Spring Swap at Becky's - got plants?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've got other plants down on the patio in pots that need to be watered... a few more won't make much of a difference... but not dozens, ok? LOL

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Hi all. I'm new to this plant swap thing and not sure if I can manage to get to this one, but I wanted to see if there is interest in any of the "haves" I have if I do. HAVES: 1) Bleeding Heart, both white and pink, pots of seedlings or plants: 2)Tovara 3) Itea bushes 4)Creeping Jenny 5) Hardy Begonia ,mostly pink flowering but some white, too 6)Oregon Grape Holly 6) Colocasia fontenei 7) rooted cuttings of named coleus 8) Assorted odds and ends to be added later. Wants: berry bushes, common day lillies. named coleus plants or cuttings, asparagus seeds, assorted veggies and herbs (will contact you and specify later) Thanks, Judy

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Coleup! Hope you can make it. If you do, I would love a Hardy Begonia-pink and a Colocasia.

Anyone want Cleome seedlings? I have lots but they do not hold up well in small pots so I will only bring some if specifically requested. Same with the Black Eyed Susans-see photo of BES.


Thumbnail by Froggy3125
Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Sorry, the picture of the Black Eyed Susans didn't come out well. I'll have to resend from home.


Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Ruby, I have some English Thyme-I'll bring you some-could I have one of your Ice babies? and some Sedum Angelina-thanks


Crozet, VA

Hi Judy and all - I read your message incorrectly Judy. I sent you a DMail offering to give you Day Lilies and Wild Blackberry bushes. I came back and read your post again and see those were things you were offering. Duh!!! I did ask about getting a couple of the Bleeding Hearts from you if possible.

I hope that you will be able to make the swap. You will be missing lots of food - fun and fellowship if you can't be there. I suggested if you couldn't make it that a mail exchange some time later in the fall would be a good idea if you'd like to. We can talk.

Some weeks ago John commented while looking out across our backyard that most all of our plants have been given to us by someone. The first year gardening I purchased some things but since finding the world of Plant Swaps and mail exchanges with other great Dave's members we have filled about an acre of the two that we own. If parking wasn't an issue here I might someday offer to host a swap.

Anyone traveling close to Charlottesville Virginia is welcome to stop in and see us and visit our gardens though. Our Iris and Peonies have come and gone but really were spectacular. When the Day Lilies begin to bloom later on it will also be another crazy blooming time on the hillside.

Have a great afternoon all.


Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Judy! Plant swaps are very casual. People bring plants (and seeds) besides what they list and don't really swap. Some plants are set aside in a person's name as a result of the forum thread, the rest are just "out there" for people to pick from, and nobody keeps "score". In the end it all pretty much evens out - evreryone arrives and leaves with plants. I know rubyw has common day lilies she would love to share, so d-mail her and she will bring some. Personally, I would be interested in 1) white bleeding hearts 2) hardy begonia both pink and white 3)Tovara and 4)Oregon Grape Holly. Hope you make it Saturday, David

Ruby, guess we cross-posted. If you re-read Judy's post she does want some of your day lilies. ;-)

This message was edited May 24, 2010 2:42 PM

Crozet, VA

Hey Doris - Do I have Ice Plants? Did you see my correction on the Sedum Angelina? Seems that I actually have the very common Sedem Sarmentosum. Still interested - let me know in a dmail please if you don't mind.

Yes - I would love to have some of the Thyme and also some of the Cleome seedlings. I hate to admit it but I cannot get them to grow for me. I know that for many others they can become invasive but after planting them on several occasions - I have one tiny seedling blooming in my front bed now. Maybe it will bring me some luck that you started them rather than me. hahaha

Here is another interesting story about not being able to grow something that others too find invasive in their areas. Some years ago I ordered some Monarda Jacob Cline. The didn't grow and the nursery replaced them for me. In my front yard I have since found four or five markers with their name on it but alas no plant.

Two summers ago I had a weed looking something that I wasn't positive was a weed so I let it grow and watched it. This is not a place where I had ever planted the Monarda but it turned out to be a while later a really nice thick stand of Monarda that we have shared several times with other people. The only thing we can figure is that a bird or some other critter ate or carried the rhizome (?) back to the back bed and dropped it. Anyway they have brought me a lot of joy finally.

