Spring Swap at Becky's - got plants?

Crozet, VA

Okie Doke - Before I forget. Gita mentioned Daturas and I believe that I got one from her as well as from Sally last year and both died on me. Dang, dang, dang. They are so pretty and if anyone has any this year to share, I would like to give it another try. If so, please add tips for keeping it alive.

John thought of a few more things we have to share. We have several Butterfly Bushes that are about one foot high at the moment. They will be the common purple/blue ones. He potted up several of them last year when a guy was throwing them away and the ones that lived are doing quite well and look very healthy.

We also have some NOID Hostas. Some are solid green and some have white edges but are not Francine (?) Let me know if I can interest anyone in either of these.


Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)


Yes you can have some of my digitalis. I have several gallon pots to spare. These yellow digitalis are true perennials and will form a clump quickly. There are a couple of ID possibilities but I wiil not be able to do it until they bloom, which will begin in a few days. When I rescued them in November they were still busy blooming, but I had my hands full and did not get around to ID them then.


P.S. They are blooming and I'm pretty shure they are Digitalis grandiflora. See http://davesgarden.com/tools/journal/showimage.php?eid=236661 for photo taken today.

This message was edited May 17, 2010 4:21 PM

This message was edited May 17, 2010 8:56 PM

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Yes this one comes from "left field" but does anyone collect and/or want a big old box of nice seashells...not common ones?
Adding to my "wish list" - coneflowers esp fragrant...and should anyone have some Native American 'sweet grass' growing (yeah I know it's a stretch) I'd love some!!

Crozet, VA

Chantell, I will give some thought to the sea shells and if no one else will take them, I will. We have a laundry basket full of ones that we have picked up over the past ten years or so at different beaches we have visited. Maybe by getting yours, it will motivate me to incorporate them in to my landscaping somehow. This is one way to get rid of things you no longer use but still have potential use by someone else. Good idea girlie. You and everyone else readimg, have a great week. Almost the 29th!!!!!

I have two more plants to add if anyone is interested. This mayy be a long shot too, but we have a whole bed of Orange Road Side Day Lilies available for the asking. David, you seem to be in to a lot of naturals, may I interest you? hahaha Don't feel obligated just because I am pointing fingers.

We also have Marionette Day Lilies to share.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Chantell, yes, please bring the shells. They make wonderful accents in pots. I think we'd all have fun looking & picking out a couple from your box! I've been coming up with various ideas to try to use some of the ones I've collected over the years (maybe mosaics or stepping stones with some of the smaller ones)... I just can't ever resist them!

OK, I've been sorting out plants for the veggie garden, and I should have extras of a number of varieties (if a rabbit eats mine and I have to replant, then you are out of luck).

(Chantell, I do have 2 "Hot & Spicy" and a special "Clove Basil" set aside for you already... LMK which others you might want)

If you're interested in specific varieties, please let me know, and I'll put your name on a couple of plants. I'll update this post with claimed plants as well as with additional plants as I go along... I'll continue to update perennials in this post, too (just added another mint variety): http://davesgarden.com/community/forum/p.php?pid=7781153


assortments for Donnerville, Becky, Chantell

(12) Italian Genovese (my favorite for pesto, original seeds came from Italy)
(9) Lemon -- Sally
(9) Lime -- Sally
(3) "Hot & Spicy" (Chantell got me the original seeds, sent "from an island off the coast of Sumatra")
(6) Thai 'Siam Queen'
(6) 'Blue Spice'


(plus a sweet one for Becky)

(3) 'Sweet Pickles' pepper -- ornamental appearance, delicious little conical sweet peppers

(3) Aleppo Pepper (Syrian variety, very hard to find here, great flavor & medium heat)
(4) Fish Pepper (my favorite for sweet, cayenne-like flavor and has variegated leaves too)
(1) Kung Pao hybrid (great for stir fry)
(1) Peter Pepper (fair warning, these are anatomically shaped)
(1) Mariachi hybrid (mild hot)

TOMATOES (all are OP/Heirloom varieties, 1 flat of extras)
(Since they're ready to plant now, I may also give these away to neighbors, so if you see any you definitely want, sing out!)

(4) Wild Cherry (current type)
(2) Cerise Orange (tiny cherry)
(3) 'Sprite' red grape -- 1 for Sally
(3) 'Dr. Carolyn' gold cherry
(6) "friendship" (round red tomato from Italy, no official name)
(5) Wisconsin 55 (round red)
(2) Potato Top (big pink)
(1) German Pink
(2) Pruden's Purple -- for Aspenhill

4-pack assortment (nice color for bruschetta): Brandywine Yellow, Black Russian, 2 "Friendship"
6-pack assortment (Pruden's Purple, L's Giant Oxheart, Stupice, Jaune Flamme, Sherrill, Black Russian)


Hart: wisteria 'Amethyst Falls' cuttings
Gita: spider plant and swedish ivy starts, Northern Sea Oats
Sally: blue or green creeping sedums, maybe Redbud tree,
Donnerville: lipstick plant
Chantell: cypress vine seedling(s)
Greenthumb: Agastaches (Summer Love, Black Adder), Monarda 'Jacob Cline', Shasta Daisy, also Campanulas (Bellringers, Elizabeth)
Foxy: Persicaria 'Firetail'

This message was edited May 26, 2010 11:37 PM

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Be glad to bring you some honeysuckle cuttings, Gita.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've got cuttings from my coral honeysuckle in water, so hopefully they'll root for the swap.

