PET GALLERY 5-thanks to us,these pets thrive[cut the jive]

Clifton Springs, Australia

Good news this morning....Mick is looking a lot better and not dragging his hind feet. He tucked into a good breakfast, so I gave him his last pain killer shot and left him to his hay.

Thanks for the kind thoughts....let's hope Anthony has some good news for us.

Sorry about your Sam, Charleen, it's not a good way to go. Is it.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Dianne - I'm so happy for you that MIck is doing better!! I am hoping that Anthony's baby will turn the corner. Having almost lost Bailey to something poisonous recently and seeing how distraught Caril was throughout her hospital stay, I can so empathize! We are so fortunate to have our Bailey, and I hope that Anthony's galah and Mick will have the same turn-around.

Hi Charleen! Sorry to hear about how painful your loss of Sam was for you. We can all understand it very well!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I know it is so sad to have one of our animal babies sick and not be able to cure their problem.
Thank you, Seacharger.Dianne (I forgot how to spell your name, durn it) Getting old. Thanks Donny for the help.
Hello, Donnybrook. Always great being here with friends .

This message was edited Sep 29, 2010 6:55 PM

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

thanks all-im exhausted,.,this is really taking a toll on me

Brisbane, Australia

How is the little one today?


rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

i got 3-1/2 hours sleep last night,.i woke around midnight and he was so ill it reduced me to tears.,i said my last rights and went back to bed at four,.,.woke at 4.45,.,.still cruising,.,.be it poorly.,..,tried a different approach,..,restricted food/drink intake,.,...praying this works,.,.he tore the red plastic cup out of my fingers,and has eaten a full teddy,soaked in flour/water/honey,,.then goes into snooze mode,.,.i think the saddest thing is seeing such a fireball,reduced to almost nothing.,ive had him 12 years,.,.his girlfriend downstairs thinks its pretty good having kisses with me,but i know she misses him,.,.im learning a bit about the'workings' of birds,and hope im doing the best for him'''''fingers crossed'''''.'sooty seems concerned that his'garage bedroom buddy'',now lives in a little cage upstairs on the dining room table,with a towel over[ooh yes ,they know]-anthony

This message was edited Oct 1, 2010 4:42 PM

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Bless your heart, I been praying for the little fella.
Hugs anthony, I know you need them now. Charley seds you love nuzzles hoping wellness for the bird baby.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

prayers have been heard here,.,.i did a lot of research today about bird digestive systems and poisons on[the magnificent]internet..,.,much improvement in the lad,but still a long way to go,.,his loving change in personality is unbelievable

Thumbnail by g_whizz
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Anthony, he is beautiful! hope he makes it.
Prayer still being said.
Charleen and Charley sending hugs and nuzzles.

Brisbane, Australia

I pop in daily to see if there are any updates. He's a lovely boy.


rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

i think we've made it[against all odds]''sigh of relief''but now hes trying to stick his head through the roof bars and hang there?he's a different bird,loves us all inside the house.i truly thank you all for your prayers and think what a great bunch of people you are,.,.i really was,'so worried''i even had a grave dug!,.im afraid i get so attached to my animals and ive hada few losses in the past,that this really scared me-anthony,.,-,.,.update,i think i have found the infection problem,.,.poorly kept apples,with mould,in and around the pips,[which he eats]she doesnt,.,.cocky does,but he left quite a few untouched this week[we cut the cores out for them!] ANYONE WITH A BIRD PET LEARN A LESSON FROM THIS!!!!!!!!!

This message was edited Oct 3, 2010 4:56 PM

Brisbane, Australia

Anthony, I am so glad to hear the good news. My birds won't touch apples that have even a spot of brown on them. Mine just eat the flesh and it has to be crisp and fresh. A bit frustrating, as I have to make sure I get the best apples for them, so I pay more. The birds get better fed than I do. I truly hope your galah 'hangs around' for a long time to come.


Clifton Springs, Australia

Great news, are a very good "Dad" to your animals and birds and you deserve a bit of luck...
This time you won.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Wonderful!!!! Charley is doing the Happy Dance for his friend. Yeah!!!!!
so glad he is on his way to recovery and got an attitude adjust too be a better bird. Yeah!!!!!☺☺♥
so happy for you.

Christchurch, New Zealand

wonderful news!
Had us all worried there.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia


Christchurch, New Zealand

hopefully this will take you there...

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