Thanks for letting me ramble.


Crozet, VA

Okay DAvid - You are correct. I have offered Judy Day Lilies and Blackberry bushes. Thanks for having me read it once again...


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ruby, I'm not sure what thymes you might have from me previously, but I've got low-growing (4-6 inches tall) english thyme and 'Rose Petal' thyme on my list (recently potted).

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

coleup--welcome aboard.
(By the way in this crowd you may shoot for better than the common daylily--if you are thinking of big wild ditch daylilies when you say common.)
I can Give: half a pack of fresh asparagus seeds which is about 30 seeds, they germinated well, and
some Stella D'oro daylily
May I get: any of the bleeding hearts or hardy begonias that's a nice exchange whichever you have too much of

Froggy Doris- I'll take some cleome seedlings. I too am trying to be overrun by them and failing! Thanks

This message was edited May 24, 2010 7:11 PM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I too would like a few Cleome seedlings.....if you have enough. Maybe 3 or 4??? I have seeds--but never got to planting them....:o(
Also--IF your Bleeding Heart is well established--I would love a pink one.....Mine died out--for some reason?????

I have 3--1gal. pots of fairly common Daylilies.....but NOT, exactly what is called "Ditch Lilies"...They have a bit more "character"....Would you like to have these? They have been in these pots for about 3 years--so are well established.... Let me know----

I will be bringing potted Greek Oregano (about 8 pots) and can share a 6" pot of regular, common Sweet Basil.

I work at a HD--You would not believe the variety of Basis that the "Bonnie Plants" people have!
If you like--I can make a list tomorrow and let you all know. I will only be there Tues. and Wed. I think these rum about $2.98 a pot.....

Thanks, Gita

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Well, you all make me feel very welcomed and even more determined to come on Sat. Still don't know the approximate times for this gathering???? (And I don't know how to make paragraphs or post pics...bear with me) ____Requests: Ruby-Bleeding Hearts Sally- coleus, tovara (This tovara is green leaved with a dark brown chevron. It self sows but is easy to pull up. I usually plant the wanderers in a pot to use as fill in my mostly shaded garden/yard. I find it 'plays well with others". Froggy - Hardy Begonia and Colocsia fontenei Do you have a pond or wetland area 'cause this does well in either. It's also a great container "thriller" David Greenthumb- a white Bleeding heart for you, Hardy Begonia, Tovara (see note above) and I misspoke, I have an Oregon vine maple not a grape holly oops Sallyg- Bleeding Hearts and Begonias Gita- I do have a good sized pink Bleeding Heart for you. Thanks for your interest every one and hope to meet you soon Judy

This message was edited May 25, 2010 2:13 AM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hello from sunny Fl. Gee that sounds nice, wish I was happier about being here. LOL
Ric's Dad went in to the Hosp last week for surgery we were planing to get down here about the time he would be coming home and we could care for him and take care of some things for him. We got a call that instead of sending him home they needed to do a second surgery. We left the house too late Sunday to drop plants at Bec's so I am sorry to say that none of your swaps will be there. It would be nice for us to be able to pick plants up at Bec's on the way home but at this point I have no idea at all when we will head back home and if we could be able to stop at Bec's. We will be with you guys in spirit and we are both so sad to miss seeing you all in person. Holly

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

coleup. I am meeting with Gita and Catbird and we are riding together with two vehicles.We can offer a ride and I'l dmail you. Otherwise, the time is approx noon till something on Saturday. I'll dmail you. Watch for a special notice on yourhome page about new dmail

Holly, we'll miss you guys, but all will be sending good thoughts.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


To paragraph, or make a list of anything, just hit "enter" after each item--and the cursor jumps to the next line.
If you hit "enter" twice--it will double-space.....like here...

When you list plants----I copy/pasted from your post above....c/p is one of the most useful things!


Ruby-Bleeding Hearts

Sally- coleus, tovara (This tovara is green leaved with a dark brown chevron. It self sows but is easy to pull up. I usually plant the wanderers in a pot to use as fill in my mostly shaded garden/yard. I find it 'plays well with others".

