PET GALLERY 5-thanks to us,these pets thrive[cut the jive]

Clifton Springs, Australia

Mick Jagger is his full name..I bought him when he was 5 and his remaining teeth were coming thru...His bottom lip was droopy just like the
real Mick Jagger's..hence the name..he is now nearly 13.

His problem is a kissing spine..where the vertebrae touch at certain times..You can ride all day and nothing happens....then when it touches.. off you go..I went off 3 times and couldn't figure out what was wrong...he didn't mind the saddle or me getting on...that's what made it so pain if he's not is possible that he did it running around his paddock.......there are yearlings in the next one so he used to run around the fence line with them. He may have slipped... who knows... he has had chiropractic treatment but an operation is required...and seeing that I would like to stay in possession of my house....he is retired.

This message was edited Jun 12, 2010 3:53 PM

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

dianne,i know how he feels,and can sympathise

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Dianne, I understand too. Vet bills are rediculous.
Here, Anthony want you to see a mule with a pretty glow to him.
Look at him. I think he is Beautiful.
Charley sends all his Friends in Australia love nuzzles.
Thank you for being our friends.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Clifton Springs, Australia

Charley does looks beautiful, Charleen...his coat is glowing.....just a mules get dapples under their coats?
Maybe because Charley is more chestnut you mightn't notice....Mick has a grey in his when his spring coat comes in...his dapples are very obvious..

How is your back after yesterday Anthony?

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

im moving around like 'betty white' in the snickers ad.the blackbirds are stressing me.i made up a wooden hawk with red eyes,then suspended it about 2m above the yard.[it seems to work],......,absolutely NO more bulbs in this yard.,,.except for 9 more i ordered.,.i really conked out last night,then woke at 2 am,..mind starts going,whats the point in just laying there if you cant sleep,..,tonight i will enlist some sleeping assistance,.,.sooty took off this morning and didnt come back for a while[which worried me],..i was preparing cockies dinners for the week and spotted sooty at the bottom of the cul-de-sac.,.one call,and he was home.,.i just had a super human feed of spagetti and meatballs,from the recipe of 'julie' who won on the 'master-chef' show.,.not bad,,.,.i could get used to these long weekends!,..,,anthony

This message was edited Jun 14, 2010 6:42 AM

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

You won't be able to walk from all that food, Anthony. Going to have to put homing devices on those critters.
I believe has has a couple of dark spots on his underbelly. (Charley)

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

G_Whizz, where you at? Am I going to have to send a search trsam out. Haven't heard from you in a while. You ALL o.k.???

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

no,charleen,chances are youll find me near a black 8 inch pot,potting mix,gravel,manure and later on,near the fridge.,.,.ive got soooooooo many[ pot on] bulbs to do!.In between loving and appreciating the 3 cats/3 birds i still have,i may make a dent in the work..,.many meetings this week,and that horrible thing''employment'' gets in the way too! ive still got 21 orienpet bulbs to arrive''el-supremo'' american imports in that lot,'dizzy',red dutch' and 'altari'.,.,where is it going to end?.,,.,heres my 'ozziepet'-,take care,anthony

Thumbnail by g_whizz
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Great!!!! Just so you o.k. Your "ozziepet" is looking a little tilted but other than that mighty fine. that was the one I was worried about.
Take care,
Charleen and Charley.

Christchurch, New Zealand

I used to have a cat that would climb the flyscreen door & then hang upside down the way Cocky is doing there.
Mishka cat was Siamese, he had a unique out look on life!
We were given him by our neighbour, her story was that when she was stopped at a set of lights she saw some kids holding this kitten & flicking a lighter in it's face to burn off it's whiskers.
She jumped out of the car, grabbed the kitten & gave the brats a clip round the ears then back into her car & away.
Mishka was a scruffy thing & thin, his first move was to walk up to me & proceed to climb up my jeans till he reached my arms - never had a cat do that before or since.
I taught him to come when I whistled, he acted like a dog - even chased dogs off his property.
I could write a book about his exploits :)

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

He sounds wonderful and you did love him. I can tell.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

cockys going through''hormonal,moon phase,large bird,instability'' mood swings,this happens every now and then.i think he's getting a bit peeed with the short daylight,days.,,,i had to move my mower and bag of grass clippings out of sight of his bedroom,'because they're not normally there'[if you were a cockatoo,you'd understand!].anthony

Thumbnail by g_whizz
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

They could attack him as he slept. It made him Anxious. I hear they are rather tempermental, but that's o.k.

Christchurch, New Zealand

our cat is not a fan of things that 'are not normally there'
she freezes & then ever so cautiously checks them out.
Best reaction to something new I ever saw was my dog Haski...
he was asleep when my (now ex) partner put his gumboots by the front door.
Haski woke up, saw these strange objects & went on full alert - he growled & ran barking up the hall & bailed the boots up.
When he realised what they were he was very sheepish about the whole thing.
The only time my Chita nutted off at anything was when we took her with her 3 day old pups to the vet for a check up.
Pups were in a basket & we took Chita in first, while she was being checked the vet nurse picked up the basket of pups & took them in to another exam room...
we came back out with Chita & a person with a dog was standing in the exact place the basket had been.
Chita just went berko at them - we had to take her in to see her pups before she would calm down.
After that she waited outside just fine.
We couldn't have her in with the pups as the vet was removing dew claws & didn't want to upset Chita any further.
I had to pass each pup over to the vet so she could cut the tiny little claws off - I really don't think I would have them removed on a short coated dog if I ever bred pups again.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Well, this little fella doesn't like Anyone Strange. He will start barking and when they leave, we have to show him they are gone. When we got him we never took him with us and is not a social chi at all. But he is sweet. but if I lean toward DH to give him a kiss, he will snap at me. It happens to DH when he tries to kiss me too. He is a nut, My other dog, the Boston is the sweetest "I love everyone " dog.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

with that glance,it looks like hes about to snatch the camera''i get the feeling hes thinking'go away and stop bothering me''

