PET GALLERY 5-thanks to us,these pets thrive[cut the jive]

Clifton Springs, Australia

Are Abby and Ducky going to get together Charleen?

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

busy weekend people,the trustees want the keys to fays house,by monday night.although she was a very organised,neat and tidy person,45 years in the house,leaves a lot of keepsakes.weve been clearing for a couple of days[low key]''cocky has never had so many visitors''.ive just come home with my ute full to go to the tip..,.wish us luck,anthony

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Who knows, I wouldn't doubt it. At least he isn't as big as the other roosters. Between the donkey and the roosters, she was nearly bald.
Good Luck Anthony

Clifton Springs, Australia

Anthony, make certain that you double check everything.
Elderly ladies hide money mother in law stuck it behind the mirror on her dressing table, in tins in the pantry.
My mother had it in socks, purses and in her old dressing gown pocket behind the bedroom door.
I knew about a couple of places, but when I had to get her clothes it was everywhere.
You just never know.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Books, magazines, under beds, behind dressers. in the freezer, Coat pockets. everywhere.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

I found precious jewelry and cash in my Mom's pockets of her clothing. I must admit, I've done that myself! I figure if a thief has time to go through all of my pockets, he deserves what he finds!! LOL

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

day one,thanks people for your tips,.we're checking[as best we can]its hard,and theres so much!fay ,has everything neatly placed and ''so well' organised..i wish she was there to help us!!''molly''my grand-daughter was so good,she played in a 40 litre purple tub,with all the toys and 2 pickle jar lids that i was using for eyes to amuse her.,then she got in the''jolly jumper'' and went absolutely worn out,just had a big bbq feed,a couple of beers and its nearly time for bed.[will watch iron -chef though],.,backed' port adelaide'for fay,and they won by 3,.,,,ive got so many plants in the front yard,theres just enough room for the cars,,..,.,cocky was well and truly worn out,and i know,he will have a good sleep tonight[even if the garage now echo's from being so clean'],.,.,the trustees have given me permission to leave cocky on site and i can have a garage key until such time as the house is sold,..,[how kind].,it will nearly be summer by then!thats good,and i can keep an eye on the place,.,back into it tomorrow,anthony

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Won't cocky get lonesome?

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

no,i'll stil be there twice a day,take him out on weekends,the neighbors and surroundings there will keep him occupied,.,,these birds are creatures of habit and any quick changes in lifestyle can upset them.,.he will be fine and safe,.,HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!! to anyone thats a mother,.,hope your kids appreciate just having you there,..,,very early sunday start for me,..,anthony

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

That is so interesting. I have heard of them getting stressed. Let's hope cocky doesn't. He is such a cute buddy. Have a great day.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

i have noticed in the past 4 days,cocky realises the blind in the kitchen isnt up,as it has been every morning for the last fourty years,,'the trustees wanted the house keys,so i cant do the blinds anymore'!the telephone is still connected,i ring it and cocky thinks she must be answering it-thats one bonus.i hope they dont disconnect the power,as he sleeps next to the hot water cylinder and draws the warmth from it,also i leave the radio on 'very low' for him.,.we'll get around this somehow!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

You need a bird brain doctor. Poor cocky, you can't leave him there can you?/ Will the new people want him??

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

no charleen,he will come with me,im just buying time.the slightest hint of trouble,and i turn into"SUPER ANTHONY",..,no seriously,the future will be fun,he is very much loved,whereever i take him,..,i will try and get you some video footage of him.,.i could imagine him sitting on charleys 4xxxxx hat on charleys head walking around,screaming out,'what do you reckon,or give us a kiss,or whats all the racket about,or what are you doing you silly bugger?[to name a few]verses.,.he also whistles the 'ice cream truck verse,all except for the last note,,..,he knows exactly what im going to do ,before ive done it.,,.and if i havnt done what im supposed to,he reminds me to do it,..,no win [for me]

This message was edited May 14, 2010 5:02 PM

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

What a wonderful Bird. No wonder you adore him. He is precious. I know they can be very tempermental when it comes to moving them. They do terrible with stress and changes. I am rooting for the both of you. I would love to see a video.

Northern Rivers NSW, Australia(Zone 7b)

With their "Granny Blanket"

Thumbnail by holty
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

thats certainly an articulate blanket,at least they are warm.

Clifton Springs, Australia

What are their names, holty?

Northern Rivers NSW, Australia(Zone 7b)

Puki and Cleopatra .

I used to breed them , the pups became companion pets for people (young and old) with special needs and often I still use Mum and Dad to help kids get over dog phobias .. (Photo)

Only weeks before this photo the little girl was literally terrified of any dog .

Now they often drop in to see "Uncle Johns dogs" , NOT ME . :)

Thumbnail by holty
Northern Rivers NSW, Australia(Zone 7b)

Starting the process with Mum and Big Sister for reassurance weeks earlier .

Thumbnail by holty
Clifton Springs, Australia

Great is surprising how many special needs kids are nervous around animals.
Good of you to use your dogs for that purpose.

I was involved with riding for the disabled and some of the kids and adults had never had a pet of any kind.
Their parents obviously had enough to do looking after them.
A term bonding with a horse makes such a difference to the rider's confidence.