Froggy - Hardy Begonia and Colocsia fontenei Do you have a pond or wetland area 'cause this does well in either. It's also a great container "thriller"

David Greenthumb- a white Bleeding heart for you, Hardy Begonia, Tovara (see note above) and I misspoke, I have an Oregon vine maple not a grape holly oops

Sallyg- Bleeding Hearts and Begonias

Gita- I do have a good sized pink Bleeding Heart for you. Thanks for your interest every one and hope to meet you soon Judy

I simply double-spaced after each name....

That's all there is to it...

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Good morning everyone. Another cool day here to do all those hot garden chores.

Gita, thanks ever so much for tutorial. I tried every key but enter! Cleome seedlings are offered by Froggy, not me...Yes, those upscale day lilies would be fine. Please tell me about your coleus. I'm a coleus nut and grow named varieties each year. What kind do you have? I used to be a plant merchandiser at area HDs, wonder if our paths have crossed....Oh, yes, Gita, I'd love to have two of your dark leaved canna for my mixed containers.

Sallyg Yes, I'd love to meet up with you and catch a ride to Becky's. Road trip worthy transpo was one of my biggest hurdles. And, I won't get lost! Agree that our more local swaps don't need to go out of state to be traded. I'd love some of your raspberries and if your remaining red bud is still available I have a place for it.

Catbird Any of my 'haves' you'd like me to set aside for you?


This message was edited May 25, 2010 10:29 AM

This message was edited May 25, 2010 10:36 AM

This message was edited May 25, 2010 11:29 AM

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

David Greenthumb,

You are off the hook for Ruby's common ditch day lillies! One of my ongoing projects is to plant about 500 feet of drainage swale left after State Highway "improvements " to RT 50. I'm always on the lookout for plants that can thrive with little care and poor soil , either full sun or morning sun, feast or famine water wise. I love how nature reclaims disturbed ares and want to "help" One of my jobs is to pull every alliantus seedling to keep the open area and a more natural woods (where my neighbors' houses used to be.). It is bordered by a 20-30 foot tall sound barrier wall (Doesn't work...still can"t have a normal volume level conversation in my yard!) The wall has (invasive) wisteria and english ivy gaining footholds on it that I think will be ok there, but perhaps I am just giving these invasives a safe harbor from which to launch. Have to join the invasive plant forum for some advice. I'd like the drainage swale to be a sort of rain garden to catch and purify the runnoff before it enters the Bay.
Oh, think wild black berries and other berries would do ok along the base of the wall.

Would like one of your yellow digitalis and some agastache not picky but do lean to dark leaved and deep blue..

Thanks, Judy

Looks like I'll be busy Judy

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

I would love bleeding heart if you still have some and some of the tovara, and maybe a cleome or two. Thanks.
Looking forward to meeting you.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Holly, I hope Ric's dad is doing okay. Praying for all of you.

Judy, if you think wisteria and ivy are invasive, wait until you deal with wild blackberry brambles. And at least the wisteria and ivy don't tear you to shreds when you get near them. The field behind us is covered with them in an area where they cleared the trees and you can't even pass through there now, summer or winter.

One of my chickens got loose and went back there. When I got out, I looked like I'd been in a fight with about 10 bobcats and I had put a pair of Marshall's heavy jeans on over top of mine and had on his heavy long sleeved jacket.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks everyone for the thoughts, Ric's Dad seems to be doing good.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Sally - in addition to the blue spruce sedum...may I have some comfrey as well? I recently attended a work shop dealing with using herbs for medicinal purposes

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I have been at the White Marsh HD (#2502) for 12 years.....Did you ever merchandise there?

You may want to grab a couple of trays (4-packs) of my Chrysanthemum Pacificum. I think it qualifies for drought tolerant.....ALSO--You can have some of my, just, dug up Shasta daisies.....They qualify too.
I will have both of them with me....
Sally gets 2 of the Shasta bundles--you can have the third one......They need to be divided and planted about 8"-10" apart--as they spread profusely--and, before you know it--you will have a solid clump in just a couple of years.

You can pick and choose at Sally's! And leave all the plants there--to pick up when we return. Less to transport!


Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Hello, folks!! Sorry to be late in posting the haves but here goes:

--Arkansas Amsonia offshoots--lovely small shrub w/3 season interest. Has wonderful golden fall foliage (Sallyg?)
--Fleeceflower "Firetail" (persicaria) lovely little rose red spikes, summer to fall
--Fleecflower "Lance Coporal"--has "Army camo" foliage patern-red flowers all summer to fall
--Indigo-blue flowered hosta (small sized) no ID
--Bee balm Monarda) red flowers, herbal leaves for tea
--Sage officinalis (garden sage)
--Lemon balm
--Dahlia "Caliente" red orange, large plant
--Daylily "Stella d'Oro" (bright yellow, small daylily)
--Shasta Daisies-by order only I have a'plenty
Astilbe (pink)--by order only
--Trailing Sweet Peas- 2 seedlings (1 for Becky)

Fall foliage shrubs: blueberries, Itea virginica "Henry's Garnet", Clethra (summersweet) and Calicarpa (I'll get cultivar name) and burning bush --I'll take cuttings on order only

Climbing Roses--will take cuttings if requested:" Fourth of July" (red & white striped/fragrant), Don Juan (dark red, fragrant), Golden Celebration, bright yellow/fragrant; Westerland, orange/fragrant, Crimson Sky bright scarlet/light fragrance.
Bleeding hearts, foxgloves (preferrably the tall yellow ones) and the night blooming jasmine or Cereus and any butterfly-friendly plant w/nice flower show, lilacs.

This message was edited May 26, 2010 11:08 PM

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Hi everyone,
I have some first timer questions about the plants I have to bring.

Hardy Begonias-I feel the larger plants won't travel well so I've potted up a number of small ones in each pot. Not sure the smaller ones will bloom this year and if they are white or pink flowered. Each pot has at least six plants. Are these acceptable to requesters?

Bleeding hearts-I have some 2yr old pot grown ones and some pots of this years new volenteers. Are these acceptable to you all?

Should I bring pots, baggies, boxes, soil , etc to transport my trades back home?

Do I need to lable plants in any particular way? Care instruction, etc?

Any other advice?

Thanks, Judy

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


A couple boxes, or some grocery bags are usually welcome. No soil is needed...

Most people have their "haves" either potted, in cell-packs, or in bags. There will be some that just pulled out hand fulls of something, and will bring them loose. For those, you need something to put them in.

Label your plants well--with either common names or Horticultural names--or both. Sun? Shade?, etc.
AND--don't forget to put your name on the tag, in case the taker has any questions...

Don't forget to bring something to sit on! I am bringing a lawn chair....and a small table.

See you at Sally's! Gita

Sigh.....Here's my car loaded for Holliy's Swap last year.....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Anything you bring will be fine! I'd say your choice of potted, or wrapped in wet newspaper and grocery bag, or in baggie for small cuttings, all have been done. So whatever you receive should already be similar and able to survive the day, the ride home, and maybe a couple days in the shade while the new owner figures out where to plant.
A tag with what it is, who from and who to is really a good idea. Of course the more prep you can do will be appreciated by some, cuz we are all taking things home and they'll have to survive some time out o the ground. but then again usually if someone likes the looks of it they'll be happy even if they know nothing. And some of the trades are excess that would be weeded and trashed anyway.
I will try to stack my things in a rectangular recycle bin or two, bigger pots o the bottom can often have smaller ones piled in them and bags on top.and I have bread racks that might straddle those for another layer. A minivan should hold enough...should. I guess I'll have a cooler too with my slaw and tea, and room for other cold if you have some to bring. So don't assume taking your own cooler all the way there.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Thanks Sally and Gita.

Gita, your pic of loaded car is great. How I love it when my "wagon" is filled with flowers and other plant goodies! I always have a trowel, pots clippers and a jug of water just in case I come across something.

I once came across a bull dozer clearing ten foot tall blooming old fashioned lilac bushes. I wrestled one of them in my car and then went back for two more and then the blooms from all thosed that had been heaped in a pile...Alas, only one survived and then it too died a couple of years later, probably from lack of sun.

I definitely am a plant rescuer. I plan to be quite restraind on Sat We'll see.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally--Are you saying there will be room in your cooler????

Robin is bringing Pasta salad--and I have Potato salad and my Pickles.
If you would have room for those--it would be great, as my car will be pretty full....chair, table and all the plants.....

Please let me know.....Thanks, G.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Ooo, ooo! Can I have some persicaria Firetail, Foxnfirefly? Been looking for that plant for ages.

