Spring Swap at Becky's - got plants?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I have NO idea why this posted again...I'll erase the other one above..sorry folks...it is updated though - both haves/wants

Hardy Agave pups - low growing - not to be confused with small though...LOL
Hardy Prickly Pad - smaller sized with gorgeous yellow blooms - here shortly
MG newborns NOID
Cypress vine newborns (I'm sure some will be out there by then)
Hardy Ice Plant w/fuchsia blooms - GREAT ground covering
Vinca - can yank and fill a bag...yes really
NOID Semp and hens n chicks - most with burgundy coloring
Obediant Plant w/purple blooms http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/23/
Nicotiana 'Fragrant Cloud' - seedlings limited supply
Blood Maple infants that I offer every year as the neighbors tree "shares"
Sedum cuttings - check my have list for the list...did that make sense?


Jill (Critter)
Cypress Vine

Holly (HollyAnnS):
Hardy Agave pups
Hardy Ice Plant w/fuchsia blooms
NOID Semp and hens n chicks

Diane (hart):
Blood Maple
Jasmine cuttings

Doris (Froggy3125)
Hardy Agave pups
Hardy Ice Plant w/fuchsia blooms
NOID Semp and hens n chicks
Blood Maple

Sally (donnerville)
Blood Maple

Sally (SallyG)
Ice Plant

Winter Honeysuckle
fragrant coneflowers - echinacea
any of the native plants used for medicinal purposes (pretty broad, I realize but if you have something drop me a dmail so I can look it up - please and thank you)

This message was edited May 27, 2010 8:44 PM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

You all should check out Chantells journal
Too funny!
Chantell, can I steal the ice plant and semps that Holly can't get yet? Just thorow some in a baggie if ya got enough, If not no sweat. I got you on comfrey and blue spruce sedum.

You too jill, got both my sedums. and I am bringing four redbuds. Greenthumb asked for two, I thought jen had asked for a third and there's another But it coldn't be jen. . Mind you they are in the 2-3 foot range, will take a couple years to be nursery size. But then I still have slightly smaller ones coming along in my yard, at least two ready for next year. They love me!

This message was edited May 27, 2010 8:09 PM

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL...yeah...I'd be impressed with my own journal IF I still had all of them...LOL It helps me remember what I liked - didn't...what was easy - difficult...and mostly what I have and where I put it. For those that haven't started theirs yet...it's a wonderful tool!! It keeps you from yanking that "weed" that's really a plant you'd wanted for some time! Please tell me I'm not the only one that has grown weeds thinking they were plants...and vice versa! Speaking of which - Miss Sally...what's that plant again that has the nice smelling leaves that you shared years ago and I forget every year what it is?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Me? HUH? I dunno! Drawing a total blank.! Better go scan my journal and refresh my memory...

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

You've seen my dogwoods in front.. nursery size redwoods would dwarf them! I figure this one should be big enough to plant out there this fall, or I can baby it along in a pot for another year. Thank you!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Sally - Agastache?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Agastache does have nice smelling leaves -- often a bit anise or mint scented, depending on the variety.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Yup that's how someone described it the LAST time I forgot...seems I'm not so good using my journel after all lol

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

This is my latest summary of what I have designated for various attendees. Please check to see if I have omitted anyone’s request and let me know immediately if I missed yours.

Campanula “Elizabeth “
Campanula “Bellringers”

Agastache rupestris
Agastache “Black Adder”

Agastache “Black Adder”
Agastache “Summer Love”
Monarda “Jacob Cline”
Campanula ‘Bellringers’
Campanula ‘Elizabeth’
Shasta Daisies

Digitalis grandiflora (2)

Doris (froggy3125)
Digitalis grandiflora

Digitalis grandiflora (2)

New England Aster
Wild Ginger
Spotted Wintergreen
Viola triloba

Digitalis grandiflora
Agastache ‘Black Adder’

Digitalis grandiflora (2)

Digitalis grandiflora

Wild Ginger
Digitalis grandiflora

This message was edited May 28, 2010 6:16 PM

This message was edited May 28, 2010 7:42 PM

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

This is a last minute request

Does anybody still have a few jalapeno plants to share? I only need 2 - 3. The jalapeno seedlings that I thought I had turned out to be Jerusalem Cherry seedlings :-(. I must have mislabeled the seeds or something...

