Seed Swap & Chat #50 ... Wallowing in seed packets

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Hey LeBug I am thinking shasta daisy or goldstrum from the picture sure Ella be here shortly to clear up , she got the green thumb going on!!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Nope that not coreposis.

if ya go across from the Holylhocks in that middle tray in the round 3" pots is Soem rudbeckia goldstrum and the funy lookign leafy things is the Geranium Splish splash seedlings and then shasta dasisie s right netx to it.

In the first pic ya cna see them better. I had starte d them , then put them outsid e for a bit and had let them get a semi cold chil cuz wasn't sure if they neede d it or not to try and bloom this year.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Hi all. I've been going crazy with other stuff, and trying to catch up.

Ella, do you surface sow splish-splash or how deep? Does the other geranium you sent me need cold stratification or can I sow under lights as well? You must have a huge kitchen table top to start all that stuff there!! And don't the rudbeckias grow pretty quickly? I thought it was too early to start them, but could be wrong.

Here's what's sprouted for me indoors so far:
balloon flower
dwarf delphinium
tricyrtis puberula
gentiana makinoi
maybe a few others.
but I feel like I'm way behind on sowing.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Perennially. I put in the seed starting mix and use d the end of a wooden match stick and stuck it abotu 1/16th to 1/4" inch and then put a very light and i mean light cover of vermicultite over the seed and ptu in baggy and that got soem fo the seed started, but the rest took a bit to come up out of the bagy. I had ptu them outside and had let the rain get to them. The rain really helped pop the rest of them up.

forgot where i posted about the rest

vision pink and vision purple need cold of temps at least 40 degree for 4 weeks then 70-80F

oecgis vlue 70F for 2 weeks then 40F for 4 weeks hen 50 F for 4 weeks

splish splash is 65-75F and just barely moist soil.

Ya the tabel is huge wil hold 24 gallon baggie s at oen time, then have coutner wil hold a bunch mroe too. Just can't walk much LOL

But when I do on table udner kitchen light 24/7 thinsg usually pop in liek 3-4 days most stuff so it move s under light s pretty fast.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Ella. Did I translate right: oecgis vlue = orchid blue? I hate these ones that need warm, then cold, then in-between. Can I just wintersow it?
And how long does it take before the rudbeckias get too tall for under lights? Can I start them now if they're not going outside til mid-April or after?

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Hi all.. I keep getting lost.. I do have question.. I winter sowed different seeds.. Its been really warm here this past week,the dianthus are already sprouting.. Is there anything I need to do for them? Cover them with moss for protection? Im sure it will be getting cold again..Would hate to see them die..Lots of my bulbs seem to think its time to sprout...

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Chele, I wintersow and I am further south than you. Last year I just tossed a sheet over any jugs with sprouts in them if it looked like it was going to freeze. there are quite a few of us here in the south that WS with no problems. Give it a go girl!


New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Looks like we cross posted huneybunch, a sheet should work for you, too, if you expect a freeze. Other wise, the containers protect the plants well enough.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

hb -- if you have some really cold weather coming in... do as Tonya mentioned... cover the containers at night.

I think most dianthus is pretty cold hardy, but i don't know your variety. When in doubt, cover them at night.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Perennial.. yep that wa s suppose d to have been orchid blue. Wa s tryign to hold my book open. keep my plate from falling on puter and type at same time.

I really don't know. I wa s wonderign that myself. wa s thinkign about taking soem of them cold then hot ones, and puttign the baggy outside on th eporch and see what happens. No roomin fridge for cold stuff.

That remidn sme I did put some in the fridge weeks ago and til now have forgotten all abotu them.

I starte d Rudbeckias th enew one s on January 2nd and they still tiny things. They could have staye d in tiny cells for a coupel mor e weeks. So far they seem to be taking it slow as far as gettign their second leaf. Don't have thir d oen yet, but I went and transplante d them anyways.

Tonya... Do you get snow or just cold?

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Ella. I always forget about stuff I put in the fridge too, and also don't have a lot of room in there. Think I'll go ahead and try to wintersow the orchid blue. Maybe I'll wait another week or so before I start the rudbeckias indoors. I'm sure you'll have warm weather way before I do. If anyone else knows about how fast the rudbeckias grow, please let me know.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Perenniall.. Rudbeckia Cherry brandy take s 4 months so ya may want to sow them now. it doesn't take long for most rubbeckias to pop it the gettign them to grow. Soem are r eal slow growers.