I didn't take a new photo, but I did come across this one! :-)

Thumbnail by critterologist
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Alrighty the big ole box with come with me...please don't be shy folks. These were given to me cuz they were gonna be thrown away. None I've collected nor do I have personal attachment to them - so again please take all you want. I just couldn't bare to see seashells thrown away.
Jill - please don't go to any trouble - thank you for the ones you set aside...yummy!!!! Those will be just perfect!!!

Ok...so it's taken me how many years? Discovered this past weekend at Green Springs that echinaceas were fragrant - who knew? So if anyone has extras...I got a place for them!!!!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Chantell, LMK if you want an assortment of the rest of the basil varieties also. I just had to save you one of my few clove basil plants, 'cause you'll like the scent and get a kick out of the big leaves. And of course you needed the Hot & Spicy, since you procured the seeds for me to begin with!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks for posting the Honeysuckle picture!

I already copied it out. Gita

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhh Jill...you are so sweet, as always...I think the 2 you picked will be perfect. Reminds me - I need to check and see the same of the mini variety I picked up last weekend...I'll let you know...

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

ahhh took a pic of it Jill just in case you wanted a bit of it

Thumbnail by Chantell
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks! I've got a 6-pack of 'Minette' for my window box, so I'm good there. (It didn't germinate well enough for extras, though, sorry.) I'll be pushing pairs of lemon & lime basil!

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Have first year seedlings of the following

Verbascum Mullein (mixed colors)
Rose Campion
Lychnis Alpina (Alpine Catchfly, seeds from Critter)
Agastache (lavender flowers and lemon green leaves, not sure of variety name)
Oenothera (2, not sure of variety. Tall with yellow flowers)
Goldenberry (2)
nicandra physalodes (1)
Streptocarpus, blue ice (3 baby plants -- they will not enjoy staying out for a day. I will not bring them unless somebody reserves them)

foxglove, (2) , greenthunb99
lipstick plant, (1), critter
blanket flower (3), datura (1), Agastache (2) Chantell
herb seeds and daylilies, Coleup
Brunnera, sallyg
Cleome (4), Gita

any plants/shrubs with burgundy leaves, sun or shade, except for heuchera palace purple

This message was edited May 24, 2010 1:50 PM

This message was edited May 26, 2010 10:03 PM

This message was edited May 27, 2010 3:00 PM

This message was edited May 27, 2010 9:35 PM

This message was edited May 28, 2010 8:02 AM

Crozet, VA

I would like to have some starts of Thyme if anyone has any to spare. I have a friend who is going to be riding up with me and she is bringing Apple Mint if anyone is interested in having some of it. Thanks all.


Crozet, VA

After doing some really quick research this morning I became aware that I was calling what I thought was Burro's Tail by the wrong name. What I actually have gobs and gobs of is Sedum Angelina. Let me know if anyone is interested.

Sorry about that folks.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I am pulling those out by the hand fulls from one of my beds.....They are everywhere......
You miss even one little "leaf"--and they start all over again....VERY invasive!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ruby or Gita - I'd love some more of that sedum - please and thank you!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Is it gold like this in plantfiles?
I'll take a little piece of the foliage is gold. If it is normal green, I already have tons, but thanks anyway.
And I will bring a pot of a blue one like that.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

All: Since Diane was kind enough to "mention" Brent and Becky's sale...I felt the need to place an order. Some had to be ordered in certain amts so I will have extras avail for the price I paid for them on a first come first serve basis - IF the order gets here prior to swap. I'm placing the order now.
Here is what will be avail:
Phlox 'David' -2 avail - 2.86/each https://store.brentandbeckysbulbs.com/summer/productview/?sku=89-21
Lilium 'Scheherazade' - 3 avail - $3.90/each https://store.brentandbeckysbulbs.com/summer/productview/?sku=84-81
Lilium Satisfaction 3 avail - $1.66/each https://store.brentandbeckysbulbs.com/summer/productview/?sku=84-127

Sally - I can probably snag a few of the golds if that's not what Ruby and Gita have and would love some of the blue you have - please and thank you ^_^

This message was edited May 21, 2010 9:08 AM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Looked at sally's link----Mine do not look like that at all---Mine are more prostrate and hug the ground....
To me--they are a pain in the you know what!

Just went out to take this picture.....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Hmmm...Gita you're saying that - that is a type of sedum you have?
My little patch looks more like that link to the plantfiles....

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I have that sedum, Gita! Got it at a swap a few years back. It makes a great groundcover in my mailbox bed, but you're right, a little scrap will root anywhere! It seems to be shallow rooted, though, and low enough that it doesn't really choke out other stuff.