I'm late too. Sorry. Mom's been sick again with what we finally found out is an upper resperatory infection. Still going to try to be there Saturday unless she's still doing poorly.

I have

Knautia, Melton Pastels. Nice blooming sized plants mostly but just a few. Thrives in either sun or shade here and can be tucked in anywhere because the foliage is short but the flowers are on tall, airy stems.

Tall, hardy euphorbia. I've forgotten the name but it gets about 2.5 feet tall but more tall and narrow than wide. I have lots. Very tough, drought tolerant. Only supposed to be hardy to zone 7 but mine is thriving here in zone 6 and wasn't harmed at all by last winter's very cold temperatures or being buried in 3 feet of snow.

I also have a few of the shorter euphorbias that I think are euporbia polychroma.

Cuttings - two kinds of mock orange, both very fragrant. Red honeysuckle, American wisteria.

Clustered bellflower. I love this plant for the dark purple flowers every spring/early summer. Pretty tough shade plant.

I also have seeds from my purple millet last year. I had both Purple Majesty and Purple Baron.

Almost forgot - double white lilac. These are rooted baby plants. VERY fragrant.

This message was edited May 27, 2010 3:40 PM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Is the short Euphorbia a perennial?
Would it thrive in my "YUK" bed? Your Bellflowers do!
How big a clump would it make?

If all the Q's are positive--may I have one? I know nothing about Euphorbias--but I have seen a couple and like them....


Shenandoah Valley, VA

I'm sure it would do fine there. It's pretty drought tolerant once established - I'd keep it watered at first - and gets a fair amount of shade where I'm growing it. It spreads by self sowing but not invasively so and never more than a few inches from the mother plant. It has really pretty flowers (bracts) in the spring.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I sure am going to miss being at this swap. You guys take plenty of pics for me.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Now that I know I can make it...


Holly, I've offered to bring back plants for you, so if you have a chance to give me a wish/request list, that would be great.

Hart, I think you've already got me down for wisteria 'Amethyst Falls' cuttings. Could I also please have a bellflower?

Gita, I'd love some Northern Sea Oats, and I could definitely put some spider or swedish ivy starts to good use. Thanks!

Sally, I think you've got me down for the tiny green sedum. I'd like to try a start of the blue also, if you have plenty. I had a closely-planted trio of dogwoods in that little circular island in the front yard, but I lost one of them... do you think your little redbud would be good with them? If not, I can find it a place in back... they were so pretty this spring, and I've been thinking I'd like to get one. Is it still available?

Donnerville, I know you've got me set up with that cute lipstick plant -- thanks!

Chantell, if you've got an extra cypress vine seedling(s), I'd love one for my hummer feeder pole (how did I forget to sow those this year?).

Greenthumb, I think you've got me down for Agastaches (Summer Love, Black Adder), Monarda 'Jacob Cline', and Shasta Daisy. I just took a look at my established clump of daisy, and it's big enough to divide, so somebody else should get first dibs... but I can always find a place for a daisy! If you have enough, I'd also love a Campanula 'Bellringers' (I have an 'Elizabeth', but it's small, so I wouldn't turn one down but again somebody else should have first dibs).

Foxy, I would love a start of your Persicaria 'Firetail', please!

Hart, I've got a stack of 75 markers for you, which comes to $24.75.

Gita, your items from TouchofNature come to $8 with shipping.

Catbird, your items from TouchofNature come to $9 with shipping (they were sold out of the caladium mix).

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks Critter, Think I had better not, too much going on right now for both of us. At this point I'm not entirely sure we will make Roses Swap either. We may go home for a couple of weeks and then come back down.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I will have a tray-full of Northern Sea Oats that no one has even asked for. You come and get as many as you want!
There are at least 6-8 starts in each pot. A ready made "clump".....
I am still digging them up from the surrounding beds--the just fly all over and self-seed.

***DO NOT plant them where you don't want 999 seedlings all over the place----like a bed--OR--Cut off the "Oats" heads before they totally dry and fall off. I did that last Fall--and as a result have no more seeds to share.....Will be a bit more vigilant this fall--kind of-- walk the thin line between dropping off and just being ripe to harvest....

I have regular Spiders and also several of your curly Spiders ("Bonnie").
All of these are 1-2 years old and very established....I can't wait to get rid of them!!! AAAGGGHHHHHHH!!!!
Honestly! I have, like, 17 pots!

