PET GALLERY 5-thanks to us,these pets thrive[cut the jive]

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

He is just beautiful, Anthony.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Teresa - I couldn't agree with you more! My sweet Molly would be so pitiful when she was on that horrible prednisone; she was so hungry and wanted to eat the minute she woke up - which got earlier and earlier. I made the same vow....these girls will eat when I am ready to feed them. They get it and they don't complain, but they sure do give me that furtive look when they think it's time to feed them, usually right on the stoke of 8:00 am. i just don't know how they know when the clock hits that time every day. They usually get distracted by their morning wrestling match when I linger. They also get up when we get them up and stay quietly in their crates until they are invited out. They are pretty quick at catching on.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

cocky's new friend,'the mouse' has a diploma in 'finesse' cheese removal from traps!

Christchurch, New Zealand

cheese on mouse traps is just a snack for the mouse.
Bacon rind works well - we had success with dog roll mushed around the trigger.
and my Mum had terrific success with caramels...

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

lets just say,'the mouse has been evicted'

Clifton Springs, Australia

Da da dada da dada dada dada...I hope that makes

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

somewhere i lost you at 'da'.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Rest in peace, dear Mouse is what she is trying to say.

Clifton Springs, Australia

It's my version of the funeral march Anthony.....

I'm glad that you understood Charleen...
When I read it..... it didn't make much sense..but I knew that someone would be on my wave length..LOL

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

charleen i have "nap' from '60 minutes' wanting a tell all interview with me ,about you.'is it o/k to speak to them ' ?.,.,.,.no seriously,'nap'wants to interview me,is that o/k with you?

This message was edited Jul 20, 2010 5:07 PM

Clifton Springs, Australia

Ignore him...Charleen...

You can tell he's not a woman..LOL

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

da da da-german band-Trio

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Anthony it is O.K. go ahead and answer her. I got to answer him,Seacharger; I was the one who mentioned him to Nap. Thank you Anthony.
You all want to see my Rat catching dog???
He is Basset and Dauchund mix. Lucus is a rat killer. Such a good boy.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Clifton Springs, Australia

He is a handsome fella..Charleen.
What's Nap?
I thought that Anthony was joking...
Tell us all...

Christchurch, New Zealand

lovely Lucius :)
all our dals have been keen on vermin exterminating.
I saw Sonic climb a set of shelves like they were a ladder to try & reach a rat in the rafters...
the rat could hardly believe it's eyes & only just made it out.
Chita could leap nearly 6ft from a stand - several low flying birds found this out too late.
She also thought cats were vermin, our evil cat is slightly more relaxed since poor old Chita died.
Copper thinks cats are very, very interesting but knows that our cat is off limits if the humans are around.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

They may be animals but they aren't dumb. sometimes our critters have more sense than the folks around them. They are honest and I love that. But those rats better watch out Our dogs will get them.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

when i worked night security at 'st johns park' i befriended a black female cat.she would do the full patrol with me.[it must have looked funny,'the security officer,his black cat,1830's buildings,church, cemetary somewhere around midnight'],.,i would wander around a building corner and the cat would be gone.i'd go back and here was the cat,with a fresh 'rat snack'.she would usually catch up later.,.send the dogs in charleen,plenty of rats here[especially the human type].

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

It won't work with 2-legged ones, but he is a iller on real thing. Here is a Longear pic for you this fine morning. All lined up mooching for somethig to eat. so glad I had camera.
Charley telling A.T. he is getting too close, see his(Charley's) ears. Then A.T.'s Auntie Annabelle and naked mother Isabelle. She lost her halter, now I got to repair it.

This message was edited Jul 22, 2010 8:43 AM

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Clifton Springs, Australia did you end up with Charley, AT,Annabelle and Isabelle?

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

They all had those names when I got them. AT is from a fella that works with DH and he wanted our new baby name after him.
I started out with Annabelle and Isabelle. I couldn't believe it when DH told me I could get them.
Had my foot in the door☺ and there was no going back. Went thru several mules before I got a good one. Charley is a good one. Had an old horse but he has Crossed rainbow Bridge, he was such a beautiful, gentle old fella. I still miss him. AT is a colt, seems Isabelle, his mom was pregnant when I got her. So I feel very lucky to have my babies.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

sorry,another post lost,i am really getting sick of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,..Admin--up your run rate a bit-its embarressing

Christchurch, New Zealand

this is Princess Cassandra A Tod...
also known as evil cat.
She is perched on my lovely dalmatian applique cushion, she knocked it flat & made herself comfy.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Beautiful Cat.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

I agree! Beautiful! Do you cross yourself every time she crosses your path? LOL

Christchurch, New Zealand

oh that is a good one - I really ought to she is very cute but completely evil.
the dog might want to make her an ex cat but she knows she is protected by the humans.
she also knows that windows & fences are there to stop dogs reaching her.

