Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

yeah....that...or what ever will keep the phsyco cat outra the plants

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I went looking to see if I had any ... I thought I did .. but doesn't look like it. I'll keep an eye out for some as I clean off my desk ... I have a pile of seeds from the last swap ... not many got planted yet ... I could've sworn I had some around here some where ... hmmm ... =D

I find it hard to keep the cat out of my gardens ... I even tried hot peppers... I crushed up the dried hauls and pread them and the seeds ... it worked for the first 3 days then she got use to the hot pepper taste ... grrr ... The animal repellant stuff & moth balls only work for a few days also...

Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

Will citronella geranium work? (sorry if I misspell anything...on phone @ the pub).

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

you might want to think twice before the cat mint or nip for that will draw them all in & It Spreads like a wild fire
very nasty to get in your flowerbeds or it is here anyway .

if you want to keep them out got to online tractor suple & get a spray called animal repelant spray really works .
& its about $8.??. its for all types of critters deer rabbits, skunks , coon , fox , cat , dogs , & More .

best of luck with it .

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Planted cat grass in a large trough-like container for
all the kitties. Put it out now thats its about
10" high and they aren't even curious about it :(

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

re: citronella geranium - - smells heavenly when a stiff breeze blows through it or if you disturb the leaves in anyway - - if you are expecting it to deter mosquitoes - you will be more successful by burning a punk stick than relying on this plant . . . the whole "mosquito plant" thing is just a marketing fantasy . . . it is a nice piece of foliage though

Thumbnail by LazLo
Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

ok back in the wind it is. got delivery number somewhere. will hunt it up tommorow but its on its way.

just a side note. I changed boxes because it was cheaper to send it regular priority box then the flat rate box by 5 dollars even with the delivery conf.

so just because flat rate looks good might not be the better deal.

Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

thanks ya'll.... it's not actually MY cat... it's for a dear friend of mine that I have shared plants here locally with.... her 'stray' adopted cat, who has a "frisky" friend keeps eatting certain plants... the goal of attracting them with catnip or other was to draw them AWAY , or as last resort... REPEL them from such said area. the cats are eattibng her plants she said....soooooo......

((I have a dog *Maltese*.... so I don't have an answer for her))

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

GM Everyone!

have u tried "cat grass"? I don't know if that packet is still in the box. but cats love to eat the grasses. its a variety they love the young plants. also lemon grass... like they sell at petsmart by the registers. we bought a bag of the cat grass seed. since most of our cats are indoors they make a mess of it. but the out side cat she loves it. i'll look to see if i still have some. best thing to do is plant these plants away from the areas the cat is getting into... tell her to make a "kitty bed"

i guess i better finish up packing up seeds today & make sure there is all the info on the packs.

I'll let ya know when thebbox arrives... : D

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


anyone have any PURPLE OR WHITE PEONY POPPY SEEDS I Have PINK & RED In Put into the Robin this fall.

robin should land today :

Your item was processed through and left our ATLANTA, GA 30320 facility on July 20, 2010. The item is currently in transit to the destination. Information, if available, is updated periodically throughout the day. Please check again later.

well lots to do today you all have a great day .

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Good afternoon everyone!

Oh wow ... Atlanta is 6+ hours away ... 1/2 a days drive from here. But will find out this evening. My mail man comes between 4:30 and 5pm. I almost had a heart attack last week when he got here at 3pm! lol... but that only lasted 2 days .. he's back on his normal Your street is my last stop of the day. grrr ... lol

I had (of course) pastel pink poppies this past spring pop up ... hmm ya know what I'll look and see if I have gotten any in my seed container. Its rare for them to grow here .. so If I have any I will put them in for you.

anyone on vacation in my area want some azaleas to take home? =D They are dark pink =D lol

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

the box is here. just got it abt an hour ago. haven't opened it yet. will try to get it asap.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Thanks for up-date I'll be back in the moring

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

cool glad it got there safe enjoy

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

hey susie i have a quick q... since there is not a label going to dirtygirl... would u like for me to send u the #. i have extras laying around here. i opened the box... but only briefly went through it. hubby needs some time also. lol

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

yes please send me the conf# that would be nice thank you . & Take the weekend if you need ALSO MING TOY IS STILL Blooming :) It is hard to believe , Thank you for sharing with me .

Happy Gardening Wish you all a safe weekend


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

i think i will take the weekend. i can go through the TONS of seeds that are in

the ming toy is a great daylily. it re blooms like crazy until it gets scortching screamin hot. then it stops for a week or 2 then it starts again. i have one other that blooms like that one... actually it blooms a lot longer ... Butterscotch Ruffles. its a solid creamy peach color. when i first got that one years ago... i thought i wouldn't be impressed w it. OH MY have I been impressed with it. its constantly blooming and its heavely fragrant. the ming toy in our back yard the flower stalks have gotten 3 1/2 foot tall! lol

well i have morning hse work to do this am. but plan on getting into the box soon.

have a great day all.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Yes I have Butterscotch ruffle & it is very pretty bloomer . have a great weekend

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

hey all i tripped and all the seeds flew out of the box and planted themselves in my yard!

i'll have the box out first thing in the mroning. and will get the deliv. conf # to u susie.