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Ok great thanks .. I was thinking they were getting ahead of themselves...Dianthus baths pinks is all I know ...Well in that ..I'm excited I have sprouts lol...

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks Ella. Guess I had it in my mind that since a lot of them are annuals here, they'd have to grow fast. I've got lots of different rudbeckias, thanks to all the piggies, so I'll start a small cell 6 pack of each now and see what happens. I tried direct sow with them the fall before last spring and got nothing at all last summer.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

hi all. posted a link in the forum to help vote for my daughter so she can get scholarship money. thanks

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

voting goes til the 20th of feb so hopefully and you can vote every 24 hours.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

My dianthus are turning green again outside the perennial ones I just looked at them today, my taller sedums are coming up and my shorter ones are perking up too I was looking to see if I had any buds on my hellebores I'm such impatient mommy!

But guess what I found today! BABY HELLEBORES!!! This is their second year in the jug and I finally have my first hellebore babies I'm so proud! I'll have to count them tomorrow I was so excited I about had a heart attack LOL I almost threw them out last summer. I have a jug of Bleeding heart seeds too that didn't germinate last year maybe they will too, both of these seeds were from bluesprial last year, thank you :)))

I was just reading in some notes on a disk from 07' and read if you are sowing rudbeckias under lights you should put them in the fridge for two weeks for better germination, wasn't someone wondering about that a while back, Ella do you think this is right I've never sown any under lights I always WS them. I have some Cherry Brandy I didn't get sown last year I may try them under lights if they take that long we could put those out early in a little greenhouse couldn't we, like early in the spring freezing temps shouldn't bother them should it I noticed my Rustic Colors are green today in the middle bed :)

Well your babies sure look great and healthy Ella can't wait to get my stands full of little seedlings! I've got a gazillion of lisanthus don't think I'm going to lose a one lol My nonstop begonias are sprouting no lantana yet just fuzz but at least there is fuzz :) No rex begonias yet hope I at least get one just to see what it will look like.

Speaking of slow growers that Silver Salvia if you got any from me is a slow grower if you're starting them under lights I'd go ahead and sow those too. I'm going to plant mine soon as I start my lights downstairs wish I had room under my table top.

Since I got all of my dirt today :) I'm going thru seeds for more WS tonite :)) All that dirt has energized me Ha! 40 bags :) Would you believe Mike didn't know what 6 packs were all he had was the four inch pots and up lol He had a greenhouse full of the three tropical hibiscus twisted together in one pot, huge Boston ferns and all kinds of baskets of plants to take cuttings from and all kinds of shrub cuttings going from taking them in the fall, the hibiscus were blooming and so beautiful!

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

You have me sitting here drooling lord if you had been helping him lol you could have massive plants . Thank goodness you got the soil , hope you got some cutting's.
40 bags okay it's a go girl, you been blessed!!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh No Carolyn lol Those hibiscus were his babies I doubt if he would even sell them I could tell he was a mother hen to them lol I wish I had room for cuttings he had a lot of nice plants in there!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

LeBug... Congrats new mommy . LOL Baby Hellebores. Way to go! Isn't it funny how soem time s the things ya forget abotu or ignore cuz ya think they arent gonan do anythign, turn aroudn and do.

Ther e so many things that take a long time, but it so hard to try an dbe patient for them.

I notice d the othe r day have some perennial Dianthus starting to turn green again. I knwo I have to do somethign ith them this year. I didn't like the way they looke d last year. They bloome d but the foliage I wa s not happy with.

The Rubdebeckia Goldstrum that I have seedlings of, I didn't chill them. They one s I colelcte d from my harveste d seed and I just sowed them. Don't knwo abotu the Cherry Brandy or the othe r Rudies, cuz they are commercial seed I bought and just sowed.

Whoooooohooooooo ya did get a great haul on the soil. Toss it thsi way. I cna go through it for ya in a coupel of days. hahahahahah

I needed a bag of soil ba d the othe r day and picke d up a bag of scotts pottign soil. That stuff is the worst soil I have ever ha d my hands in. Large clumps of clay in it, looks liek they mulche d a bunch a bunch a trees and didn't even le t them compost and they weren't ground down to fines at all. Finally ha d made a trip to go to Lowe s and get my jungle soil.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

New thread.....

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