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

OH, Anthony, he is terrible. I can't hardly Kiss DH he attacks me. If I'm holding him he does want him to kiss me either. He is a little psycho case but WE love him. How is Cocky doing? And the rest of your critters.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Mornin' folks! I call this shot from this morning "4 Sleepy Critters"....LOL The larger dog is my son's, Donnie, who is staying with us for a week. When I got up, all 3 jumped up on my lap and we all look like zombies! :)

Thumbnail by DonnieBrook
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

OH! My goodness. Alapful of poodles. I love them. they remind me of my Mom's poodle , they look so similar it is scarey. Thank you, it is a beautiful picture.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Thank you, Charlene! They are Bichons, LOL....but they are often mistaken for poodles. They sure do fill the house! :)

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

i think those bichons look like they sampled some of my fridge contents.what a cool bunch!some mornings,[especially at this time of the year]cocky doesnt want to wake up.,which is strange,because,he is already standing up on his perch.i let out a myriad of whistles and phrases as i open the garage door,and he fires into gear

Thumbnail by g_whizz
Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

LOL, Anthony!! They do, don't they!
Glad to hear that Cocky is doing well and has bonded so nicely to you.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

All kind of Cocky!!!!! Look at those Beautiful birds. Here Birdie, Birdie, I sure would like one of you!!!!
Are they all yours, Are they wild??? I love them the pic is beautiful. Thanks Anthony.
Bichons do look kinda like poodles don't they?? They are so cute, Love them too.
this is why I don't get to go to pet shops, I'm on restrictions, No New Pets!!!!!
HA!!!! I got Chickens.....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Chickens are cool too!! :)

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

i have to be careful when I get a hoe, that littlw black hen gets right under my feet and I'm scared I will hurt her. so if I want her to move i just pet her fuzzy rump out of the way. I saved her and that tall rooster from being killed by the donkeys. Here she is under one of my brug plants, Rooster is cooling from the damp dirt in there. I had to make a trench with rock to keep soil and mostly water in. Finally had to mulch and dog gone if she didn't scratch it out. Aren't I having fun??? I love those silly chickens.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

those other two are cockys 'wild friends' they have been coming to the back yard for 2-3 years,..they trust me and come within 2 feet of me.,,..i dont give them a back door key,in case they have some 'wild parties'..i think cockatoos sell in America for around $3000..this one i have is worth a million[laughs] and a lot of them suffer mental problems[their owners are mental from loving them in the 1st place].,.no,i speak with a fork toungue,i could never give him up.

This message was edited Jul 2, 2010 5:24 PM

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I have heard tales of folks getting them then the poor birds go thru all kinds of psyhic trauma.
but they are beautiful, smart birds.

Christchurch, New Zealand

Rally-O on a frosty morning...

Thumbnail by dalfyre
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

where are your matching white spots?lovely pic,thats what its been like here for the last few weeks[icy],.,.how close can you get to this loving cocky?

Thumbnail by g_whizz
Clifton Springs, Australia

Great photo Teresa...he looks a fine dog....
I wouldn't get that close Anthony...I need my

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Maybe, cocky will just nibble on the lens, not his Anthony.

Christchurch, New Zealand

when Cocky said he was ready for his close up he wasn't kidding!
we have -3C here & another crispy cold morning.
I love it - the sun singing, the birds shining...
here's Copper again, look at the concentration from his handler, thinking weave smoothly around the cones, don't step on the cones, don't let the dog step on the cones, where is the next station after this weave...
Copper is thinking... ? why aren't you walking in a straight line mum?

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Looks like he's saying"just tell me what to do Mom and I'll do it. Beautiful.

Christchurch, New Zealand

I posted the pics out of sequence, this is us weaving up through the cones, the previous pic is us weaving our way back down the cones

Thumbnail by dalfyre
western sydney nsw, Australia

Please hurry its time for lunch.

Thumbnail by sammut
Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Nice shots and cute pups, Teresa and Elaine!!

western sydney nsw, Australia

When my boy sits up looks to the door then to me its his way to tell me its time to finish it always seems to be near mid day every time he has a great inner clock.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Don't they all!! It always amazes me how precise they are at asking for their meals at exactly the same time! I don't even need a clock here!!

Christchurch, New Zealand

ha - when I was first showing & competing in obedience I heard one couple talking about how their dogs were fed at 6pm every night...
if they were on the road they had to pull over to feed the dogs at that time!
I decided then my dogs would never have such a set routine & to this day it is dinner or breakfast when I say so - cause I am the boss b*tch here ;O
And as long as there are two meals a day plus treats there are no complaints.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

what you need is a cockatoo!if you forget to do something,''they tell you''.yes, they have an installed 'clock' as well

Thumbnail by g_whizz

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