Sally, the leaves on mine are bright yellow-green. I can bring a little pot or two (where it "volunteered" to grow), but you'd do just as well with a big bag of pulled-off pieces if you want to get it started in a bigger area.

Chantell, if you don't get other "takers," let me know... I've grown 'Scheherazade', and it's wonderful -- huge thick blooms & a fragrance that drifts across the yard! I'd jump right on them, but I'm trying not to get more plants until I know if I'll be able to get any gardening done this summer between treatments. :-)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I understand Jill...no worries....glad to hear your description of her. Garden Gate had put her in the top 10 lillies and when I read how they described her scent - I was like ahhhhh gotta put that on the want list. Please don't over-do my friend...you know to rest when your body tells you to....love you

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Gita, I think you and I and jill all have a common 'wild' type of sedum.

Jill, I was looking at my blue creeping sedum and thinking almost the same--why pot the darn stuff when you can just yank it and baggie it???? so any baggie or little pot of your golden one would be nice. Can give blue one for it if you like the variety look. Oh yes Chantell just read your post above, I will be sure to have blue for "yue" it's sort of taking over the middle of this area, the most spreading one of the bunch. Also have plenty of one on the right which is very finely textured and tiny and low.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Shenandoah Valley, VA

I don't know what that sedum is but it's not wild, just commonly planted back in the day I think. There used to be an entire bed of it planted by prior owners at my old house. I don't think you can kill it. One time I pulled up a handful of it, carried it into the shed and got distracted and set it down inside a cabinet in the shed. Months later it was still there and still alive with no water, no soil and no light.

Angelina is a beautiful new variety. If you like sedums, be sure to take Ruby up on her offer.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I like that fine-textured green one, Sally. I'm always looking for nice low groundcovers. :-) I'll baggie some trimmings from the yellow-green one, as it's already trying to grow over the rocks bordering my mailbox bed. :-)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

That pretty blue one Sally has is called Blue Spruce sedum. Isn't it cute? I'll bet it will look great mixed with the lime green one or Angelina, which is also lime green. BTW, both start really easily by just sticking cuttings directly in the ground.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Yeah, Blue spruce it is. Last year I planted these baby sedums from seed with some interesting rocks. You can barely find the rocks here already! The fine texture green grows pretty fast too but not as much as Blue Spruce.
And yeah that 'wild' sedum is likely a european transplant invasive.
Stringy stone crop pretty well says it.

This message was edited May 21, 2010 7:58 PM

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Sally - Can I please have some of the Sedum cuttings? I have several you can grab cuttings from...

Jill - may I have a mix of Basil's please & maybe a 'mater and a pepper?

Holly - Lobelia's please

I do have a request from everyone else - if you can please bring me one plant (you choose) labeled with your name on it (and if shade or not) - I want to plant them as a reminder of the swap & the person who brought it ^_^ My garden has no rhyme or reason, so I think it'll be a great growing memory ^_^

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Becky -- sweet pepper or hot? Cherry (or tiny currant) tomato, or bigger type? I can bring you a pot of Rose Petal thyme for your "memory" plant.. I think you'd like it, and it's easy to tuck next to some taller plant.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Bec---------Ahhhhhh! So sweet!
Your little DG Swap garden! Now I have to look and see what I have that is "special"--but I have not listed.....

BTW--Does anyone REALLY want some Shasta daisies from me?????? Please say so--if you do.....NOW!

I do not want to lug trays of plants that no one has asked for. Then--I will either be begging to give them away--or taking them back home. I'd rather just bring what people have asked for--and a few extras....
Plenty of takers at my HD...Who doesn't like free plants?

My "haves" list has been edited for the last time......Please take a look!

Thanks, Gita

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I went to my local Farm Stand--(Richardsons--the place with the fresh chickens) and they have all kinds of basil---Cinnamon and purple included.....$2....

Will make a trip back if anyone wants some of those.....only a couple of miles....

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Jill - a sweet pepper please...tomato...pref a larger type :)

Crozet, VA

Wow - This was a very educational discussion. Seems as though once again I called the plant by the wrong name. Thank you Sally for digging further than I was willing to and coming up with the true name of what I have growing everywhere.....Sedum sarmentosum. Yep - stringy stone describes it very well.

I will take orders if anyone is still interested. Let me know. John is outdoors now potting up some of the things we will be bringing on Saturday. Hopefully everything will transplant well. We are counting down the days now. Have a good Sunday everyone and we will see you on Saturday.


Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Bad news y'all - Ric and Holly won't be able to make it here, nor will they be able to bring plants here for any swaps - keep them in your T&P's as they head to FL tonite...

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Prayers being said...wondering if maybe we could all pull together and make up a goodie box of plants for them?????

Crozet, VA

Thanks for the report Bec. I hope that things in FL are okay. They will surely be missed.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I can keep a few things going here until they can get them (I already have some plants from our combo order for them)... And if I don't make it on Saturday, plants for them could probably make their way up to me via Terri or David. My only request is that plants for them be potted so that they're ok for a few weeks, as I won't have a lot of extra time/energy for potting up.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

You sure Jill? I'm happy to bring the ones for th potted but I don't want u over doing either

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