Jerusalem Cherries anyone?

Crozet, VA

I didn't read for a couple of days and had some real catching up to do. Golly - sounds as though everyone is getting really excited and ready to swap swap swap. I saw a few more things that I am interested in getting but will send DMails.

I did want to say publicly that I am the proud owner of several of Gita's houseplants and encourage folks to take whatever she offers because she grows good stuff it seems. Also I have two small patches of Sea Oats that came from her and they are doing really well this year too.

Off to read the other swap threads. Can't wait until tomorrow!!!


Crozet, VA

Mine is correct David - thanks in advance.


annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

David did you want
to try my Oregon Vine Maple?

Foxnfirefly, I would like to try one of your persicaria fire tail

Critter I'd love a Sprite and a Doctor Carolyn tomatoe


Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Coleup, I'll give it a try. Thanks, David

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Guess I'd better start digging up my cleomes. I'll have some for Sallyg, Rubyw, Gitagal and greenthumb99-plus I'll bring some extras.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Passion flower vine FYI
It has barely poked out of the ground. But there are seedlings I am 'pretty sure' are tis vine and you will know soon if it puts out a palmate , lobed leaf. I dug some roots suckers. So I will bring two packs each with good root sucker and few babies; two pots of seedlings; one pot that I potted sucker in last year which is just peeking. In my defense I can attest that given one quarter of a chance this / these will live, bloom by next year, and then you'll never get rid of the suckers even if you try.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Coleup, those tomatoes are in for you.

FAIR WARNING: If you didn't ask for something, it might not make it to the swap... even if I posted that I have 3 Aleppo peppers and nobody asked for one, don't assume there will be 3 available. I don't want to bring that many extras to "push," so I'm putting some to the side to give to my neighbors.

It's not too late to ask until the car is packed in the morning. :-)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ok for those who asked for the Agave pups...got hopefully good news and bad news...
Bad news: only have 2
Good news: the rest, I believe are yuccas....bringing all that I dug up...have at em"

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Do we need a 3rd agave pup? I have one that Buttoneer gave me, and I don't think I've been doing right by it... it is hanging on but would likely appreciate a new home.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

OK, Hart and Critter--Persicaria "Firetail" for you!!

Hart--may I request the white lilac baby plant?? I think you spoke of them before. And the purple bellflowers--if you have any left, I would love one. Many thanks!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Jill I don't think there's a right or wrong way...I can't seem to get rid of the dang things. Course if I dug up the whole bed I'm sure I'd locate the mother tubers/roots but I don't want to disturb everything else...sheesh...every year...esp the yuccas - it's like a bad Freddy Kruger (sp?) movie, I tell you... I thought Holly wanted one too...are we doing a box for her...sorry I wasn't sure

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

er, I think the one I have isn't hardy.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Got you covered on the lilacs. I have three pots of them, each with several baby plants. Also extra clustered bellflowers.

I found some lemon balm babies and am bringing a couple of little pots of that too. It smells heavenly and is a perennial.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

perennials and self seeders....my buddies

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Quote from Chantell :
perennials and self seeders....my buddies
Amen--there's always plenty o stuff out there and you just have to decide who's being a pig and take some of that out! And plenty to share.

Clarksville, MD

For anyone else unaware. I called this morning.
The swap at Becky's starts around noon.

Crozet, VA

Not sure if this is correct place for posting this or not.......Hart you mentioned that you had Lemon Balm and I am wanting to know a little bit about it. We received some last year at Holly's swap and have a large stand of it now. Does it bloom like the Jacob Cline Monarda does only in yellow? What sorts of things have you used it for? Please tell what you know of the plant. Thanks honey.


Ranburne, AL(Zone 8b)

I maybe to late but I had to move because of a death in Family.I had to leave all my plants and I am asking for any extra anyone has to help me get started again...Any help will do.I lve all plants,herbs,iris,lotus,

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm so sorry for your loss... what an adjustment to have to move also!

I don't think there was a fall plant swap, but there will likely be one in spring again, and keep a lookout for a midwinter seed swap again in February (I've been organizing one in Frederick for several years now).

Indiana may be a bit far for you to travel for MAG events, though... or are you now living in this area?

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