Northern Rivers NSW, Australia(Zone 7b)

Without getting in too deeply , 40 years ago , (oops) EVERY kid had a pet of some kind , even farm kids , not a computer , Ipod or a mobile phone .


Shut up John ...

Another photo from about 5 or 6 years ago . Same male dog...

Thumbnail by holty
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

We have places that uses horses and ponies for Special needs Children. It help with their motor skills. Helps them balance. Of coarse there is someone on both sides. they love it.

Christchurch, New Zealand

there is riding for the disabled here too.
my dog training club hired their arena for our last show.
it was briliant & we will be holding indoor shows in April from now on.
only two dogs thought the sand surface meant playtime...
we did have some concern that they might think it was the beach & play up but not at all.
made for a nice level surface to walk on too.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

That s wonderful and the kids love it too. that is what is important.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

i've worked in security in mental institutions[and most of the people were really good]where the animals were adopted and cared for on site,.,there truly is a different special bond there.,,,,

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Look Anthoney, I hope I spelled it right, Donkeys wear hats too. And they want to eat everything.
Aren't they cute?????

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

i opened the garage door this afternoon and sooty ran down the drive to me,lots of cuddles and a story to tell'lilys not there''.he's turned the house upside down and has only just settled in his 'piecrust bed',but is still staring out the window.,i didnt think it would affect him like certainly going to have a line-up at 'rainbow bridge' waiting for me,when i get there!all good memories. lilys pine tree has a solar light in it.she even has the january,'claremont ...lily... show' named after her..well,thats what im saying,.,,thank you all for your kind words,it helps...anthony

Thumbnail by g_whizz
Clifton Springs, Australia

That's a lovely photo Anthony...and you're right, that Claremont "Lily" show is definitely her show......You will win first prize this year...

Charleen, I forgot to say how cute those two's getting very cold here so I put Mick's coat on for the Winter..He does love his coat..
Once I left it on the rail for a couple of days and when I threw it on him, a mouse fell out and ran along his back...I don't know who got the biggest surprise..the mouse.. the horse or me.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Did he jump about??? I bet Charley would have.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Christchurch, New Zealand

Anthony - so sorry to read about Lily, sounds like Sooty is missing his companion.
I didn't think Copper would notice that Chita was gone as she had been ignoring him for a while but he is much clingier at the moment & has started howling if he is in his room & wants out.
Even out with the humans & the fire on he paces around restlessly & takes ages to settle, the two dals used to love crashing out in front of the log burner, the pellet fire doesn't have the same appeal.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

They know there is a difference. You may be surprized, He might missChita, just to see if she is around. I wish you could have seen Charley and the donkey kids when my poor old horse Sam passed away. they were pitiful. Charley stood and watched the fellas bury Sam. I couldn't all I could do was cry for my poor old love.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

i think when i clear my visions of sunday a little,life will go on..,dont worry charlene,im a big tough man,''and i cry too''!18 years,'1/3 of your life with a beautiful animal,how can you not be scarred ,.,.

Jerusalem, Israel

She has something almost human in her compassionate eyes. I wish I knew what she was thinking :-)

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Yep, Animals can really Scar you up with their unconditional love. You will be great, Anthony.
Blessing and Mule nuzzles sent your way. that will help.

Hobart, Australia

This is BILLY, you have met him!!

Lyn & I (COL) were sorry to hear about FAY ISLES she will always be remembered at the CLAREMONT GARDEN CLUB and as an exhibitor at the CLAREMONT SHOW, TASMANIA.

This message was edited Jun 10, 2010 11:49 AM

This message was edited Jun 10, 2010 11:53 AM

Thumbnail by Cerahipp
Clifton Springs, Australia

Hi Col...Billy is a very handsome boy....nice of you to post your sentiments......Every bit of recognition Fay gets...I'm sure helps Anthony..

OT...Anthony I was expecting you to post your Zygo pics on the other when you can......I looked at site you mentioned but I
Charleen...when will you post your Brugs?

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

thanks everyone.Valleo,i think she was thinking'i dont need to go anywhere,im in heaven already'!.yes lyn and col,billie is a one 'of'.and i know he knows a cat lover when he see's one,especially when i turn up when you are not home and we have big cuddles and then he parks himself behind the car so i cant leave..,seachanger,lyn and colin supplied the 'henryii' bulb you now have,.,and they both are a wealth of information in the gardening world,.,.anthony

This message was edited Jun 10, 2010 4:44 PM

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

SeaChanger, i posted a pic of Adorn, but I will post one over here if you wish.
She has a bud, when she blooms I will have to send you a pic.

Clifton Springs, Australia

OT....Got your Dmail Adorn on the Aussie Brug site when it flowers please.....I don't think that we have that one here. everyone will like to see it.

Mick is too lazy to jump about....that's why he was such a good riding horse.....never shied at anything...When his back problems started he would throw me off and just stand there looking at if to say " Why are you on the ground?" ... Mind you that wasn't what I was saying to him. lol

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I will post the pic, have lots of brugs just waiting for them to grow and bloom.
what is wrong with his back?? You know they have equine chiropractors???
Can you ride Mick now, I love his name.

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