play will have to send their address again :)))

well off to my up-date 's I've been out collecting a few seeds this morning till my Disc for the CpCame FEDX
I Was so Tickled Hate Being without a cp :)

back late

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Cris thank you for sharing the site everything listed is all that I have going on & So Doc is right just that
the exspence is just out of reach :( But I have been wearing a guard bite so i think it is helpping a small part
of my problem just not all yet :(

well daddy wants a pie " UGGG It is So Hot to turn on the oven but not to him :( He is 97 & Cold most the time .
so What daddy wants daddy Gets :) Not sure How Much longer he will be with us So I fix what he likes .
Off To Make His Cherry pie :)


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Hello All! The Robin is on her way. I didn't get it mailed off until this morning, so I'm hoping it will still make it to PA by Monday no later than Tuesday.

Susie, do you want my conf #?

Snellville, GA(Zone 8a)

Hello everyone,

I would like rejoin this group if it is possible.

Thanks cindy

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

I am so happy that the Robin did not come to me early in this round.

I had catarac surgery to my right eye this pass Thursday.

My eyesight in that eye was at legally blind stage. I chose to pay the extra money to have a premium (cryastal lens) implanted.

Yesterday, the day after the surgery, the vision in that eye has improved to 20/40. My eye surgeon was estatic! He informed me that the catarac he removed was among the worst ones he has experienced.

My left eye is scheduled for the same surgery on Sept 16th ..... Before Thurs it was my dominant eye .... if I close my right eye now .... the view is that of looking out a dirty window. I aslo can read much better with my left eye being close.

Now I will be able to really view the contents of the ROBIN!

Chris ..... TY for the seeds.

BTY .... if you know any doll collectors, better head to Mickey Ds and buy a happy meal for a girl.

They presently contain a minature Madame Alexander doll ..... movable arms, legs, and head ... eyes ope and close ... girl dolls have fiber hair .... small amount of cloth costume on doll

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