Dirtygirl I hope u are ready.

i didn't count how many packs r in the box. i did add at least 38 packs to the box.

Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

OMG!!! it's gonna take me HOURS to go thru that bugger.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Dirtygirl the box is on its way to u!

susie i'm abt to send u the delivery conf numb.

Billerica, MA(Zone 6a)

DIRTYGIRL71... if it anywhere as big as when I had it, be prepared for it to take DAYS!

Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

THE ROBIN HAS LANDED!!! It arrived today, I have NOT had a chance to open till just now... and I will have to take it on a road trip ((day trip)) tomorrow... (biz trip)...will have it back in flight by Friday morning!!!!

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

Yipee!!! I am ready!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


Winston Salem, NC

Hi--I'd love to participate in a future round robin, but don't know what I'd need to do to sign up. Can someone let me know?



Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

beth talk to susie ... deejay9. D-mail her ... she sould be looking in and answer you.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Just start saving your seeds You All have time to let your seeds Dry out For our winter ROBIN Flying Out About 1ST Week of Jan 2011 . & Beth if you would like to join us Please keep watch .

Hope everyone is haven a cool down :)))


Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

PLEASE DON'T PLUCK MY FEATHERS!! I am so sorry to report, that biz was so hectic today, I didn't even get a chance to look thru the seeds... if there is no problem about getting the box out Sat. Morning, I would be ever grateful!!! 6am started on I-4 to Orlando... by 10:30am biz over, headed to Riverview... by 1pm. . Tampa... then back to Brandon only to turn around and head BACK to Tampa to deal with MORE biz...all the while... both kids with us..and they were angels!!! ((they usually are, but today they were really angels without horns!!)) (((and anyone that has had active 7 & 10 year old's couped up...knows!))

sooo....I'm JUST know settling down with a tray of seeds and ignoring all within....I'll do my very VERY BEST! but if Saturday is ok.....I'll have it out then....I'm sorry to hold up this bird but this trip was SOOOO unavoidable!!!!


Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

ok...I've been doing a marathon seed trip (with the help of now a second bottle of Lakeridge Pink Crescendo champagne....((with help from DH)) !!! I am on a crash course to go thru this all!!! I haven't heard from I'm doing my best to try and get this bird back in the air ASAP!!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

TIFF . Saturday is fine if you do not get through it tonight & tomorrow rule is 3 days so you are fine . Just be sure to dbl check everything is sealed tight , & address is set for yardqueen . & her name should be on her conf# you do not have to post the # Just post when the robin is back in the air .

enjoy .

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Dirty ... If ya sit in front of the puter and have the seeds next to you with a couple of windows open all the windows open to the "plant file search" ..
its a tremendous help ... that's how I have learned to get through these boxes rather quickly especially the box before this one.

Have fun... lol


Thank you for the seeds everyone ... especially the envies ... !! thank you ... =D

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

I have lots of seeds I would love to harvest, however, I do not believe I am allowing my seeds enough time to mature. Is it correct...that I have to allow the seeds to completely dry on the plant before I can snip it off????? I was told that I could not snip off coneflowers and allow the seeds to dry, that I had to allow them to dry on the plant.

Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

I'm going thru them again...was outside for over 2 hours moving plants from pots to ground, from water rooting to soil pots...ugg... tired already!

I see someone put some zip baggies in the that something that alot of ppl need more of?? if there's anything besides seeds that anyone needs I am willing to share stuff too...((if it's permissable)) ((ie. sharpies, labels)).

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

do you mean putting in baggies & pens rather then seeds ??
I don't think anyone is doing that they are just a few extra if needed .
just add what seeds you have . that are different then what is in there if you can.

Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

OH NO,.... I added some seeds!! I am just offering the extras if needed.

Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

I did have fun with the fruits and veggies, kids want to start a garden.

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Beth was there anything in particular you were looking for?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I added extra little seed baggies. I totally forgot to mention it.... I'm just glad there wasn't a pen in the box when it came this way.... I'm a notorious pen thief. Its totally unintentional. I just love pens. of course I have them for about a week before I loose them ... lol

Most plants I wait until they dry out unless they are one of the exploders... like rueillas or violet orodata ... those of you don't get them when they turn completelly brown they will explode and spread seeds every where...

Oh the 4 o'clocks I added ... it depends on the bee on how they will turn out ... but some are that fuschia pink color some are yellow and some are yellow and pink mixed on one flower.

below was suppose to be yellow this year

Thumbnail by bsgardens
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

one more picture of what they could look like... I have had a several that were 1.2 and 1/2

Thumbnail by bsgardens

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