As for the Swedish Ivy--You shall have the full-foliaged 8" HB of them. This is very full and nice....already pinched and filling out nicely. A long way from just a "start"......:o) Robin wanted the more hanging one.....

Besides all the ones i am giving away--I have 2 very established, full HB of Sw.Ivy. that I still need to pinch back and there will be a zillion more "starts".....I just HAVE TO keep this plant going!!!! I have NO idea when I bought the original one! Years and YEARS ago--and have never seen one in HD since. Maybe fancier Nurseries carry them???
I also have 2 smaller pots (4" and 5") of nice, full Swedish Ivy. If anyone else would like to have them--please tell me NOW!
Jill---Would you like to "mess around" with one of my 3yr. old N.B.C.??? I am bringing 4 good-sized ones!
Bec is going to "adopt" my big one----Whew! I am so happy!

Today--in all this stupid heat--I have been outside organizing all my Swap plants--tagging them and watering them....
Everything is so well-growing! I have nursed them along forever! That has been quite a chore--as i said earlier---this is wayyyy too late for a Plant Swap.....

Jill--If you want--and if I have room in my car--I could bring Holly's plants back here.....as I have NO intention of bringing too many plants back--(so she says...) It REALLY takes self-discipline not to!!! SO--I should have room.
You can check with Holly and Ric on this-----
Am I a lot closer to them than you????? I know I got home from their place last Summer in 1hr. and 20 min.
I could drive half-way and meet them somewhere......but they have never been to my house--so I would love to have then come and visit.....Be glad to do it! Between Sally's and my car--we surely will have room.

Glad you will come! See you soon!!!! Gita

PS--Let me know about which Spiders you want.....

edited to say---
Just read Holly's post asking you not to bother with bringing her "wants" back......
OK! So I guess she will just have to wait.....

This message was edited May 27, 2010 5:18 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Gita! Both kinds of spiders would be great, thanks. I have a young curly spider pot now, but it's not making babies yet.. and I like having backup on that one, because it's so special! Similarly, my swedish ivy is down to a single trailing plant on one side of a HB... I've been thinking I need to root whatever cuttings I can get from it, but golly would I love a little basket of it! Thank you! That's one of my favorite "filler/spiller" plants.

Didn't I mention I have a couple of established epi's to try to find homes for this fall? LOL, no more NBC please! One of them is actually budding now.. it's a slightly smaller variety, was supposed to bloom pink, but it looked pretty white to me.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Lucky you!!!!

I have never seen mine bloom yet--and I have had it since 2006!
NOT gonna wait and care for it, and lug it in and out if it does not....I am sure i am NOT doing something right!

Note to anyone!!!!

I am going to cut back-- to the bones--my old, beautiful, "Bob Hope" Camellia.....Just haven't gotten to it yet.....
I want to bring some of the tip-cuttings to the Swap--for those people that think they may know how to root these....
I sent Mike Quinn (in GA) a bunch a couple of years ago--and he rooted them all. he has been my "guru" with all these "issues" I have been having with this Camellia bush in the last 3 years.....
Time to get RADICAL!!!! The WHOLE bush id getting cut back to hard-wood.....

Any of you (Helloooo!--"Greenthumb") that would want some of these new-growth cuttings--give me a holler NOW!!!!
I will bring some anyway!!! Send Mike the rest......

She is a beauty!!!! Will post a picture--in case you have not seen it before.....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

It is now 8:30PM.....

It is now thundering and heavy rains......as I type this....
I was outside trying to organize things as much as i could--but then the winds started up and I came inside....

I seem to have SOOOOOOOOOO many plants!!!! What else is new????
Trying to put all the requests as together as I can---but it will still be a scramble to sort things out....

Well! i still have all day tomorrow....
Will pack my car up Friday night. Then, get going to sally's around 9:30AM....

I am, forever, amazed how many plants I can be propagating........It seems to border on "Irrational".....

Pickles are made--All ingredients for Potato salad are chopped and diced.....Will put that together tomorrow evening.

***Note to everyone!!!!! DON'T FORGET TO BRING A CHAIR!!!!!!!


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Actually, I think Becky said she did have chairs (I'll probably toss one in anyway), but if you have a folding table that might be helpful.

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