Clifton Springs, Australia

C.A.Tod..........very clever.....I love black cats....we had a beautiful black lady called Samantha many years ago....she was fluffy but her front legs were smooth and it looked as though she was wearing long black gloves....she was a gardening cat,she loved to watch while I worked.

Brisbane, Australia

I love pet pics. It is good to see so many types too. This is my bird. When younger, she would crawl into her "house" (a cardboard box) and pull her "blanket" up over herself. I didn't know until this night I sprung her. To this day she still sleeps with a "blanket".


Thumbnail by DawnSong
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Such a cute little Bird. Love the face, that's all I can see. Cute!
Anthony Charley sends you greetings and wants to know how Cocky is doing?
Been a while since we heard from you. Still doing the Daffadill shows??

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

cockys fine.ive had my male galah to the vet tonight[very sick]-hopefully he pulls through.-i recieved a package of scent from 'lori' today.thanks.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I hope that he makes it. Losing pets is heart wretching. Like losing a friend and they really are our friends. Prayers for your baby.

Clifton Springs, Australia

What an amazing pic, Karen...a bird in bed..with a
What's his/her name?

Anthony, hope your Galah is OK.

Hey, are you?

Brisbane, Australia

Anthony, I hope your galah is OK too. They are such great pets and I've lost my share of birds to know how hard it is.

My lorikeet's name is Mizzy. Crows pulled her out of her nest as a fledgling and I rescued her. She was badly hurt, and it took a year to get her right again though her legs were left twisted. Of course, I babied her through it all, right down to the box and blanket.

Here she is now, playing the "tambourine"...


Thumbnail by DawnSong
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

she is a beautiful bird, love her bright colors, looks like a rainbow. Beautiful
I'm doing o.k. How about you?? Is it spring for you yet???

Brisbane, Australia

Glad you are doing OK. Spring is here, yes! Though grey and cloudy with spot showers for most of the month.

Mizzy is actually a Rainbow Lorikeet. A native bird in our area that has adapted to the many gardens that plant native trees and shrubs. They don't eat seed as they are honey and pollen eaters.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

i woke at 4.30 am and fed him his antibiotic.,he still looked very poor,..,ive just came home[11am]and he was having a feed,'which is good]'.earlier i held 2 teddy bear bikkies while he crunched them up,.this is very worrying

Brisbane, Australia

I do hope he'll be OK, poor baby. You probably said but I missed it, do you know what is wrong with him?

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

somehow he has eaten something poisonous-if he would just digest a bit of food!i rang the vet back yesterday.,he basically stated,the outcome will be bad,..sweetie[the female] is fretting for him,because i have him upstairs in the travel cage'nice and warm',.,.it is just so upsetting

Clifton Springs, Australia

I can sympathize with you Anthony.....If he has to go I hope it is quick..
Yesterday I spent the day, sitting, watching my poor Mick Jagger getting thru a very bad bout of colic...

He is such a ratbag horse, tearing around the paddock as he does, pretending that he is in with the yearlings next door.
He often slips over and spends the rest of the day winded.....but yesterday his head was hanging and he whinnied when he saw me.

He hadn't eaten anything in the last 24 hrs and had been standing in the same spot...I rang the vet and they said that they had had an emergency with a couple of they would be about 2 hrs.
In that time his legs went on him and he couldn't stand, his eyes rolled in his head and I was convinced he was dying.

After both of us dragging him to his feet, the vet gave Mick a pain killer and a sedative, a tube was inserted into his nose and down into his stomach and a peppermint smelling liquid was poured in to relieve the wind in his gut.

30 mins later, he could stand on his own and he went straight to his feed bin......since then he hasn't laid down and was grazing for most of the afternoon...He has a mate in the paddock next door and the dear old fellow was calling to Mick all the time.....When he was well enough Mick went over to the old boy and gave him a nuzzle..usually he gives him a I think he was saying that he was OK.

He was ok this morning though still a little quiet, hopefully tomorrow will see him back to normal....
The vet said that he had a good chance of we will wait and see.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Colic is a heartwretching illness for the owner and the poor horse. My Sam Died of colic. I was so terribly heartbroken. Only have longears, they aren't as prone to colic. but Guess what? Charley was sick and laying down and I knew he wasn't well when he looked at me. I was so afraid it was colic, but I never thought I would say it, but, "thank God, it was Gas" but he still needed to be medicated I called the vet and she gave him a couple of shots. Prayers for your horse and Anthoney's precious bird. So sad, to have sick animal friends. I love my critters, all of them.

Brisbane, Australia

Hope both bird and horse are much better this morning. I let my birds out and often worry about the things they nibble on, could it cause them harm. Let us know how they are, both of you.

Charleen, I am sorry to hear about your Sam. It must be so heart breaking to lose a horse.


This message was edited Sep 29, 2010 8:01 PM

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